Parish of Sherborne

Extracts from Hutchins History of Dorset 1870

Transcribed for the OPC Project by Dorinda Miles

Vicars  Headmasters of the Free Grammar School  Wills  Register Extracts


List of Vicars

1401   William DALTON

1401   John CAMPEDEN 25 Feb 1401

1419   Alexander SPAROWE 29 July

1540   John GHETMYLL

1566   George HOLMAN, ob 1580

1580   David DEE M A 19 Aug

1585   Francis SCARLET, 3 Nov

1631   William LYFORD

1653   Francis  BAMFIELD M A

1663  Joseph BARKER MA 23 April

1667  John ELFORD

1682  John HENCHMAN  27 May

1692  John JOLLIN

1693  James LACY MA

1743  John LOOP BA

1749  John SAMPSON MA, died May 1776 aet 78

?        Edward COTES LL D, died July 11, 1780

1781  Nathaniel BRISTED MA 15 June, died Aug 10, 1810

         William GORTON MA died June 24, 1830
John PARSONS MA died July 1, 1854

1854   Edward HARSTON M A Oct 16

1868   William Hector LYON M A


The Free Grammar School – List of Head-Masters


1565   Mr HANCOCK

1581   Mr William WOODD

1600   Mr John GEARE

1605   Mr George GROVE

1641   Mr Richard NEWMAN M.A.

1654   Mr William BRISTALL

1684   Rev Thos. CURGENVEN, MA Master of Blandford School, and afterwards Rector of Folke

1694   Rev Thomas CREECH

1696   Rev George GERARD MA

1719   Mr Benjamin WILDING MA

1733   Rev John GAYLARD M A

1743   Rev Thomas PAGET M A

1751   Rev Joseph HILL M A

1766   Rev Nathaniel BRISTED M A

1796   Rev John CUTLER M A

1823   Rev Ralph LYON D D

1845   Rev C T PENROSE M A

1850   Rev Hugo Daniel HARPER M A


Extracts from Hutchins History of Dorset 1870


The Register

Begins Nov 1, 1538, and has been very regularly kept to the present time. I believe few parishes in the kingdom can produce a more uniform and perfect register during so long a period. The number of baptisms, burials and marriages for the space of twenty years, in three different centuries, is as follows:






1538 to 1559




1638 to 1659




1780 to 1799





NB Marriages during the great rebellion and protectorate were not registered.



1598  William OGDEN, gent and Elizabeth UVEDALE

1616  Christopher BENNET, of Pithouse, gent, and Dorothy LOTTISHAM, widow

1580  Lancelot NAPPER and Alice FORSTER

1546  Thomas TRENCHARD and Elenor HORSEY


1543  Robert CALWAY

1572  Thomas HANNAM

1576  Thomas WINNIF

1595  Edmund OGDEN

1634  Arthur, son and heir of Arthur CHICHESTER esq and Mary, daughter of John Lord DIGBY, ob 1635

1636  John, son and heir of George FREKE, esq and Abigail, daughter of John Earl of Bristol, ob 1638


1538    William HOWEL, Hermit of St John the Baptist

1538 John KEYLWEY

1541  Master John, chaplain of Lewston, buried at Burton

1541    John CALLWAY

1542    Thomas WYATT, knt

1545    John KEYLEWAY

1546    John HORSEY, knt

1547    Mr Robert VERNE at Lewston

1550    John KEYLEWAY

1551    Roger HORSEY

1552    Joan, wife of Sir John HORSEY, knt

1556    Thomas MEERE

1557    Mr John STOCKER, of Pool

1561    Anthony DELABAR

1564    John HORSEY, knt

1569    Mrs Elizabeth MOORE

1573    Thomas HORSONS of Tumber, gent

1577    William TUBERVILLE

1578    William KNOWEL, gent

1579    Jane LEWSTON, Sept 4

1584    John LEWSTON, esq

1586  Philip KNOWEL, gent


1588 John HANNAM, sen

1588  Lady Grace HORSEY

1589  John HORSEY, knt

1589  Elizabeth HANNAM, widow

1589  Mary Lady HORSEY

1592    George SYDENHAM, gent

1598    Mrs Sarah SYDENHAM

1603    John MEERE of Castleton

1614    Emorbus JOHNSON esq

1616 Elizabeth, wife of John HANNAM

1620    Susan, wife of George STAR, of Castleton, gent

1622  Henry MEERE, gent

1627    William MEERE, gent

1631    George, son of Sir George HORSEY

1632    Dorothy, wife of William FAUNTLEROY, esq

1632-3    Arthur CHICHESTER, March 2

1635    Arthur CHICHESTER, Oct 13

1640    Abigail, wife of George FREKE, esq

1641    Richard NEWMAN, M A Schoolmaster

1644    Henry HERNE, MB

1645    John HORSEY, gent

1645  Robert CLEMENTS, gent

1645  Richard KING, esq

1679    John LEWSTONE


Baptized, from 1788 to 1797, 389 males, 396 females,; baptisms, total 785; buried, males 325, females 372; total 697. From a statement extracted by John Simonds, parish clerk. 1611, June, buried 45; July, 103; August, 70; September, 32.



Extracts from Hutchins History of Dorset 1870



Earl of Bristol

In a codicil annexed to the last Will of my Lord the late Earl of Bristol is, amongst other things, contained as follows:

I give and bequeath unto the Vicar of Sherborne , in the county of Dorset, and to his successors for the time being for ever, the yearly sum of thirty pounds, to be issuing and payable out of my Manor of Sherborne and the residue of my estate in the said county not before otherwise settled and disposed of, at and upon or within forty days after the feast-days of St Michael the Archangel and of the Annunciation of our blessed Lady St Mary the virgin, by equal portions, yearly, from and after the time of my decease for ever; provided that the said vicar of Sherborne, and his successors for the time being, shall yearly preach, or cause to be preached, a sermon in the parish church of Sherborne aforesaid, on that day of the month whereon it shall please God to take me out of this world, every year for ever; otherwise this gift of thirty pounds per annum shall cease and be void.

And then follows the Legacy to the Church of Sherborne:

Item, I give and bequeath out of my said estate to the said parish church and yearly sum of ten pounds, to be paid to my successors lords of the said manor for the time being, at and upon, or within forty days after, the said feast-days, by equal portions yearly and for ever, and to be employed and bestowed by the churchwardens of the said parish for the time being, with the consent of the lord of the said manor for the time being, in keeping in good repair the chancel, and towards the reparations of the rest of the said church yearly and for ever; provided that my successors the lord or lords of the said manor for the time being shall have and enjoy a convenient pew or seat in the said chancel for himself and family for ever; and provided that the said churchwardens for the time being shall cause the largest bell in the tower of the said church to be tolled sic full hours, that is to say, from five to nine of the clock in the forenoon, and from twelve of the clock to two in the afternoon, on that day of the said month whereon it shall be my lot to depart this life, every year for ever, otherwise this gift of ten pounds per annum shall determine and be void.



In the Will of JOHN WOODMAN, of the parish of St Bridget, alias St Bride's in the city of London, gentleman, is the following clause or legacy; which will was proved at Doctor's Commons January 19, 1718:

And I also give to the churchwardens of the town of Sherborne, in the county of Dorset, the sum of 250l to be bestowed and laid out by them within six months next after the receipt thereof, or as soon after as possible the same can be effected, in purchasing such freehold lands in or near the said town as they (with the approbation of the minister and some other of the chief inhabitants of the said town) shall adjudge most fitting; that the rent of the said lands may be for the quarterly paying of a schoolmaster to teach and instruct so many poor boys (especially the sons of poor widows of the said town) as they can agree for with the said master (each of the said boys being near of full seven years of age), to read English, and write, and cast accounts, to the end the said boys may afterwards be the better accepted and approved of when placed out apprentices, or otherwise disposed of, for their preferment. And my desire is, that no boy should be continued or taught any longer than three years, and that the churchwardens for the time being should then nominate the like number of other poor boys of the said town to be placed in their stead, and appoint the master to teach and instruct them in like manner as aforesaid; and in case any one or more of the said boys so placed in to be instructed shall  happen to die before the said three years be expired, that then the churchwardens for the time being are desired to nominate and place in another poor by of the said town in the room and  stead of every such boy so dying. And further my will and desire is, that the consideration money to be paid for the said lands be so expressed in the deed of purchase as that it may appear to be a gift of me JOHN WOODMAN, and that the minister and churchwardens of the said town be named in the said deed as my trustees; and I desire each of them, and their successors, to act as carefully in the management of the trust reposed in them as they or either of them would do for themselves in any respect, and to join in letting a lease of the said lands for such term of years as they shall think fit, to such good and able tenant as that the rent reserved may be quarterly paid, during the term granted, unto the churchwardens of the said town for  the time being, for the only use aforesaid, except 10s which I hereby appoint them to spend yearly with the tenant and schoolmaster, on the ninth day of August, if not Sunday, but if it so happen, then the day next following. And after the expiration of the first lease., my will and desire is, that upon the renewing or making any other lease or leases of the said lands, then the churchwardens of the said town, and their successors for ever, do make the best advantage of the said lands, and apply all the yearly rent thereof to the only use aforesaid, and to no other use or purpose whatsoever, except the 10s appointed to be spent as aforesaid. And further I will and appoint that the deed, and all other writings which shall concern  the lands intended to be purchased for the use aforesaid shall be locked up in a box for that purpose, and kept safe in the vestry belonging to the church of Sherborne aforesaid.

And I also give to the poor inhabitants of the town of Sherborne the sum of ten pounds, to be distributed amongst them, especially to poor widows, in such manner as the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said town shall think fit.

Dated December 12, 1717

He died January 15, 1718

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