Parish of Holwell


Holwell  Poor Rate 1755



Poor Rate 1755 Film MIC/R/1564, Dorset History Centre


Robt. Henly Esq. for the Farme

6s 6d

Robt. Henly Esq. for Sanders


The Revd. Mr Hobson

5s 10d

Mr Lamberd for Pedimore


Mr Riche for his Farme

5s 4d

Mr Riche for Andrews


Mr Riche for Brets Coombe Dole

1s 3 ½ d

Mrs Chaffie for Kings


Mrs Chaffie


Parker for Carters


Allies ?Totherfeld for ?Coues

1s 8d

Mr Herbert for his Farme

4s 4d

Mr Ridout for Hannams at Buckland

1s 8d

Mr Crocker for Dolivers


Robt Henly Esq for Bunters


Robt Henly Esq for Pearsfild


Charles Drake

2s 10d

Mr ?Gru/andy for Smithcroft

2 ½ d

Mr Madhewick

3s 6d

Mrs Lane

1s 2d

William Coombs


Mr Loder for Youngs


Jos Coombs for Brickhouse

9 ½ d

Jos Coombs for Collens


Jos Coombs for Churchcroft

1s 1d

Ben Coombs for Thorns


Ben Coombs for Hopkins


Mr Cooper

1s 9d

Mr Cady the younger

1s 4d

Mr Cady the elder

1s 5 ½ d

Mr Hayward


Mr Hayward for Beers

1s 4d

Mr Hayward for Barrizes


Mr Hayward for Northfild


Mr Hayward for pounCloce

2 ½ d

Mr Hayward for CopsClose

1 ½ d

Mr Hayward for Ryalls

1 ½ d

Roger Han

9 ½ d

John K/Riddle

1s 3d

Wid: Tuck for ?Mounshien


Richd: Langhan  Weeches


Robt: Tizard

4 ½ d

John Dounton

1s 4d

John Dounton for Naish


Leo: Trime

2 ½ d

Richd: Langhan for Elsworth


Mrs ?Eyen for ?stounh


Mrs Spicer


Mrs Loder


James Langhan


William Langhan for ?Overfield


William Langhan

1 ½ d

William Langhan for Weeches


Nath: Chaffie

4 ½ d

Wid: Style


Robt: Godard for the Poor of Lidlench


Gregery Miller

½ d

Signed: Richd: Daubeny Curate


Edwd: Madgwick; Jonathan Cadie; John Loder; Wm: Langham; Edmund Hayward

27th day of April 1755


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Parish of Holwell


Vestry Book  Extracts 1750-1873

Film MIC/R/1563 Dorset History Centre

Signatures transcribed at intervals to indicate those persons with responsibility in Holwell




? was agreed at a Vestry then held that James Line son of Jno. Line should be put an apprentice to the Estate that Allin T/Fothervile now lives on.

Likewise George the son of George Richards to Ambrose ?Damer.

By us Richd. Daubney, Curate; Edmond Hayward; Wm. Langhorn; John Chaffie;

Amb. Damer; John Gillingham



The Overseers shall no more allow money to vagrants.

Nothing shall be gave on Compt. Without a Vestry unless in case of Sickness or Accident and then no longer than till a Vestry can be called.

Agreed to pay Prudence Cotton ffive shillin to pay her house rent.

Signed Richd. Daubney, Curate; Edwd. Madgwick; Joseph Coombs; Wm. Langhorn

Also agreed that Wm. Chaffie son of Thos. Chaffie should be put out as Apprentice to

? Caddies Estate and his son George an Apprentice to (Mrs Lane crossed through)

Wm. Coombs Estate and Reuben Richards, son of George Richards, to

Mr Nicholas Gillingham's Estate and Nicholas Clark son of Nicholas Clark to ffarmer

Jno. Kiddles Estate.



Agreed Ruth Richards daughter of George Richards to be put to Mrs Lanes Estate



It was agreed by a Vestry then held the diligent search shd. be made by the proper officers of the Parish for apprehending and bringing to Justice George Lawrence and William Caddie both upon the ?Acd. of Bastardy.



Sarah Wheech allowed sixpence a week for allowing Ann Jeans house room and other neccessarys as ffire lodgings and a Pott to dress her ffood.



It was agreed at a Vestry held at the Parish of Holwell, that all persons residing at the Parish aforesaid and not Parishioners of the said Parish, shd. Bring, within the Space of three weeks legal certificates from their respective Parishes whereunto they belong, or be removed by an order.



It was then agreed that John Loader shd. proceed in rebuilding Thomas Chaffie's House according to the contract drawn between him and the Officers.

Signed Rich. Daunbney, Curate; John Herbert; Wm. Langhorn, C.W. (Church Warden);

Charles Drake, Overseer; Richd. Langhorn; James Langhorn



Agreed… Edmund Hayward jun as representative of his father, should repair the House of Thomas Mitchell



It was agreed Joseph Coombe shd. commence a prosecution agst. James Line for Wood Stealing and have all reasonable expences allow'd him for the same by the Parish.



It was then agreed that a new Surplice, Desk Cloth and Common Prayer Book should be bought, and the Seats of the Church repaired.



Agreed Wm. Styles should be paid for rebuilding Thos. Mitchel's House the sum of Thirteen Pounds According to his demand.



It was then agreed that George Line should have Thomas Chaffie's Plot at the yearly rent of thirty shillings.



£12.12.0 to be paid to Mr Bragge for his attendance in his last illness on James ?Horrell.



10s a month to be allowed with widow Chaffy. Eighteen pence a week to Philip Lodge and forty faggets to Thomas Warren.



Geo. Line have Serjeant's Platt (plot) for one Pound twelve Shillings for one year, and that

Mr Lambert have Butts Close for five shillings for one year.

Agreed that Samuel Cuff be put an Apprentice to Mr Ridout's Estate and that the Parish allow with the same 40s for Cloathing.

To allow Tho. Tolerville twelve Shillings to be laid out by the Overseer in Cloathing for his Wife and Child.

To pay thirty Shillings for one years Rent for Moses Nott's House.

To allow John Line seven Shillings to laid out in Cloathing  by the Overseer.

To allow Elizabeth Cotton three Shillings for a pair of shoes.

To allow Elizabeth Butt 3s for a Canvas Shift

To allow Philip Lodge and Wife 2s a week for the future

To allow Mary Warren money for a Pair of Shoes

To allow Thomas Warren 18d a week for the future

To allow Prudence Lawrence 5s a year for House Rent

To allow Elizabeth Hutchins 10s for Sarah Gosney's Lying-Inn over and above the 1s 6d pr week



Receiv'd March 27 1758 of the Parish of Holwell half a Guinea in Part for curing Anne White by me Samuel Allen

Agreed to allow Pru. Lawrence 7s 6d for her House Rent for the ensuing year

Agreed to allow Philip Lodge one Shirt

Agreed to allow to John Line a Pair of Shoes to be made by Robert Garterel

Agreed to allow Tom Totherfield a Coat to be sent by Mr Madgwick



Agreed to allow Tho. Tollerville a Shirt and Breeches for himself, and a Shirt and a Pair of Shoes for his Boy

A Pair of Breeches for Nicholas Clark

To allow the Grandmother of Gosney's Child one shilling only per week



Agreed that John Chaffie alias Serjeant to be put in Possession and enjoy a Plott called Serjeants Plott without paying any Rent

Signed Tho. Hobson, Rector; Edmund Hayward jun; ?Joseph Coombes; John Loder;

Thomas Kiddel; Abhram Miller; William Cooms; Mary Downton; Mary Chaffey;

?Jos/Jas Crocker



…to let Mr Hobson have Butt Close for the Term of his living at Holwell for Seven Shillings and sixpence a year, and to cutt down the Elms growing there for the use of the Parish at or before ?Xmas next after the Date hereof.



Agreed to give John Lyne a Pair of Shoes and his Daughter two Changes and Tho. Tolerville a Shirt and Blanket and to pay 7s 6d a year House Rent for Pru Lawrence, and 20s a year House Rent for Moses Hoddinot for the year ensuing



Allow Molly Style a Coat and a Shirt for her Father and to allow Tho. Tollerville a Shirt



Allow Tho. Hallett of ?Toneton 1s 6d a week for keeping Moses Hoddinott's widow till Michaelmas next, and to give Mary Line a Shilling a Week, and allow'd to buy 12s 6d worth of Read for ? Gartell to finish thatching his House, and to buy  Shirt for Wm. ?Stiles, and to pay Ear's House Rent, ? house Rent, and Mary Gartell's House Rent for the year past.



Agreed to pay the House Rents as usual for the year Past, but we shall not allow for the Overseer to pay anymore Rents for the future. Agreed to allow Mary Gartrell one Shilling and six Pence a week, Ann Tizard one Shilling a week, Tho. Tollerville the elder six Pence a week.



It is agreed to authorize Mr John Smith Attorney at Law in Blandford to put the Bond in Suit against Joseph Edwards and Tho. Squib, which Bond they gave to the Churchwardens and Overseers at Holwell to indemnify the Parish from all Costs and Charges that mat arise from the Maintenance of Betty Jackson's Bastard Child: and also that the Overseers of the Poor for the Time being shall pay out of the Poor Stock to the said Mr John Smith all Expences that may arise by Reason of the said Prosecution.

Signed Th. Hobson, Rector; James Cadie; Benj. Coombs; Jas. Crocker; Charles Cadie

Bastardy Bond dated 5.12.1764 Joseph Edwards of Hazelbury Bryan, yeoman, and Thomas Squibb of Hilton, yeoman; Elizabeth Jacksons of Holwell, singlewoman ref PE/HOW/OV/7/4/4



Agreed to put out Aaron and Sarah ?Homes Aprentices to Thos. Crocker's Estate call'd Nash and to the Estate of ?Mr(s) Spicer now in the occupation of John Penney.



We whose names are hereunder Subscribed, Churchwardens and Overseers together with other principal Inhabitants of the said Parish, do hereby Nominate and Appoint Geo: Toop Schoolmaster, to have the Care and Mannagement of the Charity School now Intended to be set in force, Agreeable to the Revd. Mr Ractlift's Plan. As to the Number of Children to be Educated we do referr to the said Mr Ratclift's Discretion and we do hereby consent and agree to pay unto the said Geo: Toop the Sum of five pounds and five shillings p. Annum for his Instruction of the said Children being equivalent to Mr Ratclift's Subscription of five Guineas p. Annum. Also do hereby Grant unto the said Geo: Toop the sum of two pounds in Lieu of Rent for a House to Instruct the said Charity Schollars

Signed John Downton)

            Thos. Ridout  ) Churchwardens

            Thomas Ears   )

            William Miller) Overseers

            Jonathan Cadie; Edmd. Hayward



Overseers shall redeem Jane ?Galer a Camblet Gown, a Quantity of Lincey and a Pair of Stays, a Brass Hanging ?Skellett and a Teakettle, which are at pone (?pawn) at Jno. Cave's in Glavells Wooton, pone on the Gown as Jane Galer says is 4s 6d, Lincey 3s, Stays 7d, Skellett 1s 5 ½ d, teakettle 1s 2d, which said Goods are to be restored to the said Jane Galer and any person that shall take to Pone any part of the said Goods of the said Jane Galer from the above date shall be prosecuted at the expence of the Parish as the Law Directs.

Signed James Cadie, William Miller, Benj. Coombs, Thomas Ears, Edmd. Hayward;

Thomas Young

Also agreed to lend John Ears Jane Galer's Iron Pot.

Agreed to take up the Pay that Wm. Mullett have for keeping of ?Tim Warren's Maid, or to take her away from him.

Agreed to take up One Shilling pr week of the pay that's allow'd Ann Gartell.

Agreed at the same time to allow Jane Galer the sum of one Shilling pr week and to buy her a Shift but she the said Jane Galler is to come to Church to receive the said Shilling pr week or else not to have it.

Agreed at the same time to Pay Mr Young the sum of two Pounds and two Shillings for two years Rent for Wm. Gillingham and to continue to pay one Pound and one Shilling p. year Rent for the said House Rent till an opportunity offers to remove him out of the House.



Agreed to let Mr Radclift Butt Close for seven years at the price of twelve Shillings for the year.


Gap in the records



It was agreed at a Vestry duly held this Day, to employ Mr Dolling for the purpose of inoculating the Poor of this Parish, ans allow him ten Guineas for his trouble.

Signed R. Radcliffe, Rector; Thomas Crocker; Benj. Coombs; William Miller; James Cadie; Thos. Ridout; John Downton; William Jukes; Thomas Brett; George Coombs;

Tho. Hayward


Next entry:


It was agreed by us that Charlotte the Daughter of Betty Young is not to Receive any more pay of the Parish.

Signed I. Monkhouse, Rector; James Cadie; Thomas Ears; William Miller, John Downton;

Tho. Hayward



Agreed at a meeting this Day that Mr Batson be Employed to write to the Surveyor of the Highways of Bishop Caundle to oblige that Parish to pay half the Expence for the late Repairs done at Cornford Bridge.



…the Salary of one Guinea for a Quarter teaching the Poor Children at Midsummer to be paid to Wm. Ross



Agreed…Wm Ross be allowed seven Guineas a year for teaching the poor Children of this Parish and that a List of the names which have attended the preceeding week be produced by Wm. Ross to the Minister and Overseers at the Church on the Sunday following during the year

Signed I. Monkhouse; Thomas Ears; Tho. Hayward



Unanimously resolv'd that this Parish do join and concur with the Parish of Marnhull in the Expences of the apprehension and brining to ? of an offender committed to Ilchester Gaol for stealing a ?horn/horse in this Parish from Thomas Ears, the said offender having also stolen a Horse in the said p. of Marnhull…



Mr Thomas Hayward is recommended to the Surveyor of the Highways in this Parish in the ? of Mr George Coombs deceas'd.

Resolved that the Parish do allow Elizabeth Capel widow 3/6 a week from Candlemas next in lieu of House Rent and that Daniel Lyne be succeeding Tenant of the poor House at Swan Hill now quitted by George Sarjeant.


Easter Monday 1815

Agreed that the Parish should sell and convey to William Ridout the fee simple and inheritance of But Close belonging to the said Parish or the proper officers thereof as Trustees for the poor of the said Parish, the purchase Money of which said Field is the Sum of Twenty five pounds which the said William Ridout agrees to pay accordingly.

Signed Isaac Monkhouse, Rector; W. Warry; John King; Tho. Hayward; A. Notley;

? Shitler

I accept the said Field on the above terms

Signed Wm. Ridout



Agreed that Mr Dashwood of Sturminster be employed as Attorney for prosecuting an Appeal agst. an Order for the Removal of John Gillingham and Family from Sherborne as Attn in the Prosecution of an Appeal against an Order for removing James Brine and Family to this Parish.



Agreed that the £25 due to this Parish from Mr William Ridout be applied towd. the payment of several Bills incurred for the Building at Swanhill. It was also agreed that the Sum of between £5 and £6 due to the Parish from Mr Shittler be applied to the same purpose. In case Mr Shittler or Notley object to pay the above sums, that legal means be Employed for the recovery of the same.

Signed Is. Monkhouse, rector; Wm. Coombs; Wm. Ridout; Anthony Notley; Jno. Shittler



Agreed to borrow forty ponds for the use of the Parish and that the said sum sd. be paid in four years bearing a legal interest at 5 p.cent viz ten pounds to be paid to the Lender, and the sum of forty pounds was paid by the Revd. Is. Monkhouse to the Overseers of Holwell this 21st day of May 1821. (Last part clearly added at a later date.)



Agreed that Labourers out of Employ shall be taken in Service by Rotation for a week at the rate of six shillings by the several farmers in the Parish and Boys from 12 to 15 years old 1s 6d a week.

Signed Is. Monkhouse, Rector; Wm. Miles; Wm. Ridout; John King

Also agreed that John Langhorn Coombs pay to this Parish three pounds for the Expences of taking John Samways suffering him to escape respecting a Bastard Child of the sd

John Samways.



Agreed to pay £3 for the year for House Rent for widow Ridout but not to be allowed in future.



Agreed that Wm. Warren be removed to the Parish of Burton Bradstock in the county of Dorset in conformity of an Order that was suspended by two Majestates of the county of Somerset some years past.



At a Vestry held this Day it was agreed that the Parish of Holwell do pay Mr John Hingston Twenty five Pounds for New Casting and Hanging the Bell the Third.

Signed John Hingston; Is. Monkhouse, Rector; Anthony Notley; Wm. Whittle; ?J. Paul;

Wm. Ridout; Wm. Coombs; ?C. Downton



It was agreed that Elizabeth Brine is to have ten shillings for the use of purchasing shoes for her Boys and not to have any more relief of the parish

Signed E. Brine



Resolved that the Cottage lately occupied by Widow Gray be occupied by John Gillingham and family and that Rent of £3.10.0 be paid to Mr Cousins.



It was agreed to pay £1.10.0 a year for Robt. and Mary Toop's House Rent at Bishops Caundle, it was also agreed to appeal against the Order of the Trustees to receive Elizabeth Read as a pauper.

Signed Is. Monkhouse, Rector; A. Notley; J. Whittle

            Wm. Ridout    )

            John Downton) Churchwardens



It was agreed that Joshua Monkton a Pauper son of Mary Monkton be Apprenticed to his Grandfather William Monkton of Fontmell Magna, Dorsetshire, Thatcher, the parish allowing the fee of £2.10.0 and expenses of Indentures, the said William Monkton agreeing to give his daughter Mary Monkton wages so as to prevent his in future becoming chargeable to the Parish

Signed Wm. Monkton

Witness Rich. Le Gros



Resolved … that the Parish houses should be sold and the proceeds applied to pay for ? as the share of the Parish for the Erection of the Sherborne Union Poor House.



Luke Gray                  1s a week

Wm. Loder                6d

G. Jeans                    6d

Ann Eares (Garden) 6d

Sarah Jeanes                       3d

Charles Jeans                      1s a week

Edward Melmer        9d a week



Meeting of Landowners and Inhabitants… decision to take magisterial business of the Parish before the Magistrates acting for the Sherborne Division (rather than Sturminster)

For Sherborne                                                           For Sturminster

?Thomas ?Fitherbert                                              John King

John Coombs                                                           William Bugg

Joseph Coombs                                          William Miles

Richard Marquiss                                        Thomas Rowe

Thomas Antell

James Batten

John ?Antell

Joseph Gillingham

James Parsons

Thomas Barter

Isaac Coombs

John ?L. Coombs

Charles Downton

Robert Gillingham

Charles Gillingham

John Parsons

Charles Cadie


Total No. 12 for Sherborne              4 for Sturminster



….the order respecting the removal of Mary Parsons (the younger) should be supported (other parish mentioned East Stower)



…the following resolution was agreed unanimously –

That the Parish Officers be empowered to apply to the ? Justices of Forston Lunatic Asylum for the release of Mary Parsons, at present under confinement there. Also, that if necessary, they be likewise empowered to guarantee the maintenance of the said Mary Parsons in the Parish.



The following persons being rated to the relief of the poor and resident in the said parish were nominated as fit and proper persons to serve as overseer for Holwell

Thomas Rowe                                     William Kerley

John Drew Phillips                              William Trim

Isaac Coombs                                     John Drew Phillips

Charles Antell                                      James Parsons

Edward Edge                                       Benj. Barter

John Parsons                                      Thos. ?Millett

Benjamin Barter                                  Isaac Coombs

Thos. Hayward                                    Wm. Bugg

Thos. Mullett                                        Bendall ?Littlehales Esq

Jas. Parsons                                       Thos. Rowe

John Cuff (not a ratepayer)

(Some names repeated, seems to be different handwriting)



Agreed that the order made on William Gibbs for the future support of his Father and Mother be reduced One Shilling per week if sanctioned by the Magistrates

Signed Thos. C. Crocker; Thomas Rowe; William Trim; Robert Barter; John Parsons;

Thos. Hayward; Isaac Coombs; Benjamin Barter; Thos. Antell; Wm. Bugg



Consideration of appealing against an order relating to John Himbury and his wife Sarah from and out of the Parish of Lychet Minster to the Parish of Holwell



….determination respecting the legal settlement of Edward Mereweather Harris now residing in the Parish of Portsea. Adjourned to get more information.



Agreed that Mr Melmoth of Sherborne be employed as Attorney for prosecuting an appeal aginst an order for the removal of Edward Mereweather Harris from the Parish of Portsea to this Parish

Signed Richard Chapman, Overseer; James Barter; John Parsons; John L. Coombs



Agreed that late Joseph Gillingham's property should be divided for rating as follows:

George Gillingham to pay the rate of        £2.5.0

John Gillingham to pay the rate of                         15s

Joseph Gillingham to pay the rate of        10s___




Agreed that the Overseers be empowered to take the proper steps in the case of

Samuel William Edwards claiming settlement in this Parish; by order of the Magistrates from the Parish of Cerne Abbas.



Agreed that the Overseers be empowered to take the proper steps in the case of Sarah Mitchell claiming settlement in this Parish by order of the Magistrates at Wincanton.



Agreed that the Overseers do stop all further legal proceedings in the case of Sarah Mitchell.



It was agreed that the Guardian be empowered to use his own discretion in having

David Barter Examined before Magistrates to decide his belonging to the Parish of Holwell.


Vestry entries tend to become repetitive lists of people eligible to be Parish Officers



Agreed that the proceeds of the old Poor Houses formerly belonging to the Parish, and now invested in the Bank of England, should be applied for and if allowed used towards the payment for a new school.


Vestry entries checked to 1890.

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