This transcription courtesy of Helen Ginn




Proved at London 29 August 1739

In the Name of God Amen

I Susanna Bilson of Mapledurham in the parish of Buriton In the County of  Southampton  Widow being weak in body but of Good health and of sound and disposing mind memory & understanding Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner Following that is to say I first commit my Soul to God and my  Body to the Earth to be buryed in the Vault in the parish Church Of Buriton aforesaid as privately as may be my own servants and Tenants only to attend with Escutcheons or other expense more Than of absolute necessity and after such interment my Will is that The said Vault be intirely shut up and closed so as no other person Be ever permitted to be buryed therein and as to ?touching? my own Estate both real and Personall I give devise and dispose thereof  as Followeth also my Will is that my just debts be first satisfied and paid Also I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Legg a third son of the  Soon to be the Earl of Dartmouth all my plate that hath the Arms of my Dear mother Elizabeth Legg  thereon late deceased the gift of bason? Pictures of my own family in the withdrawing Room, the Duke Of Buckingham's picture and my Grandmothers pictures in the best Parlour two pair of fine Holland sheets Marked C.R. and my own  ______ with what I shall leave therein and my Will and desire is that the pictures of the family of the Bilsons be not removed out of the great dining room of Mapledurham House but remain in such order as I shall put and dispose of them in the said house for ever and whereas my dear son Leonard Bilson deceased did in and by his Last Will and Testament give and bequeath unto my Cousin __ __Susanna Brown (then Susanna Legg) now wife of the Reverend William Brown of Mapledurham aforesaid the sum of fifteen hundred pounds Out of which said sum I have only paid her or her said husband at The time of her marriage the sum of Two Hundred pounds the Remainder thereof being yet unpaid In consideration thereof and as An addition to her said legacy and for her better support & maintenance In time to same I give devise and bequeath unto my said Cousin Susanna Brown her heirs Executors and Administrators all that my Parsonage of  _____field in the said County of Southampton which I hold By lease of the Bishop of ?Wintow together with the said lease and all My Estate and Term therein to hold the same unto the said Susanna Brown Her heirs Executors and Administrators and also I give devise & bequeath Unto my said Cousin Susanna Brown her heirs Executors and Administrators All that my Lease and Estate therein contained lying and being in the Burrough of  Southwark which I likewise hold by Lease of the said Bishop Of ?Wintow known by the Name?of the Southwark Lease and also my Right Title Term and Interest therein to hold unto the said Susanna Brown her heirs Executors and Administrators also I give and bequeath Unto my servant Mary Young the sum of Twenty Pounds over and Above what will be due to her for wages at the time of my decease Also I give and bequeath unto my servant Mary Hodges over and above Her yearly wages the sum of Twenty Pounds and I also give & bequeath Unto all my other servants (excepting my Gardiner) that shall live with_____  me at the time of my decease one whole years wages over and above what shall be then respectively due to them and my Will and desire is that six of my Men Servants do carry me to Church without any hearse and that Six of my Tenants do hold up my Pall also I give to the poor of ?Weston, Buriton, Petersfield and __field five pounds each place? also I give and bequeath to the said Reverend William Brown Ten broad pieces of Gold and unto his Daughter Ann Brown my __ Chamber Plate and China Plate and Ten Broad ?pieces of Gold also all The rest residue and remainder of my Estate both reall and personall of What kind or nature soever (after payment of my just debts Legacies? And funeral expenses) I give and bequeath unto the said Susanna __ Brown her Heirs Executors and Administrators and lastly I do hereby Nominate constitute and appoint the said Susanna Brown full & whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all ~~~ Former Wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this and No other to be my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I the Said Susanna Bilson the Testatrix have to this my last Will and __ Testament Set my hand and Seal the Twenty Sixth Day of  February In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Thirty Eight Susanna Bilson /~ Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Susanna Bilson the Testatrix for and as her last will and Testament And subscribed by us as witnesses hereunto in the presence and at the Request of the said Testatrix -/ John Taylor – Browne Sangrish? –R. Baker /-This Will was proved at London on the Twenty ninth Day ofAugust in the year of Our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and thirty Nine before the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth? Doctor of Laws Master Keeper of Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Lawfully constituted by the Oath of Susanna Brown (wife of William Brown ?Clerk) the sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased she being first sworn by commission well And only to administer the same /- Ex.

 In the Name of God Amen