Tarrant Rushton


Extracts from Hutchin's History of Dorset – 1868


A HISTORY                LIST OF RECTORS            POLL BOOK




This little vill is situated two miles north-east from Tarent Keynston and takes its principal name from the River Tarent, on which it stands.

The Hospital or Chantry of St Leonard

Here was an old religious house or hospital, dedicated to St Leonard. The patronage of it was granted to the Prior of Christchurch Twynham, 7 Edw.III by the King's patent of confirmation. (See photo of leper squint)

The Church

The church is a small ancient building, said, 1342, to be dedicated to St Mary. It consists of a chancel, nave, north and south trancepts, south porch and low west tower.

Monumental Inscriptions include:

Underneath lieth the remains of RICHARD LAWRENCE, late Rector of this parish, who departed this life Jan 16 in the year of our Lord 1765, age 78.

Also ye remains of his wife Jane by whom he had 8 children, Prince, Richard, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Susannah, Katherine and Martha. But three of his children survived him (whom God bless). From hence reader, learn, to die betimes, yet is always to fear God and keep his commandments.


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By the return of Parliament in 1801, the Parish of Tarent Rushton contained 36 inhabited houses, occupied by 47 families; consisting of 90 males and 90 females, in all 180; of whom 163 were chiefly employed in agriculture and 14 in traditional manufactures and handicraft.

In 1851 here were 38 houses, with a population of 196; in 1861, 41 houses and 173 people.



List of Rectors

Robert de Leicester, Parson of Tarent Vilers & West Pentrigge, 1295

Henry Magidun de Sutton, cl. Presented to the Rectory of Tarent Russeaux, instit 3 cal Feb 1310

William Tunstale, cl. Presented to the two churches of Tarent Russeaux & Tarent Vilers, inst 4 Nov

Feb 1310. Presented to the Rectory of Tarent Russeaux by

Roger de Scallyan, presented attorney of Thomas Clare: instituted 10 cal Apr 1311

William de Alsten, cl. Presented to Tarent Russeaux, inst 14 cal Nov 1312

John de Fonte de Colecester, cl presented on the resignation of Tunstale, 14 cal July 1315

William de Bokenhale, presented to Tarent Rusheus, alias Vilers, instit 4 cal Oct 1340

John de Burgh, acolyte, presented to Tarent Rushton, on the death of Bokenhale, inst 17 Feb 1345

John Skayf, pbr to Tarent Rushenton, instituted 6 Feb 1349

Roger Bycocks, cl. Collated to Tarent Vilers, inst 23 Sept 1362

John Drane, pbr on the resignation of Bycocks, inst 28 July 1403

John Braban, cl pr to Tarent Rushton, on the death of Drane, inst 15 May 1420, exchanged with Walter Fysh, rector of Werdsford, presented to ditto, instit 2 June 1420

John Stok, alias Popurn, chap pr to Ruschton, inst 13 May 1323, exchanged with

William Stanley, Vicar of Ergaston, presented to ditto, instit 20 Dec 1428

John Paslew, pbr pr to ditto inst 2 April 1430

William Gay, chap pr to Tarent Russenton, on the resignation of Paslew, instituted 12 July 1423

John Grosse, chap on the resignation of Gay, inst 2 Aug 1447

John Whalley, chap pr to Tarent Rushton, alias Vylers, instit 14 Oct 1456

John Michael Claudius or Lodowic Panavene, chap presented to ditto on the resignation of Michael, inst 24 May 1491

Richard Bampton, a monk of Monk Breton, Co York on the death of L Panavene, by dispensation from the apostolic sec; instit 18 Sept 1494

John Hanney, chap on the resignation of Bampton, inst 10 July 1499

Galfrid Kydwelly

Richard Page, cl, on the death of Kydwelly, inst 21 Dec 1504

…. Watson, pbr on the death of Page, inst 7 May 1505

William Rogers on the death of Watson, pr to Tarent Rushton, alias Vilers, inst 7 Feb 1510

Jacobus Bayley, chap on the resignation of Rogers, inst 5 Dec 1521

Robert Dyonyse, pbr pr to ditto on the resignation of Bayley, inst 25 Feb 1528

William Martin, inst 1544

Augustin Green, inst 1547

Robert Barber, resign 1586

Thomas Anstie, May 6 1586

James Gerrard

Nathanael Jordan MA inst Feb 1 1696

Richard Laurence MA inst Oct 12 1731 ob 1765

Edmund Lovell, DD institut June 6 1765; died 1798

John Hunt LL D instit Oct 26 1798

T Hay MS on the resignation of Hunt, inst 1808

John Warner King, on the resignation of Hay, inst 1809

Hugh Stephens on the resignation of King, instituted, but never inducted, 1810

George Eveleigh Saunders BA on the resignation of Stephens, inst July 23 1810

Cossley Diggle Saunders BA inst March 22 1842 on the death of his father

Francis Smith, MA of Trinity College, Oxon, inst 1842 on the cessation of Saunders

William Frederick Radclyffe, MA of Queens Coll, Oxon inst 29 July 1852, to the combined livings of Tarent Rushton and Tarent Rawston, on the death of Smith Francis Alfred Smith BA of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, inst May 1866, on the resignation of Radclyffe.  


Dorset Poll Book for 1807

At the turn of the 19th Century the ownership of land was a prerequisite of an entitlement to vote. The 1807 poll book records all those voting and the situation of their freehold.

Tarrant Rushton

Freeholder's Name    Residence   Situation of Freehold   Page No     Occupier's Name

HAY    R I Rev'd         Sodbury GLS     Tarrant Rushton             066              WATERMAN Luke