

Hearth Tax Assessments 1662–1664

 Extracted by Tony Higgins

The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for this parish only exist for 1662 and 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation in order to reduce their tax

"The document here published is the Hearth Tax Assessment for Dorset ...... for Michaelmas 1664; it is based on and embodies the earlier assessment for 1662."


Ferdinando Burleigh gent 7

Mr Wm. Dewy 3

Alexander Felloe 4

Mr Christofer Young 9

Robte' Gooden jubr' 2

Mr. Anto' Trew 6

Wm' Delacourt 1

Mr. Elias Bond 8

Tho' Punch 2

George Clarke 3

Wm' Hosier 3

Mr. Geo' Gillingham 6

Robert Holmer 1

John Tuck 1

Mr. Robte' Moreton 5

John Deverge 1

Grace Okely wid' 2

Gabriell Gerish 5

Jacob Hellier 3

Robert Northover 2

John Smith 5

Joane Moores wid' 2

Bartholomer Kesar 2

Philip Harris 1

Julian Harvey widd' 2

Mr. John Seward 6

Lawrence Parker 4

Richard Parker 2

Marg' Fursman wid' 2

Tho' Cribb 3

Phill' Northover 1

Edw' Punch 3

Robte' Galping 4

John Perkins 3

Christofer Bennett 2

George Loope 2

Robte' Delacourt 1

Tho' Paine 1

John Florence 5

John Burdham 2

Mr. Andrew Samwaies 3

Andrew Douch 6

John Dolling 2

Roger Puncknoll junr' 1

James Frampton 2

Edw' Woollfreys 1

Edw' Burd 1

Mary Burd wid' 1

John Burd 1

James Deane 1

Rich' Burd 2

Tho' Chaplin, Clerk 3

Tho' Loope 5

Lawer' Shatter 2

Henr' Williams 1

Edw' Inge 1

Mr. Nathall' Childs 8

Robte' Moores 2

Charles Legg 6

Edw' Harding senr' 1

Andrew Harding 1

Mrs Annis Ridout 3

Henry Wynter 1

Bridgett Frampton wid' 2

Mr. Henry Harbyn 7

Roger Gooden senr' 2

John Keynell 3

Richard Tomes 1

Benjamin Florence 3

Tho' Edmundes senr' 1

Tho' Homer 1

Martha Every 3

George White 7

Sydrach Sergeant 5

Eliz' Baker 2

Christofer White 3

John Young 4

Antho' Joyner junr' 2

Mary Cossens 1

Jane Gerard wid' 3

Fran' Gillet 2

Mr. Everard Clark 3

Mr. Edw' Galton 5

Tho' Kanteloe 3

Tho' Goodin 2

John Gerard 2

Agnes Parmiter 3

Nichas' Cobb 1

Joane Steevens widd' 2

George Todworthy 3

Andrew Steele 1

John Cheeseman 1

Rob'te Slade 1

Charles Mathewes 1

Francis Pollerd 1

Roger Lukas 4

Joane Parmiter 1

Margarett Midwinter 1

Nichas' Cadbury 4

Henry Puncknoll 4

Tho' Slade 3

Robert Hunt 4

Willm' Titoe 5

Richard Cole 2

Mr. Hen' Culliford 1

Mr. Robte Highmore 3

Wm' Hill 5

John Glover 2

Roger Seward 5

Elyas Fry 4

Robte' Canteloe 4

Tho' Florence 3

John Canteloe 5

Annis Smith 1

Thomas Emery 1

Henry Coffyn 1

James Cooper 2

Joane Furseman 4

Edith Woolfreys 1

James Loveridge 2

Margarett Cobb 1

Hugh Bell 4

Edw' Paine 1

Edw' Harvey 2

Wm' Talbott 3

Richard Nowell 1

Samuell Langley 1

Willm' Slade 1

Tho' Muddle 2

Edmund Hayter 1

Francis Smith 1

John Wiatt 1

Joane Parmiter wid' 1

John Wilcox 1

Anthony Pollerd 1

Benjamin Florence 3

John Falkener 2

Henry Green 1

Roger Drayton senr' 2

John Fooke 1

Mr. Christofer Young 2






Protestation Returns 1641

Transcribed from original returns on microfilm by Tony Higgins.

(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties.) 

The English Revolution (1640-60) began in November 1640 when Charles 1st. summoned Parliament to help him out of a financial crisis. Charles was very unpopular and was forced to agree to radical reforms which gave Parliament a more prominent roll in the constitution.

The political crisis escalated and the "Long Parliament" split into two opposing parties in the Autumn of 1641, forming the King's party of Royalists (Cavaliers) and the Parliamentarians (Roundheads), who demanded further political and religious reforms. The events of 1640/41 led to the Civil War which began in August 1642.

It was agreed and ordered on the 3rd May 1641, that every Member of the House of Commons should make a protestation (declaration of loyalty), which the House of Lords also agreed to the following day.

The Commons ordered the printing of the protestation and preamble on the 5th May 1641 and this was distributed by the Members to their counties. The Protestation was to be made by everyone and the Rectors, Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor had to appear before the Justices of the Peace in their Hundred to make their protestation and, on returning to their parishes, any two of them were to witness the taking of the Protestation Oath by all males over the age of 18 years. All names were listed and anyone who refused was to be noted.

The protestation itself reads:-

I,-------- do, in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to maintain, and defend as farr as lawfully I maye, with my Life, Power and Estate, the true Reformed Protestant religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this Realme, contrary to the same Doctrine, and according to the duty of my Allegiance, His Majesties Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as alsoe the Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and any person that maketh this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful Pursuance of the same; and to my power, and as farr as lawfully I may, I will appose and by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, Practice, Councels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, doe any Thing to the contrary of any Thing in this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Feare, nor other Respect, shell relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation


(Note: Ornate letters and unusual spellings introduce uncertainties. Written in several different hands, some names being impossible to decipher.)


The returns of the protestation from our Lady Church in Wareham.

Lawrence Gigger, Mayor

John ffarwell gent

Edward Harbin

George Loope of ...........(?)

Richard Tuttt

Nicolas Deering

John Cantloi(?)

Andrew Samways

John Harding

Sarzan(?) Harding

Robert Drayton

William Legg

Willia' Hill

Richard Russell

Phillip Harding

Peter Cox

Robert Bartlet

John King

Laurence Light

Roger Perry

Jacob Hellier

James Brooks

John Prince(?)

Edward Wills

Edward Bolt

Willia' ..........(?)

John ..........(?)

Manuell Maplin

Christofer Benet

Edward Cadbury

Thomas Day

Willia' Cromney

Francis Oliver

John Rogers

Leonard Thorn

Edward Punch

William Oliver

William Tucker

Roger Puncknoll Ju:

Richard Nowell

John Bishop

Joseph Moore

Abell Purse

George West

Walter Wiet

Bartholomer Keysor

Allin Lambert

William Oliver(?)

Peter Ludlie(?)

Edward Abbert

Roger Seward

John fforam

Nicolas ffooke

George Hellier

Ed: Harniss

John Sweet

John(?) Yonnge(?)

Charles Legg

Walter(?) Gillett(?)

Richard Willings

Christopher Berriman

John Shattickr

Thomas Palmer

Edmund Oldish

William Craford

Samuell Langley

Willia' True

John Beck

John Bartam alias Demorge(?)

George Brice

William Jerard

Wm John ffursman

Alex Bennett

Willia' Cole Senr

Willia' Cole Junr

Thomas Pulsar

John ffarwell junr

Tho: Hine

Rob: Woldridge

Hubert Coffin

Richard Waldan(?)

Thomas Dallacort(?)

John Mazor(?)

Chrsofar(?) White

Charles Choroze(?)

Willia' Morngon(?)

Thomas Edmonde

George Lillington

ffrancis White(?)

John ..........(?)

Willia' ......zior(?)

Richard Hodges

Edmond Bishop

William Able

Edward Bryne

Williã Moore

William White

Henry Gold

Thomas Deering

John Jerald

John Chisman ye Clerke

Nicolas Cadbury

Robert Cadbury

Edward Chismã

David Lillington

John Hood(?)

George Racks(?)

James Cooxir

Richard Haydin

Roger Puncnoll

Thomas Day

John Smith

Humphry Chismã

Silvester Gray

Hamnet Lookie(?)

John ffrankie(?)

Williã Hartly

John Ludbie

Stephen Goodridge

Williã Meere

John Wiet

Roger ....oodon(?)

Richard .........(?)

Richard Perkins

Charles Mathew

John Mathew

Mathew Wills

Roger Cantloo

Henry ...oll(?)

Mathew Wadford

Richard .........(?)

Thomas Stanton

Robert Cantloo

Thomas Payne

John Grigger

Henrie Copton

Williã Butler

Morgan Cob

Rich: Crooch

Edward Honiborne

Richard Colle

Anthonie Dennet

John Stephens

John Read

.........(?) Pollard

Henry Payne

Nicolas Cob:

Edward Day(?)

Edward Lockier

William Parlett

Thomas Edmunds

Samuell Cob

Robert Chisman

John Wiet

John Sevill

Thomas Shotter

Daniell Mathew

Robert Puchewood(?)

Nicolas Perkins

Edward Hull

Roger Payne

John Gillingham

Thomas Hackman

Peter Keynell

Richard Hodges

John Brine

Robert Candie

Edward Sturton

Henry Barnes

Henrie Greene

John Sprake

John Biles

Robert Smith

Robert Tibbs

Edward Dolling

John Dolling

Thomas Russell

Francis Pollard

Ed: Moore

Robert Bishop

Simon Ball

Richard Gallop

Peter Bramble


William Kennet – Church Warden

John Seward – Church Warden

Thomas Smith – Overseer

Roger Drayton – Overseer

None have refused, only some ar(sic) absent at ye Seas.

By me – Ja: Crouch, Clerke