Litton Cheney


These extracts have been transcribed from actual directories or photocopies of them.


1865         1880         1895          1935

Description from the 1895 Kelly's 

Litton Cheney is a parish near the Bredy river and the road from Bridport to Dorchester, 7 miles east-south-east from Bridport station on the Great Western railway and 10 west from Dorchester, in the western division of the county.  Uggescombe hundred, Bridport Union and County Court district, Dorchester petty sessional division, rural deanery of Bridport (Abbotsbury portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury.  The church of St Mary is an ancient stone building, in the Perpendicular style, in good preservation, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower, containing 6 bells and a clock: the chancel arch is panelled like those of Sherborne: the nave is wide, and the roof, formerly barrell-shaped, has been altered to an open pointed roof: the font is formed of the inverted base of a Norman circular pier; the pulpit has traceried perpendicular panels: there is a monument to George Dawbeny, of Gorwell, who died in 1612: and brasses to Anna Henvill and Margaret Henvill, d. 1681: and to Ralph Henvill of Looke, gent. d. 9 Dec 1644:  there are 220 sittings.  The register dates from the year 1624.  The living is a rectory, average tithe rent- charge £485, gross yearly value £650, net £560, with 109 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of and held since 1893 by the Rev. Frederick William Crick M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge.  Here is a Primitive Methodist chapel.  There is no manor.  The principal landowners are Henry Brinsley Sheridan esq. And Mrs Legge, of Court House.  The soil is chalk; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley and some land in pasture.  The area is 3,817 acres; rateable value, £3,671; the population in 891 was 427.

Nether Combe is a hamlet one mile west : Stancombe is a hamlet 1½  miles north; Higher Eggardon, a hamlet 4 miles north, where there are the remains of an extensive Roman encampment, was by Local Government Board Order transferred to Askerswell, March 24th 1884: Ashley, 1½  miles, and Gorwell, 2 miles south-east, have been transferred to Longbredy.
Sexton,  George Fry. 

Post Office.-Robert Bligdon, sub-postmaster.  Letters from Dorchester arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched 10.30 a.m.  Postal orders are issued here, but not paid.

The nearest money order office is at Abbotsbury & telegraph office at Littlebredy. 

Parochial school (mixed), endowed with £30 yearly from Thorner's charity, with residence for master, built in 1878, for 80 children; average attendance, 63; Wm. Stephen Miller, master. 


George Gale,  Dorchester, wed. & sat.

Charles Webber,  Bridport, wed. & sat.

Bligdon & Pitcher,  Dorchester, sat.


J G Harrod & Co's Postal & Commercial Directory of Dorset & Wiltshire 1865
Cox Rev. Jas. Septimus, M.A. Rectory
Cox Rev. Joseph
Fry Mrs Ann Groves
Legge Benjamin, Esq.
Palmer Rev. William
Symonds Mr. W.
Bligdon John boot & shoemaker
Bligdon Robert blacksmith
Critchell Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper
Ellery Henry shoemaker
Fry Henry dairyman & miller
Gale John butcher
Gale Richard stonemason
Gibbs Charles shoemaker
Gladwyn Francis blacksmith
Gladwyn James Randall brewer & beer retailer
Gladwyn John carpenter
Hounsell Joseph shoemaker
Humber Thomas shopkeeper
Kellaway John Eggardon farmer
Lock William Ashley dairyman    
Mellish Richard farmer
Morgan Henry schoolmaster
Pitcher William baker
Sprake William Gorwell farmer
Tidby John wheelwright & carpenter
Wood Samuel beer retailer
Kelly's Directory of Dorsetshire 1880
Colby Rev. Frederick Thomas D.D. Vicarage vicar
Legge Rev Eugene Ezekiel Pope B.A  
Legge Benjamin Court House
Adams Jonathan   miller
Bligdon John   shoe ma. grocer & baker
Bligdon Robert   blacksmith
Bradford Thomas   farmer
Bligdon Sarah (Mrs)   day school, & post office
Chapple George White Horse
Ellery Henry   shoe maker
Fry Joseph   carpenter & wheelwright
Gale Thomas   stone mason
Gladwyn Jas. Randall   brewer & beer retlr.
Godden William   shopkeeper
Greening John   dairyman
Hansford John   dairyman
Houmsell Joseph   shoe maker
Peach Ellas   grocer
Pitcher William   baker & assistant overseer
Roper John   farmer
Saunders John   farmer
Slade William   dairyman
Studly George   farmer
Kelly's Directory of Dorsetshire 1895
Crick Rev. Frederick William M.A. The Rectory
Legge Henry B                                  Court house
Legge Mrs. Court house
Northover William Victoria house
Bligdon & Pitcher grocers & bakers
Bligdon      John shoe maker
Bligdon Robert blacksmith. Post Off
Bowditch Albert John dairyman
Bowditch James dairyman
Fry Geo. carpenter & wheelwright & sexton
Fry Richard dairyman
Fry Thomas farmer
Gale George carrier
Gale Thomas stone mason
Gladwyn Henry farmer
Godden William farmer
Greening Hy. Watts White Horse P.H.
Hallett Joseph boot & shoe maker
Hounsell Abraham George Stone Coombe Farm farmer
Hounsell Joseph shoe maker
Miller W.S. Working Men's Club secretary
Moores John M. miller (water)
Peach Elias thatcher
Peach George farmer
Saunders John farmer
Vine Stephen farmer
Kelly's Directory of Dorsetshire 1935
Private Residents                  
Baily Mrs The cottage
Cobb Rev. William Francis M.A. The Rectory rector
Gladwyn Harry
Gray John W. A. School house
Legge Henry Benjamin Court house
Percival Norman Scott Combe
Commercial Marked thus * farm 150 acres or over
* Coombe Stock Company Ltd. sheep breeders (Kerry Hill)
* Coombe Stock Company Ltd. pig & poultry (White Wyandotte) farmers.
Coombes Albert Bernard Barges farmer
* Coombes Herbert Manor farm farmer Tel. No. Long Bredy 55
Curtis Geo Holbrook blacksmith Tel. No. Long Bredy 41
Curtis Mary (Mrs) grocer Tel. No. Long bredy 41
Farwell Fras boot repr
*Foot Tom Meech Cross Tree farm farmer
Fry George & Son The Paddock builders, contractors & undertakers Tel. No. Long Bredy 40
Fry Charles G. carpenter & undertaker, house decorator
Fry Charles G. & wheelwright; all general repairs promptly executed
Gladwyn Jas. farmer
Hayne William J. Low. Coombe dairyman
Legg Stanley C. motor body & general builder Tel. No. Long Bredy 21
Gladwyn Miss O. sec. Litton Cheney Friendly Society
Masters Walter Rt. miller (water)
Morgan Ernest boot repr. & post office Tel. No. Long Bredy 43
Peach Wm smallholder
Pitcher Alfd. J. carrier Tel. No. Long Bredy 37
Trenchard Victor Charity farm farmer
Wakely George      Court farm farmer
Shave P.C. White Horse Inn
Wilcox Jsph. Hy. baker Tel. No. Long Bredy 56


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