"The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset" by John HUTCHINS,

Pages 354 & 355 transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester June 2010
With additional comments & entries from the Municipal records of Dorchester by CH Mayo
(Last updated May 2024)

(Left) Leslie Phillips Mayor in 1973; 1983; 1999; & 2010)
(Centre) Richard Biggs Mayor in 1997 ; 2005 ; 2019-2020
(Right) Janet Hewitt Mayor 2022

The Mayor Making Ceremony The bare bones of what happens at the Mayor Making ceremony (more properly called the Annual Meeting of the Council) are set out in law - particularly the requirement for the election of the Mayor to be the first item on the agenda. But every council does it differently. Some will just elect their Mayor (or Chairman) at the start of an ordinary meeting and then carry on with the normal business of the meeting. Others, like Dorchester, make more of it. Dorchester has been the county town since at least 1305 and has elected a Mayor since 1629. We are very proud of our civic history and heritage and the Mayor of Dorchester is a significant figure within the social and cultural life of the town. The Mayor Making ceremony is one of a relatively small number of occasions each year when the Council parades with full insignia. The maces are carried by two mace bearers with tricorn hats and gold trimmed capes, the Mayor, Councillors, Town Clerk and Mayor's Chaplain all wear their robes (the purple robes, which were worn by aldermen until 1974, are now worn by the six longest-serving councillors) and the Beadle brings up the rear. When the Mayor has been elected the new Mayor receives the robe and chain of office from the previous Mayor who automatically becomes Deputy Mayor. The Mayoress or Mayor's Escort receive their insignia and the new Mayor's Chaplain takes over the Chaplain's gown. The new Mayor makes a speech outlining what they think are the special things about Dorchester and the way in which they intend to carry out their mayoral duties. The outgoing Mayor also makes a speech reviewing the highlights of their year in office and the meeting always ends with a prayer. No other business is done and the meeting is followed by a reception for county and district dignitaries, mayors from other towns within Dorset and the Mayor's guests. We come back on the following evening to do the Council's normal business. Dorchester has a long tradition of wearing civic insignia. The photograph below was taken in the Corn Exchange and shows the Corporation (as the Borough Council was sometimes known) in 1935. The councillors and the Town Clerk are dressed more or less as they do today, but with other officers wearing a wide variety of ceremonial attire or none at all!

Source © Dorchester Town Council 2007

The above account by Dorchester Town Council is based on the Charters granted to Dorchester and the listing of Mayors given below is an updated listing from that provided by John Hutchins in his “The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset”. There were however Mayors well before that.


One such early Mayor was John HENNING a merchant of Poole who according to 'Burk's Family Records' was Mayor of Dorchester in 1570. In the middle ages Poxwell or Pokewell was a manor in the possession of Cerne Abbey situated just 6 miles south east of Dorchester not far from the the coast. Following the Abbey's dissolution it was granted by Queen Elizabeth I to Thomas Howard of Lulworth and Bindon. He sold it to John HENNING a merchant of Poole in 1575 and John built the house we know today about 1613. [Note:- Thomas Hardy based his 'Oxwell Hall' in his novel 'Trumpet Major' on Poxwell Manor.] See Picture left [© Copyright Nigel Mykura and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence].

His son, also called John HENNING (1532-1617), was Sheriff of Dorset in 1609/10. and with his wife Dorothy inherited the manor (See below) . From there it descended to their 2nd son Richard Henning (1582-1638) of Poxwell, to his 4th son Edmund Henning (1620-1646), then his son Henry Henning (1645-1699). Henry had 2 children, a son who died in infancy, and a daughter Elizabeth Henning (b1670) who inherited the manor. When she married Thomas TRENCHARD on 13th June 1695 the property passed into the Trenchard family. This powerful gentry family of Wolverton, which is just north of Dorchester, are listed in the visitation of Dorset taken in 1623 and have a pedigree that dates back to 1351. Inevitably they carried great weight in the ruling of the important market town of Dorchester over many generations. Sir Thomas Trenchard was High Steward in Henry VIII's reign; his son George Trenchard was MP for Dorchester in 1572 and Recorder for a year or two in James I's reign. Both the Hennings and Trenchards owned property in the town.

John HENNYNGE [Henning] (1532-1617) Gentleman of Poxwell House and Nash Court is of particular interest to us in Dorchester. We can be sure of his pedigree as it is recorded in the Visitation of Dorset in 1623 which confirms that he married Dorothie the daughter of Edward WAREHAM of Warsmerton in Dorset. Hutchins in his History of Dorset also gives a brief pedigree of the family as does Burke's Family Records which both state Dorothy actually came from Osmington in Dorset where parish registers have not survived prior to the 1670's. John Henning left a Will dated 14th July 1616 which usefully gives his age as four score years and four, giving a birth date of c1532 (1531 in Burke's). The Will was proved the following year on 3rd July 1617.
    As stated above we know John held property in Dorchester and Fordington. Charter 675 in 1574 for example refers to his holding a burgage on the north side of Durngate Lane, and he also purchased in 1575 garden ground in West Walls previously in the tenure of Richard Corbin together with some void ground adjoining it. Municipal Records (page 679) refers to him holding a burgage in St Peters Parish under a lease dated 31st Oct 1583. Also the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615 shows John still holding deeds by custom of the manor for a cottage standing in an acre of ground and a plot of just over 24 acres in Fordington Fields. This deed also gives his age in 1615 as 83 confirming birth c1532. We also now (Nov 2023) have a transcription of the Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1600 from which it is clear that John Henning held this plot from a Copyhold grant dated in 1580
    John was an active member of the Corporation in Dorchester being elected Bailiff twice, in 1574 and 1587. When a Charter was granted to the Burgesses of Dorchester (page 706 of MRD) his name is one of 5 listed therein - it was delivered to then current bailiffs for safekeeping on 18th April 1586. The Visitation of 1623 also confirms that John Henning was elected High Sheriff of Dorset in 1609/10. John and Dorothy Henning had 13 children, 10 daughters and 3 sons who all married into positions of influence. They are listed in Burke's Family Records :-
    1. John of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, aged 18 in 1589 (23)
    2. Elizabeth, bapt. 11 Mar 1580  (24)
    3. Richard of Poxwell, b. 1582; m. Jane, dau. of Sir George Smith of Matford House, co. Devon; d. 27 Aug 1638
    4. Jane, m. Mar 1599 John Strode of Watercombe, son and heir of John Strode
    5. Alice, m. William Talbot of Broadmayne
    6. Dorothy, m. 23 Oct 1598 William Filiol; d. 1629
    7. Anne, m. 1st, 8 Oct 1593, William Golsey; 2nd Ballard [Note:-William Golsey Gent lived in St Peters Parish in Dorchester - Link to his Will dated 15th Nov 1607 proved 8th Feb 1607/8. Hence Anne is referred to in her fathers Will in 1616 as the widow of William Golsey. She is to receive £40 annual rent from his property of Friary Mills in Dorchester for the rest of her life.]
    8. Thomazin, m. Edmond Dashwood of Dorchester [Note:- Edmund Dashwood (1588-1643) who was Mayor of Dorchester in 1632 and is listed below]
    9. Margaret, m. Thomas Foxwell of Dorchester [Note:-Thomas Lymster also Foxwell (d.1586) of Dorchester Link to his Will proved 19th Oct 1586. ]
    10. Joane, m. John James of Over Compton
    11. Elizabeth, m. John Michel of Kingston Russell
    12. Katherine, m. John Joliffe of Estover, co. Dorset
    13. Robert of Hennings, Crookston, co. Dorset; formerly of Bradford, Peverell, and previously of Broadmayne; b. 1590; m. Jane, dau. of Henry Eggs of Bradford, Peverell; d. 1660 [Note:- Among other things Robert inherits the cottage and plot of land his father held in Fordington as shown in the 1615 Survey of the Manor.]

John HENNING was buried at Poxwell in Dorset

1629 - John Parkyns [Perkins] (1571-1640) [Note:- Merchant of Dorchester. Father-in-Law of William Whiteway the diarist, Capital Burgess and Bailiff by 1610. MP 1621, Influential Magistrate.]
1630 - Richard Blatchford    [1570-1652]
1631 - William Whiteway   [1570-1640] Note:- Father of Wm Whiteway [1599-1635] the diarist.
1632 - Edmund Dashwood   [1588-1642] (1 & 2)
1633 - William Joliffe
1634 - Barnard Toope   [c1587-1635]
1635 - Dennis Bond   [1588-1658]
1636 - John Hill   [1589-1657]
1637 - James Gould   [1593-1676]
1638 - William Derby [1588-1649]
1639 - Richard Savage   [d1669]
1640 - Richard Bury   [c1584 - 1661]
1641 - Henry Maber   [1588-1667]
1642 - James [John?] Allanbridge (died)- Edward Dashwood (3)
1643 - Edward Dashwood (1)
1644 - John Bushrode   [1612-1683/4]
1645 - John Whiteway   [1614-1679] Note:- brother of Wm Whiteway [1599-1635] the diarist.
1646 - Richard Blatchford   [1570-1676] (Mayo(4) says he was appointed Oct 6 1647)
1647 - Gilbert Loder [c1590-1656] (Mayo(4) says Mr Gilbert Loder chosen Mayor Oct 2 1648)
1648 - Josias Terry    [1597-1667] (Mayo(4) says Mr Josias Terry chosen Mayor Oct 1 1649)
1649 - Richard Bury   [c1584 - 1661] Mayo(4) says "Cor' [coram] Mr Maior Burie" Oct 4 1650)
1650 - Richard Savage   [d1669] (Mayo(4) says Mr Richard Savage chosen Mayor Oct 6 1651)
1651 - George Cole (Mayo(4) says Mr George Cole chosen Mayor Oct 4 1652)
1652 - Henry Maber   [1588-1667] (Mayo(4) says Mr Henry Maber chosen Mayor Oct 3 1653)
1653 - Edward Dashwood (1)
1654 - John Bushrode   [1612-1683/4] (Mayo(4) says 'No minute of election for 1654 - Mr John Bushrod chosen Mayor Oct 1 1655)
1656 - Gilbert Loder [c1590-1656] (9) - Thomas Symonds (Mayo(4) says Mr Gilbert Loder chosen Oct 6 1656)
1657 - Philip Stansby
1658 - John Whiteway [1614-1679] Note:- brother of Wm Whiteway [1599-1635] the diarist.
1659 - John Daniel
1660 - Richard Savage   [d1669]
1661 - Josias Terry    [1597-1667]
1662 - Edward Dashwood (1)
1663 - Richard Churchill
1664 - Robert Napper
1665 - Arthur Gould
1666 - William Wade
1667 - William Pitt [Note elected again in 1684 - buried All Saints Dorchester 12 May 1687]
1668 - Joseph Seward
1669 - Alexander Haveland
1670 - Gilbert Whiffen
1671 - Hugh Baker
1672 - Benjamin Gould
1673 - Andrew Loder
1674 - Jasper Samways
1675 - William Twiss
1676 - John Craddock
1677 - James Gould   [1624-1707]
1678 - Edward Jones
1679 - Richard Atkyns
1680 - Nicholas Gould [1635-1691]
1681 - John Gollop
1682 - Charles Stoodley
1683 - John Oldis
1684 - William Pitt [See also 1667]
1685 - Alexander Haviland
1686 - John Nelson
1687 - George Lester
1688 - Hugh Baker
1689 - Richard Cooper - Thomas Blandford stood in when Richard Cooper died. Buried HT
1690 - Maximilian Gollop [1638-1719]
1691 - Daniel Arden
1692 - Thomas Delacourt (Also Mayor 1707 see 1677 Visitation of Dorset)
1693 - Thomas Seward
1694 - Andrew Loder
1695 - John Gollop
1696 - James Gould [1624-1707]
1697 - John Yeat
1698 - Robert Weare
1699 - Henry Whiffen [Note:- Also Mayor 1710]
1700 - Richard Samways
1701 - John Haviland
1702 - John Oldis
1703 - Maximilian Gollop [1638-1719]
1704 - John Nelson
1705 - George Lester
1706 - Daniel Arden
1707 - Thomas Delacourt (First Mayor in 1692) Mayo (4) says 24th Sept 1708 Thomas Delacourt Mayor died this day & Thomas Seward chosen in his place till the new election)
1708 - Thomas Steward
1709 - Robert Weare
1710 - Henry Whiffen (died) - Andrew Purchase (Mayo (4) says Dec 26th 1710 Henry Whiffen gent Mayor died this day and Andrew Purchase chosen to succeed him until the Monday after Michaelmas next - see 1699 - buried All Saints Church Dorchester 29 Dec 1710 )
1711 - Richard Samways
1712 - Robert Colson
1713 - Thomas Knapton
1714 - Josiah Cooper
1715 - Thomas Seward
1716 - John Kellaway
1717 - Zachary Nelson [Note :- also mayor 1729]
1718 - Daniel Arden
1719 - Thomas Pitman [Note:-Thomas Pitman (1696-1725) son on Thomas (d.1717)]
1720 - Samuel Stanning
1721 - Andrew Purchase
1722 - Robert Colson
1723 - Josiah Cooper
1724 - Daniel Arden
1725 - Robert Weare
1726 - John Woomington
1727 - Walter Crowe
1728 - Reynald Knapton
1729 - Zachary Nelson (Mayo (4) says Dec 12th 1729 Zachary Nelson gent elected Mayor in room of Laurence Snooke Mayor deceased.)[ Also note:- Zachary was buried in Holy Trinity Church 4th Feb 1735 leaving a Will]
1730 - Robert Loder
1731 - Robert Fildew
1732 - Richard Cooper
1733 - Robert Gundry
1734 - Samuel Stanning
1735 - Daniel Arden
1736 - Walter Crowe
1737 - George Cooper
1738 - Thomas Loder
1739 - Reynaldo Knapton
1740 - Robert Loder
1741 - Richard Cooper
1742 - Thomas Cooper
1743 - William Bryer
1744 - Daniel Arden
1745 - John Channing (1689-1758) [Note:- Younger brother of the murdered Thomas Channing (1679-1705) See GN 18.6]
1746 - John Pitman [Note:- John Pitman (1706 - 1782) ]
1747 - George Cooper
1748 - Reynald Knapton
1749 - Samuel Stanning
1750 - George Arden
1751 - George Arden
1752 - Richard Cooper (Mayo (4) says Sept 30th 1751 Richard Cooper and William Bryer received five votes each for the office of Mayor, and Samuel Stanning and John Pitman five votes each each for office of senior Bailiff; hence no election took place and George Arden the existing Mayor served two years)
1753 - Thomas Cooper
1754 - Francis Purchase(10) (died) - William Bryer (Mayo (4) says March 17th 1755 William Bryer elected Mayor in room of Francis Purchase deceased)
1755 - James Chaffey
1756 - William Templeman
1757 - William Davis
1758 - John Pitman [Note:- John Pitman (1706 - 1782) ]
1759 - George Cooper
1760 - George Arden
1761 - Richard Cooper
1762 - William Bryer
1763 - Robert Lambert
1764 - Richard Cozens
1765 - James Chaffey
1766 - William Templeman
1767 - William Davis
1768 - John Pitman (died June 12 1782) [Note:- John Pitman (1706 - 1782) ]
1769 - Walter Nicholls (died 1780)
1770 - Morgan Yeatman
1771 - Robert Lumley Kingston (died 1774) Note:- Commissioned the famous map used by John Hutchins of Dorchester in 1771
1772 - George Cooper Note:- Alderman from 23rd Jun 1755 - buried Holy Trinity 21st April 1777
1773 - Robert Lambert
1774 - Richard Cozens
1775 - James Chaffey (died Aug 10 1782)
1776 - John Floyer (resigned Oct 1 1782)
1777 - Robert Willis [1699-1781] (died Dec 29 1781 buried St Peters 6th Jan 1782)
1778 - William Gundrey
1779 - Edward Cozens
1780 - William Templeman
1781 - William Davis
1782 - Robert Lambert
1783 - Richard Cozens
1784 - Robert Stickland
1785 - John Gollop
1786 - William Gundry
1787 - Edward Cozens
1788 - William Templeman
1789 - Robert Lambert
1790 - Richard Cozens
1791 - Robert Stickland
1792 - John Gollop
1793 - John Templeman
1794 - Christopher Arden
1795 - Charles White (21)
1796 - James Chaffey
1797 - Edward Cozens
1798 - Robert Lambert
1799 - Robert Stickland
1800 - John Templeman
1801 - George Churchill
1802 - Thomas Gould Read Esq(19) [Note:- Announced in Morning Post & Gazetteer (London),16th Oct 1802]
1803 - Nathaniel Stickland
1804 - John Callard Mansfield
1805 - Christopher Cooper M.D.
1806 - William Bower [Note:- William BOWER (1746-1829) ]
1807 - Robert Pattison
1808 - Thomas Gould Read (19)
1809 - Charles White (21)
1810 - Nathaniel Stickland [Note:- Announced in Taunton Courier 11th October]
1811 - Christopher Cooper M.D. [Note:- Announced Taunton Courier 10th Oct]
1812 - William Bower [Note:- William BOWER (1746-1829) ]
1813 - Robert Pattison
1814 - George Stickland
1815 - Charles Stickland
1816 - Christopher Arden
1817 - Morgan Yeatman
1818 - Thomas Bower [Note Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) 4th son of James BOWER (1740-1795) born at Lothwihiel Cornwall by his wife Elizabeth ELIOT and nephew of William BOWER (1746-1829) of Dorchester]
1819 - Thomas Gould Read (19)
1820 - Nathaniel Stickland
1821 - Christopher Cooper M.D.
1822 - William Bower [Note:- William BOWER (1746-1829) ]
1823 - Charles Stickland
1824 - Christopher Arden
1825 - Morgan Yeatman
1826 - Thomas Bower [Note Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) 4th son of James BOWER (1740-1795) born at Lothwihiel Cornwall by his wife Elizabeth ELIOT and nephew of William BOWER (1746-1829) of Dorchester]
1827 - John Burnet
1828 - Joseph Clapcott
1829 - Thomas Gould Read (19)

1830 - Christopher Cooper M.D. [Note:- Announced in Hampshire Advertiser 09 Oct 1830]
1831 - Charles Stickland
1832 - Christopher Arden
1833 - Morgan Yeatman(20)
1834 - Thomas Bower [Note Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) 4th son of James BOWER (1740-1795) born at Lothwihiel Cornwall by his wife Elizabeth ELIOT and nephew of William BOWER (1746-1829) of Dorchester]
1835 - Christopher Cooper M.D.
1836 - Charles Stickland
1837 - Christopher Arden
1838 - William Denning Tapp(18)
1839 - Thomas Coombs [Note:- Listed as Mayor in Roberts Directory for that year]
1840 - William Lewis Henning
1841 - Herbert Williams(22)
1842 - Francis Ingram(22)
1843 - Charles Criswick
1844 - John Wallis
1845 - George Curme
1846 - Charles Criswick
1847 - John Hayne
1848 - Christopher Arden
1849 - William Denning Tapp(18)
1850 - John Wallis
1851 - Charles Creswick
1852 - Christopher Arden
1853 - George James Andrews
1854 - Thomas Coombs
1855 - Thomas Coombs
1856 - John Ensor
1857 - William Manfield
1858 - Henry Lock
1859 - Matthew Devenish
1860 - John Francis Hodges
1861 - John Galpin
1862 - John Galpin
1863 - John Bishop [Note:- But listed as Mayor in Harrods Directory for 1865]
1864 - John Petty Aldridge MD
1865 - John Petty Aldridge (4)
1866 - George Curme(4)
1867 - George Curme(4)
1868 - John Francis Hodges (4)
1869 - John Francis Hodges (4)
1870 - Thomas Bennett (4) (See 1871 Census Mayor - Yeoman of 80 acres emp 4 men + 2 boys)
1871 - Robert Damen (4)
1872 - Gregory J.G Gregory (Mayo says (4) George John Gregory Gregory)
1873 - Gregory J.G Gregory (Mayo says (4)George John Gregory Gregory)
1874 - Edwin. Burnett(4) (See PO Directory 1875)
1875 - Alfred Emson(4)
1876 - Henry Lock(4)
1877 - John Petty Aldridge(4)
1878 - Alfred Pope(4)
1879 - William Durden(4)
1880 - William Durden (4)
1881 - Alfred Emson (4)
1882 - Henry Durden (4)
1883 - Henry Durden (4)
1884 - Gregory J.G. Gregory (Mayo(4) says George John Gregory Gregory) (11)
1885 - Gregory J.G. Gregory (Mayo says (4)George John Gregory Gregory) (11)
1886 - Alfred Pope (4 & 7)
1887 - Arthur Henry Lock (4)
1888 - Arthur Henry Lock (4)
1889 - Henry Anthony Huxtable (4)
1890 - Edward Robert Pearce Edgecumbe (4)
1891 - William Tilley (4)
1892 - George Davis (4)
1893 - George Davis (4)
1894 - Gregory J.G. Gregory (Mayo (4) & Kelly's Dir 1895 say George John Gregory Gregory)(11)

1895 - James Paine (4)
1896 - James Paine (4)
1897 - William Pope Genge (4) (12)
1898 - George Davis (4)
1899 - George Davis (4)
1900 - George Davis (4)
1901 - Stephen Davis Allen (4) (14)
1902 - Stephen Davis Allen (4) (14)
1903 - Elias William Kerr (4) (15)
1904 - Joseph Whittle Fudge (4) (13)
1905 - Ernest William Younge (4) (17)
1906 - Ernest William Younge (4) (17)
1907 - Alfred Rolph Pope (4)
1908 - TH Tilley
1909 - C.F. Symes
1910 - C.F. Symes
1911 - C.F. Symes (died) - J. Porter
1912 - J. Porter
1913 - S.D. Allen
1914 - S.D. Allen
1915 - G.J. Dennis
1916 - G.J. Dennis
1917 - G.J. Dennis
1918 - G.J. Dennis
1919 - A.L.T. Tilley
1920 - J.J. Walne
1921 - J.M. Underwood
1922 - E.L. Ling
1923 - CH. Smith
1924 - E. Read
1925 - A.J. Rossiter
1926 - W.F. Hodges
1927 - W.F. Hodges
1928 - E.W. Tilley
1929 - T.H.H. Wheeler
1930 - W.J. Fare
1931 - W.J. Fare
1932 - R.N. Dawes
1933 - R.N. Dawes
1934 - Frederick C. James (picture)
1935 - Frederick C. James
1936 - Winifrede Marsden (first woman Mayor of Dorchester)
1937 - W.H. Jewell
1938 - CH. Stroud
1939 - CH. Stroud
1940 - AR. Jeffrey
1941 - AR. Jeffrey
1942 - K.W. Abbott
1943 - K.W. Abbott
1944 - J.W. Moore
1945 - A.C.R. (Rolph) Pope
1946 – A.C.R. (Rolph) Pope
1947 - H.G. Longman
1948 - H.G. Longman
1949 - H.G. Longman
1950 - Nancy O. Jackman
1951 - Nancy O. Jackman
1952 - Ernest L. Hedger
1953 - Ernest L. Hedger
1954 - D.H. Napper
1955 - H.J. Perry
1956 - Mrs E.K. Hallett
1957 - Roger R. Thomas
1958 - Victor G. Mardon
1959 - Arthur C Savage
1960 - JH Moore
1961 - Mrs E.H. Moore
1962 - H.G. Read
1963 - Walter E. Bowering
1964 - Ernest L. Hedger
1965 - Roy R. Collins
1966 - Arthur C. Savage
1967 - W.H. Christopher
1968 - Roger R. Thomas
1969 - John M. Matthews
1970 - Frederick D. Holmes
1971 - Harold Durrant
1972 - Gwendoline G. Powell
1973 - Leslie M. Phillips (6)
1974 - Walter E. Bowering
1975 - Charles F. Worth
1976 - Frederick D. Holmes
1977 - Charles J. Parsons
1978 - Harold Durrant
1979 - Elizabeth G. Boothman
1980 - Colin W. Lucas
1981 - H.J. Attryde
1982 - D. Trevor Jones
1983 - Leslie M. Phillips(6)
1984 - Colin W. Lucas
1985 - Dennis S. Wills
1986 - Douglas A Bowring
1987 - Donald C Smith
1988 - E. Stella Jones
1989 - Dennis G. Maggs
1990 - Elizabeth G. Boothman
1991 - M. Diana Dowell
1992 - D. Trevor Jones
1993 - Mary E. (Molly) Rennie
1994 - John H. Antell
1995 - Timothy C.N. Harries
1996 - Peter A.A. Scott
1997 - Richard M. Biggs
1998 - John H. Antell
1999 - Leslie M. Phillips(6)
2000 - E. Stella Jones
2001 - Walter G. Gundry
2002 - D. Trevor Jones
2003 - Mary E. (Molly) Rennie
2004 - Timothy CN. Harries
2005 - Richard M. Biggs
2006 - Robert (Robin) Potter
2007 - David J. Barrett
2008 - Catherine M. Hebditch (5)
2009 - Susan C Hosford
2010 - Leslie M. Phillips(6)
2011 - Tess James(8)
2012 - Andrew J Canning
2013 - E.Stella Jones
2014 - Peter Mann
2015 - Robert (Robin) Potter
2016 - Timothy C.N. Harries
2017 - Susan C Horsford
2018 - David Taylor
2019 - Richard M. Biggs
2020 - Richard M. Biggs
2021 - Garath M. Jones
2022 - Janet Hewett
2023 - Alistair Chisholm

Genealogical Notes:-
(1). See 'Fire from Heaven - Life in an English Town in the 17th century' by David Underdown published 1992

(2). 'Fire from Heaven' page 154 refers to Edmund Dashwood as Mayor in 1633 & page 221 refers to his death in 1643

(3). In his book 'Fire from Heaven' by David Underdown; page 44; it refers to John Allambridge being mayor of Dorchester in 1642. A will of a 'John Allambridge, Clothier of Dorchester' was proved 13 June 1645 and is available at the National Arcives ref PROB 11/193

(4). Arthur Henry LOCK (b. 15th Apr 1845 d. 6 Nov 1900) The Municipal Records of the Borough of Dorchester by Charles Herbert Mayo MA published by William Pollard & Co Exeter 1908. Announced in Times as Edward Barnett 14 Nov 1874. There is a stained glass window dedicated to him in Holy Trinity Church.

(5). See article Dorset Echo Monday 24th November 2008 with picture

(6). See article Dorset Echo Thursday 27th May 2010 with picture

(7). Alfred Pope was still Mayor of Dorchester at the Royal Visit to Dorchester of the Prince of Wales which took place on 2nd June 1887

(8). Tess James See article Dorset Echo 26th May 2011 with picture; 14th July 2011 & Saturday 16th July 2011

(9). Gilbert Loader (Loader) was a prominent puritan lawyer in Dorchester (See fire from heaven pages 139; 219; 228 & 240). He was an Investor in the Dorchester Company and was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 1st December 1656.

(10). Francis Purchase married at St Peters church Dorchester on 21 Nov 1754 to Eleanor Hole of Holy Trinity. See Wills Index 'Will of Francis Purchase, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset' proved 2nd April 1755

(11). Picture held of G J G GREGORY c 1930's at the DHC Ref D1440/3/1/4 nd

(12). Picture held of W P GENGE c 1930's at the DHC Ref D1140/3/1/3 nd

(13). Picture held of J W FUDGE c 1930's at the DHC D1140/3/1/2 nd

(14). Picture held of S D and Mrs ALLEN c 1930's at the DHC D1440/3/1/1 nd

(15). Picture held od E W KERR c 1930's DHC D1440/3/1/5 nd

(16). Picture held of E A POPE c 1930's at DHC Ref D1140/3/1/6 nd

(17). Picture held at DHC of E W YOUNG c 1930's D1440/3/1/7 nd

(18). William Denning TAPP was bap St Peters 12th April 1796, he married 27 Aug 1835 to Marian Rachel FOOT at Sherborne see strays - Beneficiary under his fathers will dated 2nd June 1829 proved 9th Nov 1832

(19). [Note:- Link to more information about Thomas Gould READ (1759-1835) 4 times Mayor of Dorchester. Entry Salisbury & Winchester Journal Monday 10th Oct 1808 Thomas Gould READ Esq is elected Mayor of Dorchester for the year ensuing.]

(20). Morgan Yateman Mayor was chairman of a meeting at the Guildhall held on 17th July 1834 to consider the cpability and desirability of constructing a Railway from Dorchester to Weymouth.

(21) Charles WHITE (1752-1813) Bapt 16th May 1752 son of Robert and Elizabeth WHITE . Appointed Capital Burgess of Dorchester and Freeman on 11th Sep 1793 - Gentleman - Appointed Alderman of Dorchester 1st Oct 1804 - Mayor 1795 and 1809 - Of East Street All Saints Parish buried St Peters Church Dorchester 21st June 1813 aged 61 years.

(22) Francis INGRAM, Esq : was duly elected Mayor for the Borough of Dorchester, at the annual meeting of the Town Council for that purpose, in room of Herbert WILLIAMS, Esq whose year of office had expired. The bells rang merrily on the occasion. The ex-mayor of Dorchester Herbert WILLIAMS Esq. entertained the members of the Corporation and a select party at dinner at Oliver's Hotel yesterday." Extract from Dorset County Chronicle - Thirsday 10th Nov 1842.

(23) John Henning: Oxford University Alumni 1500-1886 Page 693 - Henninge, John of Dorset gent. Magdalen Hall matric. 10th Oct 1589 aged 18 BA from St Alban Hall 31st May 1592 a student of Middle Temple 1592, as son and heir of John Nash Court Dorset gent.

(24) Elizabeth Henning: Parish Registers Marnhull image 13 of 484 - Elizabeth Henninge the daughter of John Henninge was baptised the xjth of March

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