East Compton [Compton Valence]

West Compton [Compton Abbas]

Nether Compton

Over Compton





Compton Vallence [or East Compton] is a small agricultural village and parish, in the petty sessional division of Bridport, liberty of Frampton, Dorchester Union and county court district, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset and rural deanery of Dorchester first portion, 8 miles west-by-north from Dorchester, and 3 miles south from Maiden Newton station on the Great Western Railway. The church of St Thomas is a stone building, consisting of chancel, nave, and north aisle with square tower, clock and 4 bells: with the exception of the tower it was rebuilt and a north aisle added in the year 1839: the style of architecture is of the fifteenth century: it is remarkable for the massiveness of the walls and pillars, the dark oak roof and seats, and the stone vaulting of the chancel: the pulpit is of Bath stone, and there is a fine toned organ. The register dates from the year 1710. The living is a rectory, yearly value £340, with residence in the gift of Robert Williams esq. and held by Rev. Septimus Hobbs. The rectory house was rebuilt in 1872-3. A little feeder of the Frome rises in the rectory grounds. There is a small school for children of both sexes. Mockett's charity of 17s. 6d. yearly is for bread. Robert Williams esq. is lord of the manor and sole land owner. The soil is gravel and clay; subsoil, chalk and gravel. The chief crops are corn and pasture. The area is 1298 acres; ratable value £1416; the population in 1871 was 146.

Parish Clerk, James Meech

Post Office. Thomas Hutchins, receiver, Letters from Dorchester through Maiden Newton, received 10.a.m. & dispatched at 4.30.p.m. The nearest money order office is at Maiden Newton.

Davis, Mrs

Hobbs, Rev. Septimus, rector

Chick, John, farmer

Hutchings, Thomas, carpenter

Neale, Elias, thatcher.


West Compton [or Compton Abbas] is a parish in the petty sessional sub-division and hundred of Cerne, Dorchester Unions and county court district, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset, and rural deanery of Bridport first portion, 9 miles west-north-west from Dorchester and 3½ south from Maiden Newton station, on the Great Western railway. Compton Abbas derives its adjunct from having once formed part of Milton Abbey, and is termed West Compton from its position relative to East Comptom. The Church of St Michael is a small modern stone building in the Early English style, and consists of chancel and nave, The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a discharged rectory, yearly value £157, with residence, in the gift of R Williams esq. and held by Rev. Randolph Charles Marriott M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. The trustees of the late Joseph Davis are lords of the manor. The land is the property of Lord Wynford and others. The soil is gravel; subsoil, gravel and chalk. The chief crops are corn and some land in pasture, The area is 846 acres; ratable value, £1080; the population in 1971 was 98.

Parish Clerk George Russell

Letters are received through Dorchester by foot post from Maiden Newton, which is the nearest money order office.

School, Miss Annie Foley, mistress

Marriott, Rev. Ralp. Chas. M.A. [rector]

Crabb, Albert, dairyman

Lock, James, dairyman

Miller, Alfred, dairyman

Oliver, John, farmer

Nether Compton is a parish on the Somersetshire border, in the petty sessional division, hundred and union of Sherborne, county court district of Yeovil, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset, and rural deanery of Shaftesbury third portion. 3 miles north-east from Yeovil junction station on the South Western railway. The church of St Nicholas is a small building in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave and south porch, with a square tower. The register dates from the year 1813. The living is a discharged rectory, a peculiar of the Dean of Salisbury, united to the rectory of Over Compton, joint yearly value £300, in the gift of John Goodden esq., and held by the Rev. Wyndham Jeane Goodden M.A. of Oriel College Oxford/ Here is a Congregational Chapel. John Goodden esq. Is lord of the manor and the principal land owner. The soil is light loam sub-soil clay. The land is chiefly pasture; The area is 892 acres; ratable value £1914; the population in 1871 was 401.

Stalen and Court Ash are half a mile south-east; Chorlock Hill, one mile north-east;

Parish Clerk, John Bowles.

Post Office. James Harding, receiver. Letters arrive by messenger from Sherborne at 9.00.a.m. dispatched at 5.30.p.m. The nearest money order office is at Sherborne.

National School, Miss Julia Wingrove, mistress

Goodden, Rev. Wyndham Jeane M.A. J.P. [rector], Rectory

Arnold, Robert, boot & shoe maker

Collins, George, shopkeeper

Curry, Robert Hutchings, butcher

Gillard, John, farmer

Hull, Henry Best, Builder & wheelwright

Hunt, George, foreman to H.B.Hull steam saw mills

Hyde, William, Halfway House

Laver, John, farmer, Bucklers

Pring, James, farmer

Sawtell, Charles, farmer

Thorne, George, stone mason

Vaux, William, beer retailer.



Over Compton is a parish on the Somersetshire border, in the petty sessional division, hundred and union of Sherborne, county court district of Yeovil, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset, and rural deanery of Shaftesbury third portion. 3½ miles west-north-west from Sherborne, and 3 east-by-north from Yeovil. The church of St Michael is a small stone building in the Norman style, and consists of chancel with chapel, nave, tower and south porch. The register dates from the year [     ]. The living is a rectory, annexed to that of Nether Compton, joint yearly value about £300, in the gift of John Goodden esq. And held by the Rev. Wyndham Deane Goodden M.A. of Oriel College Oxford. Compton House is the seat of John Goodden esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor and principal land owner. The soil is light loam; subsoil clay. The chief crops are corn and pasture. The area is 788 acres; ratable value £1736; the population in 1871 was 127.

Babylon Hill is 1 mile south-west

Parish Clerk, John Bowles

Letters arrive from Sherborne, which is the nearest money order office.

Goodden, Capt John Robert P. J.P. Compton House

Goodden, John, D.L., J.P. Compton House

Corry, John, miller

Corry, Robert, farmer

Trood, John, farmer