Coombe Keynes

These transcripts were made by Mr Barry CHINCHEN from the original documents held at Dorset Record Office, and have been given by him for use on Dorset-OPC.

 "The formatting was not exact as I had to convert the files into Word from Ami-pro where the

 pages were landscape and in two columns. I sent transcripts of the two different parishes as,

 rather oddly, Dorset Record Office have mixed up Wool and Coombe Keynes because the

early Coombe Keynes Register included Wool.  I included entries from the Bishop's Transcripts to fill in gaps and rearranged entries into date order."  -  Barry CHINCHEN


Coombe Keynes Burials


15        Mar            John Chisman

27        Mar            Elinor wife of John Chisman


15        Jul            Edethe Gold, widow

10        Jun            Morgan Mowlam

15        Jan            Jane Flower

30        Jan            John Hichcocke

12        Feb            John Payne

11        Mar            Elizabeth daughter of William Turbervile, gentleman


         Jun            Jane Dubicke

16        Jun            Elenor Hudd

         Dec            Elizabeth wife of Thomas Boyer

         Dec            Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Boyer

11        Dec            Edeth Morley


26        Apr            Nicholas Rogers

         May            William Austin

12        May            Katherine wife of William Austin

29        May            Thomas Elvington, gentleman

16        Jun            Grace Pecke

25        Jun            Leanard Golde

         Jul            Mary Elvington

10        Aug            Mary Summer


         Apr            Edeth Blackemore

12        Apr            Mary Diat

         Jul            Richard abase born child

29        Aug            George Harvy

18        Nov            John Maracle

11        Jan            Robert Cleeves

         Mar            Johnson of John Christmas       

14        Mar            Thomas Gold


         Apr            Agnes Gold

15        Apr            Elinor daughter of Roger Cobb

24        Apr            A walking man


27        Apr            Edeth wife of Richard Flower

25        Jul            Thomas son of John Bascome

27        Jul            William Martin


14        May            Matthewson of Roger Cole

30        May            Thomas Huntly, gentleman

         Jun            Elizabeth, wife of John Dollen

         Jul            Elizabeth Pillard

11        Sep            Grace Grinborne

-           -               Robertson of William Salter of Combe Keynes

1599 continued

25        Oct            Thomas Reade

16        Nov            Thomas Bascomb

         Jan            Jone Bishop alias Veale

27        Jan            James Pusse


11        May            David Talbot

27        May            Gilliam Strecth

         Oct            Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Russell

         Dec            Isabell Read

24        Jan            Margaret Duie

14        Jan            Edith George

-           -               Thomas Summer


         May            Elinor Cob

         May            Sislye wife of John Talbotte

29        Aug            John Rawles of Combe Keynes

25        Feb            Jone wife of Nicholas Moore

15        Mar            Mary wife of William Dubecke


         Jun            Thomas Browne

         Aug            Thomas Bishop alias Veake

         Aug            John Duie

         Sep            Giles Sturton Esqr.

         Sep            John b.b.son of Edeth Harte

         Mar            Hugh b.b.son of Sarah Flower


         Apr            Christian Bascomb

15        Apr            Jone Gold, widow

20        Apr            Christian, wife of Thomas Bishop

         May            Mary, wife of Humfry Wrathe

         May            Agnes, wife of William Penny

         May            Richard Flower

         Jun            Margaret Bishop alias Veake

10        Jun            Johnson of Robert Lambert

22        Jun            Richardson of John Trenchefield

29        Jul            Jone, wife of Henry Mitchell

         Aug            Agnes, wife of John Presly

11        Aug            Henry Mitchell

20        Aug            Susan, second wife of John Talbot

31        Oct            Morgan Briant of Wimborne, died at Burton, buried at Wool

29        Nov            Edeth wife of William Freborne

30        Jan            Elinor daughter of Robert Haite


19        May            Henryson of John Chisman

         Sep            Johnson of Marshfield

30        Oct            Anne daughter of Henry Hodges

27        Jan            Hugh White

         Feb            Thomas son of William Salter

26        Feb            Richard Ouffe of Bindon

         Mar            Avis wife of John Russell


         Apr            Edeth wife of John Haiward

21        May            John Laurence

         Aug            Thomas Bishop

14        Aug            Rabidge Payne

22        Aug            Thomas son of Thomas Hunt

30        Dec            James Dennet

13        Feb            Henry Morley

10        Mar            Richard Dollen



11        Apr            Roger Cob

12        Apr            William Urben

         Jun            Henry Clenton of Bindon

23        Aug            Thomas How

30        Nov            John Draper, servant at Bindon

         Dec            John Eyles, servant to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Bindon, at Wool

         Jan            John Talbot

25        Dec            Robertson of William Salter of Combe Keynes

11        Nov            Jane daughter of William Dewbecke

13        Jan            Elizabeth Faulkner, widow


         May            Johnson of John Haiward

28        Jan            Tomsey, wife of John Haiward

11        Feb            Thomas son of Nicholas Moore

11        Feb            Johnson of Gabriell Lane

12        Feb            Edith daughter of Gabriell Lane

20        Mar            George  son of Thomas Hunt


13        May            Agnis Dollen

20        May            Mr Segrave, died at Bindon, buried at Wool

15        Jun            Andrew Jessop

17        Feb            Nicholas Wilkinges, porter at Bindon, buried at Wool

         Mar            Gillian Grosse, widow


20        May            Briantson of Edeth Harte

15        Jun            John Haiward

         Jul            John Scutte

10        Sep            Thomas son of Edmond Snooke

         Oct            Johnson of John Bascombe

10        Oct            Anne Talbott, widow

15        Nov            Rose Surgin alias Dewbeck, wife of William Dewbecke

16        Mar            Matthew son of Thomas Hunt

17        Mar            Jone Falle


22        Apr            Mrs Avis Turbervile wife of George Turbervile

11        Aug            Jone, wife of Robert Cleeves of Combe Keynes

         Nov            Elizabeth Sudden

17        Oct            Edward son of Richard Hudd

18        Nov            Elizabeth Carpenter, widow


26        Mar            Thomas Tapp - Vicar of Combe Keynes & Wool

15        Apr            Robert Springe

28        May            Johnson of Thomas Seale 

         Jul            Alice Summer, widow

         Jul            Alice Fivian alias Haggard

         Aug            Jane, wife of Thomas Cobbe

11        Aug            William Dewbecke

12        Nov            Gillian daughter of Giles Toope

15        Dec            Catery Duie

18        Mar            Jone daughter of Thomas Turbervile, gentleman


14        Apr            Ames wife of John Pecke

14        Apr            Susan daughter of Percefall Barnes

         Jun            Roger Butashe of Woolbridge

27        Jun            Agnis daughter of Agnis Dennet, widow

         Jul            Thomas Homer

11        Jul            William Elmes

12        Aug            Michael Rogers

22        Apr            Priscilla Pusse

24        Jun            Margaret Tapp, widow of Combe Keynes

1612 continued

         Sep            Margaret wife of Gilbert Biles of Combe Keynes

29        Nov            John Cleaves of Combe Keynes

         Mar            Edeth wife of John Marsfield of Wool


26        Jun            Alice, wife of William Salter of Combe Keynes

30        Aug            Anne Cleeves widow of Combe Keynes

         Feb            Clement base born son of Ideth Duie

25        Sep            Edeth Bascombe of Wool

24        Mar            Mary, wife of Richard Harden of Wool

16        Sep            Jane Sapley, widow of Wool

24        Mar            Isabell Pusse


21        Apr            Francis son of George Jacob of Wool

         May            Mabell Joyner alias Seale daughter of Thomas Joyner of Bindon at Wool

14        Jan            Johnson of George Standley of Wool

16        Jan            George son of Nicholas Russell

17        Jan            Alice wife of Nicholas Hamme of Combe Keynes

20        Feb            Edward son of Henry Haggard


         Jun            Margaret daughter of Henry Steventon of Wool

18        Jul            John Marsfield of Wool

         Jul            Melasant Rawles, widow of Combe Keynes

11        Jul            Henry Steventon of Wool

31        Aug            Elizabeth Fivian, widow of Wool

28        Sep            Jone Sturton, widow of Wool

17        Jan            Edith daughter of Henry Haggard of Wool

14        Jan            Robert Gold of Wool


24        May            Peterson of Hugh Rickettes of Combe Keynes

16        Sep            Alice Linnington, widow of Wool

         Oct            Grace daughter of Nicholas Coomes of Combe Keynes

17        Oct            Johnson of James Bishop of Combe Keynes

29        Oct            Francis Pollardof Wool

         Nov            Johnson of Thomas Springe of Combe

24        Jan            Margery wife of James Wrathe of Wool


16        Apr            Clement Griffin of Boventon at Wool

23        Apr            Nicholas Flower of Wool

         May            Thomas Seely of Bindon at Wool

24        Jun            Richard Farre of Combe Keynes

28        Sep            Henry son of Henry Golde of Wool

         Oct            Sisly daughter of Henry Golde of Wool

12        Oct            Henry Golde of Wool

11        Nov            Richard Hudde of Wool

17        Nov            Jane, wife of William Bascombe

28        Nov            Elinor, wife of Thomas Flower of Wool

10        Feb            Johnson of John Pecke of Wool

17        Feb            Amosson of Ann Pillard, widow of Wool


         Apr            Avis, wife of John Salter of Combe Keynes

         Aug            John Becke of Wool

25        Oct            Edethe Reede of Wool

24        Nov            Alice, wife of Henry Haggard of Wool

30        Nov            Henryson of Henry Haggard of Wool

         Jan            Emma, wife of John Dollen of Wool


         Jun            Grace daughter of William Woodman

29        Dec            Sicelie daughter of Thomas Cole of Wool

         Jan            William Marfield of Wool

         Jan            Elinor, wife of James Bishoppe of Combe Keynes

14        Jan            Anne Hore of Wool

24        Jan            John Bascombe of Wool

30        Jan            Christian Morley of Wool

         Feb            Edeth, wife of Thomas Smithe of Wool

25        Feb            Edward Marfield of Wool


19        Apr            James Bishoppe of Combe Keynes

17        May            Gillian, wife of Henry Bartlet

21        May            Elizabeth Marshe, widow of Combe Keynes

         Jun            Andrew Brookes of Combe Keynes

         Jul            Thomas son of Mary Bascombe of Wool

29        Apr            Henry Hogges of Wool

         May            John Smith

28        May            William Freborne of Wool

21        Oct            Joan Pusse

28        Feb            Joan Cole

         Jan            Gefford Salter

25        Jun            Katherine George

21        Jun            John Burgon of Wool


         Jul            Hester Comes

         May            Edith Webbe of Wool

18        Jun            Honour Simmons of Boventon

21        Jun            Agnes Harding at Wool


21        Apr            Joane Flower

10        May            Anne Simmons of Boventon

27        Jun            John Locke alias Haynes

30        Oct            Henry Haggardof Wool

11        Nov            William Faulkner of Wool

18        Nov            Elizaeth Marsfeild, widow of Wool

19        Dec            Richard Webbe of Wool

28        Dec            Joane daughter of Thomas Bascombe

         Jan            James Wrathe of Burton Mill

12        Jan            Frances, wife of Edward Gower

22        Jan            Joane White of Woolbridge

23        Jan            Thomas Flower of Wool

14        Feb            Mary Bascombe, widow of Wool


16        Apr            George Jacob

         Aug            Alice daughter of William Urvin

26        Sep            Frances daughter of Thomas Austin at Wool

11        Oct            John Cheeseman

11        Jan            John Dolling at Wool

12        Jan            Joane, wife of Bryan Smith at Wool

24        Jan            Magdalen daughter of William Faulkner at Wool


         Apr            Thomas Foxwell

17        Oct            Elizabeth, wife of Hercules Hore of Wool

         Feb            Thomas Salter

21        Feb            John Hodder of Wool


         Apr            Margery Marshfield at Wool

         Apr            Alice Gold, widow of Wool

         Jun            Temperance, wife of Alexander Eyres of Wool

         Dec            Frances daughter of William Woodman of Wool

         Dec            Emme daughter of George Standly of Wool

16        Dec            Nicholas son of John Mountier of Wool

26        Dec            Edward Fowen of East Burton Mill, gentleman at Wool



         Apr            Edeth Cheapman, widow of Wool

19        Apr            Barbara, wife of Humfrey Wrathe of Wool

30        Apr            Magdalen, wife of Anthony Harte of Wool

         Jun            Thomas son of Henry Bascome at Wool

28        Jun            Ann, wife of John Speere of Wool

         Jul            Agnis Foxill of Wool

15        Aug            Elizabeth daughter of Mitchell Langford of Wool

24        Aug            Robert Frampton of Burton Mill, gent. in the Chancel at Wool

         Oct            Francis Reade of Wool

         Jan            Temperance Snellen, servant at Woolbridge

28        Feb            Edmond Snooke of Wool

22        Mar            Eideth daughter of Nicerlace Coomes

20        Oct            Joane daughter of Edmond Snooke of Wool

16        Jul            Katherine daughter of James Hooper, gent. of Boventon at Wool


27        Mar            Elizabeth, wife of Charles Bishop of Combe Keynes

         Apr            Siclie, wife of John Gill of Wool

22        Apr            Humphry Chapman of Wool

         Jun            Agnes Snook, widow at Wool

29        Jun            Honour, wife of Briant Smith of Wool

         Jul            Katherin daughter of William Hurst  of Wool

23        Jul            Williamson of Henry Bascombe

17        Sep            Johnson of Nicholas Coomes of Wool

26        Sep            Edeth Veake alias Bishop at Wool

27        Dec            George Hurst of Burton Mill in the parish of Bindon at Wool

21        Feb            Eideth Hart of Wool


16        Jun            John Jessop of Bindon

11        Jul            Lucy Ailes of Bovington in the Parish of Bindon at Wool

10        Sep            Mary Hodges widow of Wool

28        Jan            Joan Shepheard, widow of Combe Keynes

         Feb            Mary, wife of John Giles of Combe keynes

         Feb            Robert Smith of Hefelton at Combe Keynes

10        Mar            Alice daughter of Henry Snooke of Combe Keynes


         Oct            Gilbert Biles of Combe Keynes

19        Nov            William Bascombe of Wool

13        Feb            Elizabeth, wife of William Adams the younger of Wool


11        May            John Mountyer of Wool

23        May            Thomas Furmage of Wool

16        Jul            Nicholas Buckler at Wool

         Aug            Margaret Smithe at Wool

         Aug            John Speere at Wool

22        Aug            Alice Foote at Combe Keynes

         Sep            Humfry Wrath

25        Oct            Elizabeth Freborne at Wool

         Dec            Ann Spring at Combe Keynes

22        Jan            Giles Toope at Wool

22        Feb            Richard Cooke of Burton Mill at Wool


17        Jun            Elizabeth, wife of John Salter at Combe Keynes

         Jul            Elizabeth daughter of John Salter at Combe Keynes

18        Sep            Joan daughter of William Bascombe, mason of Wool

18        Oct            Margaret Hodges of Wool

18        Oct            Jane Fletcher died at Woolbridge, buried at Wool for ease of carriage to East Stoke

25        Jan            Robert Pusse of Wool

19        Feb            Thomas son of Robert & Sisly Golde at Wool

19        Mar            Joan Pecke, widow of Wool



18        Jul            Johnson of John Phelpes of Bindon at Wool

18        Sep            Luce wife of William Snooke at Wool

23        Sep            Edmondson of William & Luce Snooke as above

15        Oct            Nicholasson of Nicholas Hudd at Wool

26        Jan            Margaret Jollife the younger at Wool

28        Jan            Deborah Hodder, servant at Woolbridge, burnt to death by falling into an Cart? on fire at Woolbridge after Coroner Mr Robert Smarte had satt upon her.

         Mar            Margaret Jollife the elder


27        Mar            Sicilie daughter of Henry Berlett the younger of Combe Keynes

28        Mar            Penelope, wife of James Hooper, gent. of Boventon at Wool buried in the common passage in the church going up to the chancel, directly against the South window

13        Jun            Gregory Evans of Wool

12        Dec            Elizabeth Hodgerd of Wool

         Feb            Johnson of Nicholas & Edeth Coombes at Wool

11        Feb            Joan daughter of Nicholas & Edeth Coombes at Wool

11        Feb            Thomas  son of Thomas & Katherin Gill of Wool


         Apr            Charitie, wife of Briant Smith of Wool

22        Apr            Joane Bascombe, widow of Wool

28        Apr            Joan daughter of Thomas (the younger) & Joan Cole of Wool

         May            Johnson of John & Elizabeth Popham at Wool

21        May            Henry  son of Henry & Joan Bascombe of Wool

21        Jun            Ann, wife of Henry Barlett the younger of Come Keynes

21        Jun            Lidia daughter of John & Joan True of Burton Mill who was born at

        Wareham, buried at Wool

         Jul            Thomas son of Henry Barlett the younger of Come Keynes

22        Jul            Henry Barlett  the elder of Combe Keynes

20        Sep            Margaret Fepphard? of Combe Keynes

16        Sep            Joane wife of William Furmage of Wool

14        Nov            Richard Hardye of Wool

22        Dec            Jane Toopes, widow

         Dec            Elizabeth daughter of Henry Bascomb of Wool

         Jan            Ann Hodges of Wool

12        Mar            Barbara, wife of Thomas Furmage of Wool


31        Mar            Elliceson of Ellice Burte of Bindon - clerk

         Apr            Susan daughter of William Furmage of Wool

10        Apr            Nicholas Hud of Wool

24        Apr            Alice Hud, widow of Wool

         May            Thomas son of Thomas & Katherine Gill of Wool

         May            George son of William & Joan Hodder of Wool

27        May            Jone daughter of Jone Hardy of Wool

         Jul            John Speere of Wool

29        Aug            Honour, wife of Andrew Hogges of Wool

19        Sep            Joan Mountier widow of Wool

         Oct            Christian wife of Henry Golde of Wool

         Nov            Williamson of Robert Haite of Wool

15        Jan            Agnes daughter of Hercules & Elizabeth Hoare of Wool

         Mar            James son of James & Christian Golde of Combe Keynes

10        Mar            Williamson of Thomas & Julia Springe of Wool

10        Mar            Agnes wife of Anthony Barefote of Hearfelton at Wool

24        Mar            Anne his wife ? of Wool


16        Apr            Agnis, wife of Robert Reape of Wool

24        May            Margaret Cob, widow of Wool

20        Jan            Katherine, wife of Thomas Gill of Wool

10        Feb            Arthurson of John & Magdalen Phelpes

15        Feb            Edeth. wife of Nicholas Vincent of Wool

17        Feb            Henry Golde the elder at Wool

1636 continued

         Mar            Briant Smithe of Wool

12        Mar            Williamson of Ellice & Alice Burt - clerk of Bindon at Wool

20        Mar            Jone daughter of John & Margaret James at Wool


         Apr            Thomas Adams of Woodstead

10        Apr            John Giles of Combe Keynes

25        May            Williamson of John & Margaret James of Wool

         Aug            Richardson of William & Frances Woodman of Wool

         Sep            James Hooper gentleman of Boventon in the Church at Wool

14        Sep            Williamson of Thomas & Meabel Simons

         Dec            Margaret daughter of William & Tomsey Dollen of Combe Keynes


19        Jun            John Felpes d. at Woodsteade buried at Wool

13        Jul            George Turbervile gent. d. at his house in Wool on Sunday about 10 of the clock at most July 8th, buried the Friday following in the Church at Wool

26        Jul            Edith wife of Nicholas Coombes

30        Jul            Nicholas son of John Phippit

         Aug            Ralphe Turner

29        Aug            Margaret Hodder

13        Sep            William Radcliffe

         Oct            Elizabeth daughter of William Furmage

14        Oct            Thomas Dollen at Combe Keynes  [entered in two places]

14        Oct            Thomas Dollen buried at Combe Keynes

16        Oct            Grace Hart

30        Oct            Anthony Hart

         Jan            John Phippit

28        Jan            Elice Burt Chaplain at Bindon buried at Wool

11        Jan            Richardson of George Russell at Wool

         Jan            Edith daughter of Henry Gold of Combe Keynes buried at Wool

26        Jan            Edith daughter of Henry Goldof Combe Keynes [entered in three places]

30        Jan            Edith daughter of Henry Gold

11        Feb            Richard Russell at Wool


         Apr            Adamson of George Smedmore died at Bindon, buried at Wool

17        Apr            Nicholas Vincent at Wool

25        Apr            Elizabeth wife of Nathaniel Harden of Wool

         May            William Frost of Combe Keynes

10        Jun            Joan wife of Henry Bascombe

         Jul            Robert Gillat

26        Aug            Jone Harding

26        Aug            Mary daughter of Hugh & Barbara Rogers

18        Oct            Jone daughter of Robert Gold

29        Oct            Susan Adams

         Nov            John Popham

         Nov            Elizabeth daughter of Oliver Laurence gent. of Tolpuddle at Wool

20        Nov            Charity base born daughter of Frances Peck at Combe   

27        Dec            Jane Holmer

         Mar            Elioner Hellier of East Lulworth at Wool

         Mar            Frances Peck at Wool

12        Mar            Alice daughter of William Bascombe


         May            Catharine daughter of Richard & Pasche Meadway curate at Combe Keynes

13        Sep            Robertson of Hugh & Barbara Rogers at Wool

15        Sep            Matthew Turbervile, gent. of Knighton in Winfrith, buried at Wool at his own request

30        Sep            Roger George at Wool

19        Nov            Edeth Day at Wool

         Jan            Edith daughter of Henry & Edith Bascombe at Wool

         Jan            Cicely wife of Robert Gould at Wool

18        Jan            Margaret wife of Thomas Cole the elder of Wool

         Feb            Joan wife of Thomas Hayte of Wool

20        Feb            Thomas son of Thomas & Frances Gill at Wool

16        Mar            Johnson of George & Jone Smith at Wool


         Mar            George son of Nicholas & Mary Hicks at Wool

         Apr            Thomas Smith at Wool

         May            William Smith, miller of Byndon at Wool

21        Jul            Mary wife of Robert Gould the younger

17        Aug            Jane, wife of George Gould at Wool

13        Sep            Mary daughter of William & Mary Dewey

18        Sep            Anthony Jacob at Wool

         Oct            Michell Rogers, widow at Wool

16        Oct            Robert Hodder at Wool

         Nov            Elizabeth Ratliffe widow at Wool

14        Dec            Thomas Cole the elder at Wool

28        Dec            Grace wife of William Adams at Wool

17        Jan            Elionor wife of John Salter at Combe Keynes

21        Jan            Thomas son of William & Jane Salter at Wool

         Mar            Susan Furmage widow at Wool


17        May            Margaret Phelps widow at Wool

         Jun            Maud daughter of Francis & Alice Sexey

30        Jun            Rebecka daughter of George & Elizabeth Smedmore of Byndon at Wool

14        Sep            Robert George at Wool

         Oct            Edeth daughter of the widow Speare at Wool

         Nov            Margaret daughter of Nicholas & Rabidge Brasfield at Wool


29        Mar            Thomas son of William & Maud Penny

20        Jul            Cicily wife of Thomas Austin the younger of Wool

17        Sep            Richard Meadway, clerk & curate of Combe Keynes buried in the chancel

20        Nov            Henry son of John & Margaret Hurst of Byndon at Wool

21        Nov            Johnson of Edward & Elizabeth Galton - vicar, born & baptised at Winfrith  11 Jan 1642

25        Nov            Christian wife of James Gould of Wool

         Dec            Margaret daughter of William & Jone Hodder

         Dec            Alice daughter of Nicholas & Mary Hicks

14        Jan            Petronel daughter of Robert & Dorothy Dewey

18        Jan            Alice daughter of William & Grace Snooke

18        Jan            Agnes daughter of William & Grace Snooke

21        Jan            George son of William & Grace Snooke

29        Jan            William  son of Andrew & Elizabeth Hodges

29        Jan            One Parliament Soldier belonging to the Garrison of Wareham slain by his Majesty's forces belonging to the garrison of Lulworth Castle in the parish of East Lulworth

30        Jan            Three others of the same garrison of Wareham

         Feb            George  son of John & Elizabeth Jacob

14        Feb            Jane daughter of Robert & Margaret Gould

15        Feb            William Meade of Wool

         Mar            Alice George widow at Wool

14        Mar            Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth Burt


         Apr            Robert Hill Steward to the W. Humphrey Weld of Bindon at Wool

         Apr            Johnson of William & Jane Salter at Wool

         Apr            Edward Dunning servant to George Mullens of Boventon at Wool

10        Apr            Samuel Paine one of the soldiers of the Garrison of Wool accidentally broke his neck over the cliff at West Lulworth at Wool

10        Apr            Sarah daughter of John & Alice Steventon at Wool

22        Apr            Jone daughter of John & Jone Bascombe at Wool

24        Apr            William Bascombe at Wool

25        Apr            Robert Gould of Wool

26        Apr            Mary wife of Henry Sea of Wool

         May            James son of Giles & Margaret Talbott at Wool

         May            Margaret relict of Robert Gould at Wool

1644 continued

16        May            Alice White of Stafford near Dorchester at Wool

16        May            Elizabeth Sumner of New Town, Combe Keynes

21        May            Alice daughter of Hugh & Barbara Rogers of Wool

         Jun            Thomas Cole at Wool

         Jun            John Burges alias Steventon at Wool

18        Jun            Hercules Hoare at Wool

24        Jun            Richard Talbot at Wool

28        Jul            Henry Gould at the Church-hatch  at Wool

21        Aug            William Woodman at Wool

28        Aug            Edith relict of Richard Talbot

10        Oct            John Butash at Wool

19        Oct            Joan wife of William Hurst of Wool

         Nov            Robert Cleeves of Combe Keynes

23        Nov            Nicholas Russell of Wool

29        Nov            Alice daughter of Elizabeth Smith, widow at Wool

11        Dec            Elizabeth Smith, widow of Wool

15        Dec            Frances wife of Henry Cleeves of Combe Keynes

12        Jan            Robert Hayte of Wool

12        Feb            Elionor daughter of Thomas & Elionor Goves of Boventon at Wool

25        Feb            Margaret Maynard, widow of Stoborough at Combe Keynes

14        Mar            Ann wife of Briant Dewey of Wool

16        Mar            Robert Sea at Wool

17        Mar            Thomsey wife of William Furmage of Wool

21        Mar            Alice wife of William Bascombe of Wool


30        Apr            Avis Lewis of New Town, Combe Keynes

         Jun            Thomas Gill at Wool

         Jun            Briant Dewey at Wool

14        Jun            Agnes Burgen alias Steventon

         Aug            Elizabeth Dike, widow of Wareham at Wool

26        Aug            John Smith the elder of Combe Keynes

17        Sep            Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth Barnes of Wool at Wool

         Oct            Thomas son of Francis & Alice Sexey at Wool

20        Oct            Elizabeth daughter of John & Margaret Hurst of Byndon at Wool

11        Jan            Joane Cleeves widow of Combe Keynes

11        Jan            James son of Giles & Margaret Talbott at Wool

19        Jan            Henry Bartlet of Newtown, Combe Keynes

26        Jan            William son of John & Barbara Smith of Wool

         Feb            Georgeson of George & Jone Dewey at Wool

10        Feb            Margaret daughter of Thomas Peck of Wool

12        Feb            Margery daughter of Benjamin & Margaret Williams of Combe Keynes

13        Feb            Thomasin daughter of Elizabeth Hoare, widow at Wool

15        Feb            Barbara daughter of George & Joane Smith at Wool

19        Feb            Roger son of William & Mary George of Wool

24        Mar            George son of John & Elizabeth Jacob of Wool


21        May            John son of Nicholas & Mary Hicks at Wool

         Jul            John son of Thomas & Julian Springe

18        Dec            Roger son of George & Jone Hayte

22        Jan            William Hurst at Wool

12        Jan            Grace daughter of George & Joane Dewey at Wool

         Feb            Mary daughter of Francis & Alice Sexey

         Mar            James?son of John & Jane Holmer


20        May            John son of Nicholas & Mary Hicks

         Jul            Robert Brooke at Combe Keynes

         Aug            Margaret daughter of John & Joan Snooke

27        Sep            Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Priscilla Moore

27        Oct            David son of - & Judith Elliott at Wool died at Milborne St.Andrews

21        Nov            Thomas Govis of Bovington at Wool


1647 continued

10        Dec            Eustace Smith one of the children of the people at Wool

         Dec            John son of John & Elizabeth Salter the younger of Combe Keynes

14        Jan            William Adams

16        Jan            Thomas Austin the elder at Wool

         Feb            Alice Chisman, widow at Wool

26        Feb            Ann daughter of John & Joane Smedmore at Wool

         Mar            William  son of Thomas Hayte of Wool

         Mar            Richard Semor servant of Thomas Smedmore at Wool

15        Mar            Catherine daughter of George & Joane Dewey at Wool


         Jun            Alice wife of William Furmage at Wool

29        Jun            Thomas Spring the elder of Combe Keynes at Wool

28        Jul            Gertrude Edwards, widow at Wool

         Sep            Judeth Pusse widow at Wool

         Sep            Mary Gould widow at Wool

         Nov            Hugh Rogers at Wool

         Nov            Mary Bascombe at Wool

11        Nov            Agnes wife of Thomas Mountyer the elder at Wool

26        Nov            Catherine wife of Thomas Rawles of Combe Keynes

24        Dec            Elizabeth daughter of John Salter the younger of Combe Keynes

15        Jan            Henry Sea at Wool

         Feb            Joane daughter of Robert Reape of Wool


24        Apr            Alice wife of George Stanley at Wool

26        Apr            Mary daughter of Thomas (the younger) & Elizabeth Peck

         May            Henry son of Nicholas & Mary Hicks at Wool

13        May            Mawd wife of William Peny at Wool

16        May            James son of Edward & Frances Cob at Wool

         Jul            Thomas son of George & Mary Mullins of Bovington at Wool

         Jul            Elionor daughter of Elionor Govis of Bovington at Wool

21        Sep            Johnson of Thomas Rawles of Combe Keynes

         Oct            Catharine daughter of John & Jone Holmer at Wool

15        Oct            Dorothy wife of James Tibbs of Byndon at Wool

28        Oct            Theophilus son of the widow Meadway of New Town at Combe Keynes

         Feb            George son of William Furmage of Wool


12        Apr            Timothy son of Thomas & Anne Smedmore of Wool

         Apr            Johnson of Thomas & Anne Smedmore at Wool

28        Apr            Prudence Jacob, widow at Wool

         May            Johnson of John Talbot at Wool

21        May            George Hayte of Wool

26        May            Johnson of Robert & Dorothy Hayte at Wool

29        May            Bridget wife of Edward Woodman

24        Jun            Thomas Pecke the elder

14        Sep            Elizabeth daughter of John & Elianor Mountyer at Wool

19        Dec            William Peny at Wool


31        Mar            Johnson of Andrew & Elizabeth Hodges  at Wool

         Apr            Andrew Hodges at Wool

         Apr            Barbara daughter of Andrew & Elizabeth Hodges at Wool

10        Apr            Nicholas Hicks of Wool

18        Apr            Elizabeth the relict of Andrew Hodges at Wool

23        Apr            Catharine daughter of John & Margaret Hurst of Byndon at Wool

27        Apr            William Furmage at Wool

28        Apr            Nicholas son of Nicholas & Agnes George at Wool

28        Apr            Francis son of Francis & Alice Sexey at Wool

30        Apr            Edith daughter of William Furmage (abovesaid)

         May            Elizabeth Hoare, widow at Wool

22        May            Thomas Austin at Wool

         Jun            William Hart d. at Bovington  buried at Wool


1651 continued

13        Jun            Thomas son of Sylvester & Joane Swyer of Winterborne Kingston in Bere Regis at Wool

22        Jun            George son of George & Grace Stanley at Wool

10        Jul            George Stanley at Wool

12        Jul            Edith wife of Henry Bascombe

30        Jul            Anne daughter of John & Elizabeth Burt

         Aug            Andrew son of George & Mary Mullins of Bovington

19        Sep            Joane daughter of William Hoare above mentioned, at Wool

         Oct            William Rogers at Wool

10        Oct            Thomas Christopher late trooper of the Parke of East Lulworth died at New Town, Combe Keynes

16        Oct            Cicely wife of Robert Dewey at Wool

         Nov            Mary wife of Thomas Mountier the elder at Wool

         Nov            Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Austin deceased & Dorothy his relict at Wool

         Feb            William Rogers son of William Rogers deceased & Barbara his relict at Wool


         Apr            Elizabeth Adams, widow at Wool

11        Jun            Agnes Speare daughter of Agnes Speare wife to William Bascombe at Wool

16        Sep            James Gould of Wool

19        Nov            Joane daughter of Thomas (the younger) & Joane Mountyer at Wool

         Nov            Joane Hayte, widow at Wool

28        Nov            Nathan Harding of Wool

28        Dec            Robert Reape at Wool

10        Mar            Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth Blanford at Wool


25        Apr            Jone daughter of George & Joane Smith at Wool

16        Jun            Johnson of John (the younger) & Elizabeth Salter of Combe Keynes

20        May            Mary wife of William Bennett, gent. d. at Bovington at Wool

28        Oct            John Hunt, servant to Thomas Hayet at Wool

12        Dec            Edward son of Edward Woodman

13        Jan            Joan Hait widow at Wool

26        Feb            William Dolling of Combe Keynes

         Mar            Joan wife of Thomas Mountyer at Wool


13        Apr            Elizabeth Galton eldest daughter of Edward Clavell of Winfrith gent and Mrs Bridget Turbervile  his wife, wife of Edward Galton Master of Arts Vicar of Combe Keynes & Wool died 11 Apr buried in the Chancel of Combe Keynes under the Broad stone on which the communion table stands.

14        Apr            Elizabeth Dolling, widow at Wool

26        May            Henry son of Thomas & Anne Smedmore at Wool

23        Aug            Grace Peck at Wool

11        Nov            Catharine wife of Thomas Phippet of New Town at Combe Keynes

29        Nov            Thomas son of John Salter of Combe Keynes

         Dec            John Cole at Combe

11        Dec            Williamson of John & Grace Cob at Wool

11        Jan            Elizabeth Russell, widow at Wool

24        Feb            Williamson of Nicholas & Margaret Gill of Byndon at Wool


27        Jun            Joane wife of Martin Sanders at Wool

15        Jul            Emme wife of Thomas Hancock at Wool

         Aug            Elizabeth daughter of William & Alice Mead at Wool

25        Aug            Thomas Peck at Wool

         Sep            -  Woodman at Wool

22        Oct            Margaret Smith, widow died at Wool, buried at Combe Keynes

26        Oct            Anne Cosens at Wool

28        Dec            Margaret Smith, widow at Wool


         Apr            Charles Bishop at Combe Keynes

17        Apr            Margaret wife of John James of Burton at Wool

         Jul            Alice Hurst widow at Wool

10        Sep            Joan wife of Benjamin Woodman at Wool

21        Nov            Thomas son of Robert & Dorothy Dewey


1656 continued

21        Sep            George Gould widower at Wool

27        Dec            William Mountyer at Wool

19        Feb            John Gill senior, died at Burton, buried at Wool

19        Mar            Joane wife of John Bascomb senior at Wool


         Apr            Catharine daughter of Margery Brook widow of Coomb Keynes

         Apr            Cicely daughter of [John] & Jane Snook at Wool

14        Jul            John Gill of Wool

19        Aug            Joan wife of George Peney at Wool

25        Sep            Mary daughter of John & Margaret Talbot at Wool

25        Sep            Elizabeth daughter of William & Mary George

30        Sep            Elizabeth daughter of Andrew Hodges at Wool

19        Nov            Grace daughter of William & Agnes Adams at Wool

         Dec            Andrew son of Andrew Hodges at Wool

20        Jan            Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Anne Smedmore at Wool

15        Feb            -  wife of William Gaylard of Heathelton in the parish of Eastoke

27        Feb            Cicily wife of Thomas Furmage senior of Wool

15        Mar            Elianor daughter of Francis & Alice Sexey at Wool

23        Mar            Joane wife of William Hodder at Wool


13        Apr            Hugh Ricket of Combe Keynes

23        Jun            Henry Salter of Combe Keynes

30        Jul            Dorothy daughter of Thomas & Sarah Pope of Bovington

19        Aug            Brian son of George Dewey at Wool

10        Sep            Johnson of Henry & Deborah James at Wool

27        Sep            Mabel Dewey widow of Wool

         Oct            Joseph Garland of Boventon within the parish of Wool at Wool

19        Nov            Robert Guy of Chalden died at Combe Keynes

10        Dec            Thomas Smedmore of Wool died at Dorchester, buried at Wool

10        Dec            Joan Mead, widow of Wool

11        Dec            Elizabeth daughter of John & Ann James at Wool

25        Dec            Elizabeth wife of John Cull at Wool


30        Mar            Anne Matthewes, widow at Wool

         Apr            William son of Thomas (junior) & Elizabeth Hayet

29        Apr            Robert Pount of West Burton, Winfrith at Wool

10        May            Alice Burt widow at Wool

14        May            Barbara Rogers, widow at Wool

         Jul            Agnes wife of Nicholas George at Wool

         Jun            Williamson of Anne Smedmore widow at Wool

         Aug            Johnson of John & Ann James at Wool

11        Aug            William Dewey at Wool

19        Oct            Angel wife of Andrew Brook of Combe Keynes

24        Oct            Sarah wife of Thomas Pope of Bovington at Wool

29        Dec            Anne Manuell, widow at Wool

15        Jan            Thomas Vonen als.More reputed son of Thos.More a Parliament Preacher


         Jul            Elizabeth Peck, widow at Wool

29        Jul            Jane, wife of John Holmer at Wool

         Sep            Prudence daughter of Grace Hodder of East Knighton, Winfrith at Wool

         Nov            Mary wife of William Hassard died at Woolbridge, buried at Wool

25        Dec            William Gawler at Wool

25        Feb            William Giles? of New Town at Combe Keynes


30        Mar            Johnson of John (junior) & Margaret Smith of Wool

         Apr            Elizabeth daughter of Nicholas George at Wool

27        Apr            Elizabeth Gawler, widow

12        May            Alice daughter of John (junior) & Elizabeth Bascombe at Wool

         Jun            Francis Bartlett of New Town at Combe Keynes

15        Jun            Elianor daughter of Robert & Margaret Burt of Bindon at Wool


1661 continued

10        Jul            - Brook, widow at Combe Keynes

         Sep            Alice wife of Henry Woodman at Wool

         Sep            Ann Gould widow at Wool

         Nov            Elizabeth Howell, widow at Wool

13        Dec            Williamson of Nicholas George of Wool

14        Dec            Elianor Syvier servant to Thomas Turbervile, gent. at Wool

22        Jan            Joseph son of William & Mary George at Wool

26        Feb            Mary daughter of Mary Pope at Wool


31        Apr            James son of Thomas (junior) & Mary Mountier at Wool

29        Apr            Elizabeth Popham, widow

29        Apr            Thomas Flower at Wool

         May            Anne daughter of George Dewey at Wool

17        May            Elizabeth wife of John Jacob at Wool

17        Jun            Grace wife of John Cobb at Wool

30        Jul            John Collis of Corfe in the Isle of Purbeck, died at Wool

         Aug            Warburgh wife of Thomas Shott at Wool

21        Aug            Anne daughter of John & Anne James at Wool

         Sep            Alice daughter of William (junior) & Edith Bascombe at Wool

         Nov            John Joanes, John Burt's servant buried at Wool

         Nov            Edith wife of Robert Coll? at Wool

28        Nov            Johnson of John (junior) & Elizabeth Bascombe at Wool

21        Dec            Ann wife of George Smith at Wool

30        Jan            John Cob at Wool

30        Jan            George Hayet at Wool

17        Feb            Elianor wife of John Mountyer

21        Feb            Thomas Spring at Wool


16        Apr            Christian daughter of Thomas & Christian Bascombe at Wool

         May            Ales wife of Francis Sexey at Wool

11        May            Margaret daughter of John Talbot curate at Wool

12        May            Elizabeth daughter of William Squibb at Wool

          Aug            Andrew Brookes of Combe Keynes

15        Sep            George Smith of Wool

         Nov            John Frampton

10        Nov            Frances wife of William Addams


30        Mar            Jo:Salter senior of Combe Keines

         Jul            Thomas son of Henry Rawles

18        Jul            Jane wife of Henry Rawles

25        Jul            Christian Ricketts alias Ricards

-           -               Jo: Eires servant to William Salter at Combe

         Feb            - Riccard son of - Riccard at Combe

         May            Joan daughter of John Bascom at Wool

14        May            Henry son of Henry James

         Jul            Widow Angles at Wool

27        Jul            Agnes wife of Henry Bascom

27        Sep            Anne daughter of William Edwards junior at Wool

         Sep            Christian wife of William Bruan

10        Dec            Elizabeth daughter of Jo: Cobb

         Jan            William Addams at Wool

26        Mar            Frances wife of Edward Cobb


28        Apr            Joseth son of Thomas & Ann Garlant

29        Apr            Johnson of Robert & Dorothy Duie

30        Apr            Ann daughter of Thomas & Ann Garland


         May            Henry son of Matthew & Cicely Tomes

13        May            Thomas son of Robert & Grace Hodder

         Jun            Elizabeth wife of Francis Hodder


1666 continued

         Jul            Henry son of Matthew & Margery Smith

16        Sep            Dorothy daughter of Thomas Furmage

17        Oct            Rebecke one of the children of the people

20        Oct            Franke Russells

26        Oct            Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth Bascomb

         Jan            Cicily widow of Henry Salter

10        Jan            Elizabeth daughter of Henry Rawles


3          -               Mellear Woodmans  wife of Benjamin Woodman called Ealles?

24        Oct            John Garment

25        Oct            Gellen Hodges

27        Nov            Eles Pounts of Winfrith


         May            George son of George Smith

         May            Margery Burt

10        May            ..esie daughter of John Hurst

18        May            Emme wife of Morgan Bascom

13        Jul            Henry James

         Oct            Thomas Shott

17        Nov            Jo: Bascom


22        Apr            Sarah wife of George Bascomb at Wool


         Apr            Joan wife of Jo: Jacob at Coomb

27        Jan            Thomas Mountier senior

30        Jan            John Reap

14        Feb            Anne wife of Robert Burt

17        Feb            Magdalen Duey

27        Feb            Thomas Hait senior

30        Feb            Anne wife of Jo: Mountier


29        Mar            Anne wife of Jo: James

         Apr            Edward Hait

         May            Mary daughter of William Addams

13        May            Mary daughter of Tho:Smedmore

25        Jul            (St.James's Day) John, husband of Elizabeth Blandford at Wool

12        Dec            Williamson of John & Elizabeth Salter died 7 Dec

         Jan            Mr Thomas Everard Vicar of Combe Keynes died 2 Jan

         Feb            Selina wife of John Burt

         Feb            Dorothy wife of John Bascome at Wool

         Feb            Thomas Phepit of Wool


20        Jun            Sarah daughter of John Burt

         Jul            Catherine, wife of Thomas Turbervile, gent.

12        Sep            Elner Scutt

         Oct            Edith wife of Isaac Furmadge

12        Nov            Margaret, wife of Mathew Smith

25        Nov            Stephenson of Alice Flower

         Mar            Rabidg Brasfield

16        Mar            Joane daughter of James Spicers


         Jun            Jer: Bascomb

         Jun            Thomas, husband of Christian Bascomb


         Jul            Henry Burton at Combe

         Jul            John Hurst at Wool

12        Jul            Elizabeth Gould

18        Jul            Benjamin Woodman

         Aug            Bridget Bascombe

16        Sep            Elizabeth wife of John Bascombe


1675 continued

         Oct            John Burt

16        Oct            Dinah Smith

         Jan            Robertson of Robert Sexon

10        Feb            John Furmadge

15        Feb            Agnis wife of Edward Woodman


         Apr            Constance wife of Thomas Turbervile at Wool

         Dec            William Byshop at Combe Kaines

         Dec            Thomas Bascombe at Wool


10        Apr            Argenton Drew at Wool

         May            Anne daughter of George Elms at Wool

         Jun            Elizabeth daughter of William Woodman at Wool

         Aug            Mary Grinborne, widow

         Sep            Mary daughter of John & Mary Rawles at Combe

31        Oct            Thomas Brook at Combe

22        Mar            Tomsey Dollin, widow at Combe


         Nov            William Salter in the Church of Combe

21        Jan            Christian Guy...


         May            Henry Salter in the Church of Combe

17        Nov            Anne daughter of Charles & Edith Cherry in the Church


13        Dec            Williamson of William Reape

13        Dec            Williamson of William Cobb


31        May            Mrs Mary Cherry, widow of Mr Charles Cherry vicar, in the Chancel in Combe


         Jul            Jane daughter of Thomas Cenell

18        Feb            Mary   wife of Henry hasen?  buried [among Christenings]

22        Mar            Mary   daughter of Margaret Bascomb , buried [among Christenings]


23        Apr            Sara wife of William Barens

29        May            Ann  wife of Edward Ralens

         Jun            John  son of John Pook


         Jun            Ann wife of James Slade of Winfrith and daughter of Charles, vicar of Combe was buried in the Church


25        Oct            Charles Cherry minister of Combe Kaynes and Wool for forti five years - died aged about 80 lived a married life 53 years and three weeks died 20th October

12        Mar            Margaret Ricketts, widow


22        Aug            Jane wife of Mr Samuel Serrell

8          Nov     Elizabeth Ward gent. daughter of John Salter gent. of Come Keynes


         May            Henry son of James Bewnell died 3rd May


         Oct            Mr Samuel Serrell


31        Mar            Mrs Mary Allner, widow - 5 pounds paid.



18        Oct            George Compton  

10        Nov            William Sievyer

11        Nov            Thomas Murry  

29        Apr            Elizabeth Barns 

12        May            Mary Ralls 





28        May            Mr James Allner

         Aug            John Compton



         Jan            John Samways 


          Mar            Edith Compton 


11        Apr            Frances Meech

25        Sep            William Ricketts 

20        Nov            John Devenish

27        Nov            James Cobbs 

15        Mar            Susanna Cobb

15        Jan            Susanna Cobb 


29        Jul            Sarach Squib [Register]

         Aug            Robert Rickets [Register]

21        Sep            Edward Barnes 


29        Aug            Jane Ralls  


25        Jun            Judeth Barnes 


19        Dec            Henry Flax? 



15        Aug            Mary daughter of Samuel & Ann Barns [also BT's]

26        Jan            Mary daughter of Samuel & Ann Barns 


         Apr            Ann daughter of Benjamin & Deborah Watten

         Sep            Deborah wife of Benjamin Watten


30        Oct            Jane Bennett, widow


18        May            Martha, wife of James Willis of West Lulworth


24        May            Matthew Toms


31        Oct            John Rawles

21        Nov            Samuel Barns


13        Mar            Susannah Crocker


         Jan            Miss Elizabeth Bewnell buried in linen Affadavit made before Justice Clavell & 5 pounds paid.


15        May            Miss Mary Bewnell buried in Linen Affadavit made before Justice Richards & 5 pounds paid. Also 13/4d. for burying in the Church.

31        May            Mrs Anna Bewnell wife of Mr James Bewnell senior of Thompson buried in linen. Affadavit made before Justice Edward Seymour & 5 pounds paid in the parish of Thompson where shee died. Also 13/4d for burying in the Church.


26        Jan            Mr James Bewnell senior of the Parish of Thompson Affadavit made before Mr John Marsh Rector of Anderson Received 13/4d. for burying in the Church


15        Feb            Jane Syvier

24        Apr            William son of Matthew & Mary Helliard of Winfrith Newburgh

21        Jun            Mary, wife of Robert Meech

20        Sep            Mary, wife of Richard Balson


         Feb            Elizabeth daughter of William & Jenny Moores of Honiton, Devon

         Jun            Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary Luckas


         Jan            Sarah widow of Mathew Tom's

         Nov            Joyce Rawles, widow


25        Apr            John Balson


         Jan            Elizabeth Ricketts, widow

         Aug            Dinah wife of Phillip Burden

13        Nov            Johnson of William & Jenny Moores

         Dec            J   son of Phillip Burden widower


22        Apr            Robert Meech

17        Oct            Sarah daughter of Sarah Meech, widow


17        May            Mr James Bewnell of Combe Keynes

-           -               Johnson of John & Mary Selaway


19        Mar            Richard Balson


14        Dec            Betty wife of Robert Luckas


20        May            Johnson of Philip & Elizabeth Burden


10        Jul            Mary wife of Robert Crocker

15        Aug            William Serley


16        Apr            Thomas Luckas

         May            Thomas Winser


21        Dec            Alice Cobb


         Nov            Johnson of John & Mary Selaway


19        Dec            John Ricketts buried by Mr Milbourn

31        Dec            James Ricketts the clerk  buried by Mr Hooton


         Jan            Ann Sherren


         Sep            Williamson of Mary Serley, widow


19        Jan            Mary daughter of George & Jane Amey

26        -               -   base born son of Avis Everrett

29        Apr            Susanna wife of George Barnes

29        Aug            Jone wife of Joseph Marshfield


         Mar            Ellner Ricketts, widow aged 87

24        Mar            Elizabeth Devenish

31        Dec            Jone Haynes, widow


12        Apr            Joseph Marshfield             aged 77

         May            Samuel Barns


19        Mar            Ann Samways

22        Mar            Elizabeth Riggs

         Dec            Mary Riggs


14        Jan            Edith Furmage

26        May            Edith daughter of Richard & Betty Puckett

17        Jun            George Barnes

         Jul            Thomas Cope

12        Oct            James Cobb aged 84

17        Dec            Jenny Bushrod's bastard

24        Dec            Ann Sellaway buried at 12 o'clock at night - smallpox             aged 78


         Feb            Mary Winzer aged 89

20        Dec            James son of James & Mary Lovelass


         Nov            Margaret Chaffin?


         Jan            Mary wife of Thomas Wilson of East Lulworth

13        Feb            William Furmage a Methodist & warte? catcher

18        Dec            Jenny wife of John Bushrod


         Aug            Thomas son of Thomas Barnes


12        Jan            Martha wife of Thomas Robinson - in linen 5 pounds paid  affadavit made before Justice Richards

11        Mar            Mary wife of John Sellaway

31        May            John Riggs

23        Sep            Joellason of James & Mary Seymer

29        Oct            Anna Bewnel

25        Nov            Ann Joyce


          Jan            Sarah Ricketts

         Jan            Elizabeth Furmage

16        Mar            Jane Bushrod


18        May            James Luckess

-           -               William Hutchins

13        Jun            Frances wife of Thomas Payne


         Jan            Mary Pope

19        Mar            George Riggs

27        Nov            Philip Burden


25        Sep            Mary wife of Mark Grant

         Oct            James Hibbs


         Apr            Martha Fivian


26        Apr            Thomas Everitt

28        Apr            Edward Sellaway

23        May            John Rickets

         Aug            Mary Philips


18        Jul            Philip Stickland


27        Mar            James son of John & Betty Rickets

23        Jul            Elizabeth Luccas


15        Jan            Jane Sellaway


29        Dec            Mary Lovelace


12        Jun            John Bushrod senior

16        Oct            Mary Searly


15        Mar            Margaret Everitt senior

31        Dec            Benjamin son of John & Elizabeth Ricketts



19        May            Cornelius son of John & Frances Burden

21        Jul            Andrew Cooper

25        Aug            Henry Luccas

13        Sep            William Bailey


          Feb            Robert Balson

          Jun            Elizabeth Burden


28        Nov            Grace Bushrod



13        Jan            Elias Barnes of Stoke   30

31        Oct            Susanna Burden             47

20        Dec            Thomas Baily  63

12        Apr            Anne Sellaway  66

16        Nov            Ruth Riggs  80


11        Feb            Thomas Barnes of East Stoke 81

          Mar            John Rickets     9



         Mar            George Lucas of Tyneham    36


20        Jan            James Loveless    86

22        Nov            Rachel Pope of Owermoigne 36


24        Feb            Mary Baley  38

12        Feb            John Bushrod 66


23        Aug            Christina Adhams  infant

15        Oct            Jane Woodrow  infant

31        Dec            Ann Marshfield   81

         Feb            John Marshfield    79


         Sep            John Maesford?   79

24        Jun            Elizabeth Sergeant     48     


12        Oct            John Snelling    33


24        Apr            Harriot Kitchell    infant

         May            Loueisa Loveless     infant


25        Jun            Ann Grant   80

         Sep            Mary Snelling     35


25        Mar            Eliza Barns of East Stoke  77


No Bishop's Transcripts


29        Apr            Jane Elizabeth Sellaway     11 months


21        Apr            George Humphrey Burden?  23

         Dec            Susanna Burden?  28


         Mar            Robert Lake  14

28        Sep            Cornelius Burden  70


         Sep            Jane Elizabeth Sellaway    3

11        Nov            William Brown gent. of Wool  60     


         Feb            Samuel Bascombe   infant

         Mar            Mary Ann Bushrod   6 months

14        Oct            Sarah Anne Cooke died in Church Knowle  24 (wife of the vicar)


13        Apr            John Bushrod   19

9          Dec            Mark Grant   92


16        Jun            Frank Welstead   6 months


28        Dec            William Lucas   2   


2          Jan            Ann Bushrod   2

12        Apr            Sophia Eliza Lucas Harvey (or R.B) Browne of Grange in Steeple - infant

22        Aug            Ellen Welstead  18 months

12        Dec            Thomasine Riggs  36



                                    Coombe Keynes Burials Transcript – Ends here


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