Corfe Castle

Hearth Tax Assessments 1662–1664

Extracted by Tony Higgins
The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for this parish only exist for 1662 and 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation in order to reduce their tax
 "The document here published is the Hearth Tax Assessment for Dorset ...... for Michaelmas 1664; it is based on and embodies the earlier assessment for 1662."

Anthony Furseman 4
Mr Giles Turner 3
Steph’ Guy in John Streets house 5
Tho’ Gilbert in Wm’ Normans house 2
Joseph Symondes 3
Wm Hunt in Winifred Sumers house 2
Ann Dolling 1
Mary Bondfeild in John Streets house 1
Edward Keynell 4
Wm’ Dolling in John Edmondes house 1
John Welman in Eliz’ Mosse house 3
Bartho’ Forder in Rich Jones house 5
Richard Toope 5
John Knowles 2
Benjamin Tombs in Fran’ Trewes house 5
Thomas Hill in John Streetes house 1
Anne Street widd’ 1
Mr Nicho’ Gibbins in Mr Tho’ Groves house 6
Edm’ Speere in James Hainlandes house 1
John Miller in Alex’ Millers house 2
Edward Tewxbury 2
Peter Weys 2
Edward Harvey 3
Edward Harvey in John Streetes house 3
John Norman in James Hainlands 1
Richard Painter in Henry Streets house 6
The Lady Laurence and Wm Harvey in Mr Brune Daccombes house 10
Thomas Diverges 2
Eliz’ Mosse in John Streets house 1
Mr Wm’ Okeden in ye house of Wm’ Okeden Esq. 10
Andrew Benfeild in Philip Bayleys house 1
Wllm’ Norman 2
Willm Frampton 2
Mathew Mosse 4
Richard Parlett in John Streetes house 2
John Streete junr 2
James Summers 3
John Browne 3
Phillipp Bayly 2
Mrs Dorothy Dacomb wid’ 5
Phillipp Bayly 1
John George 1
Wm’ Grone in Robte Brownes house 2
Robte Perry, Rich’ Butt and James Dobson in Robte Halls house 3
Roger Baker in Robte Browns house 2
Nich’ Hill in Edward Dollins house 1
John Hayward 2
Alex’ Miller in Steph’ Guyes house 1
Richard Jones 3
John Norman in Mr James Hanilands 1
Jerome Dibbin in James Hanilandes 5
Jerome Dibbin in Tho’ Moores house 2
Tho’ Trew in Tho’ Summers house 2
Giles Browne 2
Elizabeth Webber in Thomas Summers 1
Widd’ Keynes 1
John Trew 3
Hen’ Smith in Dionis Smiths house 3
Wm’ Puckett in Wm’ Farrs house 3
Edw’ Abram’ in the widd’ Toopes house 4
Robte’ Harris in Mr Wm’ Cullefordes house 6
Gyles Parris 1
John Norman 1
Wm’ Peirce 1
Widd’ Eyres 1
Francis Trew 1
Henry Street 1
Nathall’ Smith 4


Protestation Returns 1641

Transcribed from original returns on microfilm by Tony Higgins.

(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.)  
The English Revolution (1640-60) began in November 1640 when Charles 1st. summoned Parliament to help him out of a financial crisis. Charles was very unpopular and was forced to agree to radical reforms which gave Parliament a more prominent roll in the constitution.

The political crisis escalated and the "Long Parliament" split into two opposing parties in the Autumn of 1641, forming the King's party of Royalists (Cavaliers) and the Parliamentarians (Roundheads), who demanded further political and religious reforms. The events of 1640/41 led to the Civil War which began in August 1642.

It was agreed and ordered on the 3rd May 1641, that every Member of the House of Commons should make a protestation (declaration of loyalty), which the House of Lords also agreed to the following day.

The Commons ordered the printing of the protestation and preamble on the 5th May 1641 and this was distributed by the Members to their counties. The Protestation was to be made by everyone and the Rectors, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor had to appear before the Justices of the Peace in their Hundred to make their protestation and, on returning to their parishes, any two of them were to witness the taking of the Protestation Oath by all males over the age of 18 years. All names were listed and anyone who refused was to be noted.

The protestation itself reads:-

I,-------- do, in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to maintain, and defend as farr as lawfully I maye, with my Life, Power and Estate, the true Reformed Protestant religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this Realme, contrary to the same Doctrine, and according to the duty of my Allegiance, His Majesties Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as alsoe the Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and any person that maketh this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful Pursuance of the same; and to my power, and as farr as lawfully I may, I will appose and by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, Practice, Councels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, doe any Thing to the contrary of any Thing in this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Feare, nor other Respect, shell relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation

(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.)

Giles Turner, Mayor
Henrie Darkombe, gent
Robte Darkombe, gent
Brune Darkombe, gent
William Okeden, gent
Henrie Brine(?)
Richard ffry
William Norman
William Dollinge
Edward Talbott
Anthony ffurseman
John Streete
Joseph Neale Senior
John Purse Sen.
Nicholas Bennet
William fframpton
John Toope
William Kaynes Senior
Giles Browne
John Edmonde junior
Mathew Mosse Sen
William Yonge(?)
David Dolling
Joseph Dourke(?)
George Streete
Edward Bearham
William Toope
Robert Bearhame
Charles Burgis
Richard Beale
John Eyres
George Wheeler
Chas Smith
Charles Wedder(?)
John Robbins
Robert Welledge
John Collins(?)
Robert White
Beniamin Devenish curat
Edward Dollinge
Robert Hendy
John Harden
Thomas Hellier
John Purseman
John Bearham
John Purse junior
Symon  Bennet
James Harbit
Richard Smith
William Beale
Edward Barfoote
George Dollinge
William Bartlett
Thomas Corbin
William Stuckley(?)
Thomas Kibbie(?)
John Pooke
Richard Addams
John Hull
John Collins
George Pye
Lewes .........(?)
William Harden
Charles Jerard
Solomon Burgis
Jervais Gillet
Peter Waye
Robert Ellett
Richard Tiler
Anthony Darcombe
Edward Barnes
James Purse
Edmond Pooke
Jerome Debien
Edward Gardiner
Thomas Dowland
Nicholas Hill
Jervais ffry
Richard Toope
William Muddell
Steven Guy
Marmaduke Green
Thomas Horsey
Thomas Ashe
Coddie(?) Streete
John Edmonde Sen
Thomas Rose
Thomas Hill
George Gardner
William ffarrant
John Grover Sen
Robert Ailes
Nicholas Seaward
Henrie Cotterell
Thomas Mathews
John Gover Junior
James Bartlett
William Bower
William West Senior
Joseph Neale Junior
John Nynam
John Gover
Nicholas Jones
Robert Turner
John Manfeld
Robert Burgis
Robert Diall
William Ormmell
William Beale Senior
Edward Bason
Robert Gillett
John Welstead
John Barnes
William Harris
Morgan Ginkar( ?)
Henrie Miller
Thomas Martin
Robert Bower
John Gentell
Henrie Readhead
Steven Dollinge
Nicholas Butt
Richard Tibbes(?)
William West Ju.
James Harvie Ju.
Henrie Dolling
William Hull
Philip Mascoll
Antonie Seachfeild(?)
Thomas Sommers
William Collins
William Talbott
William Kanie(?) ju
John Gamling
Antonie Trowe(?)
Giles Janes
John Bushe
John Bondfeild
Edward Dye(?) [Wye(?)]
William Gover
William Erle
Thomas Hynam
John Puckette(?)
Symon Davie
Richard Rose
Richard Smith
William Collins
Anthony Wye(?) [Dye(?)]
Christofer Benfeild
John Knowles
Thomas Roe
Mathew Mosse
Richard Dammon
Philip Pollard
Thomas Grove
ffrancis Hascall
Robert Browne
Thomas Janes
ffrancis Trew
Edward Harvy
Nicholas Cobb
Thomas Avery
Thomas Parkins
Henry Ware
John Sey
James Turner
John Trew
William Draiton
Mathew Benfeild
William Tibbes
Thomas Welsteed
John Benfeild
Henrie Prower
Robert Davie
Richard Pearce(?)
Christofer Minever
Peter Whiffen
Robert Gover
Robert Browne
Philip Bailey
Lawrence ffry
Robert Die
Nicholas Gardner
Henrie Culliford
John Horsey
Augustine Gover
George Wheeler
Alban Trew
Dionis Smith
Beniamin Tomes
Hugh Pearce
John Trew
John Trew
John Trew
Jefferie Hauksburie
John Welledge
Alexander Collins
Edward Sey
John Higgens
Dionis Besse
Alexander Robbins
Mathew Tubb
Anthonie Browne
Thomas Trew
Nicholas Rogers
David Grove
John Burgis
Edward Collins
John Norman
Thomas Coastfeild
Thomas Tiler
John Pushman
Robert Coleman
William Gardner
William Kaynes
Henrie Purfrey
Samuell Jeffrey
George Bondfeild