
Will of James Christopher of Broadwey Dorset - 1910

Transcribed by Michael Russell 2005


I James Christopher of Broadwey in the County of Dorset Market Gardener hereby revoke all former testamentary dispositions made by me and declare this to be my last Will  appoint Robert William BURDEN of Thornhill Broadwey aforesaid Dairyman and Alfred Curtis PITFIELD of 5 Thomas Road Dorchester Engine Driver (hereafter called my Trustees) to be the Executors and Trustees of my will and for all the purposes of the Settled Land acts 1882 and 1890 I devise first my freehold dwelling house in which I now reside together with the barn stable outbuildings and the walled garden situate in the parish of Broadwey aforesaid containing about one acre being portion of the property I purchased of the Representatives of the late Mr Charles JESTY Secondly my freehold market garden adjoining containing about three acres and twenty eight perches being the remainder of the property purchased by me as aforesaid and thirdly my freehold dwelling house and the stable garden and premises belonging thereto known as "The Shrublands" now let to Mrs TREGARD together with piece of land adjoining at the rear containing about two acres and one rood and now used by me as a market garden situate at Broadwey aforesaid and which I purchased of Jane THOMAS to my wife Elizabeth CHRISTOPHER during the life she insuring and keeping the whole of the buildings insured against loss or damage by fire to the full value thereof in the names of my trustees and also keeping the same in good repair and condition reasonable wear and tear excepted And after the death  of my said wife I devise the whole of my freehold property herein before described in manner following that is to say As to my dwelling house with the barn stable outbuildings and the walled garden being the property first described to my daughter Annie Elizabeth Tanner PITFIELD the wife of the said Alfred Curtis PITFIELD in free simple As to my market garden adjoining the last mentioned property, the second property described to my daughter Martha BURDEN the wife of the said Robert William BURDEN in free simple As to my dwelling house garden and premises known as "Shrublands" and the market garden at the rear being the property thirdly described and hereinafter referred to as "the trust premises" to my Trustees Upon the Trusts following (namely) Upon trust to pay the rents and profits thereof to my daughter Laura Sophia Tanner CHRISTOPHER for her life without power of anticipation during any coverture but with power for her to appoint by deed or Will that after her death the whole or any part of such rents and profits shall be paid to any husband of hers who may survive her until he marries again or less period And after the death of my said daughter and subject to any appointments which may be made to her husband as aforesaid In Trust for the children of my said daughter or any of them or any of their issue in such shares (if more than one) and in such manner as she shall by any deed or deeds with or without power of severance and now appointment or by her Will appoint And in default of and subject to such appointment In trust for all the children of my said daughter who being male obtain the age of twenty one years or being female attain that age or marry in equal shares and if there be only one such child the whole to be in trust for that one child But so nevertheless that no child who or any of whose issue shall take a share under any such appointment as aforesaid shall take one part of the trust premises remaining unappointed without bringing the share appointed to him or her or to his or her issue into hotchpotch and accounting for the same accordingly unless my said daughter making such appointment as aforesaid shall thereby direct the company And in case my said daughter shall not marry or in the event of marriage there shall be no child of my said daughter who being male attained the age of twenty one years or being female attains that age or marries then the trust premises shall be held In Trust for such of my grandchildren the children of my two other daughters the said Anna Elizabeth Tanner PITFIELD and Martha BURDEN and in such manner as my said daughter shall by deed or Will when not under coverture or by Will while under coverture appoint And in default of any subject to such Appointment In Trust for all my grandchildren of my said daughters the said Anna Elizabeth Tanner PITFIELD and Martha BURDEN who being male attain the age of twenty one years or being female attain that age or marry in equal shares and if there shall be only one such grandchild the whole to be in trust for that one grandchild And I declare that my Trustees may let or demise the trust premises either from year to year or for any term of years at such rent and subject to such covenants and conditions as they shall think fit And may accept surrenders of leases and finances and expend money in repairs and improvements and generally manage the same according to their absolute discretion I give and bequeath the whole of my Personal Estate and the remainder of my Real Estate unto my said wife absolutely In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the twelfth day of October One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four


Signed and acknowledged by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at the request in his presence and in the [resence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

Owen E AGER Solicitor

GR BATTAMS Solicitor

Clerks to Messrs Symionds & Sons Solicitors Dorchester

On 20th January 1910 Probate of this Will was granted at Blandford to Robert William BURDEN and Alfred Curtis PITFIELD the executors

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