
Pigot & Co.'s Directory 1830

A Market and hundred town, in the division of Bridport, it is 132 miles from London, 18 from Dorchester and 6 from Bridport; situated on the fertile borders of the small river Birt, whose stream propels three mills for the spinning linen yarn employed in the manufacture of sail cloth, which is here carried on to a small extent. Formerly the woollen trade flourished here; it is now but of little importance to the place. This place was nearly destroyed by fire in1645, and again in 1686; it now consists of one main street, the houses of which for the most part are well built and of modern appearance. The public buildings are the church, a Methodist chapel, the town-hall, and a good market house. The church, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is a stately edifice, standing on an eminence at the south of the town. The tower is an object of great admiration, being nearly one hundred feet in height; extremely well proportioned, and consists of three stories with double buttresses at the angles, enriched with niches towards the basement, and terminating with small regular shafts. The west front is also particularly grand, and altogether forms a very handsome design. In the churchyard is an alms-house, founded in 1634, by Sir John Strode, Knight, and a free school for teaching 20 poor boys of the town, reading, writing, and arithmetic, founded by Mrs. Frances Tucker, in the reign of William 111. Beaminster is a parochial chapelry belonging to the vicarage of Netherbury; the Rev. James Brookland is the present incumbent. The great tithes of the parish are held by Robert Conway, Esq. as lessee of the manor of BeaminsterParsonatus; besides this manor there are two others belonging to the parish, Beaminster Prima and Beaminster Secunda; all vested in the prebends of Salisbury Cathedral, from whom the lands are leased. The land round here is hilly; the land is fertile, and the views are of a pleasing rather than a bold or picturesque character. The market which is well supplied with corn, butcher's meat, &c is held on Thursday; and an annual fair for cattle on the 19th of September. By the returns for 1821 the town and parish of Beaminster contained 2806 inhabitants, and the parish of Netherbury 1954.

Post Office, Hogshill Street, Charles Frampton, Post Master. - Letters from LONDON, &c arrive from BRIDPORT every morning at nine, and are despatched every evening at five. - Letters from CREWKERNE arrive every evening at five, and are despatched ever morning at nine: also a horse post arrives every day at twelve, and departs every afternoon at two.

Nobility, Gentry and Clergy

Bishop Joseph, esq. Northfield

Bishop Rev.Alfred, Church st.

Bridge Richard, esq. Langdon

Brookland Rev. Wm. Jas. Netherbury

Clarke Miss Mary, Beaminster House

Coles Rev. Thomas Rich, Millershay Cottage

Coles William esq. Bowood

Conway Robert esq. Netherbury

Cook James esq. Slape

Cox the Misses, East st

Daniel John, esq. Little st

Dibble George, gent. Little st

Dowdeswell  Jonathan, gent. South st

Dunning  Messdms. Phillis and Elizabeth, East st

Eveleigh Mrs Lydia, Market Place

Fox Rev. Charles, Mapperton

Furmidge John, esq. Mapperton

Gollop Geo. Tilley, esq. Srtoud house

Jolley Mrs. Church st

Layton Thomas, esq. Fleet st

Medway John, esq. East st

Mills Richard, gent. North st

Napean Sir Molineaux Hyde, bart. Mapperton

Oglander Sir Wm. Bart. Parnham

Phelps Mrs Bridget, Hogshill st

Read Mrs Mary, East st

Russell the Misses, Hogshill st

Stone John, gent. Marsh Farm

Way Holles Bull esq. South st


Evans Rev.Thomas, North st

Hennessy George Augustus & Son North st


Cox Caleb (conveyancer) Tower hill

Cox Peter, East st

Fox Baruch and Thomas, South st

Russell Giles and Thomas, East st


Clift William, North st

Oliver James, Church st

Warr John and Richard, East st


Budden John, Fleet st

Dabinett Joseph, East st

Staple Thomas, Church sst

Swatridge William, Fore place


Branch of Bridport, Market place Richd. Hine, sen. Agent


Wakeley Abraham, Fleet st

Weaver William, East st

Booksellers, Stationers and Printers

Oliver Isaac, East st

Sherring William East st

Sibly Richard (periodical) Little st

Boot and Shoe Makers

Dawbney Thomas Church st

Hann Thomas, North st

Meech Joseph Church st

Northam John, East st

Nossiter Francis, Fleet st

Wilkins John, East st


Hoare Constantine, East st

Warr John and Richard, East st


Barratt John, East st

Daniel Isaac, Church st

Guy Thomas, Church st

Hann Samuel, Church st

Meech Janes, Church st

Poole James. East st


Pitman James, St Mary Well st

Swaffield George, Hosghill st

Curriers &c.

Dunn Richard, East st

Lye Samuel, Church st

Fire &c., Office Agents

Atlas, Caleb Cox Tower hill

County, William Joseph and John Garrett Tite, Church st

Phoenix, Wm. Clift, North st

Protector, Chas. Coombs, Hogshill st

Royal Exchange, John Coltman, Fore place

Sun, John and Richd. Warr, East st

West Of England, Richard Hine, Hogshill st

Grocers & Tea Dealers

Amor Richard, Fore place

Barratt William,Hogshill st

Coltman John (tea) Fore place

Davy Emanuel Pester, Fleet st

Gaiger John, East st

Hine Richard,jun. (and druggist) Market place

Swatridge William, Fore place

Hair Dressers

Bugler Abel (and picture dealer) Fore place

Marsh Elias, Church st


Davy Emanuel Pester, Fleet st

Waygood Richard, Market place

Joiners And Carpenters

(see also builders)

Frampton William, East st

Park Thomas, North st

Linen Drapers

Conway Robert, Market place

Coombs Charles, Hogshill st

Hamilton John, Hogshill st

Meadway George, Fore place

Stent William Market place


Barratt John Hearn, Fleet st

Bishop and Waygood, Market place

Frampton Thomas, Fleet st

Tite William, Joseph and John Garrett (and brewers, and wine &c. merchants) Church st

Milliners & Dress Makrs(sic)

Hamilton Elizabeth, Hogshill st

Peach Mary Ann, Market place

Toleman Sarah, Hogshill st

Painters, Plumbers And Glaziers

Bagg Thomas, Church st

Rendall John, Church St

Toleman Anthony Hogshill st

Saddlers And Harness Makers

Cross Richard, Hogshill st

Everett James, Fore place

Plowman Thomas, East st

Sail Cloth Manufacturs(sic)

Bugler David, Church st

Cox Samuel and George, Fleet st

Frampton Thos and Son, Fore place

Hine Richard Hogshill st

Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries

Bugler Thomas, Fore place

Burbidge James, North st

Cole Edward, Fore place

Daniel Isaac, Fore place

Hamilton Robert, Church st

Hearn Samuel, East st

Knight John East st

Liddon Henry, North st

Pearce Thomas, Fleet st


Daniel James William, East st

Keddle John M. D., Hatch Land

Phelps Richard, East st


Cox Thomas, Fleet st

Goldsworthy John, Hogshill st

Hallett John, Hogshill st

Hallett  William, Hogshill st

Larcombe Samuel, East st

Marsh Joseph, Fleet st

Whetham Robt., St. Mary Well st

Taverns & Public Houses

Bull, John Woodbury, North st

Greyhound, William Oliver, Fore place

New Inn, John Hearn Barratt, Hogshill st

Red Lion, Thos, Frampton, Fore place

Swan, John Milverton, .Fleet st

White Hart, John Hearn, Hogshill st


Bartlett John, St Mary Well st

Gaiger John, South st

Watch & Clock Makers

Drake Henry, Hogshill st

Peach Henry, Market place


Coombs Charles, North st

Sebley Peter, North st

Wodbury William, North st

Woollen Manufacturers

Hamilton John, Hogshill st

Read John & Richard (and Woolstaplers) Fleet st


Bartlett Charles, mason, Church st

Chislett John, sculptor and professor of music, Hogshill st

Coombes and Gifford, Flax spinners, Hook

Hallett Geo., earthenware manufacturer, Hogshill st

Holt William, edge tool maker, Fleet st

Lane David, sack and bag mnftr,  Church st

March William, patten maker, North st

Marsh William,  leather seller, Fleet st

Payne James, plasterer, East st

Rendle Jas., veterinary surgeon, Hogshill st

Slade Mary, hatter, Fore place

Tucker Edward, tallow chndlr., Church st


To Bridport, the Royal Mail every evening at five

To Taunton, the Royal Mail every morning at nine


To London, Whitemarsh and Co., from Hogshill st every Monday & Friday

To Axminster, Robert Gill, from the Red Lion, every Wednesday

To Bridport, John Perry every Tuesday and Saturday – Thomas Chaffey, every Tuesday -and- Tapscott, every Thursday, from the White Hart

To Bristol, Whitemarsh & Co. from Hogshill st, every Monday- John Perry, from the White Hart, every Tuesday and Saturday- James Webber, and Robert and William Gange, from the Red Lion every Saturday

To Haslebury, John Perry, from the White Hart, every Tuesday & Saturday.

To Ilminster, - Tapscott, from the White Hart, every Thursday

To Maiden Newton, - Bridge, from the White Hart, every Wednesday

To Yeovil, Whitemash(sic) & Co., from Hogshill st, every Friday- and – Hawker, from the Red Lion, days uncertain.