
Kelly's Directory
1848, 1880 & 1898

Transcribed by Kim Parker



MOSTERTON, a village and chapelry of Perrott, 3-1/2 miles from Beaminster north, and 3-1/2 miles from Crewkerne south, in the Beaminster Union, Hundred of Beaminster Forum and Red Hone, diocese of Salisbury. The living is a curacy, united with South Perrott, value £170 and 6 acres of glebe land. The church is a new edifice, in a modern style, with square tower; it is capable of holding 359 persons; the churchyard contains the tomb of the Hood family, which was formerly in the old church; Sir Alexander Hood was born here. In 1841, the population was 391, the acreage, 959. John Hussey, Esq., of Lyme Regis, is lord of the manor.



BOW John, shopkeeper

CROFTS Edward, farmer

DAWBNEY Charles, farmer

DAWBNEY John, farmer

DAWBNEY William, farmer

GIBBS Job, registrar of births & deaths

HISCOCK James, baker

HUSSEY George, farmer, West farm

LOVELESS John, carpenter & builder

MITCHAM John, shopkeeper

MURLY William, shopkeeper

NORMAN George, shopkeeper

PEARCE John, butcher

PORTER Michael, stationer

READ Isaac, farmer

STUDELY Thomas, dairyman

SUMMERHAYS John, mason

WARD John, Crown & Anchor inn

WARRY Eliel, blacksmith

WARRIN Thomas, tailor

WILLMOTT Floyer, farmer

WILLMOTT George, tailor

WOODCOCK John, flax spinner


Letters are received through the Crewkerne Office



MOSTERTON is a village and parish in the Beaminster hundred and union, county court district of Crewkerne, rural deanery of Bridport fourth portion, archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury, 3 miles north from Beaminster, and 3 south from Crewkerne railway station, situate on the Somersetshire border. The church of St. Mary is a modern building, consisting of chancel and nave, with square tower: it is capable of holding 359 persons: the old churchyard contains the tomb of the Hood family, which was formerly in the old church; Sir Alexander Hood was born here. The register dates from the year 1653. The living is consolidated with South Perrott, joint yearly value £395, with 7 acres of glebe land here, in the gift of the representatives of the late G. Coombes esq. and held by the Rev. John Stroud M.A. of Merton College, Oxford, who resides at South Perrott. Some flax-spinning is carried on. Through Horn hill, on the highway between this village and Beaminster, there is a tunnel, 125 yards long, for which the public are principally indebted to the zealous exertions of the late Giles Russell esq. of Beaminster: it was commenced in August, 1851, and finished in June, 1852, under the superintendence of M. Lane esq. civil engineer. The principal landowners are Thomas Hussey esq. who is lord of the manor, Viscount Portman and Lady Oglander. The soil is heavy clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas, hay and turnips. The area is 958 acres; rateable value, £1,452; the population in 1871 was 321.

Parish Clerk, John Gibbs.

POST OFFICE.- Job Gibbs, receiver. Letters from Crewkerne arrive at 11.15 a.m.; dispatched at 2.35 p.m.; no delivery or dispatch on Sundays. The nearest money order offices are at Crewkerne & Beaminster.

National School, Miss R. Sealy, mistress


BLACKMAN John, plumber

BOW A. (Mrs.), dress maker

BUCKLAND John, baker

CLEAL Benjamin, shoe maker

DUNELL Thomas, farmer, Chapel Court farm

FAY Isaac, farmer

FELLOWS Charles Robert, Crown & Anchor

GIBBS Job, registrar of births & deaths for the Mosterton district

HARDING William, dairyman

HAWKER Solomon, thatcher

HOOKE John, farmer, Manor farm

LAWRENCE Samuel, farmer

MITCHAM James, New inn & carpenter

Mosterton Mill Co. (William H. W. TOBY), flax & tow spinners

NORMAN Lucy R. (Mrs.), shopkeeper

ROWSELL Charles, farmer

STRODE Mrs., farmer, Bluntsmoor farm

STUDLEY Samuel & Walter, farmers

TOLLY Edward, farmer, Broad Oak farm

TUCKER Thomas, farmer, West farm

WARRY Eliel, shopkeeper

WEBB William, carpenter

WILLMOTT Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker



MOSTERTON is a village and parish on the Somersetshire border, the river Axe, and the road from Beaminster to Crewkerne, 2-1/2 miles south from Crewkerne railway station on the London and South Western railway, and 3-1/2 north from Beaminster, in the Western division of the county, Beaminster hundred, union and petty sessional division, county court district of Crewkerne, rural deanery of Bridport (Beaminster portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary is a modern building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a western tower containing one bell; the church will seat 359 persons; in the churchyard stands the tomb of the Hood family, formerly in the church. The register dates from 1653. The living is a chapelry, annexed to the rectory of South Perrott, net yearly value, £331, with 83 acres of glebe and residence in the gift of the trustees of the Rev. C. W. Penny M.A. and C. Nancolas esq. and held since 1873 by the Rev. John Stroud M.A. of Merton College, Oxford, who resides at South Perrott. Here is a chapel for Plymouth Brethren, built in 1894 to hold 100. The principal landowners are Thomas Hussey esq. of Bredy, Shipton, who is lord of the manor, Viscount Portman and Joseph Hull esq. of Stinsford, Dorchester. The soil is heavy clay; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas, hay and turnips. The area is 949 acres; rateable value, £1,528; the population in 1891 was 263.

Parish Clerk, Miss Sarah Willmott.

Post Office. – Miss Sarah Willmott, sub-postmistress. Letters from Crewkerne, arrive at 8.40 a.m.; dispatched at 5.5 p.m.; no delivery or dispatch on Sundays. The nearest money order office is at South Perrott & nearest telegraph office at Crewkerne railway station, 3 miles distant.

National School (mixed), built in 1876 & enlarged in 1894 for 90 children; average attendance, 42; Miss Grace James, mistress.



BOW Annie (Mrs.), nurse

BOWDITCH George, New inn

CHAFFEY Samuel, miller (water) & farmer

COX Fred, farmer, Sandiford

COX Henry, farmer

HALLETT John, boot maker

HAWKER Solomon, thatcher

JEFFERY George, farmer, New House farm

LAWRENCE Samuel, farmer, Manor farm

MITCHEM James, shopkeeper, carpenter & wheelwright

PODGER John, farmer, Bakers Mill farm

Reading Room (John HALLETT, sec.)

ROUSELL Charles, blacksmith

RUSSELL Edmund George, Crown & Anchor P.H.

SAINT William, farmer, Chapel Court farm

SCRIVEN Robert, farmer

SHUTTLER Richard, farmer, Bluntsmoor farm

STUDLEY Robert Payne, farmer, Broad Oak farm

STUDLEY Walter, farmer

TOLLY Robert, farmer, West farm

WAKELY William, boot maker

WHITE Tom, shoe maker

WILLMOTT William, shopkeeper


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