

Will of Joseph Christopher of Upwey, Dorset - 1893

Transcribed by Michael Russell January 2005


I, Joseph CHRISTOPHER of Upwey in the County of Dorset Nurseryman do hereby revoke all former Willa and testamentary depositions by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and testamentary expenses be paid and satisfied by my Executor hereinafter named and soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my wife Judith Beauly CHRISTOPHER the sum of Twenty pounds and I direct that the same may be paid to her within one month after my decease. I give and bequeath unto Edwin BURNETT of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset Gentleman and - Thomas Groves PAYNE of Bridport in the said County of Dorset  Accountant their heirs executors administrators and assigns and herein after called my Trustee All my real and personal estate whatsoever and where so ever and of what nature or kind so ever Upon Trust to allow my said wife the said Judith Beauly CHRISTOPHER to receive the annual income arising there from and to have use and enjoy the house in which I now reside and the household furniture and effects therein and to carry on my said business as Nurseryman as aforesaid for and during the term of her natural life and to use and employ for that purpose my personal effects as shall be used or employed therein And from and after her decease I give devise and bequeath my said house and premises known as "Elwell Nurseries" together with the Capital and effects together with whatever may be owing me from my Brother in Law Henry SUMMERS of Portland in the said County of Dorset unto my Son Joseph Summers CHRISTOPHER for his own absolute use and benefit Also I give and devise from and after the decease of my said wife All that house and premises situate and being at Broadwey and now in the occupation of George STRANGE together with the Garden Ground adjoining and now in my own occupation and known as "Walcroft" and also my two houses at Upwey in several occupations of Wightman and my daughter Elizabeth Ann TOWNSEND Unto my said daughter the said Elizabeth Ann TOWNSEND absolutely and for her own absolute use and benefit I also give and devise after the decease of my said wife All those my two Villa Residences situate and being at Broadwey aforesaid and now in the several occupations of Miss BENNETT and the Reverend WATSON and known as "Royston Villa" and "Montrose Villa" together with the dwelling house and premises at Upwey aforesaid and now in the occupation of my son Enock James CHRISTOPHER and used as a Grocers shop and Post Office unto my said Son the said Enock James CHRISTOPHER absolutely and for his own use and benefit All the rest residue and remainder of my real and personal state whatsoever and wheresoever I give devise and bequeath unto my said two sons and daughter namely:- the said Joseph Summers Christopher, Enock James CHRISTOPHER and Elizabeth Ann TOWNSEND in equal shares as tenants in common And I appoint the said Edwin BURNETT, Thomas Groves PAYNE and my wife the said Judith Beauly CHRISTOPHER Executors and Executrix of this my Will I direct that this my Will shall be considered to contain the clauses for indemnity of Trustees and appointment of new trustees and all other powers and clauses relating to Wills contained in the Act as 22 and 23 Victoria Chapter 35 and the 23 and 24 Victoria Chapter 145 Provided always and I hereby declare that the said Edwin BURNETT who is a practicing Attorney shall be entitled to make Professional Charges for any business which may be done by him with reference to this my Will or the trusts powers and provisions thereof as fully as if he had not been appointed a Trustee or Executor of this my Will and shall be entitled to retain or receive from his Co Trustees out of the said Trust moneys the full amount of such charges respectively In witness whereof I have signed my name at the end of this my Will contained in this and the preceding sheet of paper this twenty fourth day of October One Thousand eight hundred and eighty seven



Signed by the said Joseph CHRISTOPHER as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

T CHURCHILL Upwey Station Porter

George STRANGE Carpenter Etc Broadwey


On the 14th day of April 1893 Probate of this Will was granted at Blandford to Edwin BURNETT Thomas Groves PAYNE and Judith Beauly CHRISTOPHER, The Executors


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