Dorset OPC

Tarrant Keyneston

Dorset OPC

Tarrant Keyneston is a small parish on the main road from Blandford to Wimborne; 3 1/2 miles south-west of Blandford and 5 miles north-east of Wimborne, the first part of its name is derived from the small river in the banks of which the village lies. The second part of the name is derived from the family name of the Norman lords of the manor in the 12th century -  De Cahaigne, the name later became Anglicised to Kaynes.

The church of All Saints was mostly rebuilt in 1863 with the exception of the medieval church tower containing its tenor bell. The church is unusual in that it is aligned south-east to north-west rather than the more usual east to west alignment.

The OPC for Tarrant Keyneston is Julie Browning

Census The following census are online
1841 Census
1861 Census
1871 Census
1891 Census
Parish Registers Baptisms 1737-1812 [Kim Parker]
Marriages 1813-1850 [Kim Parker]
Burials 1737-1812 [Kim Parker]
 Bishops Transcripts Baptisms 1731-1880 [Christine Crawford]
Marriages 1734-1812 [Christine Crawford]
Burials 1731-1880 [Christine Crawford]
Directories Post Office Directory 1855 1859
Kelly's Directory 1889 1895 1911 1917
Church Data Rectors 1317 to 1856
Memorial Inscriptions inside the church.
Complete list of names from the Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard
Poll Book Entries from the 1807 Poll Book
Photographs For Photographs of Tarrant Crawford, Hinton and Keyneston.
Links Further historical information and photos of the village are available on the Parish Council's informative website
Maps The 1891 Ordnance Survey maps of the parish can be seen at the old-maps site, just enter 'Tarrant Keyneston' under place search.

Records held at the Dorset History Centre
[Ref PE-TAR(K)]
Christenings 1737-1909. Marriages 1813-1992. Burials 1737-1994.
Registration District
(for the purpose of civil registration births, marriages, deaths & civil partnerships)
1 Jul 1837-30 Jun 1956: Blandford
1 Jul 1956-31 Mar 1974: Poole
1 Apr 1974-17 Oct 2005: North Dorset


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