
Petition 1884

D/FFO 18/126, Dorset History Centre, original documents


Petty Sessions Feb 28, 1884 – Vicar of Holwell and Parishioners v Henry Lake

For Closing of a Public ho. in Holwell

Vicar of Holwell – Rev. H.A.Redpath

Public House – Fox Inn


Application heard, and to be reheard at Brewster Sessions August 28th

Pencil note: No application made at Brewster Session by us the ?Tent. having applied for a 6 day license inst. of  a 7 day

Signed W.T.Fooks, Sherborne, Solicitor


Newspaper report ?28.2.1884

Before Major Goodden; Major McAdam and Captain Carr Glyn

An application was made for a temporary authority to sell at the Fox Inn, Holwell – Mr Trevor Davies (magistrates' clerk) stated that the house was formerly kept by a Mrs Frizzell, deceased. No application was made for a temporary authority to sell, and, consequently, the license was suspended, and the house had been closed. The application before the magistrates was for a temporary authority to sell until the next transfer-day – Mr Archdall Ffooks said that he appeared on behalf of the ratepayers of Holwell to oppose the application; but he did not know if he had any locus standi, to object that day, or whether he must wait until the next Brewster Sessions. A memorial had been prepared and signed by a large number of the ratepayers of Holwell, to the effect that two public-houses were not required in the parish and also that, in their opinion, no public-house should be open on a Sunday. The memorial was addressed to their worships and given to the Magistrates' Clerk to lay before them. The Magistrates' Clerk, however, was of the opinion that the application was not in the proper form, but he (Mr Ffooks) wished to mention the matter in order to show the applicant that there was strong feeling that one public-house was sufficient for the parish. The memorialists had no personal objection to the applicant, Henry Lake. – In reply to the magistrates, it was stated that the population of Holwell was 417, and that there was one fully-licensed house in the parish. – Mr Davies said that he had received the memorial, but that the memorialists had no locus standi there that day. The objection must be taken to the annual Brester Sessions. – Major Goodden: We will grant the application now, but it will be reconsidered at the next Brewster Sessions.


Inside a large envelope addressed to The Revd. H.A.Redpath, Holwell Rectory, Sherborne

Note: This petition has the signatures or marks of none but adult males resident in the parish of Holwell

Signed Henry A. Redpath, Rector


To the Licensing Magistrates for the County of Dorset sitting at Sherborne.

We the undersigned, householders and adult inhabitants of the parish of Holwell hereby submit to the licensing magistrates, upon the occasion of the application for a transfer of a license granted to the Fox Inn, our decided opinion

1)     That two public houses are not required in our parish which contained at the last census only 417 inhabitants: and

2)     That in no case should any public house in the parish be opened upon a Sunday

Signatures (X indicates made their mark):

Henry A. Redpath, Rector of Holwell

Robert English, Church Warden, Holwell

Ernest Ponting, Church Warden

Edward Littlehales, Capt. RI Navy, Holwell, for No. 2


Anthony Mitchell

James Drake

Charles Mogg

Unreadable, possibly ?Marwood ?

Fred X Warr

George X Cadie's mark

Walter X Foy's mark

William X Eyres's mark

Thomas Miles

George Cabell

Thomas X Barter's mark

Charles X Young's mark

Josiah Walden

Samuel Miller

Oliver Ridout

Herbert Ridout

Charles Ridout

Matthew Hunt

Charles Gray

Edwin G. English

James Loader

Eli Miles

Thos. Antell

G. Parsons

T. Parsons

W. Parsons

Silas Mullett

Henry Dyke

Rhuben ?Noke

Robt. Lawrence, Red lion Inn, Holwell

Thomas X Antell's mark

Sidney X Chaffy's mark

Gabriel Popham

John Rogers

James X Mogg

Samuel X Styles's mark

Joseph X Gray's mark

William X Perris's mark

Joseph Barter's mark

Phillip X Drake's mark

Henry Strange

Matthew H. Walden

George Crocker for No. 2

James Barter

Wm. Antill

Louis Wm. Trim

Silas X Eyers' mark

Frank Wills/Wells

?Frank ?Cleall

James Crocker

Thomas Coffin

W. ?P. Sparkes

William ?Turmey

Henry Downton senr.

Henry Downton junr.

Willm. John S. King for No. 2

Henry X White's mark

Robert B. Dunning

George Hann

?L---- Jeanes

Elias Bartlett

John X Barter's mark

Walter X Barter's mark

James Barter

John X Burton's mark

Joseph X Gillingham

George Seymour



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Information at Dorset History Centre, Dorchester

 (previously called the DRO)



PE/HOW IN/1/2 Marriage Licences (all Holwell unless otherwise stated)

1. John Banks, clerk, & Elizabeth Mason 13.6.1750

2. Robert Tizard & Ann Leaven     26.7.1762

3. John Eyres & Betty Taylor         2.9.1762

4. William Trim, of Pulham, widower, & Grace Coombes, widow            19.11.1764

5. William Miller & Mary Poole       16.2.1765

6. On/resiphorus Hyde, of Godmanstone, lab., & Sarah Gouney, widow        7.6.1766

7. Statement by I. Randall, rector of All Sts., Dorchester, that John Trim and

Jane Paul of All Sts., Dorchester, were married 'by me above twelve months past in the parish Church of All Sts., Dorchester'       21.1.1772

8.William Styles & Sarah Hart of Nether Compton         4.2.1775

9. Robert Poore of Redbridge, Hampshire, and Sarah Coombs, minor          18.1.1776

10. John Mitchele of West Pulham & Ann Coombes     8.3.1777

11. Robert Goddard of Lidlinch, blacksmith, & Betty Tousell                17.5.1777

12. James Dark of Glanvilles Wootton, yeoman, & Grace Coombes   7.6.1777

13. Isaac Gray of Buckland Newton & Mary Coombes  24.10.1777

14. James Ross & Martha Major of Haselborough ?(Hazelbury Bryan)           20.1.1781

15. Henry Young & Elizabeth Mash          (?Marsh)         27.3.1781

16. William Coombs & Priscilla Newman widow           13.7.1787

17.Thomas Cave & Ann Tuck of Bishops Caundle         20.5.1789

18. William Miles of Lydlinch & Ann Lyne 22.6.1789

19. Samuel Pinney of Thorncombe & Sarah Ridout      24.6.1789

20 Thomas Gillet of Henstridge, Somerset, yeoman & Elishala Bullock,

 minor, age 20           June 1866

21. James John Hine, labourer, & Jane Cesment          13.4.1889

22. Edwin John Drake, farmer, & Maud Augusta Howard, of Holme St Giles,

Huntingdon     6.7.1894



Bond for £50 for Thomas Ridout of Holwell, yeoman, to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Holwell. Thomas Ridout 'having a wife and family and no House to live in' is to occupy a parish house and orchard and pay for its upkeep and insurance in apples  microfilm MIC/R/1563


PE/HOW IN 1/3/2

Burial certificate of Edith Warry, who was buried at the Cantonment Cemetery, Mymyo [Myanmor]. Endorsed 'wife of Mr Warry, Admin to Burma Govt. on Chinese affair', 'Casket passed through Rangoon Customs'. 23.9.1902


PE/HOW Settlement and Removal Papers

OV 5/1 Settlement Certificates

1. Samuel Burt, tailor, Sarah his wife and Richard their son. Place of settlement :

Stock Gaylard            7.3.1723/4

2. Thomas Harrison, alias Coombes, weaver, Betty his wife and William and Betty their children. Place of settlement Bishops Caundle            9.5.1752

3. Thomas Miles, Hannah his wife and John and Mary their children. Place of settlement Stock Gaylard                 12.5.1752

OV 5/2 Settlement Examinations (on microfilm MIC/R/1565)

1. Joseph Pearse, now residing in Glavilles Wootton, cordwainer       16.1.1753

2. Sarah Henley, of Axminster, Devon, wife of John Henley, servant  24.8.1757

3. Ephriam Carter                                                                    1.8.1760

4. James Lyne                                                                         Jul. 1766

5. Jinny Toop, singlewoman                                                   27.11.1767

6. Sarah Dark, widow                                                              3.12.1767

7. William Dark, labourer                                                        3.12.1767

8. Jane Dark                                                                             8.1.1768

9. William Brown, labourer                                                     8.1.1768

10. Mary Sims                                                                          30.3.1773

11. Joseph Isaac now residing in Pulham                            29.9.1773

12. Ann Kettle, spinster                                                           13.2.1783

13. Joshua Drake, shoemaker                                               13.2.1783

14. Samuel Drake, baker                                                        13.2.1783

15. John Philips, labourer                                                       13.2.1783

16. George Toop                                                                     28.4.1790

17. William Miles, labourer                                                     10.9.1791

18. George Coombes                                                            5.1.1815

19. William Barter                                                                    29.12.1817

20. Harriet Drew now residing in Fifehead Magdalen         21.1.1833

21. Mary Knight                                                                       6.1.1840

22. Examination of Jasper Rogers of Piddletrenthide concerning Mary Knight,

widow                                                                                         6.1.1840

23. William Melmer now residing in Bishops Caundle, labourer, annexed to examination of George Tuck, Relieving Officer of the Southern Division of Sherborne Union, relating to William Melmer                                 7.3.1840

24. Hannah Taylor now residing in the Union Workhouse, Sherborne  6.8.1840

OV 5/3 Removal Orders from Holwell (on microfilm MIC/R/1565)

1. Roger Baker, Mary his wife and John, Roger and Phillis, their children to West Bloxford 19.1.1712/3

2. Mary White, wife of Henry White, and her child to Bishops Caundle 17.3.1713/4

3. John Chaffy to Caundle Marsh               24.12.1726

4. Statement of case relating to settlement of John Chaffy         no date

5. Confirmation of an order of removal of Jane Gawler to Stock Gaylard         16.7.1728

6. Mary Roper, singlewoman, to Tarrant Keyneston        1757

7. Ephriam Carter, labourer, and Judith his wife to Bishops Caundle   1.8.1760

8. Ann Hellard, singlewoman, to Dorchester All Saints               22.7.1767

9. Ann Hellard, singlewoman, to Dorchester All Saints annexed to removal order of

Rebecca Bartlett, widow, to Dorchester All Saints          22.7.1767

10. Order for conveyance of Owen Hill, vagrant, to Gasper, Somerset 30.5.1769

11. Susanna Watts to Batcombe   4.12.1775

12. Ann Kettle to Pulham     13.2.1783

13. Robert Mitchell, Catherine his wife and John, George, Robert and Elizabeth, their children, to Glanvilles Wootton          4.12.1817

14. John Churchill, Ann his wife, and John and Susanna, their children, to Hazelbury Plucknett, Somerset                        4.11.1819

15. Diana Barter, widow, and John her son to Holnest, with examination of

Diana Barter             18.11.1839

16. Mary Knight, widow, to Milton Abbas 6.1.1840

17. Hannah Taylor to Dorchester St Peter            6.8.1840

18. Notice of removal of Hannah Taylor                8.8.1840

19. Anna Knight to Folke, with her examination   14.1.1841

OV 5/4 removal orders to Holwell (on microfilm MIC/R/1566)

1. Richard Pardock and Mary his wife from Stoke Wake           22.5.1773

2. Ann Kiddle, an infant, from Pulham        21.7.1787

3. Robert Saunders from Bradford Peverell         24.5.1817

4. Rebecca Raymond, singlewoman, from North Wootton        28.6.1817

5. Harriet Drew from Fifehead Magdalen              21.1.1833

6. William Melmer and Jane his wife from Bishops Caundle      7.3.1840

OV 6 Apprenticeship Indentures (on microfilm MIC/R/1566)

1. John Galer to John Coombes (in husbandry)  2.9.1734

2. Thomas Richards to Edmund Hayward (in husbandry)         2.9.1742

3. John Lyne to John Hallaway (in husbandry)                2.9.1742

4. Elizabeth Richards to Benj. Coombs (in housewifery)          2.9.?1742

5. Elizabeth Gauler to John Downton (in housewifery)  18.4.1745

6. William Richards to John Chafey, yeoman (in husbandry)                9.7.1747

7. Nicholas Clark to Mary Tuck, widow (in husbandry)               29.5.1751

8. Ruth Richards to Henry Eyres (in housewifery)           29.5.1751

9. Charles Chaffie to James Harben of Glanvilles Wootton (in husbandry) 5.5.1756

10. James Barnes of Lydlinch to William Style, carpenter         7.6.1756

11. John Tollervil to William Lockyer of Marston Magna, cordwainer 10.8.1761

12. James Gosney to Benj. Gantlett, brick maker          5.7.1768

13. Sarah Holmes to Mr John Penny (in dairy work and housewifery) 31.10.1770

14. Thomas Gartell to Robert Froom, clerk of Folke as a gentleman's servant 3.3.1781

15. Philip Lodge to Thomas Hayward, yeoman (in husbandry)            26.2.1791

16. William Diamond to Benj. Scott, thatcher      6.1.1795

OV 7/1 Bastardy Examinations (on microfilm MIC/R/1566)

1. Jane Homer, singlewoman, and John Henly of Blandford Forum, musician and dancing master            14.10.1726

2. Honor Mitchell, singlewoman, and William Morris of Milton Abbas, labourer 27.12.1727

3. Ann White, singlewoman, and Robert Drake of Bishops Caundle, Miller     26.9.1774

4. Fanny Gillingham, singlewoman, and Charles Cave, labourer                     20.6.1795

5. Duplicate copy of OV 7/1/4

OV 7/2 Bastardy Orders (on microfilm MIC/R/1566)

1. James Trim, thatcher, and Sarah Jackson, singlewoman     28.6.1790

2. Thomas Brett, yeoman, and Sarah Durrant, singlewoman                14.7.1791

3. Joseph Cadie, yeoman, and Fanny Richards, singlewoman            24.4.1804

4. Duplicate copy of OV 7/2/3

5. Joseph Downton, yeoman, and Melliar Loader, singlewoman                     17.10.1812

6. John Samways, of Coombe Farm, Sherborne, and Rebecca Raymond, singlewoman 27.10.[1818]

7. Simon Warr, of Pulham, labourer, and Sarah Jeanes, singlewoman            4.4.1825

8. Simon Warr, of Pulham, yeoman, and Sarah Jeanes, singlewoman            3.4.1826

OV 7/3 Bastardy Warrants

1.Warrant for the apprehension of Titus Vacher of Stoke Wake, labourer 31.3.1761

2. Thomas Brett, yeoman

OV 7/4 Bastardy Bonds

'In the list below the first named person/s is/are undertaking to indemnify the parish for the maintenance of an illegitimate child and the second name is the child's mother. It is not always the father who entered the bond; churchwardens, overseers, friends and other benefactors might have undertaken the responsibility.'

1. John Henly junior, Robert Henly and John Henly senior all of Shaston [Shaftesbury];

Jane Holms of Holwell, mother of a male bastard child, John Henly junior being the father 4.1.1726/7

2. Samuel Styles of Holwell, yeoman; Betty Caddie, mother of Thomas, the bastard child of Samuel Styles                                29.7.1735

3. Elizabeth Tolervile, singlewoman, Alice Tolervile, singlewoman, and Charles Mores, labourer, all of Holwell; Elizabeth Tollervile mother of a male bastard child         2.2.1762

4. Joseph Edwards of Hazlebury Bryan, yeoman, and Thomas Squibb of Hilton, yeoman; Elizabeth Jacksons of Holwell, singlewoman           5.12.1764

5. Richard Cole, butcher, and Andrew Cole, labourer, both of Pulham; Jinny Toop of Holwell, mother of Ann, bastard child of Andrew Cole          3.2.1768

6. James Caddie, of Holwell, yeoman; Mary Cuff, of Holwell, singlewoman, mother of George, a bastard child, James Caddie the reputed father               1768

7. John Trim, labourer, and William Trim, yeoman, both of Holwell; Elizabeth Strange of Holwell, singlewoman            21.9.1769

Endorsed on the reverse with an account of the case of Thomas Cane who had been accused of being the father of an illegitimate child of Ann Hallet of Milborn Port but was subsequently proved not to be the father despite having 'carnal knowledge' of Ann Hallett 1770

8. John Downton, of Holwell, yeoman; Sarah Manfield, of Holwell, singlewoman, mother of a female bastard child, John Downton being the reputed father   30.8.1773

9. Benjamin Young, of Holwell, farrier; Jane Cuff, of Holwell, singlewoman, mother of a female bastard child, Benjamin Young being the reputed father            30.8.1773

10. William Gillingham, of Swanage, labourer; Elizabeth Turk, of Holwell, singlewoman, mother of a female bastard child, William Gillingham being the reputed father 30.5.1774



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