
The Last Will & Testament of WILLIAM CHUBB (1758-1831) Yeoman of Beaminster

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC project by Kim Parker. Please note: the actual document is one
continuous text without breaks or punctuation; I have broken it into clauses to facilitate reading.

Updated 23 Mar 2010, changes shown in red


"I William CHUBB of Beaminster in the County of Dorset a Yeoman being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do this first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say

I give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife Mary Chubb all that [sic] my Cottage or Dwellinghouse Garden and Premises situate in Champions Lane in Beaminster aforesaid now in the occupation of Hiram Brown as Tenant thereof for and during the term of her natural life

also I give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife the Cottage or Dwellinghouse with the appurtenances thereto belonging late in the occupation of Thomas and Catherine Dunn for and during the term of her natural life

and after her decease I give devise and bequeath the aforesaid two dwelling houses gardens and premises thereto belonging unto my Granddaughter Mary Marsh for the term of her natural life

and I constitute and appoint Thomas Legg of Horstock (?) in the said County of Dorset a Mason to be Trustee and Guardian over my said Granddaughter the said Mary Marsh until she shall attain the age of twenty-one years and if the said Mary Marsh shall happen to die before she shall attain that age then I give and devise the same to the said Thomas Legg his heirs and assigns

also I give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Mary Chubb all and singular my household goods and furniture of every sort and kind soever to and for her own proper use and benefit

I give devise and bequeath unto James Quarrell the Elder the Cottages or Dwellinghouses lately occupied by Mary Dyke and Sarah Bugler and a large out house adjoining the garden thereto for and during the term of his natural life and to his heirs and assigns

further I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter in law Mary Legg the wife of the aforesaid Thomas Legg the dwellinghouse wherein I lately lived and was in the occupation of Samuel Paul Sailcloth Weaver as Tenant thereof also the now rented Dwellinghouse adjoining unto the Milkroom and passage and the room over the Milkhouse also the New Weaving Shop and the Garden adjoining the aforesaid now rented Dwellinghouse and new Weaving Shop for and during the term of her natural life

I likewise give to my daughter in law the said Mary Legg the possession of the aforesaid dwellinghouses with the appurtenances thereto belonging likewise the aforesaid new weaving shop and to take and receive the rents and profits accruing thereout and in case the said Mary Legg shall have any child or children of her own body lawfully begotten the same premises to be divided between them share and share alike but in case but only one such child then to that only child for and during his or her natural life

I give devise and bequeath unto Sarah Dunn daughter of Thomas and Catherine Dunn the Cottage or Dwellinghouse with the appurtenances thereto late in the occupation of Robert Flood as Tenant thereof for and during the term of her natural life

I likewise give and bequeath the following legacies that is to say to my dear Wife Mary Chubb the full sum of fifty pounds of lawful English money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to be paid her in six months after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary Chubb the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful English money to be paid her in twelve months after my decease with the aforesaid Dwellinghouse Garden and Premises before mentioned now in the occupation of Hiram Brown as Tenant thereof and after my Wife's decease I give and bequeath the said twenty pounds to my aforesaid Granddaughter Mary Marsh with the aforesaid two Dwellinghouses Gardens and Premises

also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary Chubb the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful English money being a legacy lately given to Samuel Rendle the Elder deceased also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary Chubb the sum of seventeen pounds and ten shillings of like lawful English money being a legacy lately given to my brother Henry Chubb deceased also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary Chubb the sum of seventeen pounds and ten shillings of like lawful English money being a legacy lately given to my Sister Mary Chubb also deceased all which said legacies last mentioned I direct to be paid to my said Wife Mary Chubb in twelve months after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named

I likewise give and bequeath unto Sarah and Mary Dunn daughters of the aforesaid Thomas and Catherine Dunn the sum of Twenty pounds each of like lawful English money to be paid to each of them at the age or ages of twenty one years or day of marriage whichever shall first happen by my Executor hereinafter named

I likewise give and bequeath unto Peace Chubb wife of my late Brother Henry Chubb the sum of ten pounds of like lawful English money 

also I give and bequeath unto William Chubb son of my late brother Henry Chubb the sum of twenty eight pounds of like lawful English money and to Thomas Chubb and Henry Chubb the younger sons of my late brother Henry Chubb the sum of seventeen and ten shillings apiece of like lawful English money and to both of them

also I give and bequeath to each of my late brother Henry Chubbs daughters Mary Harwood Sarah Hix and Betty Chubb ten pounds apiece and to each of them of like lawful English money

also I give and bequeath to the aforesaid James Quarrell the Elder the sum of twenty pounds of like lawful English money

To Hester Quarrell daughter of John Quarrell twenty pounds of like lawful England money

To Dorcas Rendle five pounds and to Richard Rendle Son of Samuel Rendle the Elder deceased five pounds of lawful English money

all these said several and respective legacies last mentioned I direct to be paid at the end of the twelve months next after my decease by my Executor hereinafter named and all the rest residue and remainder of my chattels stock cattle monies securities for money and personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever after paying my just debts and legacies thereout above by me bequeathed and the costs of proving this my will I give and bequeath the same to my brother in law James Rendle of Beaminster aforesaid Blacksmith his Executors and Administrators whom I make constitute and appoint whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills and bequests by me heretofore made at any time and declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written – William Chubb (signature) – Signed sealed published and declared by the above name Estator William Chubb as and for this last Will and Testament the same being contained in two sheets of paper to both of which he hath set his hand and to the last affixed his seal in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presences of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto – Samuel Wilkins (signature) – Richard Hine (signature) – Susan Hine (signature)

PROVED at London 1st September 1831 before the Judge by the oath of James Rendle the sole Executor to whom administration was granted having been first sworn by Conscience (?) duly to Administer."



William CHUBB, Yeoman (Testator)

William CHUBB was the second son of William CHUBB & Mary RENDALL, their first child of that name having died in infancy. He was christened at Beaminster on 21 SEP 1758. Only two of his younger siblings survived to adulthood, Henry and Mary, his youngest brother John having died in childhood (1768). William first married Sarah RENDLE (1755-1820) at Beaminster on 27 MAR 1785. They appear to have been childless. He remarried on 15 MAY 1820, only 3 months after Sarah's death, to the widow Mary MARSH at Beaminster. He was buried at Beaminster on 25 MAR 1831.


Mary CHUBB, formerly MARSH née COX – wife

Mary COX had previously married William MARSH otherwise MAISH at Beaminster on 17 MAR 1783 (possibly the one christened at Beaminster on 02 OCT 1761). It is likely that she was the daughter of Stephen COX & Alice MEECH who had a child called Molly (the diminutive of Mary) christened at Beaminster on 11 MAR 1762. (At that time proper names and their diminutives were considered to be one and the same, so a person may appear in the registers under either variant of their name – e.g. Elizabeth/ Betty, Jane/ Jenny, Sarah/ Sally, Frances/ Fanny, etc.) She appears on the 1841 Census, living with her granddaughter Mary MARSH, and lived on until 1844. The death certificate describes her as the "Widow of the late William CHUBB Yeoman"; she died of old age and her death was reported by Elizabeth BARRATT, who was present when she passed on.


Mary LEGG – step-daughter (daughter-in-law)

Mary LEGG née MARSH was the issue of William CHUBB's second wife Mary's first marriage to William MARSH and was christened at Beaminster on 04 JUL 1800. On 07 JUL 1827 at Beaminster she married Thomas LEGG (a Mason, born about 1797 at Buckland Newton, Dorset). On the 1851, 1861 & 1871 Census Thomas & Mary LEGG live at Toller Porcorum.


Mary MARSH – (step-)granddaughter

She was not a granddaughter by blood, but rather by adoption, being the granddaughter of Wm CHUBB's second wife Mary through her first marriage to William MARSH otherwise MAISH. This is the young Mary MARSH who is living with the widowed Mary CHUBB at the time of the 1841 Census and probably the base born daughter of Mary LEGG née MARSH christened 02 SEP 1824 at Beaminster.


Mary CHUBB – sister (deceased)

Mary was christened at Beaminster on 25 DEC 1759 and was buried at Beaminster on 12 JAN 1827, hence the revocation of her legacy in the will. It was possibly her death that prompted a redrafting of the will.


Henry CHUBB – brother (deceased)

Henry was christened at Beaminster on 10 MAY 1761 and was buried at Beaminster on 02 MAR 1823, hence the revocation of his legacy in the will. He had worked as an agricultural labourer.


Peace CHUBB née ADAMS – sister-in-law

Peace was born about 1757 and married Henry CHUBB at Beaminster on 27 JAN 1783. She appears to have spent at least the last five years of her life in the Beaminster Union Workhouse at Stoke Abbott, as she was appears on an 1835 list of inmates and died there in 1840. She was buried at Beaminster on 08 NOV 1840.


William CHUBB – nephew

Son of Henry & Peace CHUBB, b. 10 FEB 1787, ch. 04 MAR 1787 at Beaminster.

He had married Mary HAWKER (1782-1847) at Mosterton on 29 JAN 1810 and by the time of his Uncle's death was probably already living at Little Windsor in the parish of Broadwindsor. He ended a pauper and died in Beaminster Union Workhouse at Stoke Abbott on 14 JAN 1855.


Thomas CHUBB – nephew

Son of Henry CHUBB & Peace ADAMS, exact year of birth unknown, but probably 1795/6.

There is a gap of five years between the christening of Henry & Peace CHUBB's daughters Betty CHUBB and Elizabeth CHUBB, suggesting that they perhaps lived elsewhere for a few years. Thomas CHUBB may have been born at that time. Since the testator seems to respect the order of birth when naming the sisters, it is likely that Thomas was indeed older than Henry CHUBB junior. He married Martha PEARCE (c1788 – 1845 Beaminster) at Beaminster on 15 SEP 1817 and was buried there on 03 APR 1863 aged 67.


Henry CHUBB – nephew

Son of Henry CHUBB & Peace ADAMS, b. 06 MAY 1799, ch. 19 OCT 1806 at Beaminster.

Henry married Jane WALDEN (c1809 Ireland – 1845 Netherbury) at Crewkerne, Somerset on 24 MAR 1829. He died at Netherbury on 29 OCT 1879.


Mary HARWOOD née CHUBB – niece

Daughter of Henry CHUBB & Peace ADAMS, b. 26 SEP 1783, ch. 25 JAN 1784 at Beaminster. She married James HARWOOD of Seaborough (1785-1869) at Beaminster on 28 MAR 1808 and bore him seven children. Mary was buried at Beaminster on 17 APR 1835.


Sarah HIX née CHUBB – niece

Daughter of Henry CHUBB & Peace ADAMS, ch. 26 SEP 1790 at Beaminster. She married Solomon HEXT at White Lackington, Somerset, on 10 OCT 1814, but was widowed before 1841 and held a number of positions, including Toll Collector at Odcombe in Somerset in 1861. She died at Beaminster on 12 MAY 1872.


Betty CHUBB - niece

Daughter of Henry CHUBB & Peace ADAMS, probably the one christened as Elizabeth CHUBB on 27 AUG 1798 at Beaminster. (Since Elizabeth and Betty were considered to be the same name, the child of Henry & Peace CHUBB christened Betty CHUBB on 21 MAY 1793 at Beaminster had probably died before 1798.) She may be the Elizabeth CHUBB of Beaminster who worked as James VOSS's housekeeper at Worth Matravers and died at Swanage on 26 Sep 1866.


James RAINDLE (Executor) - nephew

Son of Samuel & Sarah RAINDLE; born 17 May 1776, ch. 18 SEP 1776

Samuel RAINDLE was William CHUBB's Brother-in-law by his first wife Sarah RAINDLE (Samuel Raindle & Sarah Quarrel married 29 JAN 1773)


Catherine RAINDLE niece

Daughter of Samuel & Sarah RAINDLE; born 13 APR 1782, ch. 26 JUN 1782 at Beaminster

She married Thomas DUNN on10 OCT 1811 to at Beaminster


James QUARREL - nephew

Son of John & Esther; born 24 JAN 1778, ch. 05 JAN 1781 at Beaminster

His mother, Hester RAINDLE, was William CHUBB's Sister-in-law by his first wife Sarah RAINDLE (John Quarrel & Hester Raindle married 27 APR 1777)


Esther QUARREL - niece

Daughter of John & Esther; born 01 MAR 1786, ch. 03 MAR 1786 at Beaminster

Her mother, Hester RAINDLE, was William CHUBB's Sister-in-law by his first wife Sarah RAINDLE (John Quarrel & Hester Raindle married 27 APR 1777)

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