East Stoke


Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

Extract from the third edition of "The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset" by John HUTCHINS, edited by W. SHIPP & J. W. HODSON, published by J. B. Nichols & Sons, Westminster, 1860-74



Stoke juxta Bindon

A pretty large vill, lying on the south side of the river Frome, about two miles and a half south from Comb Kaynes, in Dorchester deanery. Stoke in Saxon signifies a village, as Dugdale, Thoroton, and Skinner; which last derives the family name of Stoke from the trunk of a tree, q.d. de trunco vel stipite arboris, equivalent to the old French de Souche or Zouche. The in-parish lies scattered over what was once a large common, but is now much inclosed. The soil is generally healthy, but intermixed with arable and meadow.

There are six parishes in this county called Stoke or Stock, as well as some smaller places so named, situated in other parishes. And there are eight parcels of land surveyed in the Domesday Book under the name of "Stoches" or "Stoke". It is difficult, therefore, to distinguish with certainty the one from the other, or to identify existing localities with those mentioned in the Norman record. A careful examination of it, however, will often give grounds upon which reasonable conjectures may be formed. Thus, the one hide of land at "Stoche", with its mill worth 30s., which was held by Edric, one of the King's thanes, may be supposed to be East Stoke, because it is surveyed immediately after "Holne" and "Ristone" (Rushton), and all three were held by the same lord. But the term "at" Stoche, seems to imply that this lordship did not comprise the whole of the place Stoche; and as the Earl of Moreton held "Stoches", surveyed immediately after "Beastwell, Loloworde", and "Loloworde", and followed by "Stanberge", which places are probably Biestwall, Lulworth St. Andrew's, Belhuish, and Stoborough, all now within the parish of East Stoke, and all anciently the property of the family of Stoke, it is pretty certain that this "Stoches" also may be identified as part of East Stoke. The Earl of Moreton held it in demesne, and before the Conquest it belonged to Edmer, when it was taxed for two hides. There was a mill, and the whole was worth 50s. after this the chief lords of the manor seem to have been the De Lincolns, and their descendents and co-representatives the Fitz Paynes, under whom it was held by a family which derived its name from this place. 12 Hen. II Eustachius de Stokes held one fee of Alurid de Lincoln of the old feoffment. He took part with John Earl of Moreton, afterwards King John, in his rebellion against Richard I., while the latter was kept in prison by the Emperor of Germany, and the King on his return to England seized his lands, which, however, were soon restored to him on payment of a fine. 7 Richard I. Eustace de Stokes owed the King 40s because he had been with Earl John, and two marks to have his land at Lullewurd which had been seized by the King for the same cause. In the following year he paid these sums, and had his "quietus".

He was still living 3 John, when he held the vill of Egelineston with Margaret his wife, who seems to have been the daughter and co-heir of Engelin lord of that manor. Contemporary with the above was a Galfridus de Stokes, who, 12 Hen. 11., held one-fifth part of a knight's fee of the abbot of Sherborne, and who, as the same Christian name is subsequently found amongst the Stokes of East Stoke, may perhaps have been of the same family, though we are unable to fix him in any locality.

Henry de Stokes was sheriff of Dorset 2 John. He has a royal charter 7 John, confirming divers grants of lands made to him by various persons. Henry de Stok was one of the knights summoned on a jury to inquire concerning the title of Robert de Mandevill to the barony of Marshwood 10 John. Sir Henry de Stokes, knt. Was one of the jurors on a perambulation of the forests of Dorset, temp. Henry III. and was a witness to a deed, sans date, of Robert son of Adam de Mordon, relating to Baltington; also to one of Henry de Glanville, relating to Church Knoll; but in the latter, he is not styled knight. Eudo de Stokes, with Felicia his wife, granted a messuage at Stokes to Alice Fitzwilliam for her life, 20 Hen. III. Galfrid de Estok granted all his lands in Berneston, in the parish of Church Knoll, and 11s 8d rent in Baltington, in Tyneham parish, with wards, reliefs, &c. to John de Estoke and Alice his wife, between 1st and 8th Edw. I. In which latter year he quit-claimed to them the same lands. William de Stokes and Alice his wife gave to the abbey of Bindon in frank almoigne a mill at Burton 40 Hen. III. (1256). William de Stokes gave to the same abbey service and homage for a tenement in Tineham, with wards, reliefs, &c., before 6 Edw. I. In the latter year William de Stokes, with Martha his wife, was defendant in a suit wherein Alice, relict of Thomas de Blanford, sought to recover her dower in Blanford. He granted all his lands in Berneston, with escheats, heriots, wards, reliefs, &c. to John de Estok and Alice his wife, by deed sans date. The exact period of his death is uncertain, but it seems to have been before 20 Feb. 16 Edw. I. (1288), as William son and heir of William de Stokes then held land in Whiteway; and 12 June, 21 Edw. I. a writ was issued directing enquiry to be made, whether the custody of certain lands in "Wynterborn Fincheys," which William de Stok held at his death, belonged to the king, during the minority of his heir. By an inquisition taken thereupon, on Thursday next after the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 22 Edw. I. it was found that the said William held at his death the manors of Stokes, St. Andrew's, Biestwalle, and Stowbergh, of Robert Fitz Payn by knight's service; certain lands in Blaneford, of the Prior of Worspring by service of 1d. per annum, "nominee soccagii;" and the manor of Winterborn Fifheysh, of the heirs of John de Burgh, as of the manor of Kingston, by service of one fee of mortain. Also a certain tenement in the county of Somerset called Lodehaye. Walter FitzRobert, one of the coheirs of John de Burgh, being under age and in the king's wardship, the king, by his escheator, had seized the said manor of Winterborne Fifheysh, and demised it by letters patent to Mathia late wife of the said William de Stok, during the minority of his heir, and William Burdet, now husband of the said Mathia, had since given seisin thereof to William, son and heir of the said William de Stokes. William de Stoke the father was probably the person whose fine monumental effigy, in recumbent posture and habited in chain mail, with his arms sculptured on his shield, remains in the chapel at the east end of the south aisle of Wareham Church.

30 Edw. I. William son of William de Stokes, gave a messuage and two carucates of lnd in Lullworth St. Andrews to William Bourdet for his life, to be held by the rent of a rose at Midsummer day. Sir William Burdet, knt. Presented to the rectory of East Stoke in 1306. On the collection of the aid for marrying the king's eldest daughter, 31 Edw. I., William de Stokes held one fourth of a knight's fee in Wynterborn Fyasse of the heirs of John de Burgh; also Stoke and St. Andrew's, and Belusylde Hywyshe (Belhuish) of Robert Fitz Pain. William de Estok, knt. son and heir of William de Estok, knt. ("filius et heres Will'i quondam de Esok milit") granted and confirmed by deed sand date to John de Estok and Alice his wife, all the lands and tenements in the vill of Berneston which fell to him by inheritance from William de Estok his father. 33 Edw. I. William de Stok was mainpernor of John de Turberville, knight of the shire for the county of Dorset; 3 Edw. II. he, by the name of William son of William de Estoke, settled land in Byestwall juxta Wareham, and in Cheeping Blaneford, on Johanna his wife as her jointure; and in 18 Edw. II. he settled in like manner on Matilda his second wife, lands in Stoburgh, Biestewalle, and Blaneford. William de Stoke – the name being still variously written Estokes, Estok, Estoks) was certified, pursuant to a writ dated 5 March, 9 Edw. II. as one of the lords of the townships of Briants Piddle Turberville, Worgrett, Westport, Bestwall, Woolridge, and Winterborn Vifhache. In13 Edw. II. he was one of the collectors of the scutage in the county of Dorset. In 17 Edw. II. he was a knight, and was returned by the sheriff of Dorset, pursuant to a writ dated 9 May, as summoned by general proclamation to attend the great council at Westminster, on Wednesday next after the feast of the Ascension. 1 Aug. 18 Edw. II. he was appointed one of the Commissioners of Array in the county of Dorset, with special powers, and 6 Aug. in the same year he was one f the commissioners appointed to raise a certain number of foot soldiers from the same county. In December following he was one of the Conservators of the Peace in the county of Dorset, and on the 22nd of that month marching orders were addressed to him concerning detachments of the levies of the same county. 25 Jan. 19 Edw. II. he was addressed as a Commissioner of Array, and commanded to certify the names of person liable to take the degree of knighthood; and on 15 Aug.  following he was again addressed in the same capacity, and commanded to lead his detachment to Portsmouth. In Hilary term 18 Edw. II. (1325), Elizabeth, who was wife of John de Burgh, brought an action against this William de Stoke, William his son, and others, for fishing in her waters in the rivers Pudele and Frome; whereupon he pleads that those rivers run through divers vills, and every man having lands adjoining thereto is accustomed to fish therein, so far as his lands extend. That he is lord of the vill of Stoke, through which the said waters flow, and that he only fished in that part of them which adjoined his own lands, as he was well entitled to do, and not in the free fishery of the said Elizabeth. In the 4th of Edw. III. he was one of the knights of the shire for the county of Dorset; and in the following year he settled on himself and Alice his wife, with remainder to the heirs of their bodies, remainder to his own right heirs, five messuages, one mill, seven carucates of land, eighty acres of meadow, two hundred acres of pasture, two hundred and fifty acres of wood, and 12l. rent in Wynterborn Fifhassh, Andreweston, Kyngeston, Musterton, Stoke, and Saint Andrew's Church, and the advowsons of Wynterborn Fifhassh and Stoke.

By Johanna his wife he had issue William his son and heir; Alice, married to John Chauntmarle, of Chauntmarle, co. Dorset; and Sibilla, who married and had issue, but her husband's name is unknown. By Matilda, his second wife, Sir William de Stoke had issue Mathia, who married John de Mohun of Ham Mohun, and died s.p.

William the son, who is called William the son of William de Estokes chivaler, presented to the rectory of East Stoke 1341, 15 Edw. III.; and on Sunday next before the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, he executed a deed purporting to convey the reversion of the manor of Byestwall and Stoburgh, expectant on the decease of Matilda his father's widow, to John Mohun and Mathia his wife, his half sister, with remainder to the heirs of the said John Mohun. On the assessment of the aid for knighting the Black Prince, 20 Edw. III. William de Stok held a fourth part of a knight's fee in Stok, St. Andrew's and Belchewic, which William de Stok formerly held; and in the same year, William son of William de Estokes chivaler settled a messuage and lands in St. Andrew's Church juxta Brunegate, and Estoke juxta Bynedon, on himself and Emma his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his own right heirs. 5 Rich. II. the abbot of Cerne had a grant of the manor and advowson of Stoke by Bindon, but this must have been for some temporary purpose, whiles the premises were in the king's hands, as it continued in the descendants and representatives of the family of Stoke. After the death of the last William de Stoke, the validity of the deed of the 15th Edw. III. abovementioned was disputed by the descendants and representatives of his tow sisters, who claimed the property under a previous entail, and recovered it against the widow of John de Mohun, grandson of the first-named John, and others, 10 Hen. IV. The last-named William de Stoke died without issue before 23 July, 1361, 35 Edw. III., and his two sisters of the whole blood before mentioned were his co-heirs. John Chanutmarle presented to the rectory of East Stoke 1361, 35. Edw. III., but whether he was the husband of Alice de Stokes, or her son and heir, whose name was John, is not quite certain. Walter Chauntmarle was son and heir of John, son of Alice, and presented to the church in 1389, 12 Rich. II. He was one of the plaintiffs in the suit above-mentioned, 10 Hen. IV.

Henry Smedmore, son of Johanna daughter of Sibilla de Stoke, the other sister and co-heir of William de Stoke, was also one of the plaintiffs in the same suit, but after this we do not meet with the Smedmores in connexion with this place. Coker says, "Smedmore was ancestor of Sir William Clavell," and seems to hint that the Clavills succeeded to a share of this inheritance. But the property which descended to the Clavills from the Stokes or Estokes, belonged to a younger branch of the family, seated at Barneston, and there is no reason to suppose that any connexion existed between the Smedmores and Clavills.

John Chauntmarle, son and heir of Walter, left two daughters co-heirs, of whom Joan married John Cheverell, and Christian married John Jurdon. By charter dated on Monday next after the feast of Pentecost, 15 Hen. VI., Christian, who had been the wife of John Jurdon, granted to John Newburgh junior, William Hayne rector of Bradeford, Philip Leweston, and William Combe, all her lands, rents, pensions and services, with appurtenances, in Estoke juxta Bynedon, Chauntemarle, Blaneford, Stokehyde, and Pympern. John Jurdon and John Cheverell presented to the church of East Stoke, as lords of the manor, 1412, 13 Hen. VI. and John Cheverel and Christian late wife of John Jurdon deceased presented in 1434, 12. Hen VI. John Cheverel and John Jurdon, son and heir of Christian wife of John Jurdon deceased, presented to the same church in 1439, 17 Hen. VI. 6 Hen. VI. John Cheverell and Thomas Worth held in severance the fourth part of a knight's fee in Stoke St. Andrew's and Bellhuyssh, which William Stoke formerly held. 18 Hen. VI. John, son and heir of John Jordan, granted to John Wills and others, all his lands in Stoke, Bestwall near Wareham, &c.

Afterwards a partition seems to have been made between the co-heirs, when this manor fell to the share of the Cheverells, whilst the manor of Biestwall and Stoborough, &c. became the portion of the Trenchards of Litchett, who were descendants and representatives of the Jurdons.

Walter Cheverel, esq. held at his death, 22 Edw. IV. The manor of Chantmarle and Hevedon; the manor of Estoke of the duchess of York, of her honour of Marshwood; the manor of Upstirthill or Overstirthill, and 120 acres of land and pasture at Nethersirthill, four messuages and 120 acres of land in Blandford Forum and Stokehyde of John Trenchard, clear yearly value 6l; 100 acres of land in Welles of William Hody, knt. as of his manor of Pillesdon, at 4s rent; one messuage, and 80 acres of land in Watercomb; 80 acres of land in Warmwell; four tenements and 150 acres of land in Rushton; 80 acres of land in Shaston; one messuage and 10 acres of land in Swyre; one messuage and 100 acres of land in Stour Prewes; and the manor of Lofford: John his son and heir, æt 40.

John his son and heir held the same 2 Hen. VII.

20. Hen. VII. Christian, wife of Walter Cheverel, at her death held this manor; Roger her son and heir.

9. Hen. VIII. Roger Cheverel, 30 Eliz. Hugh Cheverel, held the same estate in like manner.

Catstock register makes William, Hugh, Deering, and John, sons of Hugh; and some pedigrees make John, Robert, John, his brothers.

39 Eliz. Christopher Cheverel, esq. 20 Jan. sold the manor of Stoke, and lands there, and in Rushton, to Sir John Strode.

The sons of John Sacheverell, rector here, were all dissenting teachers, of the Presbyterian persuasion; John was settled at Wincanton, Timothy at Tarent Hinton, Philologus at Eastwood in Essex, and they were all turned out after the Restoration. The son of John was rector of St. Peter's in Marlborough, and father of the famous Dr. Sacheverell.

I have here given the full account of this family; though after they were possessed of Chantmarle they resided there, and were buried at Catstock.

What relation they bore to the Sacheverels of Newhall, co. Warwick, and of Morely, co. Derby, does not appear; but those bore the same arms with these.

At Highwood in this parish were found, in 1750, in a small tumulus at the depth of two feet, three urns, about two feet and a half high, with their mouths downwards, full of decayed bones.

In 1645, this farm and the old rents of the manor belonging to John Strode, esq. were sequestered. In this family it has long continued, and is now possessed by Sir Henry Oglander, Bart. To whose paternal ancestor on the extinction of the male line of the family of Strode their property devolved.

The lord of this manor does suit at the court of Winfrith, Homo cum cane, with a one-eyed dog.



Belkinshe,a farm entirely detached from the other parts of the parish. It adjoins West Lullworth on the south and partly on the east, Winfrith on the west, and Combe on the north and party on the east. Possibly it may have been one of the Lulowordes surveyed in Domesday after Beastwell and before Stoches and Stanberge (Stowborough), all of which belonged to the Earl of Moreton. Like East Stoke, Biestwall, Lullworth St. Andrew's, and Stowborough, it belonged afterwards to the family of De Stoke. 31 Edw. I. William de Stoke held Stoke, and St. Andrew's, and Belusylde Hywysh fo Sir Robert FitzPayn for the fourth part of a knight's fee. 20 Edw. III. William de Stok was assessed for the fourth part of a knight's fee in Stok St. Andrew's and Bechewic, which William de Stok formerly held. It subsequently belonged to the Newburghs and their successors, 37 Hen. VIII. Thomas Lord Poynings died seized inter alia of the manor of Belhewish and Sutton Poyntz held of the King in capite by knight's service. Henry Viscount Bindon at his death 24 Eliz. held it of the Queen in capite as of her manor of Cranborne, value 53s 4d. In 1641, Theophilus Earl of Suffolk sold this farm to Humphrey Weld, esq. In 1645 the manor rents, value 4l 2s 6d, and the farm, valued, 1641, at 50l, were sequestered. This farm in Stoke and Roughdown, a ground in Comb Kaynes, value 70l, in Hutchin's time belonged to Joseph Weld, esq.

Byestwall, lies adjoining to the east walls of Wareham, whence it derived its name, an abbreviation of By east wall, and is bounded on the north by the river Piddle, on the south by the river Frome, and on the east by the bay of Poole. It is in the tything of Worgret and in the parish of East Stoke, from all other parts of which it is entirely detached. As the Domesday survey "Beastewelle" was held in demesne by the Earle of Moreton, and it was taxed for three hides. In after times it formed part of a manor called the manor of By-est-wall and Stoborough. "Beastewelle, Lolowerde, Loloworde, Stoches," and "Stanberge," are surveyed consecutively in Domesday. One of these Lolowordes was probably Lullworth St. Andrew's, the other may possibly be Belhuish, both Lullworth St. Andrew's and Belhuish being in the parish of East Stoke; and Stanberge, though supposed by Hutchins to be Stanbridge in Little Hinton, was no doubt Stanberge or Stowborough, part of which is in the same parish. All were held in demesne by the Earl of Moreton. Both Beastewelle and Stoches belonged to Edmer in the time of the Confessor, and all in after times were the property of the family of De Stoke.

22 Richard II. and 7 Hen. VI. the Earls of March held here half a fee, but they must have been only lords paramount. William de Stokes, who probably died before 20 Feb., 16 Edw. I. held the manors of Stoke St. Andrew's, Bestwall and Stowbergh of Robert FitzPayne by knight's service. 3 Edw. II. William son of William de Estoke settled a message and six hovates of land in Byestwall-juxta-Wareham on himself and Johanna his wife as her jointure. In 8 Edw. II. he settled a messuage and two carucates of land in Stoburgh and Biestewall as a jointure on Matilda his second wife.

William, son and heir of the last mentioned William de Stoke, knt., executed a deed dated at Stoke-juxta-Bynedon on Sunday next after the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 18 Edw. III., purporting to convey the reversion of the whole manor of Byestewalle and Stobergh, expectant on the decease of Matilda his father's widow, to John Mohun and Mathia his wife (his half-sister), and to the heirs of John Mohun. This deed became after his decease the subject of litigation. In an assize at Dorchester on Monday after the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 10 Hen. IV., Walter Chauntmarle and Henry Smedmore sought to recover twelve messuages, one water-mill, two carucates of land, 60a. of meadow, 40a of wood, and 200a. of heath, with a rent of 40s in Wyrgrede and Stoburgh, against Walter Reson and Margaret his wife, John Harryes and Sibilla his wife, and others. Sibilla Harryes pleads that the said tenements make the manor of Byestewall and Stoburgh, that William de Stoke had settled the reversion of it on John Mohun and Mathia his wife, and the heirs of John Mohun, who after the death of Mathia his said wife, settled the premises on himself and Hawesia his then wife, and the heirs of their bodies. By virtue of this entail the premises descended to John Mohun, late husband of Sibilla Harryes, son of John the son of the said John and Hawesia, and Sibilla now has the estates of the said John Mohun the grandfather. Walter Chauntmarle and Henry Smedmore on the other hand deny the validity of the said charter, and plead a previous entail. The jury find that a certain William de Estoke, chevaler, was seized in fee of the said manor, and gave it to William his son, and to Johanna his said son's wife, and the heirs of their bodies. The said William and Johanna had issue William, Alice and Sibilla. William the son died without issue during the lifetime of his sisters, whereupon John Mohun entered on the manor, and settled it on himself and Hawesia his then wife, and the heirs of their bodies. After his death Hawesia his widow married Walter Perle, and, during her possession, Walter Chauntmarle, who was son of John son of Alice, sister and co-heir of William de Stoke, and Henry Smedmore, son of Johanna daughter of Sibilla his other sister and co-heir, entered on the said manor and were seized thereof until John Dolfin and others disseized them. Judgement is given for Walter Chauntmarle and Henry Smedmore, who are ordered to recover their seizin with costs. It is difficult to reconcile this verdict with evidence which has come down to us, for the settlement on William de Stoke and Johanna could scarcely have been made by his father, because the son was under age, and therefore not very likely to have been married at his father's death. The settlement by the fine of 8 Edw. II. above mentioned was certainly made by the son after the father's death, and, if the six bovates of land which passed by it constituted, as perhaps they did, the manor in question, there was no entail, and the William de Stoke had therefore power to dispose of it as he pleased.

We do not find any further notice of the Smedmore family as connected with this property, and the whole seems by some means or other to have come to the Chauntmarles and their heirs. The co-heirs of Chauntmarle married William Cheverel and John Jordan, and the estates of the Stoke family being partitioned between them, the manor of Biestwall and Stoborough came to the Trenchards of Wolveton and Lytchett in right of Christian, wife of Henry Trenchard, daughter and heir of John Mohun by Johanna daughter and heir of John Jordan of Wolveton.

1 Hen. VII. John Trenchard at his death held this manor of Christian Cheverel by service unknown as of her manor of Stoke.

By an indenture made 10 James I. (1612) Sir George Trenchard of Wolveton granted to Sir Amyas Bampfielde of Poltymore, co. Devon, Sir John Rogers of Bryanston, knt., Sir John Williams of Heyngston, knt., John Bampfielde, Willyam Gibbes, John Strode, Willyam Willoughbye and Barnabye Leigh, esqrs. And Ralph Ironside, clerk, all his two farms and demesnes of Warmwell and Biestwall, co. Dorset, in trust for certain uses, and in consideration of a marriage between John Trenchard, esq., his son, and Jane, daughter of Sir John Rodney of Pilton, co. Somerset, he settled the premises on them and their issue.

Afterwards the place became divided into three farms, viz. North Bestwall, South Bestwall, and Lower Bestwall or Twyneham.

North Bestwall, 23 May, 1656, 8 Car. II., John Trenchard of Warmwell sold the portion of this manor which is now called North Bestwall to John Bingham of Melcombe, and his heirs. 29 Sept., 1674, John Bingham sold it to John Michell, esq., who, with John Michell, his son and heir apparent, sold it 14 Feb, 1699, to John Morton of Henbury in fee. The latter died on 10 March, 1750, having devised all his estates to his nephew, the Rev. John Colson, clerk, son of Robert Colson, by Mary Morton, his sister and co-heir, from whom this farm has descended to the Rev. John Morton Colson, the present owner.

South Bestwall
Upper or Bond's Bestwall, 7 Feb. 2 Car. I. John Trenchard of Warmwell, esq. and Jane his wife, Sir Theodore Newton of Catcott, co. Somerset, knt., and Sir Edward Rodney of Pilton, co. Somerset, knt. lease to John Harding for 90 years, determinable with the lives of the said John Harding and John, Lathom, and Henry, his sons, the mansion-house of the farm of Byestwall, and divers parcels of the demesnes of the said farm, amounting to about 359-1/2a. 6 Ap. 16 Car. I. the said John Trenchard, in consideration of an intended marriage between John Bingham, gent., son and heir apparent of Richard Bingham of Quarelston, esq. and Frances eldest daughter of the said John Trenchard, and in consideration of her portion of 1,000l., conveyed the reversion in fee of the premises so leased to Harding, to the said Richard Bingham, who, 24 Sept. 1653, conveyed them to John Harding, son of the lessee above mentioned, Edward Vye, and Andrew Samways, and their heirs. Three days afterwards, viz. 27 Sept. 1653, they sold the mansion or dwelling-house and part of the farm of Byestewall, consisting of 132-1/2a. together with all fishings, fowling, benefit of breeding of swans, &c., to the said mansion-house appertaining, to Denis Bond of Lutton, esq. in fee. He settled it upon his second son, William Bond, who resided here, and left it to Elias his only son. The latter died under age, and it ultimately came to his surviving sisters and coheirs, Mary, wife of James Gould of Dorchester, esq., and Margaret, wife of William Speke of Shepton Beauchamp, co. Somerset, esq. Mary, sold daughter and heir of James and Mary Gould, married Montague Bertie, Earl of Abingdon, and, dying in 1757, s.p., left her moiety of this estate to her cousin, George Speke, of Curry Rivel, co. Somerset, esq., son and heir of William and Margaret before mentioned. Mr G. Speke died s.p. and devised the whole to his nephew, William Speke of Jordans, esq., for his life, with remainder to his eldest son. The former sold his life estate 24 Dec. 1803, and the latter conveyed his reversion in fee 21 Jan 1820, to Mr. James Mace Gigger of Reading, co. Berks.

Lower Bestwall or Twyneham, lies on the bay of Poole, to the east of North and South Bestwall. 29 Sept. 1653, John Harding with E. Vye and A. Samways, conveyed 73a. more of the premises comprised in the indenture of the preceeding 27 Sept., above mentioned, to Nathaniel Child of Wareham, gent. By whom they were sold 25 June 1657 to Lawrence Gigger of Poole, merchant. The latter, in the following year, purchased the remainder of this farm, consisting of about 246a. and the same was conveyed to him by the said John Harding, E. Vye and A. Samways, 01 Mar. 1658. After this, Lower Bestwall Farm became divided between several members of the Gigger family, but ultimately centred in James Mace of Reading, co. Berks, kinsman and devisee of Elizabeth Chapman, only sister and heir of George Gigger of Wareham, grocer. Mr. Mace afterwards assumed the name of Gigger, and became the purchaser of Bonds, or South Bestwall, as above mentioned.

Mr. J. Mace Gigger sold both South and Lower Bestwall, 13 June 1821, to Claude Scott, esq. afterwards created a Baronet, after whose death it was sold by his trustees, 6 Oct. 1831, to Mr. Harry Hammond of Wareham. After the decease of the latter his trustees sold these two farms, 18 June 1847, to the second Earl of Eldon, father of the present earl, who now possesses them.

A pretty large mansion-house at South Bestwall, which Hutchins says was built by the Bonds, was pulled down and rebuilt by the late Mr. Hammond. Twyneham or Twynham, Sax. Tweonhám the twin abode, or the abode between two streams, seems to be the most ancient name of Lower Bestwall. Interamna, or Terni, in Italy; Mesopotamia in Asia; Ballyderoon, co. Cork in Ireland; Christ-Church Tywnham, Hants, and this place, all take their names from their like situation between two rivers.

The great tithes of all these farms were once parcel of Sheen Priory in Surrey, to which house they passed with the other possessions of Wareham Priory, temp. Hen. V. The following payment occurs inter alia in a computus, temp. Hen. VIII. Of the possessions of Sheen. "Bestwall portion of tithes, 6s 8d."

14 Charles I. a portion of tithes here was granted to Edward Sawyer, and there was a fee-farm rent of 6s 8d paid to the Exchequer for it. In 1804 Mr. James Mace Gigger purchased of the Crown the portion of tithes of Lower Bestwall which had been demised to Margaret Sampson, spinster, 25 Oct. 1759, for 30-3/4 years, under the ancient yearly rent of 6s 8d. The portion of tithes of Lower Bestwall Farm were included in the same demise, and were purchased of the Crown by Mr. Speke, 11 April 1804. The small tithes belong to the rectory of East Stoke.

Binnegar, a small hamlet of five or six cottages about two miles west from Wareham, almost opposite to East Stoke and a little east from Stokeford. It is a member of the manor of Rushton, Stockford, and Binnegar. Part of it belongs to Nathaniel Bond, esq. having come to him the same way as the manor. Another part of it has passed in the same way as South Hungerhill Farm, and was purchased together therewith of Mr. James Seymour's trustees by the second Earl Eldon, whose only son now enjoys it.

36 Hen. VIII. lands in East Binnegar, parcel of the priory of Montacute and the priory of Holme, were granted to John Southcote and John Tregonwell.

George Uvedale, of Sherborne, gent. and Margerie his wife, daughter and heir of John Miller, demise to William Gould of West Holme, Robert his son, and William Gould son of John and grandson of the first-named William, for their lives, the messuage or tenement called Est Benegar. The lessees to do suit twice a year unto the courts of the said George and Margerie, to be kept at and for their manor of Repston in the Isle of Purbeck. It is impossible to identify these several parcels.

Hethfelton, Hethfeldton.The name seems to be a contraction of Æthelfleteston. Several places in this neighbourhood evidently derived their names from their Anglo-Saxon proprietors; as Bernston, Herston, and Alveronetune, now Alfrington, which were doubtless the "tuns" equivalent to the Norman vills of Bern, Her, and Alverton, who held them in the time of Edward the Confessor. At the same period Hafelton belonged to Ædelflete, and it was taxed for two hides; William de Braiose held it together with "Ristone" (Rushton) and Wiregrote (Worgrete), &c. at the Domesday survey. But there are two other parcels of land mentioned in the record, one of which, "Hafeltone", consisted of one hide and a half and then belonged to Aiulfus, but before the Conquest to Azor. The other, Æflatune, was only three virgates, and was the property of the church of St. Peter at Cerne.

It was anciently a manor, farm, or grange belonging to the abbot of Bindon, and lies about two miles north-west from Stoke, on the north side of the river Frome.

In 1293, the land of the abbot of Bindon in Hethfeldington was valued at four marks. 32 Hen. VIII. it was granted to Thomas Lord Poynings; afterwards it came to Adrian Poynings, thence to Robert Welstead, and several other grantees. 10 Eliz. Francis, son of Robert Welstead, held Hethfelton and Woodstreet. 23 Eliz. the Queen leased to Andrew Rogers, and his executors, for 14 years, Hethfelton, Woodstreet, and Woolbridge; paying for Hethfelton, 9l.14s.7d.; for Woodstreet, 4l.19s.8d.; for Woolbridge, 5l.17s.10d. 28 Eliz. Hethfelton, with 140a. of land, was granted to Leonard Welstead and John Ryves.

By inquisition taken 29 Eliz. John Ryves at his death held Hethfelton of the Queen in capite by an eighth of a knight's fee. John Ryves, Richard Swayne, and John Tubervile, complain they were molested in the possession of it by John Brown, sheriff, by colour of a special writ. They allege that before this A. Poynings was seized of it, 5 Edw. VI. and had licence granted him to sell Hethfelton, Woolbridge, and Woodstreet, to Robert Welstead, who had licence to hold them to him and his heirs. 6 Edw. VI. a fine was levied between R. Welstead, querent, and A. Poynings, defendant, on which the said Robert was seized of them, who, the same year, had licence to grant Hethfelton and Woodstreet to John Swaine and heirs. 2 Eliz. the Queen granted licence to Swaine to grant them to Thomas Tubervile of Bloxworth, gent. and his heirs. Welsted died seized of Hethfelton and Woodstreet, which descended to Francis his son and heir. Thomas Tubervile died 16 Eliz. seized of Woolbridge; John his son and heir had livery of it 20 Eliz. 15 Dec. 22 Eliz. the Queen granted the messuages, granges, farms and tenements of Hethfelton, Woodstreet, and Woolbridge, and a tenement at Burton, formerly parcel of the possessions o Thomas Lord Poinings, together with some other parcels of land, to John Ryves of Damerie Court, Richard Swayne of Blandford, and John Tuberville of Woolbridge, gent. and their heirs. 23 Eliz. there was an inquisition for concealed lands, and 24 Eliz. the Queen granted to R. Swaine and J. Tuberville for 309l.1s.3d., the granges of Hethfelton, Woodstreet, and Woolbridge. 24 Eliz. J. Tubervill quitted claim to R. Swain and heirs, of Woodstreet and Hethfelton, and R. Swain did like to J. Tubervill and heirs in Woolbridge. It also appeared, by certificate from the Attorney-General, that Woodstreet, Woolbridge, and Hethfelton were sold, as before, 5 Edw. VI. to R. Welsted, and that he sold Woolbridge to John Swayne, and he to Thomas Tubervill. Hethfelton and Woodstreet descended to Francis Welsted, in consideration whereof, and because R. Welsted purchased the premises of A. Poynings, not knowing he was an alien born, J. Tubervill and F. Welsted petition the Queen to grant Woolbridge to Tubervill, and Hethfelton and Woodstreet to Welsted, paying their arrears due to the Queen on the inquisition 23 Eliz., and paying to her after the rate of 15 years' purchase, which composition was accepted 23 Eliz.

30 Eliz. Hethfelton, Woodstreet, and Woolbridge were granted to William Tipper and Robert Daw. 31 Eliz. Hethfelton was held by John Ryves, Woodstreet by Robert Swayne, Woolbridge by John Tubervill, and 32 Eliz. the premises were granted to their and their heirs, and 38 Eliz. the latter grant was confirmed "inspeximus". This variety of grants can only be accounted for by various prosecutions and disputes occasioned by the Statute of Concealment. George Ryves, esq., of Dammory Court in Blandford, cousin and heir of Sir John Ryves, knt., sold this farm and the tythes thereof, 2 May, 1650, to John Penruddock of Compton Chamberlayne, co. Wilts. Esq. The estate continued in this family till after Mr. Penruddock was beheaded at Exeter, and on the 17th March, 1668, Thomas Penruddock, esq. of Compton Chamberlayne, brother and heir of George Penruddock, esq. who was son and heir of John Penruddock, esq. conveyed it to Seymour Bowman of Wenelsford, co. Wilts, esq. He sold it, 29 Nov. 1692, to John Stamp of London, merchant. Mr. Stamp, who in 1697 and 1720 is described as of Sinsham in the parish of Hurst, co. Berks, and in his will as of Hoxton in the parish of Shoreditch, died 2 Jan. 1721, having by deed and will given all his lands to John House, John Spillet of London, linendraper, and Richard Frome, upon trust to dispose of yearly profits thereof for the maintenance of such dissenting Presbyterian and Independent ministers as do not receive above 40l. yearly for their preaching from the people to whom they preach; and in particular, 25L; per annum to each of the three dissenting ministers that should constantly reside, preach and teach at the towns of Reading, co. Berks, and Wareham and Weymouth, co. Dorset; and in case his wife, or any person pretending to be his heirs, or any bodies or societies of men should go about to set aside such settlement, then he gave all his property to the sole use and benefit of his said trustees and their heirs for ever. This gift became the subject of a suit in Chancery, and the Court by its decree in 1739 held the trusts to be void. Mr. Spillet, who survived his co-trustees, therefore became absolutely entitled to the estate under the alternative devise in Mr. Stamp's will. He left an only child, Frances Spillet, who on her marriage in 1754 with John Denison of London, merchant, brother of Judge Denison, settled this estate on him absolutely, and died without issue. Mr Denison died s.p., and by will dated 22 Aug. 1759, devised it to his second wife Margaret Charlotte Denison, who is 1763 married Arthur Phillip, esq., afterwards a captain in the navy, and died without issue. By her will, dated 21 Dec. 1785, she devised Heffleton to trustees, in trust for sale, by whom it was sold in 1796 to Andrew Bain, esq., M.D. Mary his eldest daughter and co-heir married James Chamness Fyler of Woodlands, co. Surrey, esq., by whom she was mother of J. W. T. Fyler, esq. the present owner. The mansion house at Heffleton was built by Dr. Bain, who greatly beautified and improved the estate by plantations and ornamental grounds. The former were so extensive that he was presented in 1808 with a gold medal by the Society for Planting, as an honorary testimonial.

West Holme, a manor, farm, hamlet, and tything, in Hasler hundred, situated about a mile and a half east of Stoke, on a rising ground near the south side of the the river in the Isle of Purbeck. Sir W. Dugdale says, "Holme" in Saxon signifies a place wholly or partly compassed with waters, or in a nook between two rivers.

The name of this place anciently was always written Holne. In Domesday book, Walter de Clavile held Holne in demesne, and it was taxed for two hides and a virgate; Eldred held it before the Conquest. The posterity of Walter de Clavile continued owners in the reign of Edw. I., when William Claville left issue two daughters, Margaret and Alice, who were his co-heirs. It was held of the honour of Gloucester, by service of one knight's fee. In an assize roll of the 12. Hen. IV. We have a curious history of the descent of this manor, showing the insecurity of property, the disregard of rights of minors, and the difficulty of obtaining justice at that remote period. In an assize at Dorchester on Monday next after the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedrâ, Robert Chyke and Johanna his wife, Thomas Mere and Agnes his wife, John Fry and Margery his wife, and William Burdon and Alice his wife, sought to recover from Thomas Brideport and Margaret his wife, six messuages, 100a. of arable, 20a. of meadow, 200a. of pasture, 100a. of moor, 20a. of wood, and a moiety of a water mill in West Holne. The jury find that on the death of William Clavell before mentioned, his estates were divided between his two daughters, and, on a partition, Holne was allotted to Margaret the eldest. She married John Russel of Tyneham, after whose death she, by charter dated on Sunday the morrow of St. Peter ad Vincula, 32 Edw. I. (2 Aug. 1304), released and quitclaimed to William Russel her son and heir, and to Alice daughter of John de Derneford, whom he shortly after married, and to the heirs of William, all her right and interest in the lands in West Holne, which fell to her by the death of William Clavile of Holne, her father. After the death of William Russel, Alice his widow married John Smedmore, and had issue by him one daughter Elizabeth Smedmore, who became the wife of Robert Sherard. By her first husband Alice de Derneford had a son John Russel, who, being under age at her death, was kept out of his inheritance by John Smedmore, his step-father. On attaining his majority, however, he made his entry, but was ousted by John Smedmore. After the death of the latter, Elizabeth Smedmore his daughter entered and took possession as his heir-at-law. She married Robert Sherard and had issue. John Russel made verbal claim to the estate during the whole of his life, and once made an entry thereon, but never recovered actual possession. He died during the lifetime of Robert Sherard, who survived his wife and attained possession of the property. During his tenure of it, Henry Smedmore, uncle and heir-at-law of Elizabeth Sherard, being brother of John Smedmore before mentioned, supposing as he alleged that Robert Sherard held the estate for his life, as tenant by the curtesy, by charter dated in the Feast of the Annunciation 36 Edw. III. (25 March, 1362), conveyed the reversion to Thomas de Brideport and his heirs, by the name of the reversion of the moiety of the manor of West Holne in Purbeck, and Robert Sherard attorned and afterwards surrendered his life estate to the said Thomas Brideport. All this was done whilst John Russel, the son of John and Alice de Derneford, was still in his minority. Thomas de Brideport, by indenture dates at Holne on Sunday next after the Feast of Petronilla the Virgin, 37 Edw. III. (4 June, 1363), settled the premises, by the name of the manor of Holne, on himself and Alianor his wife and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to his own right heirs. They had issue Thomas de Brideport, against whom the present action was brought. On John Russel's attaining his majority, he claimed the premises against the said Thomas and Alianor, but made no entry, for Thomas de Brideport threatened him that if he did he should be beaten. Thomas de Brideport then died, and Alianor his widow married William Payn senior, against whom John Russel continued to prefer his claim, but verbally only, and he did not enter. The fact was he had been arraigned concerning the death of someone, and fearing to make William Payn his enemy, he on that account did not venture to enter. On his death he left issue John Russel his son and heir, who died a minor without issue, and four daughters, who became their brother's co-heirs, and who, together with their husbands, were the plaintiffs in the present assize. The husbands of the co-heirs entered in right of their wives, and were seized of the premises until they were ousted by Thomas Bridport the defendant. But whether this ouster amounted to a disseizin or not, the jury declare they are unable to decide, and crave the discretion of the court. The justices seem to have had a difficulty in making up their minds upon this point of law, for the parties were to appear at Ilchester, on Thursday next after the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedrâ (26 Feb. 1411), to hear judgement given. Judgement, however, was again postponed and was not finally delivered till Monday next after the Feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 13 Hen. IV. (26 July, 1412), when it was pronounced at Dorchester in a special assize in favour of the plaintiffs, who were adjudged to recover the land with the intermediate profits as well as the costs they had incurred in the suit.

The first-mentioned Thomas de Bridport died on Wednesday after the Feast of St. Nicholas, 46 Edw. III., and on an inquisition post mortem taken on Saturday after the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 47 Edw. III. the jury, who had simply to inquire into facts and not as to validity of title, made a return that he held at his death, jointly with Alianor his wife, the manor of Holne of Edmund earl of March by knight's service. He also held the manor of Bradell and a messuage and 40a. of land in Little Kymerich. Thomas de Bridport was his son and heir, 10 years old and upwards.

Subsequently the Bridport family again obtained some property in West Holme by a more valid purchase, for 29 Hen. VI. Robert, son and heir of Thomas Bridport, granted land in Little Keymershe to Robert Fry, one of the cousins and heirs of John Russel, late of Tyneham, in exchange for lands in West Holme. After this we hear no more of this family. There was another of the same name, who were lords of Little Critchel, but how they were related to this branch is not known.

We find no [further] account of the lords of this place (says Hutchins) till 1586, when Mr. Treswell, in his map of the Isle of Purbeck, says it belonged to … Newburgh and William Gould.

On a survey of the borders of the river Frome and the estuary of Poole from Moreton to South-haven Point, made by "Commissioners of Sewers" acting by commission under the great seal, 15 James I. 1617, it was found inter alia that the meadows of West Holme were the lands of Mr Newborough and William Goolde. This last family, who were lords also of Worgret, alienated to the Strodes of Parnham, whose descendant and representative Sir Henry Oglander, Bart. Is now owner of the principal farm.

But the whole of West Holme did not thus pass to the Strodes and Oglanders. A small farm consisting of about 40a. called Crocker's tenement, was held in moieties by Walter Newburgh of Brazenose College, Oxford, M.A. 19 James I., and William Gould of West Holme, gent. 20 James I. In 1650 Richard Gould of West Holme, gent. sold Crocker's tenement in West Holme to Thomas Baker of Arne and his heirs, reserving to the said Richard and his heirs and assigns free liberty of fowling upon the premises. It does not appear how the Newburghs and Goulds became possessed of West Holme. The latter were seated here for some time, and subsequently at Worgret. It appears from some old leases, that William Gould of West Holme, who was living 27 and 31 Eliz., had a wife Avis and three sons, Robert, John and William. John had a son William also then living. Avis was the daughter of William Clavell of Winfrith, and relict of Robert Bond of Lutton. Elizabeth, daughter of William Gould of Holne, married in 1587 George Bond of Wareham, fifth son of William Bond of Lutton. They have no pedigree in the Visitation Book, but Mr. Denis Bond in 1641 assigns to them for arms: Arg. on a chevron sa. between three roses ppr. three bunches of grapes or. The late Right Hon. Nathaniel Bond of East Holme purchased the premises called Crocker's tenement of John Smith of West Holne, yeoman, part in 1799, and the remainder in 1803, and it has since been held with and passed as East Holme Farm.

About half a mile north-east from this vill is Holme bridge, which has four arches.

Feb. 27, 1643, a party of the garrison of Wareham under Captain Sydenham was met at Holme bridge by some of Lord Inchiquin's regiment, twenty-five foot and twenty horse, commanded by Captain Purdon and his lieutentant, who engaged the rebels, who had 300 horse and foot, near five hours. The captain and lieutenant were both shot, and ordered their men to lay them on the brink of the bridge, where they encouraged their men, till more of the King's forces coming to their assistance, the rebels fled, leaving forty dead, and eight loads of hay and provisions they had plundered from the country. The Royalists had twelve wounded, but none killed. The lieutenant bled to death, encouraging his men with great cheerfulness.

South Hungerhill, a farm on the south side of the river Piddle almost opposite North Hungerhill or Trigon. It anciently belonged to the abbey of Cerne; 11 Edw. II the abbot had a charter of free warren in his lands at Hungerhill, Blokesworth, and various other places. It belonged to the abbey at its dissolution, and was probably granted, together with Bloxworth and a fishery here, to Richard and George Savage, gents. In 38 of Hen. VIII. William and George Savage sold this farm with the manor, &c. of Bloxworth to Henry Trenchard, brother of Sir John Trenchard, knt. George Trenchard of Lytchett, esq. son and heir of Sir John, give it to John Trenchard, esq. his youngest son, who in 1801 sold it to James Seymer of East Stoke, miller. Mr Seymer died in 1848, having devised this estate to trustees in trust for sale, by whom it was sold, 21 Dec. 1848, to the Second Earl of Eldon, father of the present Earl, who now enjoys it. Part of Binnegar has long passed in the same way as South Hungerhill, and both are now occupied together as one farm.

Luckford, consists of two or three cottages near the river Frome, a little west from West Holme, only remarkable for giving name to Luckford Lake, a river that falls here into the Frome, and forms the west boundaries of the isle of Purbeck.

Rushton, a small hamlet in Worgret tything, a member of the manor of Rushton, Stokeford, and Binnegar. It lies near Holme bridge, opposite West Holme, and consists of two farmer, Higher and Lower Rushton.

The abbot of Bindon had some concern here; for 22 Edw. IV. and 9 Hen. VIII. Walter and Roger Cheverel held 150 acres of land here of the abbot. In 1645 Mr. George Strode's farm here was sequestered. This must have been Lower Rushton, which now belongs to Sir Henry Oglander, the descendant and representative of the Strodes. Higher Rushton farm is part of the demesnes of the manor of Rushton, Stokeford, and Binnegar, and has come in the same way as that manor to Nathaniel Bond, esq. the present owner.

Stokeford, a manor, hamlet, and farm, a little west from Binnegar, almost opposite East Stake. The style of the manor is the manor of Rushton, Stokeford, and Binnegar, and it includes these three hamlets as well as a considerable extent of heath or waste. An estate in this manor seems to have belonged to the De Warmwell family. Temp. Hen. VI. Alice Coker, their eventual representative, held lands in Stokeford and Est beninger, which passed in the same manner as Warmwell to the Newburghs. 37 Hen. VIII. Thomas Lord Poynings held at his death a tenement in Stokeford of the King in capite by knight's service. 29 Eliz. it had been granted to Edward Whitemarsh. 2 James I. it belonged to Thomas Viscount Bindon, to whom it seems to have descended from the Poynings's. 1651 James Earl of Suffolk sold the manor of Rushton, Stokeford, and Binnegar, with lands belonging thereto, to Thomas Grove of Tottenham High Cross, co. Middlesex, esq., in fee. By a survey sans date it consisted of nine copy and one leasehold – old rents 3l.7s.4d. – and belonged to Thomas Grove. In 1685 Huttoft Grove of Birden Hall, co. Essex, gent. Mortgaged the premises for a term of years to Paul Bowes, whose relict and executrix, Bridget Bowes, obtained a conveyance of the fee 19 Oct. 1705. In the following month she sold the premises to Denis Bond, esq. of Grange, from whom they passed in the same manner as East Holme to Nathaniel Bond, esq. the present owner.

Saint Andrew's, This farm, which, though parochially in East Stoke is locally situated in Lullworth, and is described under East Lullworth. Temp. Rich. I. it belonged to Eustace de Stokes.

It was sometimes called simply St. Andrew's, at others Lullworth St. Andrew's, and St. Andrew's Church, the latter designation being derived from a church which stood there dedicated to St. Andrew, all traces of which have long disappeared.

On Wednesday after the Feast of All Saints, 12 Hen. VI. 1433, an inquisition was taken for proof of the age of Walter Payne, son and heir of William Payne deceased, who held of Richard Duke of York. Several witnesses were then produced, who affirmed on oath that he was born at Lullworth St. Andrew, and baptised by John Touker, chaplain, in the church of St. Andrew of the same vill on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 14 Hen. IV. John Touker was not vicar of East Lullworth at this time, as he had resigned the incumbency of that parish in 1396, and it is quite clear from the foregoing evidence that Lullworth St. Andrew had a church of its own distinct from the parish churches of both East and West Lullworth.

Walter Payne died without issue, and William Knoyle of Sampford Orcas, co. Somerset, son and heir of Thomas Knoyle by Alice his wife, daughter of William Payne, was his heir. He settled this estate 18 Edw. IV. on his father for life, with remainder to Thomas Knoyell, junior, brother of the said William, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Hampden of Kimbell, co. Bucks, for their lives, with remainder to himself in tail, remainder to the right heirs of Alice, late wife of the said Thomas Knoyle, sen. Thomas Knoyle, the father, died seized of a life estate in the premises on the morrow of St. Andrew the Apostle, 20 Edw. IV., William his son and heir aged 40 years and more. The arms of Knoyle in the Visitation Book of Somerset are, Gu. on a bend ar. three escallops sa.; and those of Payne of Lullworth St. Andrew, as quartered by Knoyle, are, Sa. three spindles arg.

Stowborough, Great part of Stowborough is in the parish of the Holy Trinity in Wareham, but the western portion of it is in the parish of East Stoke. This seems to be the "Stanberge" of Domesday, possibly a clerical error for Stauberge, and it afterwards formed part of a manor styled the manor of Bestwall and Stoborough. Its early history is involved in that of Bestwall, to which the reader is referred.

Woolbridge, a farm on the north side of the river, near the bridge, adjoining to Wool, whence it derived its name. It anciently belonged to the Abbey of Bindon, and was granted, 32 Hen. VIII. to Sir Thomas Poynings, and thence to his brother Sir Adrian, after which it passed in some measure as Hethfelton did. Hence it came to the Turbervilles. 20 Eliz. John, son and heir of Thomas Tuberville, held it, with the manor of Winterborn Musterton, and lands in Bere Regis; the same person held it 31 Eliz. This farm with the manor of Bere were purchased from the heirs of Turberville by Henry Drax, esq. and in 1862 belongs to his heirs.

Here was the seat of a younger branch of the family of the Turbervilles of Bere Regis, who at last became possessed of the whole estate of the elder line. It is now converted into a farmhouse, but seems to have been formerly a neat and elegant building of brick. Over a door in the hall in Hutchins's time were the arms of Turberville impaling Howard of Bindon; on the right hand the arms of Howard encircled by the garter, on the left the arms of Strode. Its style of architecture refers it to the period of Sir John Turberville, knt., sheriff of Dorset in 1652. It was garrisoned in 1644, after which it is not unlikely to have been rebuilt. One or two remnants of Early English work have been preserved, probably, from their ecclesiastical character, brought from Bindon Abbey. Here is a large bridge of stone of five arches. Only part of this farm pays tithe to the rector of East Stoke.

The Church
The old church stood at the west end of the parish, in a meadow near the river, and a little distant from the in-parish. It was a small ancient building, and consisted of a body and chancel, both tiled, and a low tower in which were three bells. It was taken down in 1848 to furnish materials for a new one erected near the turnpike road, in a situation more convenient for parishioners, but which has no pretensions to architectural beauty or propriety. A small portion of the old church remains in its churchyard as a memorial of it. Hutchins says the old church "seems anciently to have been dedicated to St. Andrew, the vill being distinguished by that name in records temp. Edw. I. and Edw. III., but the Sarum registers, 1306, say it was dedicated to St. Mary. This was perhaps a re-dedication, and yet might commonly retain its original name of distinction." In arriving at this conclusion our author was misled by finding, in the enumeration of the property of the two William de Stokes in the Escheat 22 Edw. I. and the Aid Roll, 20 Edw. III., the name "St. Andrew's" immediately following Stoke without any intermediate punctuation or conjunction. But punctuation is little used in instruments of that early date, and it is evident, from the wording of the additional records now quoted above in the enlarged account of the manor and family of Stoke, that "St. Andrew's" is not a distinctive appellation of East Stoke, but it is a separate manor of that name, sometimes also called St. Andrew's Church, and Lullworth St. Andrew's, which, though locally situated in Lullworth, is parochially part of East Stoke.

The only inscription is on a brass plate, formerly in the body, near the pulpit, in old English characters:

Hic jacet D'nus Adam Norton quondam rector istius eccl'ie qui obiit in vigilia Natibitatis b'e Marie ano D'ni Mil'mo C.C.C.C.XXXJJJJ.

The registers began 1582.

The older registers have been lost since Hutchins's time; those at present in possession of the parish commence in 1743.

John Turberville, esq. and lady Anne Thornhurst . . . 1608
Ralph Thornhull and Elizabeth Perkins of Bestwal  . . 1614
Elias Bond and Jone Gerard of Wareham  . . . . . . . . 1672

Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Newborough . . . . . . . 1596
Theophilus, son of John Sacheverel, minister . . . . . 1615
Timothy, son of John Sacheverel, minister . . . . . . . 1619
Philologus, son of John Sacheverel, minister . . . . . .1635
Thomas, son of Mr. John & Elizabeth Turberville . . . 1671
Elizabeth, daughter of John Frampton, gent. . . . . . .1640

Margaret Turberville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1604
Henry Clavel of Bristol, gent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1625
John Frampton, gent. buried at Wareham . . . . . . . .1645

The Rectory
The lord of the manor has been always patron. The present is Sir Henry Oglander of Parnham. In 1291 a portion of 2s.1d. was paid to the prior of Wareham out of this rectory.

Parochia de Stoke

Joh' Brix, Hug' Dauwe, Will' Cane, John' Marner, Edward Mulleward, Henr' Cok, Andr' Jacob, Rob' Walteres, Rob' Jolyf, Hug' le Fox, Will' Sulven, et Joh' le Couk, parochiani ibidem jurati presentant quod ecclesia ibidem taxatur in c s. Et quod ix pars garbarum, vellerum, et agnorum valet per annum v marcas et non plus. Et sic minus extento xxxvi s. iii d. eo quod rector ibidem habet terram prati ut de dote ecclesiæ quæ valet per annum iii s. Decimæ feni valent xx s. Item oblations, obventiones, mortuaria, et aliæ minutæ decimæ valent per annum xiii s. iiii d.

Summa ixnæ partis v marcis.
                                             £    s.    d.
Value, 1291. . . . . . . . . . . . .100
Present value . . . . . . . . . . . .14  12  11
Tenths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1    9    3-1/2
Bishop's procurations . . . . . . 0   2    3-1/2
Archdeacon's procurations . . 0   3    4


  Patrons Rectors
  William Burdet knight, William Stoke and Philip Winterborn his clerk renouncing their right. Thomas Colerobe, el. pr. to this church of St. Mary de Estoke, or Stoke juxta Bindon; inst. kal. Feb 1306. In 1399, 7 id. June, John, rector of St. Martin's, Wareham, was appointed curator to him, being blind and infirm; and 8 id. Dec. following, Walter Langeton was appointed in his room.
  William, son of William de Stoke, knight. John le Guldene, cl. inst. 5 kal. July 1341.
  John Chauntmarle. John de Wyke, rector of Steepleton, instit. 28 July, 1361
  Walter Chauntmarle. John Churchehulle, cl. On the death of Robert Wyke, instit. 9 June, 1389.
  John Jurdan and John Cheverel esqrs. John Botiler, chap. Instit. 19 Sept. 1412; exchanged withRobert Ware, rector of Brodemayne, instit. 4 Dec. 1414; exchanged withJohn Pounteney, rector of Holy Trinity, Wareham, instit. 6 Nov. 1421; exchanged withRobert Mere, rector of Stratford Tony, instit. 29 May 1426;Adam Norton, on the resignation of Mere, inst. 30 May 1426.
  John Chyverel and Christian late wife of John Jurdan, deceased, per viam commendæ. William Hayne, pbr. on death of Norton, instit. 9 Feb. 1434;Richard Gelet, or Gylot, pbr. instit 26 July, 1435
  John Chyverel and John Jurdan, son and heir of Christian wife of John Jurdan deceased. William Sondland, chap. on the resignation of Gylot, instit. 7 April, 1439.John West.
  Walter Cheverel, esq. John Hayne, chaplain, on the resignation of West, inst. 13 April, 1453; exchanged withWilliam Greenhill, rector of Pulham, inst. 21 Nov. 1457.John Scovyl, chaplain on the death of Grenely, instit. 29 April, 1469.John Hardynge, clerk, on the resignation of Scovile, inst. 7 Feb. 1469.Thomas Gundre, chapl. on the resignation of Hardynge, inst. 6 July, 1473.John Roke.
  Walter Cheverel, esq. Thomas Symms, monk, of Bindon, on the death of Roke, inst. 18 Dec. 1479.Henry Russel occurs 5 Hen. VIII.Richard Dernlove, rector of the Holy Trinity, Wareham.John Grimborne occurs 1582; ob. 1614
  John Strode John Sacheverel, also rector of Langton Matravers, inst. 1615, ob. 25 April, 1651.Zacharias Nelson, 1651.
  Sir John Strode Richard Werne, and, on his resignationThomas Phelips, 23 Sept. 1668.
  William Strode, esq. Richard Godesborough, 5 Sept. 1685.Christopher Ewens, 1693.Thomas Hibbert, inst. 21 June, 1696, ob. 06 Sept. 1708.John Robinson, M.A. inst. 1708, ob. 1743
  George Strode, esq. George Osborn, B.A. on the death of Robinson, inst. 11 Nov. 1743.Richard Robinson, A.B. inst. 25 Sept. 1744, on the resignation of Osborn. Resigned, Mar. 1749.Richard Hunt, M.A. inst. 1750; rector also of Compton Pauncefoot, co. Somerset, which was in his family.Henry Oglander.
  Sir William Oglander Peter Oglander, A.B. inst. 28 May, 1804, on the resignation of Henry Oglander.Anthony William Glynn, inst. 14 Nov. 1814.Charles Fox, M.A. Trinity Coll. Cambridge, inst. 18 June, 1819, on the death of Glynn.

The return to the commission, 1650, is wanting.

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There is a National School here with two endowments, producing about 8l. per annum, invested in government securities in the name of the National School.

The Right Hon. Nathaniel Bond of Holme, who died in 1823, bequeathed to the officiating minister of East Stoke 100l. to be laid out by him in support of a Sunday School in this parish.

Natives and Eminent Persons

The family of Sacheverel are by some writers deduced from Nottinghamshire, and there were till very lately some in Warwickshire.

Their connection, however, with the family of Cheverel being admitted in the pedigree here given, the figure which the three last descents of that family made entitles them to more particular notice.

John Sacheverel, of an ancient family in Nottinghamshire, grandfather to the famous Dr. Henry, was eldest son to the minister of Stoke under Hamden in Somersetshire, a man of great reputation, who had many children. Two of them, John and Timothy, were bred ministers. They were both of St. John's College, Oxford, but do not appear to have taken degrees, and were both silenced on Bartholomew-day, 1662, the former at Wincanton in Somersetshire, and the latter at Tarrant Hinton in this county.

Mr. John Sacheverel, whose memory is precious in the West of England, had first the living of Rimpton in Somersetshire, which he quitted before the restoration of Charles II. and afterwards that of Wincanton in the same county. He had there but 30l. per annum certain allowance, with a promise of 30l. more from London; of which augmentation he received only one half-year. His pains in this place were very great; he had considerable success in his ministry; and his conversation was unblameable and exemplary.

He was three times married. By his first wife he had only one child, Joshua, whom he sent to Katherine Hall, Cambridge, where he proceeded A.B. 1667. By his second, he had no children. By his third, he had two other sons, Benjamin and Samuel, and a daughter. The youngest of the sons was educated under Dr. Oliffe, rector of Dunton, Berks, and was three years a student in Pembroke College, under Dr. Hall. The third wife (who survived him) was daughter to Counsellor Hussey of Shaftesbury, and widow of Mr. Henry Derby, an attorney. She brought him a copyhold estate of 60l. a year at Stalbridge, which he returned to her two daughters by the former husband, leaving his library to his son Joshua, and 12d. only to each of his other children.

He constantly rose early, and spent the morning in his study, and the afternoon in visiting his flock, and discoursing with them about religious matters, till the Saturday, which was entirely spent in preparing for the Sabbath. That day was usually thus employed: he began his public worship with a short prayer in the morning, and then read a psalm and a chapter, and briefly expounded them; and after singing a psalm, he prayed and preached for about an hour and a quarter. In the afternoon he began at one, himself repeating the morning sermon, and examined young people as to what they had remembered; then prayed and preached for about an hour and a half; and afterwards the repetition of the evening sermon and examination of young ones about it concluded the public service.

On the very day of King Charles the Second's coronation he preached a sermon upon 1 Sam. Xii. 25, "But if ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed, both ye and your King." The observation which he chiefly insisted on was this: That wicked men continuing in their wicked actions are the greatest traitors to the King and State wherein they live. Several went out of the church in the midst of the sermon; and the rabble got together, and in the market-house impannelled a jury from among themselves; and represented a formal trial of the preacher, and afterwards drew him in effigy, with a book in his hand, which they called his catechism, upon an hurdle, through the town to the top of an hill, where a great bonfire was prepared. The effigy was hanged upon a pole in order to be burnt; but the wind driving the flames away, the effigy remained untouched, and was shot at by several with great fury; and at length fell into the flames, where it was consumed. It was the observation of many in those parts, that several who were most active in this frantic diversion, accompanied with much profaneness and debauchery, had some remarkable calamity that befell them soon after, and some of them died miserably; an account whereof was then published in one of the books of prodigies, and the names of several of them are still remembered.

A little after he was indicted at the assizes for continuing the exercise of his ministry without reading the Common Prayer. When he was allowed to speak for himself, he declared that, if he had been required by authority to read the Common Prayer, he would either have done it, or immediately have quitted the living.  He behaved himself so well, that the judge expressed himself to this effect to those who were about him: "Have you no other man then in your county to single out for a pattern of your severity?" Upon hearing all matters, the jury brought him in not guilty; and he was acquitted. After being silenced by the Bartholomew Act, he retired to Stalbridge, where he had an estate in right of his wife. Being afterwards taken at a meeting in Shaftesbury, with Mr. Hallet, Mr. Ince, and some other ministers, he and they were sent together to Dorchester gaol, where he remained three years. In this imprisonment he and the rest of them took it by turns to preach out of a window to a considerable number of people that stood to hear on the other side of the river. In this confinement he contracted such an indisposition, that of a very cheerful active person he became very melancholy, and soon after ended his days. He died in his chair, speaking to those about him with great vehemence and affection of the great work of redemption. He wrote in the title-page of all his books, "To me to live is Christ, to die is gain"; which was also engraven upon his tombstone. Mr. Bangor, who was a fellow-sufferer with him, preached his funeral sermon from Rom. Viii. 22, 23.

His son Joshua settled at Marlborough, where he was highly esteemed, and died, leaving a numerous family in very low circumstances. There was born Henry his son, a man whose history affords a very striking example of the folly and madness of party, which could exalt an obscure individual possessed of but moderate talents to a height of popularity that the present times behold with wonder and astonishment. By a letter to him from his uncle in 1711 it appears that he had a brother named Thomas, and a sister Susannah.

Henry was put to school at Marlborough, at the charge of Mr. Edward Hearst, an apothecary, who, being his godfather, adopted him as his son. Hearst's widow put him afterwards to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he became demy in 1687, at the age of 15. Young Sacheverell soon distinguished himself by a regular observation of the duties of the house, by his compositions, good manners, and genteel behaviour, qualifications which recommended him to that society, of which he was a fellow; and, as a public tutor, had the care of the education of most of the young gentlemen of quality and fortune that were admitted of the college. In this station he trained a great many persons eminent for their learning and abilities, and, amongst others, was tutor to Mr. Holdsworth, whose "Muscipula" and "Dissertation on Virgil" have been so deservedly esteemed. He was contemporary and chamber-fellow with Mr. Addison, and one of his chief intimates till the time of his famous trial. Mr. Addison's "Account of the Greatest English Poets," dated April 4, 1694, in a farewell poem to the Muses on his intending to enter into holy orders, was inscribed "To Mr. Henry Sacheverell," his then dearest friend and colleague. Much has been said by Sacheverell's enemies of ingratitude to his relations, and of turbulent behaviour at Oxford, but these appear to have been groundless calumnies, circulated only by the spirit of party. In younger life he wrote some excellent Latin poems. Besides several in the second and third volumes of the "Muse Anglicanæ," ascribed to his pupils, there is a good one of some length in the second volume, under his own name, transcribed from the Oxford collection, on Queen Mary's death, 1695. He took the degree of M.A. May 16, 1696, B.D. Feb. 4, 1707, D.D. July 1, 1708. His first preferment was Cannock or Cank in the county of Stafford. He was appointed preacher of St. Saviour's, Southwark, in 1705, and while in this station printed "The Nature, Obligation, and Measures of Conscience, delivered in a Sermon preached at Leicester, at the Assizes held there, July 25, 1706, from Acts xxiii. 1. By Henry Sacheverell, M.A. Fellow of Magdalen College. Published at the Request of the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury." 4to. He printed also a famous sermon preached at the assizes at Derby, August 14, 1709, from 1 Tim. V. 2, intituled, "The Communication of Sin;" and another, preached at St. Paul's, November 5, the same year, before the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, from 2 Cor. Xi. 26, intituled "The Perils of False Brethren both in Church and State," and in one of them was supposed to point at Lord Godolphin, under the name of Volpone. It has been suggested that to this circumstance, as much as to the doctrines contained in the sermons, he was indebted for his prosecution, and eventually for his preferment. Being impeached by the House of Commons, his trial began Feb. 27, 1709-10, and continued until the 23rd March, when he was sentenced to a suspension from preaching for three years, and his two sermons ordered burnt. This ridiculous prosecution overthrew the ministry, and laid the foundation of his fortune. To Sir Simon Harcourt, who was counsel for him, he presented a silver basin, gilt, with an elegant inscription, written probably by his friend, Dr. Atterbury. Dr. Sacheverell during his suspension made a kind of triumphal progress through several of the midland counties, during which period he was collated to a living near Shrewsbury, and, in the same month that his suspension ended, had the valuable rectory of St. Andrew's Holborn given him by the Queen, April 13, 1713. On the 29th of May, after his enlargement, the Commons, to show their dislike of his former prosecution and censure, desired him to preach before them at St. Margaret's which he did from 1 Peter ii. 16, and published it under the title of "False Notions of Liberty, Religion and Government, destructive of both;" and on the Sunday before the coronation of King George I. he preached a sermon at Sutton near Birmingham, for which he is severely censured in Tindal's Continuation of Rapin. At that time his reputation was so high that he was enabled to sell his first sermon, preached on Palm Sunday after his sentence expired, intituled "The Christian Triumph, of the Duty of Praying for our Enemies," from Luke xxiii. 34, for the sum of 100l., and upwards of 40,000 copies, it is said, were soon sold. We find by Swift's Journal to Stella, Jan 22, 1711-12, that he had also interest enough with the ministry to provide very amply for one of his brothers; yet, as the dean had said before, Aug. 24, 1711, "they hated, and affected to despise him." A considerable estate at Callow in Derbyshire was soon after left to him by his kinsman George Sacheverell, esq. whose widow the Doctor married in June, 1716. In 1715-16, he prefixed a dedication to "Fifteen Discourses occasionally delivered before the University of Oxford, by W. Adams, M.A. late Student of Christ Church, and rector of Staunton-upon-Wye in Oxfordshire." After this publication we hear little of him, except by quarrels with his parishioners. He died June 5, 1724, and, by his will, bequeathed to Bishop Atterbury, then in exile, who was supposed to have penned for him the defence he made before the House of Peers, the sum of 500l. In the burial-ground belonging to St. George's Bloomsbury, behind the Founding Hospital, is a tombstone with this inscription:

Here lies the body of Mary, wife, of Charles Chambers, gent. widow of HENRY SACHEVERELL, D.D. late Rector of St. Andrew's Holborn, whose first husband was George Sacheverell of New Hall in the county of Warwick, esq.  She died September the 6, 1739, aged 75 years.

And also the above CHARLES CHAMBERS. He died 20 May, 1749, aged 88 years.

The Duchess of Marlborough describes Sacheverell as "an ignorant, impudent incendiary; a man who was the scorn even of those who made use of him as a tool." And Bishop Burnet says, "He was a bold, insolent man, with a very small measure of religion, virtue, learning, or good sense, but he resolved to force himself into popularity and preferment by the most petulant railings at Dissenters and Low-church men in several sermons and libels, wrote without either chasteness of style or liveliness of expression."

The sermons published by him, besides those already mentioned, are,

"The Political Union. Prov. viii. 15. 1702"
"A Defence fo her Majesty's Title to the Crown. 2 Chron. vi. 34, 35. 1702."
"The Nature and Mischief of Prejudice and Partiality. 1 Tim. v. 21. 1704."
"The Nature, Guilt, and Danger of Presumptuous Sins. Numb. xv. 30, 31. 1708."
See a curious epitath on Mr. Collins, written by Dr. Sacheverell, in Gutch's "History of the Colleges of Oxford," p.336.

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