Gillingham Protestation Return 1642

©Transcribed and alphabetised for Dorset OPC by Joy Waters



C.W. 1. The Libertie of Gillingham

From a book preserved at the House of Lords and copied with permission in 1912 by Edward Alexander Fry

The Protestation Returns are the closest record we have to a census from 1642. By order of the House of Commons, all adult men were asked to swear the following Oath of Allegiance to the Protestant religion. Their names were duly inscribed in a list in each parish, and the list sent back to Parliament.

"I (A. B.) doe, in the presence of Almightie God, promise, vow and protest to maintaine and defend, so farre as lawfullie I maie, with my life, power, and estate, the true Reformed Protestant Religion expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Poperie and Popish Innovations within this Realme contrarie to the same Doctrine and according to the dutie of my Allegiance to his Majesties Royall person, honour and estate. As also the Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful rights and Liberties of the subject, and every person that maketh this Protestation in whatsoever he shall doe in the lawful pursuance of ye same. And to my power, and as farre as lawfullie I may, I will oppose, and by all good waies and means indeavor to bring to condigne punishment all such as shall either by Force, Practise, Counsells, Plotts, Conspiracies, or otherwise do anie thing in this present Protestation contained. And further, that I shall in all Just and honourable waies endeavour to preserve ye Union and Peace between the three Kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland. And neither for hope, feare, nor other respect, relinquish this promise, vow and Protestation."

Humphry Adam

Gilbert Alford

James Alford

Thomas Alford

Thomas Alford

Thomas Arnold

Jesper Ayemes

John Baker

Richard Baker

William Baker

Thomas Bale

Charles Barnes

Georg Barnes

John Barnes

Christopher Barter

Edward Barter

John Batwell

Thomas Bealing

Thomas Beck

James Belbin

John Belman

Thomas Belman

Richard Belman

Christopher Bower

Edward Bowles

Thomas Bowles

William Bowles

Robert Brabin

Thomas Breadly

Henry Brethers

Edmund Brewer

Robert Brewer

Willi. Brewer

William Brewer

William Brewer

Georg Briant

John Briar

Hugh Brodin

John Brodin

Robert Brodin

Theophilus Brodin

Thomas Brodin

Thomas Brodin

Arthur Browne

John Browne

William Browne

Nicholas Bugges

John Buggs

John Buggs

Charles Burden

John Burden

John Bush

Richard Butler

Andrew Butt

Edward Butt

Henry Butt

James Butt

Jasper But

John Butt

John Butt

John Butt

John Butt

John Butt

Matthew Butt

Richard Butt

Robert Butt

Thomas But

Thomas Butt

Thom. Butt

William Butt

Will. Butt

William Butt

Thomas Card

Thomas Card

William Carman

Edward Carter

William Carter

Anthony Cave

Henry Cave

John Cave

John Cave

John Cave

John Cave

John Cave

Morgaine Cave

Morgaine Cave, sen

Morgaine Cave, jun

Morgaine Cave

Robert Cave

Thomas Cave

Richard Chiffis

Henry Chiles

John Chiles

John Chiles

Martin Chiles

Richard Chiles

Steven Chiles

William Chiles

John Clarke

John Clarke

Thomas Clarke

Thomas Clarke

John Clerke

Josias Clerek

Edward Cooke

John Cornish

George Courtney

Richard Courtney

Edmond Coward

Gilbert Coward

Andrew Cox

Thomas Cox

John Cranne

William Crespin

Nicholas Crouch

William Cundit

John Darby, sen

Joseph Darby, jun

Joseph Darby

Nathaniell Dashwood

Edward Davenant, D.D.

Henry Davidg

Nicholas Davidge

Thom. Davidg

Robert Davis

William Davis

Christo. Dirdow, gent

Edward Dirdom, gent

Adam Doggerill

John Doggerill

Mathew Dowland

John Dunne

John Durneford

John Ellis

Richard Eme

John Extines

Peter Extines

Peter Extins

John Faymes

Nicholas Flinger

Christopher Fookes

John Fryday

John Fryday

Georg Gage

Nicholas Gaile

John Garland

John Gartery

Steven Gerrat

Thomas Gilbert

Richard Gildon, recusant

Christopher Goffe

Georg Goffe

Robert Goffe

William Goff

Willia. Goff, sen

Thom. Greave (Greane?)

Christopher Greene

Christopher Greene

Francis Greene

Francis Greene

Gregory Greene

Gregory Greene

John Greene

Jerrom Greene

Robert Greene

Robert Greene

Thomas Greene

Thomas Greene

Robert Hale

Thomas Hale

Morgaine Hanham

Robert Hanham

Richard Hanhum

Tho. Hardin

John Harris

Walter Hayter

Hugh Hebdage

William Hebdege

William Hebdage

Edward Henbury

George Henbury

Markes Henbury

Marke Henbury, sen

Richard Henbury

Robert Henbury

Thomas Hill

Edward Hooper

Thomas Horder

Thomas Horder

Andrew Hoskins

Joseph Hoskins

William Hoskins

Richard Humber

Thomas Humber

Edward Hunibale

Edward Iron

Tho. Iron

James Jesmond

Gilbert Joanes

Henry Joanes

Peter Joanes

Thomas Joanes

William Joanes

Robert Johnson

Roger Johnson

Hugh Kerby

Richard Kerby

Christopher King

Nicholas King

Richard King

Thomas King

William King

Edward Knaplocke

John Knaplocke

William Knaplocke

Edward Lamburd

Thomas Lane

Tristram Legg

John Leight

Francis Lemma

James Light

John Light

Ambrose Lilly

John Lock

Nicholas Loocke

John Loveban

John Lucas

John Lucas

Thomas Lucas

Hugh Ludlow

Robert Luffut

Georg Lunning

William Lush

William Lush

Thomas Mably

Willm. Maler

Philip Marsh

Richard Martin

Robert Martin

Thomas Mascoll

John Masters

Austine Mathew

Hugh Mathew

John Mathew

John Mathew

Robert Mathew

Thomas Mathew

Walter Mathew

Robert Mathews

Richard Mayo, gent

Tymothy Meade

John Meleed

Richard Merchant

John Miles

Robert Millerd

Osman Moger

Thomas Moores

William Moores

William Moores

William Moores

Henry Mountier

Thomas Mountier

Thomas Mountier

Thomas Mullins

Nicholas Muncke

William Nelson

Richard Newman

Thomas Newman

Thomas Newman

Thomas Norman

Will. Norman

Henry Panner (Vanner?)

Robert Parker

Tho. Perrat

John Phellips

Edmund Phillips

John Phillips

John Phillips

Thomas Phillips

Robert Phripe

Henry Phrippe

John Phripp

Thomas Ramson

Andrew Read

Edward Read

John Read

John Read

John Read

John Read

John Reed

Robert Read

William Reade

Thomas Reed

Thomas Reddut

William Reddut

Morgaine Reekes

Nicholas Reekes

Thomas Reekes

John Robens

John Roberts

Thomas Samwayes

Benjamin Sanger

David Sanger

John Sanger

John Sanger

John Sanger

Richard Sanger

William Sayer

John Sendole

Robert Sendole

Brand. Shepherd

Charles Shepherd

John Shepherd

Richard Shepherd

Thomas Shepherd

William Shepherd

William Shepherd

Willia. Shepherd, sen

Thom. Shergold

William Shergoll

William Silver

Henry Simes

John Simes

Robt. Simes

William Simes

Edward Smale

Georg Snooke

John Sparke

Andrew Spencer

James Stafford

Noye Steevens

Thomas Stevens

George Story

William Stoute

Robert Strong

Walter Sudele

William Suter

Georg Sutor

James Sutton

Hugh Sweete

James Taylor

Robert Thomas

Robt. Thorne, gent

John Tice

Walter Tice

William Tice

John Tommas

John Topp

Henry Toppe

William Toppes

Richard Tounsend

John Treble

Edward Turner

Henry Vanner (Panner?)

Thom. Vincen

John Vinning

Edmund Waters

John Waters

Anthony Watley

John Watley

William Watley

William Whit

Henry Wilkins

John Wilkins

John Wilkins

William Wilkins

Edward Williams

Henry Williams

Charles Willes

John Willis

Joseph Willes

Josias Willes

William Willes

Nicholas Willis

Robert Willis

Walter Windle

John Woburne

John Woburne

John Woen

Andrew Wolridg

Thomas Woodford

John Wooldridg

Francis Young

Stephen Young

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