Alton Pancras

Manorial Survey 1728 

Transcribed by Caryl Parsons from a photocopy in S&DFHS library

'A List of the Cottagers within ye Two Mannors aforesaid. Those marked :A: belong to ye Prebend of Alton Austral.
Those marked :B: belong to the Prebend of Alton Borcal.'


  Acre Rod. Perch.
The Mill late Willm. Bartletts now in the possession of Richd. Miller House, Garden & Mead    A 1 0 1
Two Cottages call’d Knackers-hole, the one Jno. Hollands, & ye other ye Widow Lanes B 0 0 32
Jno. Squires House Garden & Padock A 0 2 24
Thos. Osmond’s Cottage A 0 0 16
Emanuel Loveless’s Cottage A 0 0 8
Stephen Dicker’s Cottage, &c B 0 0 20
Thos. Chip’s Cottage A 0 0 8
Jane Dicker’s Cottage A 0 0 6
Willm. Dicker’s Cottage A 0 0 7
Robt. Masters House & Garden B 0 2 0
Thos. Masters Jun. House, Garden & Padock A 0 2 0
Thos. Masters Sen. The Ale-house & Garden B 0 0 12
Samuel Symonds als Nozar House & Garden and Orchard formerly Spencers   ) B 0 3 24
Thos. Pophams Cottage formerly Hawthorns B 0 1 24
John Cockrams Cottage A 0 0 11
Two Cottages Richd. And Thos. Greens A 0 1 6
Willm. Webbers Cottage formerly Helliers B 0 0 15
Henry Masters Cottage B 0 0 30
Elias Still’s Cottage B 0 0 11
A Cottage now ye Widow Samnays formerly belonging to Dobeys Living Richd. Hollands Cottage formerly the Widow Chip’s, to which there belong’d a Padock of 1 B 0 0 38
Acre now added to Will Samways’s A Living)   0 0 12
Total   5 2 25
Mr Sticklands Parsonage Barn & Backside measures   0 2 2
Ben Samway’s Houses & free Land   0 3 2
The Vicarage House & Garden (blank)      

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