
 Hearth Tax  1663


The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for Powerstock only exist for 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation.

Poorstocke Liberty

To ye right worshipful his Majesties Justices of the Peace in the County of Dorsett & all other whom it May concerns. These are to Certify that the psons whose names are underwritten viz:

Susan BROWN widow               1 hearth

George BUCTLER                    1 hearth

Ellis COOMB                             2 hearths

Tho. GILL                                 1 hearth

John HALLET                            1 hearth

Eleanor HIND widow                 1 hearth

Susan IDES widow                    1 hearth

Richard IDES                           1 hearth

Iset  MUDDLE                          2 hearths

Gregory WALBRIDGE             1 hearth

Inhabiting within ye Liberty of Powerstocke are persons of meane condition who pay not ye Church & poore and as we conceive fit to be exempted from the payment of herth money. In witness whereof wee have heerunto set our hands this 18th day of January 1663

Jonas PAVIOT, vicar of Powrestock

Mr henery BROWNE churchwarden

John SYMS senior church warden

Amos ROASE cunstable

Seene and allowed by us George FFULFFORD



Hearth Tax Assessments 1662–1664

Extracted by Tony Higgins

The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for this parish only exist for 1662 and 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation in order to reduce their tax

"The document here published is the Hearth Tax Assessment for Dorset ...... for Michaelmas 1664; it is based on and embodies the earlier assessment for 1662."

Jonas Paviott 7

Mellice Gill 3

John Gooding 1

Dennis Geale 1

John Guppy 3

Willm' Hayward 3

Leonard Fane 1

Barnard Maber 1

Robert Maber 1

John Simes senr' 3

John Simes junr' 3

John Winch 3

James Beale 1

John Gill 2

Sicely Simes 2

John Petty 2

Amos Rose 3

Tho' Walbridge 2

Henry Marten 2

Thomas Douch 2

Nichas' Nicholls 1 p(auper)

Mathew Way 1 (pauper)

Henry Simes 1

Tho' Hayward 4

Tho' Medway junr 1

John Martlett 1

Thomas Simes 1

Bernard Gill 1

Ezard Muddle 3

John Mathew 1

Elianor Hine 1

Th' Medway senr' 2

Simon Winch 1

Elles Combe 1

Robert Gill 2

Benjamine Hine 3

Thomas Stone 2

Margery Geale 1

John Butcher 1

Siusanna Eydes 1

John Hallet 1

Wm' Walbridge 2

Robert Randoll 1

Mary Munden 2

Richard Geale 2

Thomas Travers 1

Martha Steevens 1

Thomas Eydes 2

Robert Derby 1

Hugh Smith 1

Richard Eydes 1

John Browne 2

Joseph Browne 1

Susanna Browne 1

Joan Walbridge 1

Clement Gill 1

Edmund Simes 1

George Butcher 2

Barnard Bush 3

Richard Douch 2

Robert Bonger 5









Transcribed from original returns on microfilm by Tony Higgins.

(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.) 

The English Revolution (1640-60) began in November 1640 when Charles 1st. summoned Parliament to help him out of a financial crisis. Charles was very unpopular and was forced to agree to radical reforms which gave Parliament a more prominent roll in the constitution.

The political crisis escalated and the "Long Parliament" split into two opposing parties in the Autumn of 1641, forming the King's party of Royalists (Cavaliers) and the Parliamentarians (Roundheads), who demanded further political and religious reforms. The events of 1640/41 led to the Civil War which began in August 1642.

It was agreed and ordered on the 3rd May 1641, that every Member of the House of Commons should make a protestation (declaration of loyalty), which the House of Lords also agreed to the following day.

The Commons ordered the printing of the protestation and preamble on the 5th May 1641 and this was distributed by the Members to their counties. The Protestation was to be made by everyone and the Rectors, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor had to appear before the Justices of the Peace in their Hundred to make their protestation and, on returning to their parishes, any two of them were to witness the taking of the Protestation Oath by all males over the age of 18 years. All names were listed and anyone who refused was to be noted.

The protestation itself reads:-

I,-------- do, in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to maintain, and defend as farr as lawfully I maye, with my Life, Power and Estate, the true Reformed Protestant religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this Realme, contrary to the same Doctrine, and according to the duty of my Allegiance, His Majesties Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as alsoe the Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and any person that maketh this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful Pursuance of the same; and to my power, and as farr as lawfully I may, I will appose and by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, Practice, Councels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, doe any Thing to the contrary of any Thing in this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Feare, nor other Respect, shell relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation

(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.)

A true list of all the names of such as have take the protestation in our parish of Powerstock in Ano Dony 1641


John Gill

Henry Smith

Edmond Houmell

John Walbridge

Willm Nicholls

John Guppie

John Holford

Edmund Wells Sen.

Edmund Wells iu.

Roger Watson

Henry Phone Sen.

Robert Phone

Henry Phone iu.

Robert Maber Sen.

Robert Maber iu.

John Symes

Hugh Browne

George Walbridge

Robert Batscombe

Bernard Batscombe

Robert Hayward

Tho: Walbridge Sen.

Nicholas Walbridge

Tho: Nicholls

Robert Gill

John Gill min.

Tho: Gill min.

Richard Hearne

George Symes

Thomas Burt

Willm Burden

Simon Winch

Tho: Gill iun.

Wilm Symes Sen.

Tho: Douch

Willm Walbridge

Hugh Smith

Hugh Way

Mathew Way

Robert Bayly

Willm Bayly

Robt Walbridge

Tho: Meadway iu.

Rich: Winch

John Winch Sen.

John Winch iun.

Tho: Geale

Tho: Walbridge min.

Thomas Hyne

John Gill Sen.

Tho: Meadway Sen.

Tho: Channing

John Channing

Tho: Randle

John Greale

Ellise Coombe

James Harris

Robt Gill iun.

Daniel Watson

John Northorne(?)

Tho: Watson

Willm Geale

Robt Smyth

John Wells

Tho: Stone

Willm Geale Sen.

Willm Warberton

Justinian Warberton

Henry Watson Sen.

Willm Watson

Henry Watson iun.

Richard Boucher

George Boucher

Justinian Symes

Anthony Yeeds(?)

Robt Oliver

Thomas Walbridge iun.

John Hallet

George Downton

Jesper Bellringer

Tho: Wells

Henry Muddle sen.

Henry Muddle iun.

Henry Munden

Tho: Traverse

Robt Rendle

Richard Gill Sen.

Richard Gill iun.

Walter Steevens

Willm Steevens

Walter Hayward

John Gill iun.

Edward Gill

Tho: Gill sen.

One.......(?) Browne

Lionell Gill

John Roberts

Robert Twogood

Richard Twogood

Thomas Walbridge minor

John Hostler

Bernard Bush

Willm Bush

Richard Douch

Henry Watson minim

Willm Traverse

George Traverse

John Conway

John fford

John Traverse

Nicholas Traverse

Tho: Symes

Henry Symes

Thomas Beste

Willm Chilcot

John Browne

Edward Guppie

Richard fford

Toby fford

Christopher fford

Thomas fford iun.

Justinian Symes

Willm Miller

Walter Miller

John Myller

John Myller

John fford

Robt Moore

Joseph Moore

Nicholas Watson

John Legge(?)

Thomas fford Sen.

George Watson Sen.

George Watson iun.

Thomas Wool

James Oate

John Legge iun.

Nicholas Myller

Paul Waldron

Thomas Geale

Joseph Geale

Richard Peach

William Geale Sen.

George Douch

Henry Geale

John Marsh

George Waldron iu.

Thomas Geale

Thomas Douch

Willm Douch

Henry Miller

Willm Geal iu.

Nicholas Browne

Henry Browne

John Graut

Giles Dovall

Thomas Dovall

John Hyne iu.

John Hyne sen.

Robt Sansombe

Richard Bartlet

John Boucher sen.

John Boucher iun.

John Stone

Ralph Traverse

John Maber

John Dunford

Edmond Simes

Willm Allen

Nicholas Minterne

Frances Hyne

John Hyne minim

Willm Graunt

Humphry Miller

Nicholas Boucher

John Saunders

John Chirke

Robert Boucher

John Hearne

Nicholas Moore

John Garlant

John Douch

Andrew Steevens

Henry Hearne

Henry Allen

George Walbridge

Nicholas Nicholls

Maby Heale

John Mathew

Thomas Boucher

Ellise Bellringer

Nicholas Hyne

John Hyne sen.

John Hyne iun.

John Bartlet

Beniamin Young

Roger Lane

Hugh Waldron

Thomas Way sen.

George Way

Thomas Way iun.

Christopher Way

Richard Roberts

John Conway sen.

George Donne

John Browne

Roger Symes

John Clare

Willm ffarthing

Willm Bartlet

Christopher Winxon(?)

Nicholas Hayward

Thomas Clare

John Conway iun.

John Smith

Anthony Roberts

John Roberts sen.

John Roberts iun.

Nicholas Roberts

Thomas Larcombe

James Crabbe

John Donne

Simon Donne

Humphry Donne

Nicholas Conway

John Larcombe

John Kingsberry Sen.

John Kingsberry iun.

George Waldron

Robert Turner

William Cozens

John Marshall

Thomas Marshall

Willm Honiborne

Richard Oxenberry

Nicholas Oxenberry

Hugh Geale

Willm Taylor

John Oxenberry

Joseph Oxenberry

Willm Crandon sen.

Henry Crandon

Willm Crandon iun.

Willm Mason

Walter Mihell

Nicholas Oxenberry sen.

Henry Turner

Henry Clare

George Best

Richard Miller

John Dane


John Tucker – Curat ibid.

Tho: Symes – Guadiani

John Cooper – Guadiani

Thomas Hayward – Guadiani

John Graunt – Guadiani

Henry Martin – Constable

John Symes – Overseer

Will Conway – Overseer

Will Symes – Overseer

Thomas Larcombe – Overseer

Richard Conway – Overseer


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