Wimborne Minster

Extract from

J G Harrod's & Co Postal & Commercial Directory 1865


Wimborne, or Wimborne Minster, a parish, market town, and railway station, in the division of East Shaston and hundred of Badbury, diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset, and deanery of Wimborne, distant 100 miles from London, 22 E by N from Dorchester, 10 SE from Blandford, 6N from Poole, situated on the station of the Southampton and Dorchester railway and the small river Wim or Allen, from which, and the Saxon word 'bourne' (a brook), and its minster, is derived its name.  It was a Roman station named Vindogladia.  The town is governed by a constable and a bailiff, with tithing-men for the several tithings within the parish, who are appointed by the manorial court, held annually at Michaelmas.  Magistrates meet at the police court every alternate Friday; Thomas Rawlins, Esq., Clerk to Magistrates.  The town is of great antiquity, justly celebrated for its venerable collegiate church.  This ancient edifice, which is dedicated to St Cuthberga, is of a cross shape with two square towers – one of them rising from the centre of the roof, and the other terminating the west end; a lofty spire, which surmounted the former, is said to have fallen down in the year 1660; the whole structure is divided in the manner of a cathedral, and consists of a chancel, nave, choir, and aisles, a transept, a cross aisle, and three porches; the chancel and choir were restored in 1835 and 1855, and the nave in 1857; full cathedral service is performed on Sundays and on Wednesday evenings, and prayers daily.  Under the church is a fine vaulted crypt.  In this church have been interred some royal, and numerous noble personages, most of whom were anciently commemorated by suitable monuments; several of high antiquity are still preserved, particularly that of Ethelred, the brother of Alfred the Great.  Prior to the Reformation this church had no fewer than ten altars for the celebration of mass, all composed of costly materials; nor were its relics inferior to its riches.  A nunnery was built by Cuthberga, daughter of Kenred, King of Wessex, in 713.  The tithing of Holt has been formed into a separate district for ecclesiastical purposes, and a chapel and school-houses built.  The living is a peculiar, in the gift of the governors of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar school here, by a charter of whom the tithes of the parish are vested in such governors; annual value £2,500, which amount is expended for the support of three clergymen at £250 each, the Masters of the Grammar School, sixteen choristers and an organist.  The three incumbents are the Rev. Henry Good, LL.B, the Rev. Henry P. Cookesley, and the Rev. Charles Onslow, M.A.  There are chapels for the Baptists, Wesleyans, and Independents.  St Margaret's hospital (or almshouses), Courtnay's Hospital, and a school and almshouse at Pamphill, in this parish, are among the charities.  Besides these there are several charities vested in the ministers of the minster, the schoolmasters of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, and others.

At Shag's Heath is an enclosure of several fields, in one of which, in a ditch under an ashen tree (visited by the curious, and inscribed with a number of names), was taken the ill-advised and unfortunate Duke of Monmouth after his flight from the battle of Sedgmoor.  The market day is Friday, and the fairs are the Friday before Good Friday, and the 14th September, for horses, cattle, and cheese, and there is the monthly sale of cattle, horses &c., by public auction.  The gasometer has been enlarged to enable a better supply of gas, which previously was very deficient; cost £350.  George Daws, lessee; J.O. Chislett, Esq., secretary.

Wimborne parish contains 11,966 acres, and in 1861 a population of 4,807.  Wimborne is the head of a union of 25 parishes.  The workhouse is a brick building, and can accommodate 250 inmates; average number is 110.  The principal inns are the Crown hotel and the King's Head inn, posting-houses. The Free Grammar School was originally founded by Margaret, Countess of Richmond, and was re-established by Queen Elizabeth.  It is now administered under the provisions of a scheme obtained from the Court of Chancery in the year 1848.  The present handsome and commodious school-house, which is in the Elizabethan style, was completed in 1851.  The establishment consists of a head classical master, second master, a teacher of foreign languages, a drawing master, and an English master.  The head and second masters receive pupils into their houses, and the course of education pursued in the school is designed to prepare pupils for the universities and for other pusuits.  The school is open to all England at an annual cost of three guineas (now raised to five).  Here is a National school and a British school.  The cemetery is situated on the Blandford Road.  It is neatly laid out with shrubs, &c., and is well adapted for the solemn purpose it is used.

Kingston Lacy Manor embraces the hamlets of Abbott street, 2 miles N.W. from Wimborne; Badbury, 3 miles N.W., was one of the first Roman encampments in England; Barford, 3 miles w.; Barnesley, 3 miles N.; Congrove, 2 miles W.; Pamphill, 2 miles W.; and Stone.

Leigh is a tithing.

Hound Hill is 2 miles N.W.; Bickham, 1 Mile N.W.; Hogford, 2 miles N.W.; Walsford, half a mile N.; Colehill, 1 mile N.E.; Dogdean, Furze Hill and Wilksworth, 1½  mile N.

Holt, a chapelry and a parochial district, 3 miles N.E., contains 1,394 inhabitants; Uddens is 3 miles N.E.; Winkley, 3 miles N.E.; Broom Hill, 3 miles N.E.; Pilmore, 4 miles N.E.; Pilfords, 2½  miles N.E.; clayford, 4 miles N.E.; Cross Keys, 5 miles N.E.; Bull Barrow and Paradise, 5 miles N.E.; Higher Manaton and Yarlings, 5 miles N.E.; North Common and South Common, 5 miles N.; Lodge Hill and Gaunts, 4 miles N.; Bowers, 3½ miles N.E.; Grange, 2 miles N.E.; Brach 2½ miles N.; Honeybrook and Clapgate, 2 miles N.


Postal Regulations. – Post Office. – East street.  Mrs Housden, postmistress.  Money orders are granted and paid at this office from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and on Saturday till 8 p.m.  Mails despatched – 1st to London at 9.35 a.m.; 2nd to London at 11 p.m.  1st to the west at 1.35 a.m.; 2nd to the west 2.20 p.m. and parts of North of England.  1st mail cart to Blandford at 3 a.m.; 2nd by South Coast Railway 2.20 p.m.  Arrivals – 1st from London at 2 a.m.; 2nd from London at 3 p.m.  1st from the west at 10 a.m.; 2nd from the west at 11.35 p.m.  Mail cart from Blandford at 10 p.m.; from Dorchester, Weymouth, Poole and Wareham at 10.10 a.m.; from the west, Dorchester, Poole &c. at 11.35 p.m.  Letter carriers are despached to the villages at 6 a.m., and return at 8 p.m.  Office is open from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. and closes 10 minutes prior to the departure of each mail in the day.  Tw deliveries a day, 7 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.

Sub-Post Office. – Holt.  Mr Thomas Beckingham, sub-postmaster.  Letters are delivered only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, when they arrive from Wimborne at 7.15 a.m.; despatched at 7 p.m.  There is no post on Sundays.


Wilts and Dorset Banking Company – (branch) the Square (Thomas Middleton, Esq., manager); draw on Glyn, Mills, and Co.

National Provincial Bank – (branch) West Borough (John Willis Bailey, Esq., manager).

Savings bank – High Street, William Low, actuary.



For the Division of Wimbourne

The Right Hon. The Earl of Shaftesbury, St Giles

H. C. Sturt, Esq., Critchell House

Chas. Jos. Parke, Esq., Henbury

Major Portman, Dean's Court

G. Churchill, Esq., Alderholt Park

Henry Gerrard Sturt, Esq., M.P., Critchell House

Hector Monro, Esq., Edmondsham

Jas. Thos. Baskett, Esq., Lewins

Willet Lawrence Adye, Esq., Merly House

St. John Coventry, Esq., Knowle

Major General Michael, St Ives, Ringwood

Rev. Carr John Glyn, Witchampton

Rev. John Hiley Austen, Kinson

Thomas Rawlins, Esq., Clerk



County Court Office – Luke's lane.  Edward Everett, Esq., Harnham Cliff, Salisbury, judge; The Hon. Evelyn Ashley, treasurer; Thomas Rawlins, Esq., registrar; Edward John Barfoot, high bailiff.

Depot for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge – at Mr Edwin T. Budden's, High street.

Gas Works – Leigh Road.  Mr George Daws, lessee.

Inland Revenue Office – at King's Head hotel, The Square

Odd Fellows' Hall – Corn market.

Police Station – Poole road.  Mr George Baynton, superintendent.

Railway Station – Poole road, Mr William Inglethorpe, station master.

Union Workhouse – East Boro', comprises 25 parishes.  Mr James Ellis Jenvey, clerk; Rev. Wm. Fletcher, D.D., chaplain; Wm Duitt, Esq., surgeon; Mr A.J. Clarke, master; Mrs Mary Clarke, matron; Miss Laurie, schoolmistress.

Working Men's Institute – Corn market.  Mr T.B. Cook, secretary.



Assistant Overseer for the Parish of Wimborne – Mr George A. Langer, High street.

Clerk to the Assessment Committee – Mr James E. Jenvey, High street.

Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Clerk to the Highway Board – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Clerk to the Board of Guardians – Mr James E. Jenvey, High street.

Clerk to the Magistrates – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Clerk and Registrar to the Wimborne Burial Board – James Oakley Chislett, Esq.

Clerk to the Trustees of the Poole Turnpike and Treasurer to the Wimborne and Piddletown Turnpike Trusts – James Oakley Chislett, Esq.

Coroner for the Hundreds of Badbury and Cogdean – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

County Surveyor – George Evans, Esq., West Borough.

Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths – Mr Wm. Henry Clarke.

Registrar of Marriages – Mr William Stanley Harkness.

Registrar of the County Court – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Registrar of the Governors of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Registrar of the Peculiar of Sturminster Marshall with its Members – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Registrar to the Wimborne Corporation – Thomas Rawlins, Esq.

Stamp Distributor – Mr Charles Boor, The Square.

Superintendent of the County Police, and Inspector of Weights and Measures and Common Lodging Houses – Mr George Baynton.

Superintendent Registrar – Mr G.A. Langer, High street.

Surveyor of Taxes – Mr E. Borckhardt, Church street.



The Minster, dedicated to St Cuthberga – Rev. Henry Good, L.L.B., Rev. Charles Onslow, M.A., (Surrogate and Prebendary of Salisbury), and the Rev. Henry P. Cookesley, B.A., ministers

Independent Chapel – Rev. John Keynes, minister

Wesleyan Chapel – Rev. John M. Budden, minister



Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School – Rev. W. Fletcher, D.D., head master; Rev. Henry Pix, M.A., second master; Henry Sidney Cook, Esq., assistant classical master; Mr J.E. Carman, English master; Mons. D'Abnour, French master; Weld Taylor, Esq., drawing master.

National – (for boys and girls), Holt Chapel, Thomas Beckingham, master; Mrs Susan Beckingham, mistress.

National School – (for boys and girls), King street, Mr C. Foreman, master; Miss C. Henville, mistress.

British School – (for boys and girls), West Boro', Mr W.S. Harkness, master.


Wimborne Cemetery – Blandford Road, Thomas Hart, keeper.

Posting Houses – Crown, Alfred Ellis, proprietor; King's Head, Thomas Laing, proprietor.

An omnibus – to meet every South Western train from King's Head hotel, and the Crown hotel to meet trains of Dorset and Somerset line.

Carrier to Poole – Joseph Orman to the "New Antelope" every day, returning same day.



Allen Miss Mary, East Boro'

Atherton Mrs Martha, East Boro'

Bailey John Willis, Esq., West Boro'

Bankes Mrs Edmund George, Kingston Lacy

Barlow Mr Charles, Poole road

Baskett James Thos., Esq., J.P. Lewens

Bishop Mr George, West Boro'

Brice Miss Harriet, Poole road

Bryant Mrs Eliza, King street

Budden Rev. John Meatyard (Wesleyan minister), West Boro'

Burt Mr George, West Boro'

Carnegie Miss Ellen, East Boro'

Chislett James Oakley, Esq., Church st

Clogstoun Mrs, Poole road

Cook Henry Sidney, Esq., M.A., West Boro'

Cookesley Rev. Henry Parker. B.A. (vicar), Poole road

Druitt Mrs, West Boro'

Druitt William, Esq., F.R.C.S., West Boro'

Edwin Capt. Felix, R.N., West street

Ellis Charles, Esq., West Boro'

Ellis Mrs Edward, East Boro'

Evans George, Esq., West Boro'

Evans Capt., School lane

Evans -----, Esq., Uddens house

Feltham Mr Charles, High street

Fletcher Rev. William, D.D., Grammar school

Foote John, farmer, cowgrove

Frampton Mrs Charles, Julian's villa

Frampton Mr James, Julian's villa

Fryer William Henry, Esq., West boro'

Garland John Bingley, Esq., Stone cottage

Glyn Sir Richard George, Bart., Gaunt's house

Good Rev. Henry, LL.B. (priest, vicar Wimborne Minster), West Boro'

Hanham Lady, 3 Victoria terrace

Hanham Mrs Amy, 2 Victoria terrace

Hatchard Mrs George, West street

Hawke Mr Peter, West Boro'

Hawes Robert, Esq., East Boro'

Henning Mr Edward Hy., Julian's villa

Henning Mrs, Leigh

Hoffe ------, Esq., The Grange

Joyce Mr J., New roadJoyce Mrs Mary, corn market

Keynes Rev. John (Independent minister)

Lane Mrs, West Boro'

Langer Mrs George, Poole road

Linthorne Miss A.M.C., High hall

Mayo Miss Elizabeth, West Boro'

Middleton Thomas, Esq., The Square

Midway Mrs, Poole road

Miell Mr John, Middle hill

Moore Henry, Esq., Eastbrook house

Mόller Mrs, Farr's cottage

Onslow Rev. Charles, M.A. (surrogate and prebendary of Salisbury Cathedral), West Boro'

Packman Frank, Esq., M.D., M.C.R.S., L.S.A., L.M., High street

Parkinson Charles Brown, Esq., M.D., M.C.R.S., L.S.A., East Boro'

Phillips Mrs Frances, West Boro'

Pix Rev. Henry, M.A., Grammar school

Pope Francis, Esq., Kingston Lacy

Portman Major H.W.B., J.P., Dean's court

Rawlins Thomas, Esq., Allendale East Boro'

Reeks Mrs, King street

Rowe Charles Reynolds, Esq., M.C.R.S., L.S.A., L.M., The Square

Small Mrs, Blandford road

Stainer Miss M., Leigh road

Strange Mr George Fred., Leigh road

Tanner F.H., Esq., West Boro'

Taylor Weld, West Boro'

Warner Mrs Ashton, Poole road

Webb Charles, Esq., West Boro'

Webb Mrs William George, 1 Victoria terrace

Webb Matthew, Esq., West street

Webb William, Esq., West street

Wickens Mrs Sarah, West Boro'



Aplin John, linen and woollen draper and tailor, London house, High street

APPLIN WILLIAM, hairdresser & perfumer, The Square

Austin --------, farmer, Blandford road

Bailey john Mills, manager of the National Provincial Bank (branch), West Boro'

Bailey Wm., chimney sweeper, King st

Baker John, schoolmaster, Gaunt's comn.

Baker Mrs, schoolmistress, Gaunt's comn.

Barnes Benjamin, shoemaker, Leigh road

Barnes John, carpenter and wheelwright, Holt

Barnes Joseph, bailiff to Sir R.P. Glyn, Bart., Wood Cotes

Barnes Mark, saddler and harness manufacturer, The Square

Barnes Mrs, farmer, Busson's farm, Holt

Barnes William, farmer, Early's farm, Crooked willows

Barnes -------, farmer, Hill butts

Batchelor Henry, beer retailer and farmer, Holt

Batchelor Jos., farmer, Green farm, Holt

Batchelor Joseph, jun., farmer and brickmaker, Holtwood

Baverstock Mrs, silk mercer, linen and woollen draper, hosier &c., the Square and Church street

Bayton George, superintendent of county police and inspector of weights and measures and common lodging houses, Poole road

BEALE WILSON W., hop, seed and coal merchant, corn factor, &c., Poole road

Beckingham Edward Kellowly, The Green Man, Old Blandford road

Beckingham Thomas, master of National school, registrar of births and deaths, and sub-postmaster, Holt

Beckingham Miss Mary Susan, mistress of Girls school, Holt

Blake Richard Stone, veterinary surgeon, M.R.C.V.S., 1 Brunswick place

Blount Henry Stanley, linen draper, silk mercer, &c., High street

Blount Mrs, seminary, King street

Boor Charles, stamp distributor, The Square; p.r., East Boro'

Bowles Samuel, farmer, Holt lodge farm

Bowring Henry, farmer, Colehill

Branston David, master of National school, Mannington

Branston George, farmer, Mannington

Brewer John, grocer and baker, agent for Thorey's food for cattle, High street

Brown Joseph, baker and shopkeeper, Corn market

Brown William, grocer and provision merchant, The Square

BUDDEN EDWIN THOMAS, tailor, habit maker, mercer, hatter, hosier, and shirt maker; depot for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, High street

Budden William, blacksmith, Abbot st

Budgen John, carpenter and builder, King street

Budgen Mrs Julia, milliner, King street

Bull Thomas, clothes dealer, corn market

Burgess John, farmer, Honeybrook

Burt John, plumber, glazier and painter, Church street

Carlton John, farmer, Cowgrove

Cawte George, blacksmith, King street

Chaffey Robert, dairyman, Cowgrove

Chilcott Edward, White Hart Inn, Corn market

Chislett James Oakley, land agent, clerk to the trustees of the Poole Turnpike and treasurer to the Wimborne and Piddletown Turnpike Trusts, clerk and registrar to the Wimborne Burial Board, steward of the maonors of Corfe Mullen, Spettisbury, and Chettle, agent to the Atlas Fire and Life office, East boro', p.r., Church street

Chissell Thomas, farmer, Hill butts

Clarke Albert Joseph, master of union house, East Boro'

CLARKE WILLIAM HY., auctioneer, valuer, house and estate agent, printer and agent for the Manchester Fire and Victoria Life offices, High street and at Blandford

Clifton John, butcher, The Square

Coakes John, farmer, Bothenwood

Cobb Mrs Elizabeth, brickmaker, Colhill

Cook Henry Sidney, assistant classical master of Grammar school, West Boro'

Coombs Barnard, whitesmith and greengrocer, West street

Corbin John, farmer, Dean's court farm

Cottman Thomas, builder, King street

Couzens --------, painter, West street

Cox Henry,farmer, Pamphill

Cull George, inspector on South-Western railway, 3 Brunswick place

Cull John, Old Inn, and farmer, Holt

Custard Thomas, upholsterer, West Boro'

D'Abnour Mons., professor of languages

Dacombe John, hurdle maker, Holt

Dacombe Thomas, shopkeeper, East Boro'

Daws George, lessee of gas works, Leigh road

Davidge George, blacksmith, King street

Dennett Joseph, Horse and Jockey and farmer, Leigh

Dew Ira, shopkeeper, West Boro'

Dibben James, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Church street

Downton Charles, boot and shoemaker, the Square

Druitt William, surgeon, West street

Eaton Mrs, Builder, West street

Eaton Miss Emma, dressmaker, Corn market

Edwards John, shoemaker, West Boro'

ELLIS ALFRED, Crown Family and Commercial Hotel and Posting Establishment, wine and spirit merchant and agent by appointment to the Dorset central railway company, the Square

Ellis Charles, junr., wine and spirit merchant, brewer, maltster, and miller, Mill lane

ELLIS FREDERICK, wine, spirit, bottled ale and stout merchant, Guiness's stout, Bass's and Allsopp's Burton ales, the Old Wine Cellars, East Boro'

Elmes John Clifford, coach builder, West Boro'

Evans George, land agent, architect, county surveyor, and agent to the Globe Fir and Life Insurance Company, West Borough

Eyres John, cooper, King street

Feltham Joseph, beer retailer and farmer, Holtwood

Foster Samuel, farmer, Pilford farm

Foster Thomas, farmer, Pilford

Frampton Charles, farmer, Bothenwood farm

Frampton Charles, farmer, Colhill

Freeman Benjamin, carpenter and wheelwright, West Boro'

Fryer William Henry, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law courts, agent to the West of England Fire and Life office, West Boro'

Gaffney Michael, clerk to the county surveyor, West Boro'

Garrett Henry, tailor, Corn market

Gasser Jeremiah, china, glass and earthenware warehouse, High street, and at Blandford

Goodchild Noah, dairyman, Paradise

Goold Mrs Maria, ladies' seminary, Church street

Gossling Daniel, farmer, Mannington

Gossling John, grocer, baker, and corn factor, West Boro'

Gossling William, boot and shoe maker, High street

Gray John, shopkeeper, Blandford road

Gray Thomas, Rising Sun, Eastbrook

Gray Thomas, tailor, Eastbrook

Green John, Cowgrove

Habgood George, Three Lions Commercial inn, brewer, and licensed to let post horses, West street

Habgood Henry, upholsterer, auctioneer, appraiser, valuer, house and estate agent, agent to Sun Fire and Life office, the Square

Habgood Henry, firm of Waterman and Halgood, auctioneers of Poole, the Square

Habgood Thomas, grocer and shoemaker, East street

Hall Henry Charles, plumber, glazier, and painter, Brunswick place

Harding Charles, the Horns inn, Colhill

Hatchard Henry, miller, Walford mills

Hatchard John, miller, Walford flour mills and yeoman, Dean grove

Hatchard William, farmer, Lower Mannington

Haydon John Nathaniel, currier and leather merchant, West street

Hayter Harry, farmer, Honeybrook farm

Hayter Herbert, chemist and druggist, High street

Hibbs Edward, upholsterer and cabinet maker, High street

Hicks W.B., grocer and provision merchant, the Square

Hind J., George commercial inn, licensed brewer, and to let post horses, Corn market

Holland William, senr., farmer, Pig Oak farm, Holt

Holland William, junr., farmer, Godsblessing farm

Hopkins Robert Pike, grocer and ironmonger, agent for the Royal Fire and Life office, High street

Horder Robert, farmer, Leigh

Housden Mrs Sarah Ann, postmistress, bookseller, stationer, and Berlin wool and fancy repository, East street

Housden John, agent to the Royal Farmers' Fire and Life Insurance Company, Eastbrook

Hunt Joseph, farmer, Leigh

Huntley George Frederick, agent to the Royal Exchange Fire and Life Office, the Square

Huntley Mrs Sarah, chemist and grocer, the Square

Inglethorpe William, stationmaster, Poole road

Ivimey George, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Broom hill

Jacobs James, farmer, Colhill

Jenvey James E., clerk to the Board of Guardians and Assessment committee, High street (see Langer and Jenvey)

Johnson Samuel, farmer, Old Lawn farm

Joiner John, turner &c., Leigh road

Jones Henry, chemist and druggist, stationer and bookseller, The Square

Keeping James, Smith's Arms, and blacksmith and wheelwright, East Boro'

Keeping John, farmer, Higher Mannington

Keevil John, farmer Higher Barnsley

Kemp William, steward to Mrs G.E. Bankes, Hill Butts

Kent Jonathan, ironmonger, agent to the European Life Assurance Company, High street

Kerly Mrs Fanny, blacksmith, Clapgate

Kerridge Benjamin John, jeweller and watchmaker, West Boro'

King Edmund, poulterer, Holt

KING FREDERICK, engineer, millwright, and machinist, agent for all kinds of agricultural implements, East Boro'

King George, poulterer, Holt

King William, pork butcher and poulterer, Holt

Knott James, statuary and mason, West Boro'

LAING THOMAS, King's Head family and commercial hotel and posting establishment, inland revenue office, agent by appointment to the S.W.R. Co., the Square, and wine, spirit, ale and stout merchant, West street

LANE WILLIAM, family grocer and provision merchant, agent for G. Foster's cattle medicines, West street

Langer and Jenvey, accountants, High street

Langer George Alfred, assistant overseer, superintendent registrar, agent for the London Union Fire, the Rock Life, and the Railway Passengers' Accidental Insurance Companies, High street; p.r., Poole road

Lawrence James, baker, West Boro'

Legg Joseph, grocer and baker, Eastbrook

Lodder Isaac, shoemaker, Leigh road

Long David, farmer, Bower's farm, Holt

LOVELL & SON, coach manufacturers, Eastbrook

Low George Henry, tailor and woollen draper, West Boro'

Low William, grocer, bookseller, stationer, actuary of savings' bank, and agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Offices, High street

Luckham John, marine store dealer, Corn market

Lumsden George, gardener and nurseryman, Hill Butts

Mackenzie George, photographer, King street

Mackerel Richard, tea dealer, King street

March Lancelot, plumber, painter, and glazier, East Boro'

Marsh Austin, clerk at Post Office, East street

May James, baker and grocer, East street

Meader Mrs Mary Legg, Willett's Arms, Oakley

Middleton Thomas, manager of the Wilts and Dorset Bank, the Square

Miell John, agent to the General Fire and Life Insurance company, Middle hill

Moore Henry, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law court, commissioner for taking acknowledgements of deeds by married women, agent to the Mutual Life, the London and Provincial Law Assurance Society and the Caledonian Fire and Life Assurance Companies, author of "The Country Attorney's Pocket Remembrancer & Practical man's Guide", "Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Title", and "The Solicitor's Book of Practical Forms", Eastbrook house

Morgan Henry Miller, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, &c., the Square, & West Boro'

Mullins John, wheelwright, Leigh road

Munckton Thomas, farmer, Grange farm

Munckton Thomas, jun., butcher, High street

Munckton William, farmer & cattle dealer, Holt

Munckton William, farmer, Petersham

Northover Richard, farmer, Forest farm

Orman Joseph, carrier to Poole, Blandford road

Osborne Anthony, chimney sweeper, East Boro'

Packman Frank, physician, High street

Pardy Nicholas, wheelwright, Hill butts

Parkinson Charles Brown, surgeon, East Boro'

Pearce James, Odd Fellows' Arms, and greengrocer, Church street

Pearce Miss Frances, ironmonger, brazier, and tin plate worker, West street

Penny Benjamin, gardener, Blandford road

Pfrangley Vincent, watch and clockmaker, Eastbrook

Pike James, plumber, painter, & glazier, West Boro'

Pitt William, relieving officer

Plomer Michael, Coach and Horses, Poole road

Poole Neri, woodman, Kingston Lacy

Pope Francis, farmer, Kingston Lacy

Pothecary Geo., coal merchant, 2 Brunswick place

Pottle George, tailor, Eastbrook

Pottle Henry, shoemaker and letter carrier, Eastbrook

Pounds Stephen, timber dealer & farmer, Holtwood

Purkis Alfred, book and music seller, binder, stationer, and letter press and copperplate printer, The Square

Rabbets Charles, Barleymow, Holt

Randall John, accountant, West Boro'

Randall John, farmer, Cowgrove

Randall John Thomas, grocer and baker, West street

Randall Richard, farmer, Hound hill

Rawlins Thomas, solicitor, commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery and common law court, commissioner for taking acknowledgements of deeds by married women, registrar to the Wimborne Corporation, clerk to the magistrates and to the commissioners of taxes, registrar of the county court, coroner for the hundreds of Badbury and Cogdean, clerk to the highway board, agent to the Law Union Fire and Life, and to the Solicitors' and General Life Assurance Companies, Allendale house, East Boro'

Readhead Robert, shoemaker, East street

Reeks Edwin Henry, plumber, painter, glazier, and decorator, West street

Reeks The Misses Elizabeth and Mary, shopkeepers, High street

Reynolds James, jeweller and watchmaker, King street

Richards W.G., grocer, &c.

Roake Jacob, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, and millinery warehouse, The Square

Roberts Robert, blacksmith, King street

Rogers James, toyman, King street

Rogers John, farmer and blacksmith, Holt

Rose Abner, bootmaker and leather seller, East street

Rowe Charles Reynolds, surgeon, the Square

Russell Thomas, shopkeeper, West Boro'

Sansom George Henry, broker and joiner, Corn market

Sansom Mrs Elizabeth, shopkeeper, East street

Saunders George, East Boro'

Saunders Thomas, farmer, Crooked Willows

Savings' Bank, High street; Mr William Low, actuary

Score George, builder, Eastbrook

Score John, bricklayer and plasterer, West Boro'

Score Levi, shopkeeper and bricklayer, Leigh road

Seward John Glyde, cooper & ironmonger, agent to the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Office, Eastbrook

Short Reuben, The Mail Coach, King street

SHORT WILLIAM, dispensing chemist and druggist, King street

Sims Leonard, farmer, Leigh

Small Charles, Crown and Anchor, Walsworth

Small Martin Lambert, farmer, Barford farm

Small Martin, jun., farmer

Smith George, farmer, Wilkesworth

Smith George, butcher, West street

Snow John, cutler, Cook row

Soper Benjamin, dairyman, Leigh

Stainer John, Cross Keys, and farmer, Mannington

Stickland James Ellem, clothier, West street

Stickland, boot and shoe dealer and glover, The Square

Stodart Henry, tailor, east street

SYMMONDS JOSEPH, grocer, tallow chandler & dealer in game, West Boro'

Symmonds William, linen and woollen draper and outfitter, agent to the Law Union Fire and Albert Life Offices, High street

Tanner Herbert Frank, solicitor, agent to the London and the Scottish Union Fire and Life Offices, West Boro'

Tasker G. Stonham, farmer, Ashton farm

Taylor Weld, drawing master at Grammar school, West Boro'

Thompson George, tailor, Churchyard

Thompson Jonathan, tailor, Ragged row

Thorne John, hairdresser, East street

Todd Mr., surveyor of taxes, Church street

Tory James, farmer Holt; p.r., Sturminster Marshall

Tubbs Robert, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Poole road

Twinch Miss, establishment for young ladies, West street

Upshall George, dealer in china, glass and earthenware, High street

Urry Frederick, engineer, ironfounder, and agricultural implement maker, Poole road

Vick Edmund, pipe maker, East Boro'

Wareham Mrs Elizabeth, toy dealer, Eastbrook

Ward George, tallow chandler, King street

Ward Horatio, confectioner and baker, High street

Wareham Josiah, shopkeeper and shoemaker, Holt

Warland John, linen and woollen draper, &c., The Square

Waterman John, seedsman, Corn Market

Waterman William, nurseryman and seedsman, Blandford road

Webb Charles, maltster, West Boro'

Webb Matthew, solicitor, West street

White Arthur, saddler and harness maker, Church street

Wilkins -------, blacksmith, Holtwood

Willis Edward, shopkeeper, West Boro'

Wilson William, nursery and seedsman, Poole road

Wilt and Dorset Banking Company, (branch), The Square; open from 10 till 3; draw on Glyn, Mills, & Co., London.  Thomas Middleton, Esq., manager

Wooldridge and King, thrashing machine proprietors, Hinton Martell and Holt

Yeatman George, greengrocer and dealer in game, Cook's row

Yeatman John, shoemaker, Corn market


Transcribed (complete with odd punctuation and capitalisations) by Tesca Barnett-Osman