Stour Provost


1865        1880        1895


Harrod's Directory for 1865


STOWER PROVOST, a parish and village in the borough, union of  Shaftesbury, in the hundred of Red Lane, and division of Sturminister, distant 5 miles W. of Shaftesbury, 5 N. of Sturminster, and 5 N.E. from Stalbridge. The church (St Michael) is in the early English style of architecture, with four bells. The living is a rectory with that of Todbere annexed, value 676lbs per annum, with residence. The Rev. Richard Arthur Francis Barrett, B.D., is the incumbent. The manorial rights are vested in the Provost and Scholars of King's College, Cambridge. Acres, 2,777;  population, 889.

Postal Regulation- Robert Godwin, receiver. Letters arrive from Blandford 10 a.m. and are dispatched 3:45 p.m. The nearest money-order office is a Gillingham. Post town, Blandford.

Omnibus passes East and West Stower, to and from Gillingham station, and to and from Sherborne and Yeovil daily, (Sundays excepted).


BARRETT Rev. Richard A. Francis, B.D.

GRAY Mr. Francis

LOWE Rev. P., curate

PRATT Rev., curate



ANTIL Thomas, farmer, Woodville

BARRETT Charles, Royal Oak, and tea dealer

BASTABLE Wm., farmer, Doncliff Farm Hall

BRIDLE Edmund, farmer, Row

BRIDLE George, farmer, Row

BURDEN Wm., beer retailer

CASTLETON Thomas, National schoolmaster

CASTLETON Mrs., mistress of National school

DOGGRELL William, farmer, Row

GODWIN John, farmer, Row

GUY George, carpenter

HATCHER Emanuel, farmer, Woodville

HUNT John, farmer and miller

HUNT John, jun., farmer

HUNT Robert, farmer

HUNT Thomas, carpenter, Row

LODDER James, farmer

LODDER John, smith

MEATYARD Charles, farmer, Row

MEATYARD John, farmer, Row

MEATYARD Rd., farmer, Pidgeon house farm

MITCHARD Edwin, farmer

MITCHELL Robert, farmer

MULLINGS John, farmer, Row

MYALL Elias, shoemaker, Row

PAINTER William, College Arms, Row

PHILLIPS Thomas, tailor, Row

PIKE Henry, farmer

RAKE John, farmer, Rob

RALPH Matthew, farmer, Hawkers

RALPH Miss Sarah, shopkeeper

RIDOUT Charles, farmer, Row

RIDEOUT George, shoemaker

SNOOK John, farmer

SNOOK William, farmer, Vanners

STONE James, farmer

STONE Thomas, farmer Hill Farm

STONE Thomas, Jun., farmer

TUCKER John, farmer, Chequer farm

URRY Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper

WESTOVER John, farmer


Kelly's Directory  for 1880


STOWER (or Stour) PROVOST is a parish and village in the parliamentary borough, union and county court district of Shaftesbury, hundred of Redlane, petty sessional division of Sturminister, liberty of Stour Provost, rural deaconry of Shaftesbury first portion, archdeaconry o Dorset and diocese of Salisbury, on the river Stour, 5 miles west from Shaftesbury, 5 north from Sturminister and 3 ½ south from Gillingham railway station. The church of St. Michael is in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisle side, square tower with 4 bells and striking clock without face; there are two stained windows : that at the east end was presented by the late Rev. Henry James Slingsby formerly rector of this parish, who also placed the handsome old oak roof in the chancel, part of which was taken from the north aisle, the other stained window in the chancel, representing the Resurrection, is to the memory of the Rev. Robert Abercrombie Denton, also a former rector of this parish. The register dates from the year 1701. The living is a rectory, with that of Todber annexed, joint yearly value 780 lbs with residence, in the gift of the Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, and held by the Rev. William Henry Whitting, M.A. formerly fellow and dean of that college. There is a Congregational chapel at Stour Row. Archer's Charity of 6lbs. 10s 1ld. yearly is applied in education. There is a quarry on the Manor farm producing stone, suitable for building purposes and road metalling, and one flour mill in the village. The manorial rights are vested in the Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge who are the chief landowners. A court Ieet is held biennially at the Manor House. The soil is rich loam, subsoil, rocky. The land consists principally of rich meadows, admirably adapted for dairy pastures. The area is 2,777 acres; rateable value, 5,585 lbs ; the population in 1871 was 837.

STOWER ROW, a portion of this parish, is situated on the road from Shaftesbury to Marnhull, and is from 2 ½ to 3 ½ miles west from Shaftesbury. The church of All Saints in a Gothic building of blue ragstone, with Bath stone dressings: it consist of chapel, nave and turret with 1 bell, and will seat 120 people : it was built and opened for service in 1808 as a chapel of ease to the parish church, and was consecrated together with the surrounding burial ground in 1878.

Parish Clerk, John Coward

Letters through Gillingham, which is the nearest money order office. Letters for Stour Row, through Shaftesbury, which is nearest money order office

Collector of assessed Taxes, Samuel Hunt, Manor house

National School, Thomas Kelway, master; Miss Ellen Ridout, mistress

Wall Letter Box at Stower Provost, cleared at 5.5 p.m. week days only ; & one at Stour Row, cleared at 4.10 week days & 10.30 Sundays.


BARRETT Rev, Richd. Arthr, Francis B.D.

TUDOR Rev. Charles Edward (curate)

WHITTING Rev. William Henry M.A., Rectory



ANTEL Mary (Mrs)., farmer

BARRETT Charles, tea dealer

GATEHOUSE William, farmer, Vanners

GODWIN John, carpenter, wheelwright & builder

HISCOCK Edwin, Farmer, Wood ville

HISCOCK Elijah, farmer, Lyn hill

HOSKINS William, shopkeeper

HUNT John & Henry, farmers, millers & bakers

HUNT Charles, farmer, Shadehouse

HUNT Mary (Mrs.), farmer

HUNT Samuel, farmer & collector of assessed taxes, Manor farm


LODDER Charles, builder & mason

LODDER William, carpenter

LUSH James, shopkeeper

MAIDMENT William, shopkeeper

MARTIN Henry, thatcher

MEATYARD Edwin, farmer

MITCHELL Elizabeth (Mrs.) farmer

MUNDAY Charles, Royal Oak

PIKE Edwin, stonemason & builder

PIKE Richard, pig butcher

PIKE Robert, wood dealer

PIKE Robert, Jun, dairyman

Rake Joseph, butcher

RALPH john, farmer, Hawkers

RIDOUT George, shoemaker

RIDOUT William, shoe maker



AISH Robert, farmer

BASTABLE Robert Green, farmer, Duncliff hall farm

BRIDLE Edmund, farmer

BUDDEN Benjamin Hiscock, farmer, Wadmill farm

GUY George, carpenter

HATCHER Emanuel, shopkpr. & dairyman

Hunt James, farmer

Hunt Thos. carpenter & wheelwright

KIDDLE Thos. wheelwright & blacksmith

LODDER Ann (Miss), shopkeeper

MEATYARD Charles, farmer

MEATYARD Emanuel, farmer, King's frm

MEATYARD Henry, dairyman

MEATYARD James, farmer

MEATYARD John, farm Duncliff

MITCHELL Caroline (Mrs.), farmer

MULLINS John, farmer, Duncliff

MYALL Eliza, shoe maker

PIKE Edward, farmer, Wood cottage

RALPH Thomas, farmer, Hill farm

RIDOUT Chars. & Tom, farmers, Duncliff

RIDOUT Charles, Jun. farmer, Tiled House farm

RIDEOUT William James, farmer

SHORT William Willis, College Arms

STONE James, farmer

STONE Thomas Charles, farmer, Tiled house

STREET Charles, shopkeeper

TRENSURE, John, blacksmith

WESTOVER John, farmer

WILKINS George, farmer

WRIGHT Joseph, farmer


Kelly's Directory 1895


STOWER or Stour PROVOST is a parish and village on the river Stour, 3 ½ miles south from Gillingham station, on the London and South Western railway, 4 ¾ west from Shaftesbury, and 6 north from Sturminster, in the Northern division of the country, hundred of Redlane, liberty of Stour Provost, petty sessional division, union and county court district of Shaftesbury, rural deanery of Shaftesbury (Shaftesbury portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Michael is a building of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch, and embattled western square tower, with 4 bells and striking clock without face; there are three stained windows ; that at the east end was presented by the late Rev. Henry James SLINGSBY, formerly rector, who also placed the old oak roof in the chancel, part of which was taken from the north aisle ; the other window in the chancel is to the Rev. Robert Abercrombie DENTON, also a former rector of this parish ; the one in the west end was placed in 1882, in memory of the Rev. Richard Arthur Francis BARRETT, late rector; there are 300 sittings. The register date from the year 1701. The living is a rectory, with that of Todber annexed, joint yearly value tithe rent-charge 786lb, average 598lbs, gross income 683lbs, fit of the Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, and held since 1878 by the Rev. William Henry WHITTING M.A. formerly fellow and dean of that college. There is Primitive Methodist chapel at New Yeate and a Congregational chapel at Stower Row with 200 sittings. Archer's charity, arising from 228lbs 4s. 2 3/4lbs per Cent. Consols, left in 1764 by the Rev. Benjamin ARCHER, then rector of this parish, is applied in education. There is a quarry on the Manor farm, producing stone suitable for building purposes and road metalling, and one flour mill in the village. The manorial rights are vested in the Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, who are the chief landowners ; a court leet is held biennially. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, rocky. The land consists principally of rich meadows, admirably adapted for dairy pastures. The area is 2,730 acres, rateable value, 4,578 ; the population in 1891 was700.

Stower Row, a portion of this parish, is on the road from Shaftesbury to Marnhull, and is 3 miles west from Shaftesbury. The church of All Saints in of blue ragstone, with Bath stone dressings, in the early English style, consisting of chancel, nave and one bell, and will seat 120 people ; it was built and opened for service in 1868 as a chapel of ease to the parish church, and was consecrated, together with the surrounding burial ground in 1878 ; a stained east window was placed in the year 1882 by subscription, to the Rev Richard Arthur Francis BARRETT, late rector, and in 1883 another stained window was given by Mr. James STONE, in memory of his son, Stephen

Stow Provost, Parish Clerk, John COWARD.

Stow Row, Clerk, Thomas ANDREWS.

Letters through Gillingham, arrive at 8.30 a.m. Marnhull is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Letters for Stower Row, through Shaftesbury, which is the nearest money order & telegraphy office, arrive at 9 a.m.

Wall Letter Boxes, Stower Provost, cleared at 5.15 p.m. on week days only & one at Stower Row at 4.10 p.m. on week days & 11.35 on Sundays

A School Board of 5 members was formed 13 November 1874 ; J. BURBIDGE, Bell street, Shaftesbury, Clerk to the board & school attendance office

Board School (mixed), with residence for master, built in 1850, for 150 children ; average attendance, 110 ; Thomas Richard JEFFORD, master


FOOT Henry


SAFFREY Mrs. The Cottage

SHAW Rev. Wm. Jn. Wm. Arnold B.A. (curate)

WHITTING Rev. Wm. Hy. M.A. Rectory



AYLES Tom, carpenter

BASTABLE Joseph, blacksmith

COWARD Henry, farmer

COWARD John, farmer & parish clerk

GATEHOUSE William, farmer, Vanners

HOSKINS William Henry, farmer

HUNT Charles, farmer, Shadehouse

HUNT Chas. Hy.miller (water) & frmr

HUNT Mary (Mrs.), farmer

HUNT Samuel, farmer, Manor farm

KENDAL Jasper, cowkeeper

LUNNISS  Hy. Joseph, Royal Oak inn

MARLEY Thomas, grocer

MARTIN Edwin, butcher, Woodville

MEATYARD William, farmer

MYALL Wyndham C. farmer, New Yeate

PIKE Edwin, stone mason

PIKE George, farmer

PIKE Robert, wood dealer

PIKE Robert, jun. farmer

RAKE Edwin, butcher

RALPH John, farmer, Hawkers far

SHARP Walter, farmer, Pigeon Ho.frm





AISH Robert Robert, farmer

ANDREWS Thos. carpenter & parish clrk

ANDREWS William, dairyman

BASTABLE William Robert, farmer, Duncliffe Hall farm

BRIDLE George, dairyman

BRIDLE James, farmer

BRIDLE Sidney, farmer

GURNOW Jacob, watch maker

GUY George, carpenter & cowkeeper

HUNT Martin, Farmer

HUNT Thomas, carpenter

JARVIS James, hawker

KIDDLE Thos. wheelwt. bldr. & famr

KIMBEL Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper

LODGE Charles, farmer, Duncliff

MAIDMENT William, shopkeeper

MARTIN George, shopkeeper

MEATYARD Emanuel, famr. King's fm

MEATYARD Jas. farmer, Sweet's farm

MYALL Elias, shoe maker

PIKE Thos. cowkeeper, Blyfield gate

PIKE Harry, farmer & gamekeeper to Morrison esq. Wood cottage

RALPH James, farmer, Yew Tree frm.

RALPH John, farmer

RALPH Tom, farmer, Hill farm

RIDOUT Charles, farmer, Wadmill frm

RIDOUT William, farmer

ROBERTS Thomas, College Arms P.H

STONE James, farmer

TREASURE John, shoeing & gen. smith

WESTOVER John, farmer

WILKINS George, farmer

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