Bridport with Allington

Kelly's Directory of Dorsetshire 1895

Transcription from a copy of the original book, kindly donated to the OPC Project by Alan Bartlett, 2003

BRIDPORT is a seaport, municipal borough and market and union town, head of a county court district, and railway station, in the Western division of the county, hundred of Sturminster, though locally in the hundred of Whitchurch Canonicorum, rural deanery of Bridport (Bridport portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury, 15 miles west from Dorchester, 34 from Taunton, 6 south from Beaminster, 9 east from Lyme Regis, 21 north-west from Weymouth, 135 by road and 163 by railway from London; the Great Western railway has a branch from Maiden Newton to this town and the West bay, which gives access to Dorchester on the London and South Western railway and Yeovil on the Great Western, thus giving two distinct lines of communication with the metropolis and other parts of the kingdom: there are three stations, viz. Bridport, the East Street station and one at the harbour called West bay.

This place takes its name from the river Brit, on the bank of which it stands. This was a place of some importance in the time of Edward the Confessor, and is mentioned in Domesday Book as having a mint and ecclesiastical establishment: it was made a borough in the reign of Henry III.: its charter underwent various alterations during subsequent reigns. The governing charter, prior to the Municipal Act, was that granted by Charles II.: it now comprises, in addition to the ancient borough, portions of the parishes of Allington, Bradpole, Walditch, Bothenhampton, Burton-Bradstock and Symondsbury. The town is situated in a fertile vale, surrounded by hills, having on the west the river Bride or Brit, and on the eat the river Asker, over which are several bridges; these rivers unite a little below the town, which chiefly consists of three spacious street, containing handsome modern houses, lighted with gas by a company and well paved. Wather is supplied to the inhabitants by a company from works situated at Litton Cheney.

The church of St. Mary, enlarged and thoroughly restored in 1859-60, is a spacious cruciform structure of stone, chiefly in the very Early Perpendicular style of architecture, consisting of chancel, nave with north and south transepts partly Early English, aisles, and a south chapel with square embattled tower rising from the center and crowned with pinnacles, and containing 8 bells; within are some interesting monuments; one a cross-legged effigy of a knight, supposed to represent one of the De Chideock family; there is a small mural tablet in memory of Lieut. Coker, of Mappowder, killed at the Bull hotel by one Venner, an officer of the Duke of Monmouth, in the Monmouth rebellion, 1685; the church contains 1017 seats, which all become free at the final ringing of the bell. The register dates from the year 1600. The living is a discharged rectory, gross yearly value £250, net £220, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1895 by the Rev. Geo. Francis Hooper M. A. of Brasenose College, Oxford.

Christ Church is and iron structure, in the East road, and is served from Walditch, erected in 1880, and has 400 seats.

There is a Catholic church in Victoria street, dedicated to SS. Mary and Catherine, which seats 150.

The meeting house for the Society of Friends, South street, erected in 1700, will hold 200 persons; the Congregational chapel, East street, erected in 1859, has 200 seats; the Baptist chapel, Victoria street, built 1841, has sittings for 350; the Unitarian chapel, East street, erected in 1790, will seat 500 persons; the Wesleyans have a chapel in West bay, built in 1849, with 70 seats, and one in South street, erected in 1839, seating 800 persons.

The Cemetary, of 4 acres, 1 mile from the center of the town, on he road to Dorchester, was formed in 1856, at a cost of £2,500, with the usual mortuary chapels, and is governed by a Burial Board of nine members.

The Town Hall is a handsome brick building, faced with Portland stone: it was erected in 1786, on the site of the ancient chapel of St. Andrew, in the center of the town, containing in the upper story a court for the borough sessions, a room for the grand jury, and a council chamber, underneath which is held the general market for butcher's meat. The market days are Wednesday and Saturday. The fairs are held on the 11th of October and the 6th of April, for cattle and cheese: the former date bing the festival day of St. Michael old style, to whom a church, which formerly stood at the corner of St. Michaels's lane, was dedicated; the latter date is the festival of St. Mary the Virgin, to whom the parish church was originally dedicated.

The headquarters of A Company, 1st Volunteer Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment, are situated at the Volunteer Hall, St. Michael's lane.

The trade of the town consists principally in the importation of hemp and flax chiefly from Riga and Archangel. There was formerly a considerable coasting trade, by which the adjacent towns were supplied with coal from Wales and the collieries in the North of England, and with other articles of general consumption, but the extension of railways has almost destroyed this trade. The harbour, which is connected with the town by a short laine of rail, and will take vessels of 250 tons, is situated in the bay which is formed by the headlands near Portland on the east and Tor Point on the west. The principal manufactures are those of fishing-nets, twines, shoethread and sail cloth, made largely both for home and foreign consumption; formerly much flax was grown in the adjacent parishes, but little is now produced. On the river Brit there are three large flax mills.

Here is a Literary and Scientific Institute, a handsome building situated in the East Street.

The Workhouse, a building of stone, is situated on the Bradpole road.

Bridport has the following charities: the eight-acre tenement, partly bought with the proceeds of money collected in 1649 towards the repairs of Bridport Harbour, but being quite inadequate for the purpose, was added to some other money given by Henry Hody, and a small estate purchased a Broad Oak; a portion of the rent is given to the general school and the remainder to the National schools. The fourteen-acre tenement given in 1633 by different persons consists of four closes and two orchards at Broad Oak; the proceeds are annually given to the poor. The malthouse and brewhouse: -- In 1650 the corporation of Bridport laid out £180 in the purchase of certain premises comprising a malthouse and brewhouse; a portion of this money was the gift of Mrs. Jane Napper: in 1865 these premises were sold, the purchase money invested in Consols and the proceeds are annually given in Christmas donations to the poor. The higher and lower almshouses are under the control of nine trustees. Jessope"s gift is a small annuity left in the time of James I. Pitfields's charity was given in 1675 by Charles Pitfield, and consists of a parcel of land called Thorncombe: from the proceeds of this charity a number of penny loaves are distributed every Sunday in Bridport Church; a sermon is annually preached on March 2nd, and a number of petticoats given to old womenand coats to old men at that time; the total income is £15 a year, as the estate was sold in 1763 subject to that rent-charge. A charity of £100 invested in Consols is the proceeds of the sale of a house left in the time of James I. For a widower and widow, and the dividend is dispensed by the churchwardens and overseers. Daniel Taylor, in the time of Charles II. Left the Bull Inn, in East street, for the purpose of providing an efficient schoolmaster for the poor children of the town; in 1859 the inn was sold, with the consent of the Charity Commissioners, for £2,450, and the net produce, £2,083 13s. 3d. now invested in Consols, the annual dividends of which, £65 12s. 4d. are devoted to the use of the general school in the town. Daniel Taylor's almshouses opposite the church in South street, are occupied by deserving persons appointed by the trustee. The Magdalen charity consists of almshouses in Allington; eight deserving women are here found a dwelling, and some trifling charity derived from a third portion of the proceeds of the Cattlebarrow estate at Whitchurch, Bull's charity, Bishop Hall's charity, Bernard Michel's charity, and Napper's charity are very trifling. The Sunday school charity was a gift of a Sunday school for the parish of Bridport, for the instruction of children belonging to the established curch, by the late Henry Charles Stuart, father of the present Lord Alington: the original school and land have been sold and the proceeds devoted towards the erection of the capacious and convenient new schools erected on the glebe land opposite the former school.

The population withing he municipal limits, in 1891, was 6611, as follows: --Allington (part of) 1,400; Bothenhampton (part of) 121; Bradpole (part of) 864; Bridport 3,768; Burton Bradstock (part of) 163; Symondsbury (part of) 136; and Walditch (part of) 67. The population of Bridport parish was 3768 and the area is 62 acres; rateable value of Bridport, £12,500; and Allington, £7,049. The population of the wards in 1891 was: North 3,142; south 3,469.

Allington parish forms part of the borough, and under the "Local Government Act of 1894" those portions of the surrounding parishes with in borough are also now included in the civil parish of Bridport.

The parish church of St Swithin, erected in 1827, is a plain rectangular building of stone in the Greek style, consisting of chancel (at the west end of the church), nave, aisles and east gallery; it contains 800 seats, of which 400 are free. The register dates from the year 1600 and earlier, but the earliest are mainly illegible. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £210. with house, in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1879 by the Rev. Samuel Shering Keddle M. A. of Corpus Christi college, Oxford.

At North Allington is a Dispensary and Cottage Hospital, with beds for nine patients, supported by subscription; the site and former house were given by the late Thomas Hannan.

There are some endowed almshouses here, which were partly rebuilt in 1877 by public subscription.

St Andrew's a chapel of ease to Bradpole, was erected in the year 1860 in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave and north aisle, with a western bell turret containing 3 bells; the vicar of Bradpole or his curate officiates; it contains 320 seats, all of which are free. The area is 594 acres; the population in 1891 was 1771.

By a local Government Order dated March 25, 1884, a detached part of Loders, known as Loders West End, was amalgamated with Allington.

Parish Clerk, St Mary, Bridport, Samuel Keech

Sexton, St Swithin, Allington, William Woodland


Post, M. O. & T. O., S. B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, East street , Miss M. Prince, postmistress.

Dispatch of Letters Letters &c can be posted Parcel Post

Bridport Town Deliveries include all letters posted in head office half and hour before commencing next delivery

Mail Until With extra ½ d stamp until Parcels received at the counter up to
London (night) & all parts London (day) 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m.
London (day) & West & S. West of England 9:53 a.m. --- 9:50 a.m.
North o England, Ireland & Scotland 11:20 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
West of England (night) 6:00 p.m. 6:25 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Dorchester & Weymouth 4:15 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 4:15 p.m.
Beaminster & Melplash (day) 4:15 p.m. 4:20 p.m. ---
Beaminster & Melplash, Charmouth & Lyme (night) 10:30 p.m. --- 8:00 p.m.
Bridport rural deliveries 6:50 a.m. --- 8:00 p.m.
No dispatch Sundays      


Delivery   Letters from Time
1st 7:00 a.m. All parts  
2nd 8:45 a.m. West of England 8:45 a.m.
    North of England, Scotland & London (1st day) 10:30 a.m.
3rd 10:30 a.m. Dorchester & Weymouth 2:15 p.m.
4th 4:30 p.m. London (2nd day) 4:30 p.m.

On Sundays the 7:35 a.m. delivery is only made

Post & Telegraph Office, West Bay. ---sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m.: dispatched at 9 a.m. & 6 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Wall & Pillar Boxes in various parts of town.


(note added in transcription – official's names are to be found in the directory listings)
For Bridport Petty Sessional Division, sitting alternately at Bridport & Beaminster, & at Thorncombe every two months

The senior magistrate present acts as chairman.

Petty sessions are held every alternate month on ?day at the Town Hall, at 11 a.m. The following places are included in this Petty Sessional Division: Allington, Askerswell, Beaminster, Bradpole, Burstock, Broadwindsor, Bettiscombe, Bothenhampton, Barton Bradstock, Beerhall, Cleddington, Chardstock, Corscombe, Chelborough East & West, Chilcombe, Chideock, Charmouth, Catherston, Leweston, Hook, Halstock, Hawkchurch, Loders, Lyme Regis, Mapperton, Mosterton, Marshwood, Netherbury, Poorton North, Perrott South, Pilsdon, Poorstock, Stoke Abbott, Stanton St. Gabriel, Symondsbury, Shipton Gorge, Thorncombe, Wimbrook, Walditch, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Wootten, Fitzpaine, Wraxall.


(note added in transcription – official's names are to be found in the directory listings)

Borough Petty Sessions are held at th Town Hall every three weeks on Tuesday, at 11 a.m.


Cemetary, East road,

County Court Office, 36 East street. The court is held at the Town hall every month. The district comprises the following places viz: Allington, Askerswell, Beaminster, Bradpole, Burstock, Broadwindsor, Bettiscombe, Bothenhampton, Barton Bradstock, Beerhall, Cleddington, Chardstock, Corscombe, Chelborough East & West, Chilcombe, Chideock, Charmouth, Catherston, Leweston, Hook, Halstock, Hawkchurch, Loders, Lyme Regis, Mapperton, Mosterton, Marshwood, Netherbury, Poorton North, Perrott South, Pilsdon, Poorstock, Stoke Abbott, Stanton St. Gabriel, Symondsbury, Shipton Gorge, Thorncombe, Wimbrook, Walditch, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Wootten, Fitzpaine, Wraxall.

For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that of Dorchester.

Coast Gard Station, West bay

Custom House, West bay

Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington

Fire Brigade, Municipal Offices, superintendent and 12 men

Harbour Master's Office, West bay

Inland Revenue Office, 17 Downes street

Literary & Scientific Institution, East street

Police Station (County), South street, sergeant and 4 men

Public baths, Downes street

Post Office and Stamp office, East street


1st Dorsetshire Voluunteer Artillery, Southern Division, Royal Artillery (No. 4 Battery)

1st Volunteer Battalion Dorsetshire Regiment (A Co.), Drill Hall, St. Michael's lane; Hon. Maj. William Townley Whetham, commandant


Board day, Wednesday (fortnightly), at the Workhouse, at 11 a.m.

The following parishes are within the union:

Allington, Askerswell, Bothenhampton, Bradpole, Bridport, Burton Bradstock, Catherstone-Leweston, Chideock, Chilcombe, Litton Cheney, Loders, Puncknowle, Shipton Gorge, Stanton St. Gabriel, Swyre, Symondsbury, Walditch, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Wooton Fitzpaine. The population of the union in 1891 was 14,038; area 33,103 acres; rateable vlue in 1894 £73999.

Workhouse, Bradpole, a building of stone, built in 1836, for 250 inmates.


There is a school attendance committee for the borough, who meet the 1st Thursday in each quarter at the Surveyor's office.

A School of Art was established in 1865; it is well supported by the inhabitants. Government assisted in the formation, but the current expenses are defrayed by subscription.

Church, Gundry lane, built in 1876, at a cost of £2,000, for 360 children; average attendance, 98 boys, 100 girls & 118 infants.

Infant (Miss Gundry's), West street, originally pawn stores, afterwards weaving shops & now transformed into an infant school, with residence for the mistress close to the school, for 130 children; average attendance 90.

National, North allington, built in 1873, for 276 children; average attendance, 120 boys, 90 girls & 110 infants.

SS. Mary & Catherine, Catholic (mixed), built in 1882, for 40 children; average attendance 15.

General, King Street, built 1855, with residence, for 670 children; average attendance, 270 boys, 148 girles & 170 infants.


Bridport, News & Dorset, Devon & Somerset Advertiser (published every Friday; William & E. Frost, proprietors & publishers), West Street.


Omnibus to Lyme Regis, through Charmouth, leaves the Bull hotel daily (Sunday excepted) at 4 p.m.; returns from the Cups hotel, Lyme, 10 a.m.

Coach to Beaminster & Crewkerne, leaves the Bull hotel at 8:40 a.m.; returns to Bridport at 2:45 p.m.

Van to Lyme Regis, on wed. & sat. from the Star inn at 3 p.m.

Omnibus from the Greyhound hotel to meet all trains.

Omnibus from the Bull hotel to meet all trains.


Beaminster – Woodbury, daily from 'Globe' East street

Burton Bradstock – Symes, from 'Cross Keys,' mon. wed. & sat.

Chideock – Paull, wed. & sat.

Fishpond Botton – A. Powell, 'Cross Keys,' wed & sat.

Litton Cheney – Gale, Bligdon & Pitcher & Webber, ' Cross Keys,' wed. & sat.

Loders Burbage – Star, wed & sat.

Lyme & Charmouth – Hodder, 'Star,' West st. wed. & sat.

Marshwood – Fowler, 'Pachorse,' wed. & sat.

Morecombe Lake – Pitman, 'South Mills,' wed. & sat.

Puncknowle – Thomas Churchill, 'Cross Keys,' wed. & sat.

Shipton Gorge – Saunders, South St. wed. & sat.; Hankins & Gale, 'Parkhourse,' wed. & sat.

Swyre –Manuel

Whitchurch Canonicorum – Powell & Giffard, 'Cross Keys,' wed. & sat.

The principal seats in the vicinity of Bridport are, Sir William Oglander's, Bart. At Parnham---Rev. Dr. Sherive's at Hyde---Thomas Rose Drewe's, Esq. At Wootton---And P. Battiscombe's, Esq. at Vears.

KEECH Samuel Parish Clerk, St. Mary Bridport
WOODLAND William Sexton, St. Swithin Allington
PRINCE Miss M. postmistress Bridport
SANDWICH The Earl of County Magistrate Hooke Court, Beaminster
BRIDPORT Viscount G. C. B. County Magistrate Cricket Lodge, Cricket St Thomas, Chard
ADAMS Albert Thompson, esq. County Magistrate Bellair, Whitechurch Canonocorum, Bridport
BRAGGS Capt. John A. County Magistrate Sadborow, Thorncombe, Chard
BULLEN Lieut-Col. John Bullen Symes County Magistrate Catherston House, Charmouth
CHARLESWORTH William, esq. County Magistrate Westhay ho, Hawkchurch, Axminster
COLFOX Thomas Alfred esq. County Magistrate Coneygar, Bridport
COLFOX William, esq., B.A. County Magistrate Westmead, Bridport
COX John Russell esq. County Magistrate Manor House, Beaminster
DAMMERS Alfred William Hounsell, esq. County Magistrate Downe Hall, Bridport
EVANS William Herbert, esq F.R.G.S., M.A., D.L. County Magistrate Forde abbey, Thorncomber, Chard
GUNDRY Edward Pearkes County Magistrate Bridport
GUNDRY Joseph esq. County Magistrate The Hyde, Bridport
HARDCASTLE Joseph Alfred esq., M.A. County Magistrate Beaminster
HENLEY Col. Henry Cornish County Magistrate Leigh house, Chard
HODY Capt. William Trevelyan esq. County Magistrate Bath
HODY William Trevelyan. Esq. County Magistrate Bath
HOSKINS Henry William, esq. M.A. County Magistrate North Perrott manor, Crewkerne
HOUNSELL William esq. County Magistrate Mountfield, Bridport
JAMES Abraham Rooke County Magistrate Bothenhampton, Bridport
LOWNDES Samuel esq. County Magistrate Merrow, Surrey
PHILPOT Thomas Embray Davenport County Magistrate Holme cleve, Sidmouth road, Lyme Regis
PINNEY Edward esq. County Magistrate Blackdown house, Crewkerne
PINNEY George Frederick, County Magistrate Beaminster
PRESTON John William esq. County Magistrate Cliff house, Chard
RODD Edward Stanhope County Magistrate Chardstock house, Chard
RUSSELL Captain Thomas County Magistrate Beaminster
SANCTUARY Campbell Fortescue Stapleton esq. County Magistrate Mangerton, Melplash
SPARKS Major William County Magistrate East street, Crewkerne
STILL Capt. Jame Charles County Magistrate The Hyde, Bridport
TALBOT John Reginald Charles esq. County Magistrate Rhode Hill, Lyme Regis
TATCHELL-BULLEN Capt. John County Magistrate Marshwood manor, Crewkerne
TALBOT John Regnld.Fras. Geo. Esq. County Magistrate Rhode Hill, Lyme Regis
WELD Humphrey Frederick esq. County Magistrate Manor house, Chard
GUNDRY Frederick Walter Clerk to the Magistrates Downes street, Bridport
COX elias Borough Magistrate West Bay
GUNDRY Edward Pearkes, Borough Magistrate Hyde
HAY William Alfred Edward, MD Borough Magistrate West Allington
JAMES William Borough Magistrate West Allington
RENDELL Henry Borough Magistrate West Allington
ROPER John James Borough Magistrate East street
STEPHENS Joseph Thompson Borough Magistrate Wanderwell house
SUTTILL Henry Squire Borough Magistrate Pymore
TUCKER Richard Borough Magistrate Fullbrooks
TURNER Frederick Borough Magistrate Bradpole road
WHETHAM Stephen Borough Magistrate Bradpole road
WHETHAM William Townley Borough Magistrate West street
GUNDRY Frederick Walter Clerk to the Magistrates Downes street
GUPPY James Mayor -- Councillor  
JONES Frederick Deputy Mayor -- Councillor  
COX elias Alderman to 1895 and North Ward presiding alderman at Ward Elections
HOUNSELL John Alderman to 1895 - North Ward  
THOMPSON Joseph Alderman to 1895  
DAMMERS A. W. H. Alderman to 1898 and South Ward presiding alderman at Ward Elections
BIDDLECOMBE D. E. Alderman to 1898 - North Ward  
NANTES Charles G. Alderman to 1898  
JAMES William North Ward Councillor  
COLFOX T. A. North Ward Councillor  
GUPPY James North Ward Councillor  
JONES Frederick North Ward Councillor  
TUCKER Richard North Ward Councillor  
HAY William A. E. North Ward Councillor  
MEECH Abraham North Ward Councillor  
CHAMP Stephen South Ward Councillor & Mayor's Auditor  
ROPER John James South Ward Councillor  
TURNER Frederick South Ward Councillor  
HARTGILL John William South Ward Councillor  
CLENT Edward South Ward Councillor  
TEMPLE Arther Waldie South Ward Councillor  
TUCKER Henry South Ward Councillor  
READ George William South Ward Councillor  
WHITE Thomas Elective Auditor  
SMITH Edwin Elective Auditor  
GUNDRY Frederick Walter Town Clerk & Clerk to Urban District Council Downes street
THORTON Reginald Treasurer to Urban District Council Dorchester
CLIBBORN William, MD Medical Officer of Health East St.
DAY E. C., F.C.L Public Analyst Dorchester
COOPER F. Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector Municipal Offices
EWENS J. H. Collector & School Attendance Officer Bedford Place
TAYLOR Thomas Town Crier North Allington
NORMAN Mrs. Town Hall Keeper 86 East St.
COX Henry Nobbs clerk to burial board Cemetary, East Road
ELLIOTT William curator Cemetary, East Road
MACKONOCHIE John Hooper Judge County Court Office, 36 East Street
NANTES Charles George Registrar & high bailiff County Court Office, 36 East Street
GILCHRIST Robert Clerk County Court Office, 36 East Street
DOWES Frederick Ashton Official Receiver - Bankruptcy City Chambers, Salisbury
MOREY George Alfred Certified baliff West st. Bridport
MEECH Abraham Certified baliff West Allington, Bridport
BELLINGHAM William Chief Officer Coast Guard Station West Bay
MERRICK R. Cecil Warren Principal Coast Officer, Custom House West Bay
HAY William Alfred Edward, MD, B.A. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
CLIBBORN William, MD, B.A. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
WILSON C. W.. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
REID F. I. D. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
MACCARTHY D. A. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
ALLDEN S. J. Medical Officer Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
KERBEY Wm. Holman Medical Officer No. 5 District, The Elms, Charmouth
PETTINGER Miss Rose matron Dispensary & Cottage Hospital, North Allington
COOPER F. Fire Brigade superintendent Municipal Offices
BRIGGS Martin Joseph Harbour Master West Bay
BURROWS Anthony Inland Revenue Officer 17 Downes St.
MATTERFACE Frederick W. hon. Sec. Literary & Scientific Institution East Street
CHAFFEY Charles Police Sergeant South Street
LOVELESS Frederick Manager, public baths Downes St.
WHETHAM Hon. Maj. William Townley Commandant, 1st Vol Bat. Dorset Regiment Drill Hall, St. Michael's lane
ROPER John James Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Comm., also Superintendent Registrar 74 East Street
WILLIAMS Robert, Jun. Treasurer Old Bank, Dorchester
SMITH J. G. Relieving Officer Bridport District, Bradpole
COUSINS C. D. Relieving Officer Burton Bradstock District, Bradpole
RENDALL R. T. Relieving Officer Whitchurch Cononicorum District, Whitchurch, Cononicorum
SWAFFIELD J. Deputy Registrar Bridport
MONTEITH Duncan Registrar of Marriages Victoria St.
CHAMP S. Deputy Registrar Bradpole road
FROST W. Deputy Registrar West Allington
FROST G. Deputy Registrar West St.
COUSINS C. D. Registrar of Births & Deaths Burton Bradstock Subdistrict
COUSINS Daniel Deputy Registrar Burton Bradstock District
SMITH John G. Deputy Registrar Bridport subdistrict, Victoria St.
HALLETT F. W. Deputy Registrar Bridport, Victoria St.
RENDALL R. T. Deputy Registrar Whitchurch Cononicorum District, Whitchurch, Cononicorum
HENNETT W. T. Deputy Registrar Symondsbury
FIELD Rev. Henry C. B. (M.A.) Chaplain at Workhouse Bradpole
TUCKER Richard, Jun. Clerk, Highway & other Chancery lane
RENDALL Richard Surveyor of Highways & Inspector of Nuisances Stoke Abbot, Beaminster
GUNDRY Fredk. Walter American Vice-Consul Downes St.
BELLINGHAM William Chief Officer Coast Guard Station West Bay
NANTES Charles George Clerk to the Commisioners of Bridport Harbour & Coroner 36 East St.
MILVERTON Edward Collector of Taxes for Allington West Allington
GOOD Henry Lloyd's Agent West Bay
HOOPER Rev. George F. (M.A.) Rector, St. Mary's Church  
KEDDLE Rev. Samuel Shering Vicar, St. Swithin's Church Allington
DEBBAUDT Very Rev. Canon Remigius Priest
MENZIES Rev. James Congretational Minister East Street
FOOT Rev. W. Evans Baptist Minister Victoria St.
SOLLY Rev. Henry Shaen (M.A.) Unitarian Minister East St.
DICKEN Rev. Thomas Wesleyan West Bay
HARRIS Rev. Ernest C. Wesleyan South Street
CHRISTIE Faraday H. master, school of arts  
SALOUAY Henry master, Church school Gundry Lane
REED Miss M. M. W. mistress, Church school Gundry Lane
STICKLAND Miss Annie infant's mistress, Church School Gundry Lane
TRAVERS Miss Mistress, Miss Gundry's Infant school West street
BLAMEY James Master, National School North Allington
SWAIN Miss Infant's mistress, National School North Allington
HUTCHINS Miss Mistress SS. Mary & Caherine Catholic school
BATES William E. Master, General school King Street
RENDALL Miss A. Mistress, General school King Street
SCADDEN Mrs. E. Infant's mistress, General school King Street
FROST William Publisher West street
FROST E. Publisher West street
PEACH George Railway Station master Bradport Road
TUCK Thomas Railway Station master East Street
CHIDSEY William Railway Station master West Bay
ALLDEN Sidney James M. D. M.R.C.S. 32 West Allington
BAKER Alfred   39 Victoria St
BARTLETT Mrs.   34 West Allington
BATTEN Henry Butler   West Bay
BEARD John   4 East Road
BENNETT Mrs.   8 West Allington
BIDDLECOMBE Wm. Hy.   18 West Allington
BISHOP Enos   61 West Bay Road
BONFIELD Edwin   41 Victoria St.
BONFIELD Lewis   19 Victoria St.
BRODIE Miss   76a West Bay Rd.
BROWN Miss   53 Victoria St.
BROWN Wm. Keridge   58 West Bay R.
BUCKPITT James   65 East St.
CAINES Mrs.   27 Victoria St
CHAMP Stephen   45 Bradpole Rd.
CHARD Fredk. G.   88 Bradpole Rd.
CHRISTIE Faraday H.   The Chantry, South St.
CHURCHILL Mrs.   2 East Rd.
COLE Mrs.   West Bay
COLFOX Mrs.   Rax house
COLFOX Thomas Alfred esq. J.P. Coneygar, Bridport
COLFOX William B.A. J.P. Westmead, Bridport
COMPTON Mrs.   6 West Allington
COOPER Frederick   77 East Street
COX Edward   20 West Allington
COX elias   West Bay
COX Hy. Nobbs Bridge Ho. East St.
COX Mrs   39 Bradpole Rd.
DALTON Mrs.   72 Bradpole Rd.
DAMMERS Alfred William Hounsell, esq. J.P. Downe Hall, Bridport
DAVIES John (M.A.) Reverend (Unitarian) 18 Bedford Place
DEBBAUDT Remigius Very Rev. Canon (Catholic) Victoria St.
DE LAUTOUR Col. Edwd. Jsph. Jacolines    
DIPLOCK Miss   74 Bradpole Rd.
EDWARDS Wm.   68 St Michael's Lane
EDWARDS Wm. S.   66 St. Michael's Lane
ELMES William   East St.
EWENS John Henry   20 Bedford Place
FIELD Edwin George   Effingham Lodge, Victoria St.
FOOKES Mrs.   Allington 1o. West Allngtn
FOOKS Mrs.   West Bay Rd.
FOOT W. Evans Reverend (Baptist) 51 Victoria St.
FREEMAN Frank   18 Victoria St.
FROST W. Charles   12 West Allington
FRY William   North Allington
FURLONGE Alex. Mongomery (M.A.) Rev. Rector of Chilcombe 82 Bradpole Rd.
GALE Emanuel   6 Victoria St.
GALE Mrs. M. A.   22 Victoria St.
GALE Walter   59 Victoria St.
GARNER Geo. Robt.   73 South St.
GOOD Miss   10 Victoria St.
GORDON Henry   48 West Bay Rd.
GRAINGER Miss   North Allington
GUPPY Alfred   24 Bedford Place
HALLAM William   West Allington
HALLETT Frederick W.   99 Victoria St.
HARRIS Ernest C. Rev. (Wesleyan) Bradpole road
HART Mrs.   30 South St.
HARVEY Mrs.   43 Bradpole road
HARVEY William   106 Bradpole road
HAWKINS Job   68 Bradpole road
HAY Wm. Alfd. Edwd.   22 West Allington
HAYCRAFT James   69 South St.
HOARE John   4 West Allington
HODDER John   55 Victoria St.
HOLMEWOOD Mrs.   43 Bradpole road
HOOPER Geo. Fras. (M.A.) Reverend Rectory
HORTNELL Thomas   66a, West Bay Rd.
HOUNSELL James   72 West Bay Rd.
HOUNSELL Mrs.   22 Bedford Place
HOUNSELL William J.P. Wykes Court
HUDSON Augustus   68 West Bay Rd.
HUSSEY Alfred   67 South St.
HUSSEY Mrs.   91 South St.
HUSSEY Robert   6 East Road
HUXTER Mrs. Beech   vil. West Allington
ISAACS Daniel Wm.   31 Victoria St
JAMES William   Magdalen villa, West Allington
JARVIS Mrs.   14 West Allington
JOHNSTON John   124 North Allington
JONES Frederick   10 West Allington
KEDDLE Samuel S. (M.A.) Rev. vicar of Allington The Vicarage, North Allington
KEMBLE Mrs.   19 Downes Street
KENDALL Mrs.   64 West Bay Rd.
KNIGHT Thomas   65 Victoria St.
LARCOMBE Jn. Case   25 Victoria St.
LEGGE Miss   Allington Villa
LUCAS Radnor   26 East St.
MACCARTHY Denis Augustus M. D. West Allington
MALE Thos. Sen.   35 Bradpole Road
MARSHALL Miss   Magdalen villa, West Allington
MARSHALLSAY Wm. Henry   West street
MARTIN Thos. Clement   11 Victoria St.
MATTERFACE Fredk. Warr   37 Victoria St.
MATTHEWS Thos.   24 West Allington
MEECH Abraham   81 West Allington
MENZIES James Rev. (Congregatnl.) 70 West Bay Rd.
MOREY William   Cordova, Bradpole Rd.
NANTES Charles George   Delapré
NORTHOVER Miss   West Bay Vil. West Bay
NORTHOVER Mrs.   Sea View, 76 West Bay Rd.
PAYNE Thomas Groves   Rosemount, Victoria St.
PEARCE Joseph   14 Victoria St.
PEARCE Mrs.   176 North Allington
POWELL Charles   100 Bradpole Road
POWELL Daniel   Hyde Corner, East Road
POWELL George   The Retreat, East Road
POWELL Walter   Asker cottage, East Rd
RADDON Mrs.   13 Victoria St.
RANDALL Wm. Edward   12 South St.
READ Constantine Edwd. McDonald (M.A.) Rev. Curate of Bradpole 108 Bradpole Rd.
READER Mrs. Ann   35 Victoria Street
READER Mrs. Thorneloe   Victoria St.
REID Fras. Jas. David   6 West Allington
REID William   12 East Road
RENDALL Edward Pratt   Avalon, West Allington
RENDALL Henry   2 West Allington
REYNOLDS Silvanius A.   3 Pier Terrace, West Bay
ROBERTS Joseph   30 West Allington
ROBINSON Octavius   The Cottage, East Rd.
ROPER John James   East Street
ROUND Mrs.   40 Bradpole Rd.
RUGG Mrs.   8 East Road
RUSSELL Walter   21 Victoria St.
SAUNDERS Mrs.   33 Bradpole Rd.
SEYMOUR Mrs.   41 Bradpole Rd.
SOLLY Hy. Shaen (M.A.) Rev. (Unitarian) West Allington
STEPHENS Hans   Wanderwell house, West Bay Rd.
STEPHENS Jsph. Thompson   Wanderwell house, West Bay Rd.
STEVENS Miss   Woodford vil., W. Allington
STICKLAND John   56 West Bay Rd.
STICKLAND Mrs.   108 Bradpole Rd.
STRADLING Mrs.   31 Bradpole Rd.
SUTTILL John Pickard   24 West St.
TEMPLE Arther Waldie   Warburton ho
TEMPLER Mrs.   Mountfield, Bridport
TIMMS George William   East St.
TRAVERS Absalom   95 Victoria St.
TUCKER George John   Hope Lodge
TUCKER Henry   West Bay
TUCKER Richard   Fulbrooks
TUCKER R. Jun.   84 Bradpole Rd.
TUCKER Robt. Conway   76 South St.
TUCKER Walter   East St.
TURNER The Misses   81 South St.
TURNER Frdk. Melrose   86 Bradpole St.
TURNER Mrs.   17 Downes St.
UDAL Geo.   Magdalen villa, West Allington
WALKEY J. C. J. E. (M.A.) Reverend Alphington, North Allington
WARD Mrs.   6 Barrack St.
WARD Samuel   47 Bradpole St.
WAY Mrs.   81 East St.
WELLINGTON Geo. Hy.   16 Victoria St.
WHETHAM Maj. Wm. Townley   West St.
WHETHAM Miss   32 South St.
WHETHAM Mrs.   29 South St.
WHETHAM Stephen   78 Bradpole St.
WHITE James Butler   Dresden House, 33 Victoria St.
WHITE George E.   29 Victoria St.
WHITE Samuel   97 Victoria St.

ABBOTT Alfred Baker 56 South St.
ACKERMAN Stephen Clerk to Bothenhampton School Board 14 Castle Square, South St.
AKERMAN William George watchmaker 56 East St.
ALFORD Geo. Coal Mer.(Monteith & Alford) South Street
ALLDEN Sidney James M. D., M.R.C.S., Surgeon(firm Hay & Allden 32 West Allington
ALLEN George Grocer 126 North Allington
ALLEN Samuel Furniture & china & glass dlr. 59 South St.
ANDRESS William J. cooper 18 South St.
ASH Thomas apartments 7 Pier Terrace
BAKER Thomas Brown linen & woollen draper, agent for Pelican Life & Phoenix Fire offices 5 East St.
BALSON Richard & Sons Butchers 9 West Allington
BALSON Florence (Miss) dress maker 21 North Allington
BARRETT & SON decorators, picture frame makers & gilders; estimates & designs free 50 East street
BARRETT & SON   photographers 71 South St.
BARRETT Richard beer retailer & mineral water manufacturer 14 Barrack St.
BARTLETT Edmund refreshment rooms West Bay
BARTLETT Frederick Charles tinplate worker & beer retailer 47 South St.
BEACH James pharmaceutical chemist 9 East St.
BARTLETT Thomas Francis Manager, Walter Mills, corn & manure merchant West Bay stores & at Haselbury, Crewkerne
BEER Henry Ship P. H. & harness maker 37 South St.
BELLINGHAM Wm. Chief Officer Coast Guard Station West Bay
BERRY George Shopkeeper 22 North Allington
BEST George Henry cabinet maker & watch ma. West St.
BIDDLECOMBE Daniel Ewens farmer North Allington
BIDDLECOMBE Wm. Hy. Ewens tanner West End tannery
PAGE Bartle agent for Bilby Cake Stores West Bay
BILES Henry Old Inn 17 West Allington
BOUCHER Mary Jane (Mrs.) The George P. H. West Bay
BRADFORD & SONS coal, corn, salt, timber & lime merchants, bricks & tiles & slates, growers & dealers in osiers &c. Railway Station & West Bay
BRADLEY Margaret (Miss) district nurse 8 Victoria St.
BRIDLE Frederick Charles Practical plumber, sanitary, heating & ventilating engineer & house decorator 31West St.
  Bridport Brick & Terra Cotta Co. Ltd. 23 South St.
ODELL Frank Bridport Coffee House Co., Ltd. & Temperance Hotel 3 East St.
ALLEN S. Sec. Bridport Conservative Club & Reading Room South Street
REYNOLDS S. A. Sec. Bridport Dispensary & Cottage Hospital North Allington
STEPHENS J. T. Treas. Bridport Dispensary & Cottage Hospital North Allington
PETTINGER Miss Rose Matron, Bridport Dispensary & Cottage Hospital  
GILES Thomas Sec. & Man. Bridport Gas Co. Ltd., gas, hot water & electric bell fitters, cooking & heating stoves supplied on hire
FROST William & E. Proprietors & publishers, Bridport News & Dorset, Devon & Somerset Advertiser 34 West St.
LOVELESS Frederick Manager, Bridport Public Baths 5 Downes St.
GORDON Henry Sec. & Man. Bridport Water Works Co. 75 South St.
BRIGGS Martin Joseph Harbour Master West Bay
BROOKS Richard builder 46 South St.
BROOKS William carpenter North Allington
BROWNSDON Danl. plmbr, painter & glazier 34 South St.
BROWNSDON James Coal Merchant North Allington
BROWNSDON John Grocer 36 South St.
BUCKNOLE Josiah Tailor 39 West Allington
BUDDEN Robert Rope & twine maker 22 West St.
BURROWS Anthony Inland Revenue Officer 17 Downes St.
CAMPBELL Peter travelling draper 57 Victoria St.
CASE Maria, Mrs. toy & fancy dealer 131 South St.
CAST Frederick house painter 99 East St.
COX H. N. clerk to burial board Cemetary, East Road
ELLIOTT Wm. curator Cemetary, East Road
CHAMP Arther Edwin School Coniston, Victoria St.
CHARD Henry George glass & provision mer. 16 West St.
CHENEY Mary (Mrs.) Crown P.H. 59 West Bay Rd.
CHIDSEY William Station Master West Bay
CLARKE Marian (Mrs.) green grocer 12 Barrack St.
CLEAL James Baker 84 North Allington
CLEAL James Shopkeeper 55 West Allington
CLENT Edward & Sons family butchers 3 South St.
CLIBBORN William M.D., B.A. Physician & Surgeon 63 East St.
  Coast Guard Station West Bay
COLE elias furniture dealer 105 South St.
COLLINS John Alderton grocer & Italian warehouseman, & proprietor of Collin's family sauce 19 East St.
COOMBS James Walter Sun P. H. West St.
COOMBS James Walter farmer Gore Farm, Bradpole
COOPER Frederick architect & surveyer & borough surveyor & sanitary inspector 77 East Street
COOPER William Joseph builder & contractor North Allington
CORNICK James Powell hair dresser 39 East St.
CORNICK Walter builder North Allington
CORNICK Wm. G. grocer & jam manufacturer 16 East St.
KNIGHT W. local agent, Cosens & Co. Ltd (Weymouth, Bourenmouth, Swanage & Torquay Steam Packet Co.) Bull Hotel
COX H. N. & Son Iron merchants, general & furnishing ironmongers, agricultural implement agents & sewing machines of every description 11 East St.
COX Charles saddler East St.
CRABB Thomas Lock tinplate worker & oil dealer 68 East St.
CRABB William butcher 41 South St.
CROCKER & Son cooper West St.
CROFTS Charles John grocer 52 West St.
CURTIS George confectioner 67 East St.
MERRICK R. C. W. Principal Coast Officer, Custom House West Bay
DARK Catherine (Mrs.) Seven Stars P.H. Barrack St.
DAVEY Frances (Mrs.) Shopkeeper 64 West St.
DAY Thomas Draper, tailor, hatter & outfitter 12 West St.
DICK R. & J. boot & shoe makers 44 East St.
DILLER Emily (Miss) linen draper 90 West St.
DIMENT Joel Baker 120 South St.
DINHAM Edwin Tailor 87 South St.
DIPLOCK Elizabeth (Miss) school (private & kindergarten) West St.
MARSHALSAY William Henry Manager, Dorchester O:d Bank & Dorsetshire Bank (R. & R. William & Co.) West St.
Dorsetshire (1st) Volunteer Artillery, Southern Div., Royal Artillery (No. 4 Battery)  
DRAPER Emanuel Guppy grocer 43 East St.
DRAYTON John James boot & shoe warehouse 31 East St.
DUNFORD Charles Pack Horse Inn 35 East St.
DUNN George chemist & druggist 24 East St.
DUNN John Barrett leather merchant 17 South St.
EBDON Rd. auctioneer, valuer & house agent 9 Downes St.
EDMUNDS Charles (exors. Of) Tanner, saddler & harness maker, currier, wool merchant, fellmonger & wholesale legging & glove maker 22 South St.
EDWARDS William & Son Rope & twine maker St. Michael's net works
ELLIOTT George Gerard grocer & corn dealer 34 East St.
ELMES William general draper, milliner, ladies' & gentlemen's outfitter 21 East St.
EMERY William watchmaker 3 West Allington
EVES John Bridport Arms P. H. West Bay
EWENS & TURNER Manufacturers of hemp & cotton fishing nets, trawls & trammels; all kinds of netting, lines, twines, shoe threads & tarpaulins St. Michael's Ln.
EWENS John Henry School Attendance officer & collector to urban district council 20 Bedford Place
EWINS William Tucker farmer North Allington
FELSTONE Charles boot & shoe maker 18 East St.
FISHER Gregory confectioner 29 East St.
FOLLETT George Shopkeeper 42 St. Michael's Ln
FOLLETT James Male tailor & outfitter 10 Barrack St.
FOOKS & SON   tailors 25 East St.
FOOKS Thomas Henry accountant 20 Barrack St.
FOOT Henry Sailor's Home P. H. 135 South St.
FOOTE William Shopkeeper 80 West St.
FOSS James Lily Inn West St.
FOWLER John miller (water) East & West Mills
FRAMPTON M. A. (Mrs.) grocer 52 South St. & St. Michael's Ln.
FROST W. & E. stationers, printers, booksellers & bookbinders, & proprietors & publishers of the "Bridport News & Dorset, Devon & Somerset Advertiser." 34 West St.
FROST George deput registrar of marriage 34 West St.
FRY Charles stone mason 131 North Allington
FRY William statuary & mason West St.
GALE Albert J. beer retailer 53 West Bay Rd.
GALE Charles Albert beer retailer 23 West St.
GALE Levi Richard beer retailer West Bay Rd.
GALE Richard pilot West Bay
GALE William twine maker 38 St. Michael's Ln.
GALE William John beer retailer 11 Folly Mill Ln.
GANGE Ellen (Mrs.) fishmonger & game dlr. 19 West St.
GANGE Frank William general smith, cycle age & im-tlemen's outfitter 21 East St.
GANGE Robert bootmaker 128 South St.
GARNER William George Shopkeeper Bradpole road
TRUMP Walter jun. Proprietor, George Hotel South Street
GEORGE Charles confectioner 42 East St.
GOOD Henry coal merchant & Lloyd's agent West Bay
GUNDRY Fredrick Walter solicitor & town clerk, & clerk to urban district council & to the county & borough magistrates & borough school attendance committee & American vice-consul
GUPPY John & Son bakers & grocers 93 South St.
GUPPY James wholesale & retail grocer, tea dealer & provision merchant 51 East St.
GURD John shopkeeper & fruiterer 110 Sout St.
HAINES Issac Star P. H. 14 West St.
HAINES Thomas shopkeeper 168 North Allington
HALLETT Barnett cutler & bicycle dealer 39 South St.
HANN Daniel baker & shopkeeper 15 St. Michael's Ln.
HANN William Frampton White Lion P. H. West Allington
HANSFORD Henry Richard shopkeeper & corn dealer West Allington & 10 South St.
HANSFORD Job butcher 4 East St.
HARDY Annie (Miss) dress & mantle ma. 20 Victoria St.
HARDY Edmund basket maker 65 South St.
HARRIS Henry W. West Bay Hotel West Bay
HARRIS Herbert Nelson mechanical engineer, iron & brass founder St. Michaels's Foundry
HARRIS John refreshment rooms West Bay
HARRIS William Herbert clothier 20 East St.
HARTGILL John William linen & woollen draper, tailor, outfitter & carpet warehouseman, linoleum reviver & furniture cream manufacturer Stag ho. 3 & 5 West St.
HARVEY Walter hair dresser 94 West St.
HAWKER Alfred James general machinist & miller (water) Folly grist mills
HAWKINS Job builder Belgrave terrace, Bradpole Rd.
HAY & ALLDEN   surgeons West Allington
HAY William Alfred Edward surgeon West Allington
HELYEAR Thomas engineer West St.
HEWLETT & SON tailors 48 East St.  
HILL Hy. Hutchinson tailor & photographer 29 Barrack St.
HITCHCOCK George Margrie shopkeeper 43 South St.
HOARE Alfred S. butcher 7 West Allington
HOARE John grocer, tea, coffee & provision dealer & agent for W. & A. Gibey Lim. Wine & spirit merchants West Allington & Market place
HOARE John coal & oil dealer South Street
HOARE Mary (Mrs.) shopkeeper 100 South St.
HOBBS Ernest Benj. draper & milliner 68 South St.
HOCKEY Robert violet grower 60 West Bay Rd.
HODDER George beer retailer 61 West Bay Road
HODDER William chimney sweeper 12 North Allington
HODDER William C. tailor 28 West St.
HOLLEY Edward linen draper 6 & 8 South St.
HOLLINS C. & S. (Misses) dress makers 9 Victoria St.
HOLMWOOD & SON   grocers & patent medicine vendors 15 West St.
HOLT Thomas boot & shoemaker 70 South St.
HOOD George shopkeeper 129 South St.
HOUNSELL William & Co. manufacturers of fishing nets North Mill & Wykes Court
HOUNSELL Herbert E. Lim manufacturers of twines, nets, lines, seines &c. Pelican Works
BUCKPITT Jas. Sec. manufacturers of twines, nets, lines, seines &c Pelican Works
HOUNSELL David shopkeeper, Post Office West Bay
HOUNSELL John miller (water) South Mill
HOUNSELL Robert twine maker North Allington
HUSSEY Robert oil cake, corn & seed dealer 6 East Road
HYDE John plumber 18 Bradpole Road
BURROWS Anthony Inland Revenue Officer 17 Downes St.
JAMES Elizbth. Major (Mrs.) ladies schl. 7 Barrack St.
JAMES William manufacturer of nets, twines &c  
KENDALL John silversmith & fancy dealer 2 West St.
KENWAY George shoethread, twine, line & net manufacturer 42 South St.
KINGHMAN William George beer retailer & refreshment rooms 98 West St.
KITCHER John beer retailer 109 South St.
KNIGHT & SON   tailors 32 West St.
KNIGHT Alfred tailor 28 East St.
KNIGHT Ellen (Miss) milliner & dress ma. 44 West St.
KNIGHT William Bull Hotel East St.
LANKASHEAR Thomas Mason's Arms P. H. North St.
LAWRENCE Alexander cabinet maker 86 West St.
LEE Joseph iron monger 82 West St.
LEGG James coffee rooms 8 Barrack St.
LEGG Job (exors. of) brewers, spirit merchants & maltsters Old Brewery
LEWIS Arthur butcher 15 South St.
LEWIS John William clothier 7 South St.
MATTERFACE F. W. Hon. Sec. Of Literary & Scientific Institute East St.
LOVELESS Samuel Three Mariners P. H. 120 East St.
LOXTON Chas. grocer, cheesemngr. & pork butchr. 30 East St.
LUCAS Radnor mgr. Of the Wilts & Dorset Bank 26 East St.
MACCARTHY Denis Augustus M.D. surgeon 26 West Allington
MACEY John hair dresser 104 North Allington
MACMULLEN Catherine (Mrs.) shopkeeper West Bay
MAJOR Arthur woollen draper 4 & 60 West St.
MAJOR William assistant overseer 90 South St.
MALE William Ward boot & shoemaker 15a South St.
MARSH John King's Arms P.H. North Allington
MARSH John farmer North Allington
MATTERFACE William tailor 112 North Allington
MARSHALLSAY William Henry Manage of the Dorsetshire Bank West St.
MATTHEWS Henry & sons butchers 6 West St.
MATTHEWS William Laugher watchmaker & silversmith 14 East St.
MEDWAY Walter currier & leather cutter 40 East St.
MEECH BROTHERS grocers, tea dealers & provision merchants, agents for the Anglo-Bavarian ales & stout 20 South St.
MERRICK R. Cecil Warren Principal Coast Officer, Custom House West Bay
MILLER Richard Railway Terminus P. H. Bradpole road
MILLER Richard dairyman 1 Magdalen Ln., West Allington
MILLER Harry grocer 10 West St.
MILLS Henry George boot & shoemaker 17 Bedford Place
MILVERTON Arthur Geo. statuary & mason 128 East St.
MILVERTON Edward tax collector West Allington
MILVERTON George jobmaster West Allington
MONTEITH Duncan Registrar of Marriages 103 Victoria St.
MOORMAN George grocer 10 King St.
MOREY William & Sons auctioneers, Sale yard West St.
MORGAN Joseph Edwin tailor 27 Barrack St.
MORRIS Henry tailor 27 Barrack St.
MUNDEN Eliza (Mrs.) laundress Lee cottages, East Rd.
NANTES Charles George solicitor registrar of County Clerk, clerk to the commissioners of Bridport harbour, public notary & commissioner for oaths & coroner & clerk to the Bridport Railway Co. 36 East St.
NEWBERRY Henrietta (Mrs.) apartments 6 Pier Terrace
NEWBERRY James fruiterer & greengrocer 60 South St.
NEWMAN John Rumley bill poster 26 St. Michael's Ln.
NICHOLLS John King ironmonger 22 East St.
NORMAN Albert grocer, cricket & tennis net manufacturer East St.
NORMAN Tom Hockey Dolphin P. H. & glass & china warehouse 60 East St.
NORTHOVER & SONS carriage & wagon builders East St.  
NORTHOVER Walter Baker cabinet maker, undertaker & house agent London House, West St.
NORTHOVER William baker 48 South St.
OUSLEY Matilde (Mrs.) shopkeeper 21 St. Michael's Ln.
OWEN Margaret Ellen (Mrs.) ladies hair dresser & umbrella maker 5 Downes St.
OXENBURY William Joseph wheelwright & beer retailer 28 St. Michael's Ln.
PALK William L.D.S. Irel. dentist The Cedars, East Rd.
PATTEN Thomas builder 62 East St.
PAVEY Thomas beer retlr. & luncheon rms. 1 West St.
PEARCE Emily (Mrs.) beer retailer 172 North Allington
PEARCE George beer retailer 106 North Allington
PECKHAM Elizabeth (Mrs.) beer retailer Bradpole road
PHILLIPS John Prudential Insurance supt. 102 Bradpole Rd.
PHILLIPS Richard Wm. furniture dealer 62 South Rd.
PODGER George beer retailer 141 South St.
CHAFFEY Chas. Sergeant, Police Station South Street
POMEROY Charles boot & shoemaker 26 South St.
POW William hardware dealer 19 South St.
POWELL & SONS twine maker Asker Mills, East Road  
PRATT Edward wardrobe dealer 1 St. Michael's Ln.
PRINCE E. E. (Miss) stationer & printer 17 East St.
PYE Bartle agent for J. Bibby & Son West Bay
SUTTILL John Pickard managing partner of Pymore Mill Co., flax mertchants & spinners, manufacturers of twine, shoe thread & fishing nets Pymore Mill
QUARRELL James baker 124 North Allington
QUARRELL John baker 22 Bradpole Rd.
RALLS James ironmonger 18 & 20 West St.
RALLS Richard C. agent to West of England Sack Co. Railway Station
RANDALL William Edward (late W. H. Chick, wine & spirit merchant 14 South St.
READ George William boot & shoemaker 34 St. Michael's Ln.
READER Elizabeth (Mrs.) high school, Thorneloe Victoria St.
REES Alexander boot & shoe maker 34 St. Michael's Ln.
REES William beer retailer 99 South St.
REID Francis James David L.K.Q.C.P. Irel. Physician & Surgeon 6 West Allington
RENDALL & COOMBS twine, shoe thread & net manufacturers West Allington
RENDALL Job shoeing smith South Street
RENDALL William farmer 19 Rex Lane
REYNOLDS Arthur (exors. Of) linen & woollen drapers, tailors, outfitters, hosiers, milliners & dress makers & agents for Pullar & Co. East St.
RICE Elizabeth (Mrs.) baby linen warehouse & ladies outfitter 39 East St.
RICHARDS Frederick George baker East St.
RICHARDS George green grocer West St.
RICHARDS George tinplate worker 92 North Allington
RICHARDS John basket maker 30 West St.
RICHARDSON Frederick George refreshment rooms 5 South St.
ROBERTS Dan baker 11 West Allington
ROBINS William chimney sweeper 3 Castle Sq. South St.
ROBINSON Fredk. teacher of music 76 Bradpole St.
ROCKETT John Five Bells P.H. 85 South St.
ROCKETT John shopkeeper West Bay Rd.
ROOD Albert manufacturer of sheepskin rugs, furrier & renovator South Street
ROPER John James solicitor & notary & clerk to the rural district council & clerk to the guardians & assessment & school attendance committees & superintendent registrar of Bridport Union East St.
ROUSELL Frederick White Bull P. H. East Road
ROWE Issac hair dresser, tobacconist & seedsman 31 South St.
RUMBOLD Walter W. watchmaker & jeweler 10 East St.
RUSSELL Miss apartments 8 Pier Terrace, West Bay
RUSSELL Mary Anna (Mrs.) Globe Inn 27 East St.
RUSSELL Walter mineral water manufacturer Gundry Ln.
SAMPSON John Turner nurseryman, florist & seedsman 32 Barrack St.
SAMSON Helah (Mrs.) grocer, wine & spirit merchant 7 West St.
SAMSON Gerard Alexander ironmonger East St.
SAMSON Richard Robert engineer & millwright & cotton net manufacturer Grove Iron Works
SCADDEN Chas. Alfd. furniture dealer 88a South St.
SCADDEN Henry George builder King St.
SCADDING William beer ret., smith & farrier 44 South St.
CHRISTIE Faraday H. master, school of Art  
SEWARD William insurance agent Bay Villa, West Bay
SHACKEL John pilot West Bay
SHEARMAN Matthew beer retailer 119 South St.
SHEPHARD John J. brush maker 47 East St.
SHEPHARD William photographer 45 East St.
SHEPPECK William George boot & shoemaker 111 West St.
SIMMONDS George E. brush mop & basket manufacturer 21 West St.
REED Albert manager, Singer Manufacturing Co. 29 Barrack St.
SISTERS OF THE VISITATION boarding school for boys Victoria St.
SLADER Eleazer sand merchant & bathing machine proprietor West Bay
SLADER Samuel painter & decorator 33 East St.
SMITH Edwin tailor 11 South St.
SMITH George Royal Oak P. H. West St.
SMITH James King of Prussia P.H. East St.
SMITH Thomas James registrar of births & Deaths, relieving & school attendance officer 111 Victoria St.
RALLS Rd. C. manager, Somerset Trading Co., coal, timber & tile mers. Railway Station & West Bay
SPENCER James builder & contractor 48 Victoria St.
SPENCER Jesse farmer North Allington
SPENCER Josiah tailor 174 North Allington
SPENCER Robert general ironmonger, gas & water fitter, smith, bellhanger & electric bells 66 South St.
SPILLER Andrew beer retailer & bill poster 70 West St.
SPILLER William Stevens confectioner West St.
STAGG Leonard watch ma. Glass & china dlr. 16 South St.
STEMBRIDGE Dan coal, fish, potato & rabbit mer. South Street
STEMBRIDGE Eli jobmaster, hearse & funeral coach proprietor, horses & carriages of every description on hire 4 Folly Mill Rd.
STOKELL John beer retailer 61 South St.
STONE Albert professor of music Fairview, Victoria St.
STONE Alexander teacher of music 23 Victoria St.
STRANGWAY Henry Hope & Anchor P.H. St. Michael's Ln.
STUDLEY John shopkeeper 74 West St.
SYMES Charles beer retailer 11 Folly Mill Ln.
SYMES John Oliver coach maker Church Lane
SYMES John Oliver (Mrs.) dress makers 14 Church Lane
TAYLOR Thomas town crier North Allington
TEMPLE Arthur Waldie solicitor & commissioner for oaths 53 East St.
THORNE Thomas musical instrument dealer 59 East St.
TIMMS George William M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon 88 East St.
THOMPKINS Henry sand merchant & haulier West Bay
TRAVERS Absolom boot & shoe dealer 78 West St.
TRAVERS Alfred Joseph boot maker 80 West St.
TREVETT Louis hairdresser & tobacconist 46 East St.
TRUMP Walter Cross Keys P. H. South Street
TUCK Thomas Station Master East Street Station
TUCKER Richard & Sons manufacturers of shoe threads, sail cloth, twines, nets, lines &c. Fulbrooks
TUCKER Thomas & Co. twine manufacturers South Street
TUCKER'S GREYHOUND commercial hotel & posting house; omnibus to meet all trains; agent for L & SWR & booking office for the Crewkerne coach
TUCKER Harry coach & wagon bldr. Folly Mill 1a. South St.
TUCKER Richard, Jun. solicitor, clerk to the highway board & commissioner for oaths & agent to the West Dorset Conservative Association East St.
TUCKER Walter manufacturer of twine, net, seine rope & line West St.
TURNER Francis Alfred corn, seed, flour & oilcake merchant 54 South St.
TURNER Frederick county court bailiff 19 Barrack St.
TURNER Henry agent for Bradford & Sons Lim. Railway Stn.
TURNER Miss apartments 9 Pier Terrace, West Bay
VINE William Henry jobmaster 15 Rax Lane
WETHAM Hon. Maj. William Townley Commandant, 1st Vol Bat. Dorset Regiment, A Co. Drill Hall, St. Michael's lane
WADHAM Henry boot maker 92 West St.
WADHAM Joseph iron & brass founder Rax Lane
WALLSEND COAL CO. Monteith & Alford, prprtrs. South Street
WARTIN Ann (Mrs.) beer retailer & shop keeper 14 North Allington
WARR John carpenter 24 South St.
WARREN Wm. Jn. china & glass dlr. & fancy repos. West St.
WEEKS George Cowkeeper Folly Mill Lane
WELCH Benjamin Ward baker Church Street
NANTES Charles George hon. Sec. West Dorset Club (Gentlemen) East St.
WESTLAKE Elizabeth (Mrs.) dress makers 70 Bradpole Rd.
WHEATLEY James Henry tailor 38 King St.
WHEELER Walter Plymouth Inn 59 West Allington
WHETHAM Stephen & Sons rope manufacturers Gundry Ln.
WHICKER George Francis boys' school 7 Downes St.
WHITE Thomas china & glass dlr. Also agent for Sutton's Parcel Delivery Co. 22 West St.
WHORLOW Thos. Edwd. draper, milliner & costumier East St.
WILLIAMS, THORTON, SYKES, & CO. Dorchester Old Bank
WILSON Charles W., M.B,, M.R.C.S. surgeon, medical officer & public vaccinator for No. 3 District & medical officer to the Post Office, Bridport District 33 West St.
LUCAS Radnor Manager, Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Ltd. (branch) East Street
BROWN W. J. Sec., Working Men's Temperance Club Old School, Gundry Lane
EDMUNDS E. B. Sec., Young Men's Christian Association Barrack St.
FIELD E. G. Sec., Young Men's Christian Association  

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