
Kelly's Directory of Dorsetshire  1895

Transcribed for the OPC Project by Bob Stone


Portland is a small island, or, more properly speaking peninsula, in the English Channel, united to the mainland by the long range of chessel or shingle called Chesil Bank, 4½ miles south from Weymouth and 147½ miles from London, and is 2° 20¢ west from the meridian of Greenwich, and in 50° 30¢ north latitude, in the Southern division of the county, petty sessional division of Dorchester, Weymouth union and county court district, Dorchester rural deanery (Weymouth portion), Dorset archdeaconry and Salisbury diocese.  The island is 4½ miles in length, 1¾ in width and 9 in circumference, and the boundary is formed by a ridge of lofty rocks, inaccessible on all sides, except towards the south, where the land slopes away to the shore; the highest ground is 496 feet above the sea.  It contains several villages or hamlets, viz.: - Chesil, Fortune's Well, Castletown, Easton, Reforne, Wakeham, Straits, Weston, Southwell, Grove and Verne.  The "Local Government Act, 1858" (21 and 22 Vict. C98) was adopted April, 1867, and the island was governed by a Local Board of Health until the "Local Government Act," 1894," established the present Urban District Council.  The whole of the upper part of the island is a complete bed of stone, which was first brought into use in the reign of James I.  St Paul's Cathedral and many of our public buildings have been built with it; at present 70,000 tons are shipped yearly from the quarries; the stone is quarried in blocks from two to fourteen tons each, which are conveyed to the ships by means of a railway: the whole stratum rests upon a bed of bluish clay; in the quarries are found many petrified shells and fossils.  There are many curiosities in the island, amongst which may be seen a fine specimen of a fossil tree; it is 20 feet in height, with two branches in the form of the letter V.  The fossil remains of a wild boar have been discovered.   The inhabitants are chiefly employed in the quarries and fishing, and are a hardy race of people.  The soil is shallow but fruitful, and the sheep fed on the short grass produce the celebrated Portland mutton.  A small and delicious bird, the wheatear, is found here in great numbers.  The supply of water is plentiful.


A railway from Portland to Weymouth is used jointly by the Great Western and the South-Western railways, Portland Castle, at the foot of the loftiest part of the island, was erected by King Henry VIII, in 1520 as a place of defence; from 1558 to 1646 it suffered many disasters, being constantly taken and retaken by the King and the Parliament:  in 1818 it was granted to the Rev. John Manning by the Duke of York, and since the accession of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the Castle has been appropriated to the Commander of the Engineers stationed here:  the walls are in some parts from 12 to 14 feet thick. 


The island is a liberty of itself, in the Weymouth union.  The custom of gavelkind prevails here.


A pleasure fair is held on November 5th.


A fund is in existence here arising from a grant made by Charles II in 1665, by which a royalty of 9d.for every ton of stone quarried from all parish or common-able land is payable for the use of the inhabitants, and by subsequent grants a further sum of 6d.was charged on stone raised from all Crown quarries, being for the Royal use; but this latter grant was withdrawn in 1878.


One of the most prominent objects on this island is the Convict Prison, on the top of the hill, in a locality called Grove, commanding a bold and magnificent view of the Channel: the building is chiefly constructed of wood and iron, so that it may be taken down and removed:  it now contains about 900 convicts, who are chiefly employed in the stone quarries in getting stone and loading wagons with the same, for export.


The parish church of St. George, at Reforne, is a plain stone building, erected in 1706, in the classic style, and consists of a deep chancel with apse, nave, north and south transepts and western tower with cupola containing one bell:  a handsome stained window was put in by Richard Lano, as a thank offering in 1878: it is capable of seating 700 persons.  The register dates from the year 1766.  The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £249, gross yearly value £274, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1872 by the Rev. John Augustine Beazor, of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury.


The lower church, St. John the Baptist, at Fortune's Well, was erected in 1839, and a district was assigned to it in 1840; it is a Gothic structure of Portland stone, with chancel, nave, aisles and square embattled western tower, containing 3 bells with a clock; there are 430 sittings.  The register dates from the 1839.  The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £320 with 5 aires of land and residence, in the gift of Hyndman's trustees, and held since 1874 by the Rev. Thomas Alfred Ottley M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, and D.D. of Trinity College, Dublin.


St. Peters, an ecclesiastical parish, was formed in 1873; the church in The Grove is a modern edifice of stone erected at a cost of £8,000, in the Byzantine style of the 12th century, after the designs of Sir Edmund Ducane, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, transepts, western porch, and a turret, containing one bell; the church is intended chiefly for the officials of the military and prison establishments, and affords about 550 sittings.  The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £160 in the gift of the Directors of the Convict Prisons, and held since 1886 by the Rev. Josiah Meigh, M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.


St Andrew's Church, Southwell, opened July 3rd, 1879, as a chapel of ease, was erected to commemorate the loss of the "Avalanche", with all hands off this island, September 11th, 1877, by collision with the "Forest"; it is built of stone in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, baptistery, north porch and western bell turret with 2 bells; it contains several stained windows: there are 350 sittings.


The Catholic church, in The Grove, dedicated to Our Lady and St. Andrew, was built in 1868: the Congregational, at Chesil, holds 350; there is a Wesleyan chapel at Fortune's Well, to hold 600, and Chesil to hold same number and one at Easton to seat 500, and Southwell to seat 80; Primitive Methodist, at Fortune's Well to hold 340, and Weston to seat 80; and Bible Christian, at Maidenwell, to hold 250.  There is a Seamen's Mission and Reading Room at Castletown; also a Soldiers' and Sailors' Institute, at Fortune's Well, with divine service on Sunday nights, and various other meetings.


Gas Works were established at Chesil in 1856, by a company.


The Jubilee Hall, Easton, will hold 800, and is let to theatrical companies, and also used for public meetings and entertainments.


A Dispensary was established in 1840, for the benefit of the labouring population; her Majesty is the patroness; patients receive medicine at their own homes.


At Straits there is a reading room.


On the east side of the island is Rufus or Bow and Arrow Castle, belonging to and forming part of the grounds of Pennsylvania Castle, formerly the property of the late Granville J. Penn esq. Of Stoke Park, Buckinghamshire, but subsequently of his relative, Stewart Forbes, esq.; it is now owned by J. Merrick Head esq. The castle is a handsome stone edifice, built by the late John Penn esq. of Stokes Park, Bucks (governor of the Isle of Portland), from designs by Mr. James Wyatt, architect; it was commenced at the end of the last century and finished in 1800; it is charmingly situated and commands magnificent views of the Channel.


The island has ready access to Weymouth by rail and water, being within three miles, with station at Chesil; steamers run four times daily during the summer months, landing at the government pier at Castletown.


There are two lighthouses on the south of the island, one of which is built in the form of a cone, the diameter at the base being 20 feet; from the gallery is seen that dangerous sea called the Race, so named from the tides meeting at this part of the island:  also the Shambles, the upper lighthouse was erected in 1817, and rebuilt in 1867, when the lower one was also erected, both being on the fixed principle, and worked with revolving lenses.


The design of a breakwater was first mooted by Mr. John Harvey, of Weymouth, his attention being directed to this subject in the year 1794, but it was not until 1847 that an Act was passed for the construction of the breakwater in the Portland Roads, from the designs of Mr. James Meadow Rendel, to form a harbour of refuge; the breakwater extends from the north-east point of the island to a distance of 2¼

Miles into the sea, and forms a roadstead 4 miles in extent, within which a fleet of 200 sail can lie at anchor in complete safety, sheltered from all winds in the Channel, and be ready for sea at a moment's notice, in case of emergency; the breakwater is 1¾ miles long, 120 feet wide at low water level and upwards of 300 feet at the base.  There is a small fortification at the land end, mounting a few guns; and at the extremity a large circular fort, capable of mounting 21 heavy rifled guns.  The harbour of refuge thus formed is now almost entirely enclosed in this stupendous seawall, covering an extent of no less than 2107 acres.

When the works in progress are completed, consisting of an extension of the breakwater from the fort to Weymouth shore, about 1¾ miles long, the harbour will be completely enclosed.  Near the breakwater is a hospital for patients from H.M. Navy, known as the Royal Naval Sick Quarters.


In 1894 a new hospital was built near the Naval drill ground, Castletown.


To protect the harbour and roadstead, extensive fortifications have been erected on the top and sides of the hill called the "Verne", on the northern side of the island; here a battery has been constructed and an artificial ravine formed 100 feet wide and from 70 to 120 feet deep, to prevent access to the Verne from the land side, and batteries command this ravine; on the east side of the island (on the east weir) are other batteries at different altitudes.


Portland is a Royal Manor and the land is mostly owned by small free holders.


The population of Portland in 1891 was 9,443, including 757 in Verne Citadel barracks, 22 in the Royal Naval Hospital, 873 in the Convict Prison, 643 on H.M.S. "Boscawen" training ship for boys and 362 on H.M.S. "Alexandra".  The area is 2,894 acres of land; rateable value, £20,359.   The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1891 was: - St. George, 2,631, St. John the Baptist, 4,182, and St. Peter, 2,630.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions, etc.

Post. M.O. & T.O., S.B. Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Fortune's Well (Railway Sub-office, Letters should have R.S.O. Isle of Portland added.) - Joseph H. Royal, sub-postmaster.  Letters arrive at 6.15 a.m. 12 noon & 3 & 7 p.m.  There are Pillar Letter Boxes at Grove, Southwell, Fortune's Well, Verne barracks, Wakeham & Railway station.,

Post. M.O. & T.O., S.B. Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Easton, - Edward Stone, sub-postmaster.  Letters through Fortune's Well R.S.O., arrive 7.35 a.m. & 12.15, 3.30 & 7.45 p.m.; dispatched 8.45 & 10.25 a.m. & 2. 6.40 & 8 p.m.,

Post. M.O. & T.O., S.B., Express Delivery & Annuity & Insurance Office, Castletown (Sub-office, letters should have S.O. Isle of Portland added) - Richard Cox, sub-postmaster.  Letters arrive at 7 a.m., 12 noon, 4.30 & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched, 11 a.m. & 2. 7 & 8 p.m.,

Post & M.O., S.B. & Insurance & Annuity Office, Chesil. - Thos. Gibbs White, sub-postmaster.  Letters through Fortune's Well R.S.O., delivered about 8.30 a.m. & 12.50, 3.50 & 7.45 p.m.; dispatched, 8.40 & 11.50 a.m. & 2.50, 7.15 & 8.15 p.m. ,

Post Office, Weston - Robert Hinde Comben, sub-postmaster.  Letters through Weymouth.  Letter box cleared at 9 a.m. & 5.15 p.m.; Sundays 9.15 a.m.  Easton is the nearest money order & telegraph office,


Urban District Council, Offices, New Road, Board day twice a month ,

Clerk & Clerk to School Attendance Committee, New Road, Fortune's Well, BOWEN, J. Howard,

Treasurer, Dorchester, THORNTON, Reginald D.,

Medical Officer of Health, Fortune's Well, LAWSON, David James, M.D., D.M.,

Engineer & Surveyor, Fortune's Well, ELFORD, E.O. (C.E.), Seagull House,

Collector, Reforne, STONE, Edward,

School Attendance Officer, Easton, PEARCE, William,


Public Establishments,

Coastguard, Fortune's Well, NEPO, John, Chief Officer Hill, GRIFFITHS, Parland, Chief Officer , Balaclava, RICHARDS, Henry, Chief boatman,

County Police Station, Fortune's Well, RICKETTS, Ambrose, Sergeant in charge & 4 constables

Principal Keeper, Lower Lighthouse, LANCELEY, William

Collector, Custom House, BURNETT, David

Portland Barracks

Admiralty engineer, Portland Breakwater, MacFARLANE, Donald

Royal Portland Dispensary, Fortune's Well, ASHTON, G. (M.B.), medical officer LAWSON, D.J. (M.D., C.M.), medical officer, REYNOLDS, F., Hon. Sec

Seamen's Mission Room, Castletown, REYNOLDS, Francis, Hon. Sec

Principal Keeper, Upper Lighthouse, WOODROFFE, John lessee & manager Naval, Easton, PEARCE, William, Jubilee Hall

HMS "Boscawea" training ship for boys; 4,579 tons, Commander, BROOKE, Gerard M.,  Lieutenant, MILLS, Andrew S.,  Lieutenant, SHRUBB, Henry A.B., Chaplain & Naval Instructor, MORIARTY, James  (Rev.),  Staff Surgeon, CHRISTIE, Alexander L. (M.B.),  Fleet Paymaster, INNES, Ashley N.,

HMS "Minotaur", 10,690 tons , Commander, LACY, Saumarez D., Temporarily attached to "Boscawen" as overflow ship.,  Lieutenant, WILKIN, Henry D. (D.S.O.),  Lieutenant Marines,  , GARDNER, Francis S.,  Chaplain, GOODENOUGH, George (Rev.),  Staff Paymaster, HILL, Alfred G., Surgeon, WOOD , Joseph E.,

Royal Naval Sick Quarters , Staff Surgeon, Castletown, CHRISTIE, Alex L. (M.B.),

Military, Commanding, The Verne Citadel, MURRAY, P.H., The King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 2nd Battalion,  Major, SPENS, J.,  Major, CAPPER, W.B.,  Adjutant (Capt), MARESCAUX, O.H.E.,  Quartermaster (Capt), WILLMOTH, A.E.,

Volunteers, Commander, Batteries - No 8, CRICKMAY, J.E. (Capt), 1st Dorsetshire Artillelry Southern Division Royal Artillery,  Acting Chaplain, BEAZOR, V.D. (Rev.),  Commander, Batteries - No 9, CRICKMAY, J.E. (Capt),  Commander, Batteries - No 10, BOWEN, J.H. (Capt),

Portland Prison, Governor, HARRIS, W.F. Vernon (Capt),  Deputy Governor, GREEN, Percy (Capt),  Chaplain, PHIPPS, J.T. (Rev.),  Catholic Chaplain, MATTHEWS, T. (Rev.),  Medical Officer, LILLEY, George Herbert  (M.D.),  Storekeeper, HYDE, J.T.,  Clerk of Works, BIRD, S.J., Governor's Department, Chief Clerk, BRIGHT, J. Hay,  Class Clerk, LOAM, Matthew W., Storekeeper's Department, 1st class clerk, EVANS, H.J.,  1st class clerk, KNIGHT, F.,  2nd class clerk, LAKER, E.G.,  2nd class clerk, GIBBS, R.A., Schoolmasters, Principal, HOGGER, Geo.,  1st class  , KIBBLEWHITE, James,  2nd class  , BOAIT, F.J.,  2nd class, BAILEY, Henry,  2nd class (Catholic), PHILLIPS, F.C. ,  Scripture Reader, GUY, Frederick, Engineer, HANSFORD,  J., Chief Warder's Department, Chief Warder, WESTLAKE, J.H., 1 compounder; 3 warder clerks; 6 instructors attached to clerk of work's department; 9 principal warders; 30 warders; 57 assistant warders; 1 infirmary principal warder; 4 infirmary nurses; 1 messenger and 1 assistant ditto attached to governor's department; 2 night watchmen; 1 engineman; 2 gasmen and 1 stoker attached to clerk of work's department; 2 storekeepers' porters attached to storekeeper's department; 2 labourers attached to clerk of work's department; 1 principal gatekeeper and 1 gatekeeper.  Civil Guard - 2 sergeants, 33 rank & file.,

Public Officers,

Sub-Lloyd's Agent & U.S. Consular Agent , Castletown, COX, Rd.,

Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Fortune's Well, LAWSON, David James (M.D. (C.M.), Certifiying Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer, Portland District, Weymouth Union,

Steward of the Crown Manor, London, CLUTTON, John, 9 Whitehall Place, London,

Norwegian & Swedish Consuls, Castletown, ROBERTS & Co, W,

Harbour Master - Commander, HULBERT, H.C.B.,

Registrar of Births & Deaths, Easton, PEARCE, Wm., Portland Sub-District,

Deputy Registrar, Reforne, STONE, Edwd.,

Registrar of Marriages, Fortune's Well, WAY, Charles, 5 Spring Gardens,

Place of Worship with times of services ,

St. George's Church, Reforne, Rev. John Augustine BEAZOR, rector; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed 7 p.m.,

St. John the Baptist Church, Fortune's Well, Rev. Thos. Alfred OTTLEY, M.A., D.D., vicar; 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed 7 pm,

St. Peter's Church, The Grove, Rev. Josiah MEIGH, M.A., vicar; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.,

St. Andrew's Church, Southwell, Rector of St. George's officiates; 2.45 p.m.,

Our Lady & St. Andrew, Catholic.  The Grove, Rev. Walter KELLY, priest; mass 9 & 10.30 a.m. & afternoon service 3 p.m. daily 7 a.m.,

Bible Christian, Maidenwell, High street, Rev. Edmund TURNER, minister;  3 & 6 p.m.; wed 7 p.m.; Zion, Wakeham, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Thurs. 7 p.m. ,

Congregational, Chesil, Rev. Thomas WILLIAMS, minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Mon. 7.15 p.m. & Thurs. 7.15 p.m.,

Primitive Methodist, Fortune's Well, Rev. Edwin CLARKE, minister; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Tues. 7 p.m. in winter & 7.30 p.m. in summer; & Weston, 2.30; Thurs. 7 p.m. in winter & 7.30 in summer.,

Wesleyan, Fortune's Well, Rev. Frederick BARBER, minister & Rev. Samuel ATKINSON, M.A. supernumerary, 10.15 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Mon. & Thurs. 7.15 p.m.  Wesleyan, Easton; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; Mon. & Thurs. 7.15 p.m.  Wesleyan, Southwell; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m.  Wesleyan, Weston; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; Tues. 7.15 p.m.,



Prison Officer's Children (boys, girls & infants), Grove, built in 1872, for 380 children; average attendance 260; supported by government grant & grant from directors of prisons; Albert BOLT, master: Miss A. WITT. Girls' mistress; Miss N. BARNETT, infant mistress.,

 St. John's Parochial (boys, girls & infants), Fortune's Well, built in 1857, with master's house attached, for 500 children; average attendance, 109 boys, 100 girls and 118 infants;  Alfred YOUNG, master: Miss Hetty POLKINGHORNE, girls' mistress; & Mrs. Alfred YOUNG infants' mistress.,

St. George's National (mixed), Reforne, for about 350 children; average attendance 235; John WARREN, master; Miss Annie GIBBS, mistress,

Wesleyan, Fortune's Well, built in 1844, for 200 children; average attendance 114; Henry EPSLEY, master.,

Wesleyan (mixed), Easton, built in 1878, for 317 children; average attendance 201; William EDWARDS, master; Miss Emily FLANN, infants' mistress.,


G.W. & S.W. Joint Railway Station, Station Master, LAVER, James,

Carriers to Weymouth, PEPPERELL, Richard, every tues. & fri., SMITH, Edward, every tues. & fri.,

Water Conveyance, Castletown, steamboats to & from Weymouth four times daily, during the summer, from the pier at Castletown,

CASTLETOWN, Staff Surgeon, CHRISTIE, Alex. L. (M.B.), Staff Surgeon Royal Naval Sick Quarters, Major, The Castle, SPENS, James



BAKER, William Henry, engineer & boiler maker, ship & general smith, iron & brass founder, , Portland Roads Inn,

BETSWORTH, Emma (Mrs),

CHANNEL, Channel Coaling Co Lim. (The) coal merchants & steam ship agents,

COLLINS, George Henry & Co., merchants & shipping agents, & agents for Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co. (W.O. WINHAM, manager. ,

shopkeeper, COLSTON, Thomas,

shipowner & sub-agent, COX, Richard, shipowner & sub-agent for Lloyds & United States Consular agent,

Albert Inn, FRIE, Richard Raisin,

GEORGE, Edward, Royal Breakwater hotel,

coal merchant, GIBBS, Thomas,

boot maker, GILL, Alfred Henry,

refreshment rooms, GILL, Eli,

Chief Officer of Coast Guard, Hill, GRIFFITHS, Parland,

fishmonger, HOUNSELL, Tamson (Mrs),

boat builder, HOUNSELL, Thomas,

MALE, Robert W., Jolly Sailor P.H.,

ship & insur. Brokers, ROBERTS, W. & Co,

boat builder, ROBERTS, John,

boot maker, ROBINSON, Samuel,

naval outfitters, ROWE, William & Co  ,

Staff Surgeon, CHRISTIE, Alex. L. (M.B.), Royal Naval Sick Quarters,

grocer & ship's chandler, SCORE, Richard,

REYNOLDS, Fras., Sec. Seamen's Mission Room,

WELLMAN, Walter, Castle P.II,

beer retailer, WILLS, Robert  ,



Cove House Inn, CARTER, Joseph,

coal dealer, CLEALL, Elijah,

shopkeeper, CORBEN, Martha (Mrs.),

New P.H., DAVIDGE, Chas. William Edwd.,

Royal Victoria Hotel, EASTWOOD, Geo.,

beer retailer, FLANN, Emma (Mrs.),

grocer, FLEW, Thomas,

shopkeeper, GIBBS, Richard,

shopkeeper, HANSFORD, Richard,

solicitor, HOWARD, Richard Nicholas Sir, solicitor & perpetual commissioner & commissioner for oaths; & at Weymouth,

plumber & glazier, JOLLIFFE, Alfred,

refreshment rooms, 5 & 6 Victoria Bldgs, KENT, Frederick,

King's Arms P.H., MACEY, John,

stone merchants, MITCHELL, Brothers,

shell fish dealers, MITCHELL, George & son,

beer retailer, NIX, Thomas,

Crown Inn, PEARCE, James Rose,

Terminus P.H., PEARCE, John Robert,

draper, PEARCE, Richard,

PORTLAND, Gas Co, Clark JEFFERY, Manager,

shopkeeper, POTTLE, Amelia (Miss),

baker, READ, Benjamin Charles,

baker, 9 Victoria buildings, ROD, Isaac,

shopkeeper, 2 Victoria buildings, ROWE, Henry,

beer retailer, SCHOLLAR, Robert,

boot maker, STONE, Joseph,

shopkeeper, VINE, Joseph Henry,

jun. Baker, WAY, Edward Russell,

boot ma. Post Office, WHITE, Thos. Gibbs,

greengrocer, WHITE, William,

refreshment rooms, 10 Victoria buildings, WORDEN, Thomas,

shopkeeper, 3 Victoria buildings, WRIGHT, Benj.,



greengrocer, BAYLISS, Jonathan Cook,

Commercial, ironmonger, BEER, Joseph,

grocer, BENFIELD, Martha Jane (Mrs.),

shopkeeper, BURDEN, Martha (Mrs.),

greengrocer, BUSH, Charles,

New Inn, CHADDOCK, Thomas Alex.,

coal mer. U cab proprietor, COLLINS, Edwd.,

Conservative Club, Jubilee Hall, LANO, Richard, hon. Sec.,

Manager, CRABTREE, Robert Henry, manager for Stewards & Co. Lim. Stone merchants & quarry owners,

Jubilee Hall, STONE, Edward, Sec. Conservative Association,

shopkeeper, DALLEY, John Frederick,

Commander (Capt), #8 & 9 batteries, CRICKMAY, J.E., Dorsetshire (1st) Volunteer Artillery Southern Division, Royal Artillery,

Commander (Capt), #10 batteries, BOWEN, J.H., Dorsetshire (1st) Volunteer Artillery Southern Division, Royal Artillery,

hair dresser, ELLIS, Richard,

butcher, HOARE, William,

quarry owner, stone merchant, HODDER, Joseph,

plumber, JOLLIFFE, William,

JUBILEE HALL, William PEARCE, lessee & manager,

boot maker, MARWOOD, John  ,

beer retailer, OTTER, Robert  ,

stone merchant, PANGBOURNE, Walter, see Webber & Pangbourne,

millers (water), PEARCE, Edward & Robert,

coal merchants, PEARCE, Robert & Co,

blacksmith, PEARCE, Abraham,

tailor, PEARCE, Edward John,

boot warehouse, PEARCE, John,

draper, PEARCE, John,

baker, PEARCE, Robert John,

blacksmith, PEARCE, Susan (Mrs.),

assistant overseer, PEARCE, William, assistant overseer, collector of poors' rate & income tax, registrar of births & deaths, No 3, Portland sub-district & school attendance officer.,

grocer, PEARCE, William Lano,

manager, SAMSON, Henry, manager for Weston's stone quarries,

grocer, SCRIVEN, John William,

ironfounder, SLATER, Edward Pearce,

greengrocer, SMITH, Richard J.,

Punch Bowl P.H., STEVENS, Abraham,

stone merchants, STEWARDS, & Co Limited, stone merchants & quarry owners (Robert Hy. CRABTREE, manager): London wharf, Grosvenor road, Pimlico & Depot, Nine Elms Lane S.W.,

stationer & post office, STONE, Edward,

china & glass dealer, STONE, John,

boot maker, STONE, William,

painter & paperhanger, TALBOT, Charles,

draper, WALLIS, Robert,

hair dresser, WARREN, Joseph,

baker, WAY, Thomas  ,

blacksmith, WAY, William Collins,

stone merchants, WEBBER, & PANGBOURNE, stone merchants, masonry contractors & stone saw mills proprietors,

beer retailer & butcher, WHITE, Benjamin jun.,



2 Greenhill Terr., ANDERSON, Alfred Warren,

Private Residents, Bay View house, ANGEL, Thos. Elliott,

6 Albion Crescent, ASHTON, Gough M.B.,

Agra house, ATKINSON, Samuel (Rev.) (M.A.), Wesleyan,

BARBER, Frederick (Rev.), Wesleyan,

Rosslyn villa, BARNES, John,

Yeats, BEAZOR, John Augustine (Rev.), rector of St. George,

5 Albion Crescent, BRAGG, Mrs.,

4 Sea View, BRIGHT, John Hay,

Boston House, CLARKE, Edwin (Rev.), Primitive Methodist,

2 Albion Cres, COLLINS, George Henry,

DOWDESWELL, Frederic T.,

4 Prospect place, DRAKE, Mrs.,

2 Prospect place, ELLIOTT, Mrs.,

3 Greenhill Terrace, EPSLEY, Henry Jn.,

1 Albion Crescent, HOLDERNESS, Hedley James (Rev.) (B.A.), Missions to Seamen Chaplain,

LANO, Claremont (Mrs.),

LAWSON, David James, M.D. C.M.,

OTTLEY, Thomas Alfred (Rev.), vicar of St. John's,

Sea View, READ, John Thomas,

6 Queen's Row, SCORE, Richard,

Hanover house, SMITH, William Hy.,

WAUGH, Wm. Robert (Rev.) , F.R.A.S.,

2 Spring Gardens, WAY, Edward Russell,

3 Albion Crescent, WAY, Mrs.,

Yew Tree house, WEBSTER, Lawton C.E. (Jn),

Sea View, WELLS, George  ,

14 Albert Terrace, WHITE, Mrs.,

WILLIAMS, Thos. (Rev.), Congregational,

2 Belgrave place, WINGATE, James Bennett Mabey,

4 Greenhill Terrace, WINTER, John,


fancy draper, ALLEN, William,

farmer, ANDREWS, George,

beer retailer, ANDREWS, Robert William,

surgeon, 6 Albion Crescent, ASHTON, Gough, B.A.  M.B.,

ladies school, Agra house, ATKINSON, Margaret & Emily (Misses),

BARNES, Frederick James, The Portland stone quarries, steam saw mills, masonry & turning works,

beer retailer, BINKS, Charles Meredith,

solicitor, BOWEN, J. Howard,

chemist, CHILDS, Jsph.,

commission agent, CLEALL, James   ,

ironmonger, COMBEN, Edward  ,

china & glass dealer, COMBEN, Elizabeth (Miss),

confectioner, COMBEN, Elizabeth (Miss),

coal merchant, COMBEN, Jennings,

Prince of Wales PH, COMBEN, Richard,

fancy repository, Ethelstone house, COMBEN, Ruth (Mrs.),

farmer, COMBEN, William,


manager, CROSS, M., manager of Weymouth Old Bank,

Royal Hotel, DARE, Albert Henry,

manager mineral water manu., DAVIS, Thos.,

DOWDESWELL, Frederic T.,

DOWDESWELL, Theodosia (Miss),

confectioner, DUNKLEY, Thomas   ,

engineer & surveyor, ELFORD, E.O.  (C.E.),

draper, FLEW, Edward,

fried fish shop, FLEW, William,

dressr. & tobacco, FUZZARD, Geo.,

china & glass, GIBBS, Jane (Miss),

boot warehouse, GIBBS, Lucretia Ann (Miss),

boot maker, GILL, Alfred Henry,

boot warehouse, GILL, George Alfred,

wine & spirit merchant, GRAHAM, Andrew,

chemist, GRANT, Donald,

butchers, HATTEN, & Son,

greengrocer, HOARE, William,

cab proprietor, HODDER, William,

plumber, HONEYMAN, William George,

boot maker, HORTON, John,

refreshment rooms, JESTY, Charlotte (Miss),

watch maker, KENDULL, Samuel Winter,

tobacconist, KEW, Caroline (Mrs.),

saddler, LAKE, John,

Surgeon & medical officer, LAWSON, David James, M.D. C.M.,

shoe maker, High Street, LOWMAN, William,

shopkeeper, Spring Gardens, MABEY, Mary Ann (Mrs.),

stationer, MAJOR, Lucy Jane (Mrs.),

shopkeeper, MANT, George,

baker, MILLS, Thomas,

shopkeeper, MITCHELL, Eliza ,

butcher , MORRIS, William Henry,

grocer, NEWMAN, John Ayles,

grocer, NORMAN, James Slee,

3 Guernsey Street, NORTHOVER, Robert Henry,

tailor, PARKMAN, Albert Edward,

builder, PATTEN, John James,

draper, PEARCE, James,

draper, PEARCE, Richard,

grocer, PINN, Henry  ,

greengrocer, PITMAN, Thomas,

hair dresser, READ, William John,

grocer, READ, William Pearce,

watch maker, ROYAL, Joseph Harris,

shopkeeper, 64 Mallams, RUSSELL, Chas.,

draper & outfitter, RUSSELL, Henry,

news agent, SAMSON, Edward Comben,

baker, SCORE, Alfred,

grocer, SCORE, Richard,

hardware dealer, SCORE, Wm.  ,

butcher, SCRIVEN, Wm. Albert Henry,

greengrocer, SMITH, Richard J.,

linen draper, STONE, John Richard,

confectioner, STONE, William,

fruiterer, SUMMERS, Henry,

Sun Inn, SYMES, Thomas,

beer retailer, THORNE, Chas.,

Royal Portland Arms, TREVETT, Stephen John,

linen draper, WALLIS, Elizabeth (Miss),

registrar of marriages, WAY, Charles ,

shopkeeper, WAY, Alice (Miss),

upholsterer, WAY, John,

news agent, WAY, John,

baker, WAY, Thomas,

upholsterer, WAY, William Henry,

civil engineer, WEBSTER, John Lawton,

beer retailer, WELLARD, Wm. Hy.,

greengrocer, WHITE, Charles,

china & glass dealer, WHITE, Thomas,

shopkeeper, WILLIAMS, Jas. Garland,

shopkeeper, WILLIAMS, Thomas,

chemist, WILSON, Archibald,

fly proprietor, WINTER, George,



assistant surgeon, BAKER, John  (M.B.),

Residents in the Prison, clerk of works, BIRD, Sidney J.,

deputy governor, GREEN, Percy (Capt),

governor, HARRIS, W.F. Vernon (Capt),

storekeeper, HYDE, John T.,

medical officer, LILLEY, Geo. Herbert (M.D.),

Cath. Chaplain, MATTHEWS, Thos. (Rev.),

chaplain, PHIPPS, John Thompson (Rev.),


COMBEN, Robert,

KELLY, Walter (Rev.), catholic,

MEIGH, Josiah (Rev.), vicar of St. Peter's,

grocer, AUSTIN, David,

boot maker, BENNETT, James,

butcher, BRETT, Robert,

beer retailer, BROWN, Alexander,

FISHER, Edward Chas.,

Eagle P.H., HOLMES, Robt.,

Grove Inn, JENOUR, William,

beer retailer, SAMPSON, Joseph,

shopkeeper, STONE, William Elliott,



HANCOCK, Robert,

INGRAM, Thomas,

LANO, Jonathan,

MANIS, John Henry (M.R.C.S.),

SCRIVEN, Richard Benfield,


shopkeeper, ATTWOOL, Joan (Miss),

grocer & baker, ATTWOOL, William,

carpenter, BEER, Joseph,

blacksmith, DINE, John  ,

George P.H., HINDE, Ann (Mrs.),

beer retailer, HOWELL, George,

farmer, LANO, Ann Lucretia (Mrs.),

monumental mason, MILLER, William,

shopkeeper, SKINNER, Mary (Mrs.),

collector & deputy registrar, STONE, Edward,



DRUMMOND, Duncan (M.B.),


beer retailer, ALEXANDER, William,

grocer, ATTWOOLL, William Angel,

shopkeeper, COMBEN, Henry King,

china & glass dealer, COMBEN, Robert William,

linen draper, FLEW, Edward,

boot maker, HANSFORD, William,

butcher, NOBBS, Thomas,

beer retailer, PEARCE, William,

linen draper, WALLIS, Robert William,

fancy repostry, WALLIS, Susannah (Miss),

bookseller, WALLIS, Wm. Thos.,



shopkeeper, FLEW, John,

farmer, HINDE, Robert,

beer retailer, STONE, Elizabeth (Mrs),

grocer, THOMPSON, Frank,



BISHOP, John James,

FLEW, Henry,

HEAD, J. Ferrick (J.P.),

HORNE, Edmund Garland (Major),


PEARCE, John  ,


PHILLIPS, Mrs. Littlecroft,

SCRIVEN, John Pearce,

TURNER, Edmund (Rev.),



boot warehouse, BENFIELD, William,

greengrocer, HANSFORD, Job,

scripture reader, GUY, Frederick,

farmer, HODDER, Robt.,

shopkeeper, INGRAM, Elizabeth (Mrs),

beer retailer, LEGGETT, George John,

linen draper, PEARCE, James,

quarry owner, PEARCE, John,

Mermaid Inn, PELLETT, Frank P.,

quarry owner, ROD, Robert,

grocer, STONE, Shadrach,

shopkeeper, TIZZARD, Richard,

farmer, WARD, John (Mrs),

shopkeeper, WAY, William Collins,

stone merchants, WHITE, B.C. & Co.,

shopkeeper, WHITE, Alfred H.,

beer retailer, YEATES, William,



Post Office, COMBEN, Robert Hinde,


Prince Alfred P.H., COMBEN, Stephen,

shopkeeper, PEARCE, Joseph,

beer retailer & blacksmith, WALBRIDGE, Clarissa (Mrs),

shopkeeper, WOOLAGE, Walter,