St Mary, Swanage

Monumental Inscriptions

Annotated transcription of a list of Monumental Inscriptions at Saint Mary's, Swanage (made 1847), contained in Volume 8 of A.M. Broadley's Extra Illustrated edition of Hutchins' History and Antiquities  of the County of Dorset - (available at Dorset Local History Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester).

Transcribed by Richard Wiltshire, from annotated copies made by Martin Ayres, December 2003.



Inserted in italics are additions made comparing Hutchins to a more recent transcript of monuments published in 1912 in 'The Registers of Swanage, Co. Dorset. 1563 - 1812.
Transcribed by Llewellyn Lloyd Simpson, of Littleover, near Derby.
Issued by The Parish Register Society (LXIX.).

In the preface (page: ix) Simpson states:
'There are no monuments in this church of any value or importance considering its age. What there are, are only tablets on the walls, and these are but few in comparison to what there used to be before the enlargement and alterations of 1859, when many disappeared altogether and for all time. The Churchyard, nearly all round the Church and its approaches from the gates, is paved with head-stones, on many of which no vestige of any lettering remains, and what are there now are fast becoming unreadable, and alas in a few years these will also be for ever blotted out and no particulars will remain to tell us of the last resting place of many of the former inhabitants of this old parish…With regard to the tablets in the Church, these have in many cases been removed from their former positions.'

Simpson also states with regard to monuments in the church that:
'Underneath the present vestry floor, about two feet below, is another floor paved with tombstones full of names, which consequently are buried out of sight' (page xi).

Comparison of Simpson's transcript with that contained in Broadley's edition of Hutchin's and the burial register calls into question the reliability and fullness of Simpson's transcript as a record of the monuments. Simpson's transcript has therefore not been reproduced in full here. However, the transcript mentions additional pre-1847 monumental inscriptions not recorded by Hutchins some of which have appeared in our survey and which mainly match the burial registers. These have therefore been added to Hutchins in italics.

Italics - notes
Ob. - Latin: obiit (died)

Page 34

In Swanage churchyard

East of the church  - on flat slabs.

For Thomas Alford …March 1682….

For John Alford 29 July …….


South of the church beginning at the East end - on flat slabs

For Emanuel Elliott Talbot ob. 16 April 1832 born 25 Apr 1798
grandson of James Talbot and son of John & Ann Talbot of
Godlingstone farm.

For Thomas Marshfield ob. 11 Octr in his 25th year 1676
Dorothy wife of John Allford … March 1726 at 24.

For James son of James & Mary Talbot ob. 7 Jany 1763 at 6 days
the said Mary ob. 10 Aug. 1783 at 40.
the said James ob. 7 Nov. 1825 at 93.
Mary Ann their granddaughter and daughter of John and Ann Talbot
at 18 weeks.

[Note: Swanage Register gives death date of James son of James and Mary as 2 January which is in line with the burial date 2 January]

  For Hannah wife of Francis Warren ob. 30 Jany 1767 at 76.
Jeremiah their son ob. 9 Decr 1753 at 21
George their son ob. 10 July 1778 at 49
Elizabeth wife of George Warren ob. 2 Feby 1793 at 68.
Hannah wife of Henry Smith & daur of George & Elizabeth Warren
ob. 2 April 1813 at 49
Francis son of George & Elizabeth Warren ob. at Sunderland 8
Jany 1816 at 55.
  For Hester wife of Francis Warren and daur of Rich and and Ann
ob. 10 Feby 1722 in her 26th year.
Lewis son of Francis & Hester Warren ob. 31 Octr 1721 at 3 wks & 2 days
Francis Warren ob. 23 Feby 1760 at 65.
  For John Keats ob. 10 March 1766 at 72
Robert son of Robert & Ann Chinchen ob. 6 Jany 176… at 22
Robert Chinchen .. Jany 1781 at 58
Ann his daughter ob. 7 April 1791 at 39
Page 35 For
Samuel S….. Marsh ob…… 1755 at ..9
Anna his wife ob. Feby 1757

For Mary wife of James Terry ob. Feby 1726 in her 53d year

For      Melmoth ob. 22 Dec: 1777.

For Thomas Uiuion (Vivian) dyed Decemr. 25. 17… aged 34 years

For Mary wife of John Collins ob.. Feby 1741…..


Common grave stone

  For John Jenn, surgeon, ob. 26 Mar. 1785
Mary his wife ob. 7 Feby 1784 at 40.
Susanna Chinchen her sister ob. 14 Feby 1784 at 53 & 2 infant chn.


On a raised slab.

  For Mr Timothy Chinchen of Swanage, Merchant, ob. 2 Oct. 1766 at
in his 62d year. Mary his wife ob.. Dec: 1767 in her 68th year.


Against the churchwall and railed in

  For Katherine Henrietta daur. of Timothy & Mary Chinchen ob. 3 Mar
1781 at 1 year & 3 mths.

[Note: Swanage Register adds: Near by [slab to Timothy Chinchen], laid flat - Grace
wife of Nathaniel Brann died June 17, 1714 aged 66 years]


On flat ['a raised' crossed out] slab:


  For Elizabeth wife of William Smith ob. 22 Mar. 1797 at 68
Susanna daur of Joseph & Jane Willis and granddr. of the above
ob. 1 April 1799 at 20 months
William Smith ob. 11 Decr 1811 at 75.
  For John Marsh ………
Mary wife of John Marsh ……….
Samuel Marsh & Hannah his wife. She ob. 18 Oct. 1793 at 65
he 3 Jany 1794 at 66.
James their son ob.. April 1793 at 4..
Ann wife of the said James ob. 21 May 1812 at 52
Mary their 2nd daur ob. 2 April 1823 at 23

[Note: Comparison with Burial Register shows that James died in 1803 and Mary was aged 25 years]


Page 36 For Alice wife of John Howard ob. 9 Mar. 1725 at 72
the said John ob. 30 June 1730 at 66
their grandson John Bonfield ob. 13 Nov. 1758 at 40
Elizabeth his wife ob. 16 Jany 1770 at 51
Thomas and Mary Butler son and daur. of George and Mary Butler.
he ob. 3 July 1795 at 8 mths she 13 July 1796 at 7 yrs
a second Mary ob. 15 Nov. 1797 at 8 mths
The said George Butler ob. 8 April 1801 at 42


On upright stones

  For George Serrell Bonfield ob. 6 Mar. 1813 at 30
Jane his daughter ob: 11 Nov. 1811 at 1¼ yr.
  For Edward son of Edward and Tabitha Smith ob. 4 Octr 1772 at 4
the said Tabitha ob. 22 Octr 1784 at 52
James their son drowned at Rone in France by accidentally falling
overboard 1788 at 28
the said Edward ob. 20 April 1798 at 64
Charles another son ob. 10 June 1802 at 42
Amelia a daughter ob. 23 July 1802 at 37
Sarah daughter of James and Ann Randell ob. 21 Mar. 1809 at 15
Charles their son ob. 27 Jany 1817 at 21.
the said James ob. 19 May 1821 at 58
  For Sarah wife of William Randell ob. 5 dec: 1826 at 68
  For James Lander ob. 20 Sept 1825 at 32
  For Joseph Stickland ob: 16 June 1836 at 69¾
Elizabeth his wife ob. 19 March 1837 at 61½ & 3 infant childn.
  For Elizabeth wife of Aaron Bower ob. 12 Octr 1837 at 52
William their son organist of this church ob. 25 July 1845 at 22



  For Rebecca wife of Wm Bonfield ob. 21 Apr. 1822 in his 26th yr.
  For Sarah wife of Lieutenant William Patey of the Royal Navy
ob.20 June 1799 at 34 - also two of her children
the said William d. in active service at Gibraltar 10 Nov. 1810 at 52


Upright stones

  For Mr Thomas Manwell who (unassisted by education) by the strength
of a superior genius and nature for his guide, broke through the barrier
to literature and acquired a degree of knowledge which might
have ranked him with the first philosophers of the age; but, being a
child of solitude, his retired meditations were far dearer to him than
the requirement of fame: and if charity, humility and meekness,
with faith in a Redeemer, be Christianity, he was a perfect Christian.
Ob. 4 February 1822 at 70.
Page 37 For John Gover ob. 7 Aug 1808 at 28
  For Ann wife of Benjamin Watson ob. 20 April 1833 at 59
the said Benjamin ob. 12 Nov 1842 at 67.
  For James Hussey ob. 4 April 1842 at 44 also 4 infant children
  For George Spurlock ob. 11 Octr 1816 at 40
  For Richard Bower ob. 26 June 1811 at 37 leaving a wife & 4 children
  For Joseph Porter ob. 21 Nov. 1824 at 29 leaving a wife and children
Susan his daughter ob. 23 Feby 1822 at 3 weeks


Flat stones

  For John Thompson B: A:
Rector of this parish
on the 22 November 1784
aged 62 years
and by his desire
was here interred.
  For John Elery late of this parish ob: 16 April 1721 in his 49th year


West of the church

  For Mary wife of William        1737 at 63
James Summers ob. 22 Oct 1813 at 37
Sarah his wife ob. 26 Octr 1818 at 42
Sarah Ormond Summers their daur. ob. 14 May 1826 at 12.
  For William Cull ob. Feby 1729
Betty wife of John Cull ob. 17 June 176.. at 37
.. … son of the said John & Betty ob. 13 June 1804 at 51
Ann wife of John Cull ob. 5 June 1819 at 69
  For Honor wife of Alexr. Melmoth but late James Haywards ob. 12 Aug.
1712 at 40.
Mary wife of John Melmoth ob. 10 dec: 1776 in his [her?] 83d year.
  For William son of William and Eliza Cole …….
John their son ob…Novr 1784 …: & 1 son & daurs stillborn
Eliza wife of William Cole ob. 29 decr 1789 at 32 yrs 11 mths
….. their daughter ob. 19 Octr 1800 at 20.
Page 38 For Hester wife of Jonathan Cole ob. Aug 1732 in her 30th year
Martha their daughter ob. 1737 in her 7th year
the said Jonathan ob. 27 Mar. 1774 in his 81st year
John Cole his son ob. 19 June 1804 at 80
Sarah his wife ob. 14 Novr 1810 at 85.

[Note: Swanage Register: gives Hester Cole's death date as 14 August]

  For Susanna daur. of Jonathan and Ann Cole ob. 16 Feby 1788 at 21
the said Ann ob. 23 Jany 1814 at 77.
the said Jonathan ob. 10 March 1820 in his 88th year.

[Note: Swanage Register also includes: 'on another stone, the top part of which is
unreadable - Mary daughter of - and - & wife of the above Peter Camell, died Nov.
6, 1790 aged 65 years'. Please note that this transcript is incorrect - Mary was niece
of Peter Camell and was buried as Mary Cole 12 November 1790]

[Note: Swanage Register also includes an additional stone: 'on headstone laid flat -
Agnes wife of George Medway Sr. died Jan. 10, 1777 aged 63 years']



  For Lieut: George Bell, R: N: ob. 20 May 1799 at 38.
  For Charles Barnes ob. 1 Jany 1813 at 77
Ann his wife ob. 15 Nov. 1825 at 89.
  For Hester Ann wife of John Davis late of this place ob. 2 Apr. 1804 at 18
Elizabeth wife of Timothy Burt ob. 8 Feby 1812 at 28 daughter of
William and Elizabeth Cole.


North of the church beginning West on upright stones

  For E.P. J.P. J.P. F.P.    
    1833 1836 1844 1845    

[Note: 'F.P. 1845' should be 'E.P. 1845' for Elizabeth Phippard]

  For M.A. H.P. E.P. R.S.P. H.P. S.M.
    1824 1825 1831 1837 1845 1842

  For K.H. C.H. C.H. qy Haysom    
    1832 1842 1845      
  For Henry Charles Haysom ob. 8 April 1842 at 44.
  For Martha Frizzle ob. 29 dec. 1807 at 68 - a mother
  For James son of Joseph & Sarah Smedmore ob. 28 Oct. 1804 at 23
  For T.W. 1839      J:W. 1845.



  For Mr Richd Best … July 1772
John his son …Oct: 1766
E… his daur ….. 1769
Sarah his wife ……. at 74



  For Mary wife of Samuel Terry ob. 30 Nov. 1707 in her 60th year



Page 39 For For Susaa. daur. of George & Elizh. Butler ob. 6 Sept 1820 at 10 weeks
the said George ob. 29 Nov. 1821 at 44
Elizabeth their daur. ob. 3 May1829 at 12.
Ann Bird Butler ['daur.' crossed out] ob.28 Aug.1830 in her 2d year (22d qy)
George Clark Butler ob. at Cambridge 22 April 1829 at 18 & buried there
Thomas son of the said George ob. 27 Dec. 1840 at 26
Mary Butler his sister ob. 12 Aug 1841 at 25.
John son of Henry & Martha Hopkins and grandson of the above George
and Elizabeth Butler ob. 6 dec:1845 at 9 mths



  For J.S. 1841       For L.S. 1845       For S.S. 1842
  For Lewis Cole ob. 31 May 1799 at 79
  For Ann wife of Lewis Warren ob. 22 April 1789 at 73.
the said Lewis ob. 2 Feby 1817 at 89
Jeremiah their only son ob. 6 March 1829 at 73.
Ann wife of the said Jeremiah ob. 23 July 1835 at 76
John Stephens Bower nephew of the said Jeremiah & Ann ob. 4 Jan 1833 at 54
George infant son of the last mentd. ob. 27 Jany 1824 at 15 mths
  For Anne daur of John & Mary Smedmore

[Note: Swanage Register gives: Another, Anne daughter of John & Ann Smedmore, died Oct - 1743, aged 4 years]

  For James Tomes ob. 15 May 1843 at 68
  For Elizh. wife of John Savage ob. 6 Apr. 1722 at 33

['For John & Mary Smedmore' crossed out]


  For Jas. Burt & Susaa. his wife who left 7 children.
She ob. 2 June 1804 at 30. He 21 Oct. 1805 at 38
Erected by his sister Elizabeth
Jane their daur ob. 3 Jany 1807 at 8.
  For W.T. 1831   For E.T.1841   For T.R.    For W.T.
  For M.J.B. 1841    For S.G. 1842



  For Elizabeth wife of John Burt ob. 11 April 1757 at 60
Erected by her only surviving son in testimony of his filial duty and affection

[Note: Swanage Register gives Elizabeth's age as 69 and adds
John Burt died Jan 1 1777, aged 90 years]



  For Samuel Curtis ob. 28 Nov. 1744 in his 29th year.
Page 40   Grace daur of Saml & Grace Curtis ob.. June 1743.

[Note: Swanage Register gives 9 June and also states 'Also Ann, another daughter]

  For Nicholas Mourant of Guernsey unfortunately wrecked on the Purbeck
coast 28 March 1778 at 34.
  For John Harvey Master Mariner ob. 1 Jany 1843 at 39 a husband & father



  For Mary wife of Thos. Randell ob. 18 Oct. 1766 at 65.
Thomas their son ob. 31 Aug. 1766 at 44 a husband & father
Jemima daur of Thos. & Mary Randell and granddaur of the said Thomas Randell
ob. 12 Dec. 1817 at 18
James her brother ob. 4 Apr. 1832 at 36
Mary their mother ob. 3 Jany 1841 at 75.



  For Thomas Gover. 1704.
  For Ann wife of Nathaniel Smith and daur of Henry & Mary Pushman
ob. 7 Nov. 1806 at 31 leaving 4 children
  For 4 children of Henry and Mary Pushman
Mary ob. 16 May 1781 at 7
Mary ob. 16 Mar. 1782 at 1 mth
Sarah ob. 20 May 1785 at 5 mths
Thomas ob.20 Octr 1787 at 5 mths also their daughter
Esther ob. 12 Feby 1791 in her 2nd year.
  For J.K. 1833 - H.K. 1841    For J.K. 1841.    T.K. 1841 King
  For James King 1841 at 2    Robert King 1845 at 3    - James King 1845 at 1.
  For Two children of Joseph and Elizabeth Ellis.



  For Sarah wife of Henry Gillingham ob. 14 Dec. 1801 at 31 & 6 children Hester - Elizabeth - William - Martha - Ann - John



  For Kezia wife of John Harden ob. 15 Sept 1781 in her 28th year

[Note: Swanage Register adds:
'East side - on a small flat stone laid at the entrance to a small door
underneath the Chancel window - Joseph son of - & Barbara Harden 15 - , 1755.

In the Heating Chamber - Samuel Melmoth (defaced) 1681?
Joan Clarke died March - 
Also - Margaret (rest unreadable)


Page opposite 37

New Churchyard

  For W. J. Roberts ob. 9 Oct. 1844 at 48
Frances his wife ob. 24 May 1847 at 46
  For Thomas Strong, Commander, R.N. ob. 4 Feby 1831 in his 43rd year
  For Robert Burt of Victoria Terrace in this place stone merchant
born 30 Sept. 1788 died 13 Feby 1847. a husband & father
  For Revd: John Ball eldest son of John Ball Esq: of Aberystwyth, Cardigan- shire ob. 14 June 1828 at 76 Eleanor his wife ob. 5 Oct. 1829 at 65.

[Note: stone reads Eleanora]

  For Rebecca wife of Revd John Pitman rector of Washfield & vicar of Broadhempston Devon ob. 3 Jany 1848 at 48.

[Note: 1847 transcription mistakenly records 1848 instead of 1838]

  For Ann wife of John Taylor M:A: of Carshalton Park, Surrey and
of this place ob. suddenly 16 Aug. 1846.

Sacred to the memory
Of John Cooke, Esq:
A rear admiral in
His Majesty's service
Who departed this life
Decber 1st 1834
Aged 85 years.


  For Elizh Hamlet Butcher ob. 21 Aug: 1841 at 5
Matilda B. Butcher ob. 10 Jany 1842 at 15 mths
children of Robert and Mary Stansmore Butcher
  For Hannah Mowlem ob. 20 June 1836 at 72
John her husband ob. 19 April 1837 at 85.

[Note: incorrectly transcribed 85. Stone reads 82]

  For George Manwell born 31 Jany 1761 died 12 Jany 1832
Ann his wife born 24 June 1764 died 10 Aug 1842 a mother
  For Ann wife of Joseph White ob. 24 July 1840 at 55
Mary Jane White their daur. ob. 14 Feby 1844 at 18
  For James son of George & Martha Knight ob. 3 Feby 1829 at 1 yr 19 days
  For Jane wife of Timy Farwell ob. 30 Nov. 1845 at 28
Thomas their son ob. 28 Jany 1846 at 1½ yr


Page 41

Parish Church Monumental Inscriptions
(from a copy made by Martin Ayres)

The church of Swanage was probably at one time a handsome edifice but its beauty has
been destroyed by modern niggardliness in repairing it. It consists of a chancel nave and
belfry, the latter being by far the most attracting in appearance. Before the repairs the church
probably had transepts and aisles but now what was the north transept apparently seems
to have been cut down for a vestry - but the building has been so mutilated that it is quite
impossible to say with certainty anything about its original construction. There are seats in the
floor of the belfry - on the wall of which it is notified that 'All sittings in the belfry are free 1825'.
Over the north gallery 'This line of sittings 42 feet in length are free 1825' which is applicable
to the back seats only - In the west gallery is an organ. On the font in one compartment is its
date '1663' and the letters [including] 'E. D. F.G. CW' most likely the initials of the then
churchwardens. In another compartment 'I.C. Bap 16th Apr' probably the date when the font
was first used and the initials of the first subject of the rite of baptism.

There are several brass plates with inscriptions on them - namely:

On the floor near the entrance exposed to the friction of almost everyone entering and quitting
the body of the church [Now in the Choir Vestry Wall: Martin Ayres] - In Old English characters

Suche as I was so be you and as I am so shall you be and of the soule of John Harve
God have mercy the whiche decetzsed the XVII day of March ye year of our Lord MVCX

On the floor of what is called the north aisle [Now in the Vestry Wall: Martin Ayres.
Dated circa 1485]
is a brass representing two females (the centre figure of a male
being torn away) and under them this:

Orate pro cuibus Willi Clavell et Margarte ac Alic…[uxo']
Ejus quor animabus picietur Deus. Amen

The rest of the inscription and a part of one of the figures is under the pew.

On a small plate fixed in the north wall [Same place: Martin Ayres] this:

Susan Cockram wife of
Brune Cockram parson
of Sanwch of the age
of 44 yeares interred
September the 7th 1641

On two plates which I found among the rubbish and coals under the stairs
leading to the east end of the north gallery, these:

Page 42

Here lyeth buried ye body of Henry Welles
of Godlingstone seconde sonne of Thomas Welles
of Bradbridge: ye countie of South Esquire
who being of the age of 91 departed this
life ye 25th of January 1607 and also ye body of
Marie his first wife sister and heire to John Pole
of Godlingstone Esquire, who dyed in anno 1560.
[On South Wall: Martin Ayres]

Here lieth interred the body
Of Thomas Serrell the sonn
Of Anthony Serrell of Swan-
which who departed this life
the 28th of June ann dni 1639.
[On South Wall: Martin Ayres]


Other inscriptions in the church

On the chancel floor [on the floor near to the South Entrance]

Hic jacet Gulielmus Rose
hujus ecclesie rector qui obiit
quindecimo die Novembris
anno domini 1690
Here lieth the body of
Dorothy Rose the wife of
William Rose formerly
rector of this church
She died the 2nd January 1705
Hic jacet Gulielmus Rose, generosus
Gulielmi Rose hujus ecclesie
nuper rectoris
filius natu mascimus
obit XXVIII die Oct ann dni MDCC
otatis sine XXXI


On marble monuments of various descriptions against the walls

Chancel south:

  For Revd George Taylor M A of Exeter College Oxford & Curate of Langton
Matravers ob. 7 July 1834 at 26. Arms: a lion passant crest a leopard passant.
Motto: 'dirce vivere dirce mori'  [South Wall of Chancel]
  For Revd Wm Taylor a native of St. Christophers in the West Indies and many
years rector of the parish church of St. Anthony in the island of Monserrat ob. 28 May
1823 in his 78th year. Leaving a widow and children who erected this monument.
[South Wall of Chancel]

Page 43

For Revd Samuel Gale M A nine years rector of Swanage born at Scruton in
Yorkshire and died 16 Sept 1816 at
69 - buried in Studland church yard at his own request. Erected by Susanna Dudley
his adopted child. [South Wall of Chancel]

Chancel North:

  For Sarah wife of Captain Martin Cole R.N. ob. 27 Oct 1788 at 56 and two of her children
[South Wall]

Body North Wall [now in West Wall above Vestry]

  For Mr John Chapman late of this parish merchant ob. in London 14 Nov 1733
and buried in the church of St Olave Hart Street there - Mary Chapman his daughter
ob. at Silton, Dorset 9 May OS [old style] 1749 and buried here - 
Put up by a son and brother
Susanna Beata Chapman youngest daughter of the said Mr John Chapman
ob. 4 May 1774.
  For Joseph Edmunds commander of the Defiance of 24 guns whose bravery in
conquering a French ship of superior force in 1758 was generously rewarded by the
underwriters and merchants of the City of London. He died at Swanage 26 Sept 1794
at 74
Priscilla his wife an affectionate mother to their children ob. 18 March 1801 at 75
James eldest son of Joseph & Priscilla Edmunds commander of the New Albion ob.
at Jamaica 5 July 1794 at 33 also John their youngest son commander of the Dorset
who was killed gallantly defending the ship against the French off Cuba 21 Oct. 1794 at
This is a costly monument and had the arms and a sculpture of a seafight.
  ForMr Timothy Chinchen buried in this church 2 Oct 1766 in his 62d year leaving a
widow and children. Mary his wife ob. 3 Dec 1767 in her 65th year
Mary wife of their son Timothy ob. 8 July 1790 at 52.

Martin Ayres has added 'in this churchyard 2nd' and 'His disconsolate widow and
children erected this monument to his well approved virtue their irreparable loss'.

Body - South Wall

  For Louisa Caroline Josephine Coventry daughter of Mrs Coventry of the Grove in
this parish ob. 3 May 1841 in her 18th yr.
Erected by the mother and another her eldest son For Captain Frederick Coventry of
Her Majesty's 29th Regiment. He had fought at Gabraon but fell a victim to the
climate of India and died at Kussorolie in Upper India 29 July 1846 in his 26th year
and buried in the graveyard there.

Martin Ayres adds:
'The second memorial of a sorrowing mother's affection'
Mrs Coventry 30 September 1865 in her 70th year
And third child Matilda Barbara Clarke wife of Revd. T.G. of Odisham,
Hants died 26 May 1862 at 38

Page 44

[In North Wall of Church]

  For Peter Marsh of this place merchant ob. 10 Apr 1811 at 45
Hester his wife born 15 Jany 1757 ob. 6 Octr 1845

[In Saint Aldhelm's Chapel, North Wall]

  For George Bissett Esq: Commander in the Royal Navy eldest son of the late
Andrew Bissett Esq., solicitor, Edinburgh ob. 21 Novr 1843 at 53.

[In North Wall of Church]

  For Nathan Chinchen "well known in his generation" ob. 16 May 1840 in his 85th year
'Excellent in all the rich endowments of a noble and generous heart'.

On the floor of the body - 
[In North Aisle]

  For Joan wife of Thomas Chapman ob 26 June 1727 at 80
Lewis died ye 11th of April 1691
Ann died ye 27th of March 1691
John died ye 12th of June 1693
Sons and daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth Cockram
Lewis died ye 6th of Jany 1696
John died ye 7th of April 1709
  For Thomas Cole ob. 15 Feby 1718 in his 64th year
  For Mary wife of Thomas Cole. She was the sole daughter of Lewis and
Ann Cockram
  For William son of John Taylor of Nevis ob. 15 June 1789 [aged 8: added by Martin Ayres]
  For Thomas Chapman senr. ob. 25 June 1696 at 86
  For [Thomas]… Chapman…. 1711 [aged 63] [note Simpson's Swanage Register
gives Thomas Chapman died Jan 10 1711, aged 63
  For Alexander Patten ob 10 Octr 1720 at 68

[Floor near the South Entrance]

  For Mary wife of Thomas Cockram ob 23 May 1722 at 82
  For Thomas Cockram of Whitecliff son of Brune Cockram formerly rector of this parish
ob… at 72

[note: Swanage Register transcript gives more detail: Here underneath lieth the body
 of Thomas Cockram of Whitcliff, son of Bruen Cockram formerly Rector of this place
 who departed this life 5th of April 1716 in the 72 year of his age.
Also of Mary his wife died 23 May 1722 aged 65 years]

Page 45

Let this your care be so to die
That you may hereafter live eternally.

Under the pews

Baker the
…of this
…race his wife
…rch the 9th
…wark of
…dni 1693

  For Martha daur of Alexander and ……
  For William Weare died Maie 1627
  For Mary wife of Timothy Dampier ob 16
  For Alicia wife of Joseph Coffin ob 4 Dec 1725 in her 39th year
Millison wife of Joseph Coffin ob 3 Septr 1743 at 50
  For Bartholemew Pike ob …Feb at 30 1677
  For Timothy Chinchen Junior, Surgeon ob. Jany 1789


The belfry is square and about 70 feet high having in it 4 bells. It seems to have been
under repair in 1790 one of its large beams being painted with that date and 'Timothy
, John Talbott church wardens' and 'Joseph Ellis' who was the carpenter
that did the work - I could find no trace whatever of the declared antiquity of this
tower or any part of it. The inscriptions of the bells are:

1. Tenor   Honour the King E.W. 1621
Second    Lister and Pack London fecit 1764
Third        eare Godse (ie Fear God) E.W. 1612
Fourth      Think on God E.W. 1594

Note as the tenor and third were evidently one make from the figures of the dates
being the same it is most likely 1621 on the tenor should be 1612.
These bells are all of them of fine tone.
There is a clock in the tower and a sundial on the gable of the transept.
The Revd. Dr Bell celebrated as the supplanter of Lancaster in the collective system
of Education was rector of Swanage.

Additions noted in Swanage Register

North Wall - 
On a Purbeck marble slab. - Lewis Cockram, John Allford, Churchwardens, Nov. 28

Additions noted by Martin Ayres

Chancel North
Memory of Revd. James Leonard Jackson M.A. of Sidney Sussex Coll, Cambridge late
rector of Swanage born 9 May 1777 and died at Melcombe Regis 10 December 1854
aged 77 years. Buried at Radipole, Weymouth.
And wife Louisa Decima Hyde Jackson daughter of Revd Francis Wollaston of
Chiselhurst, Kent born 6 December 1778 died at Melcombe Regis 17 March 1854.

Saint Aldhelm's Chapel

George Thomas Atkinson
Founder and Head of Durlston Court School
1903 - 1928
Died 15 December 1938 aged 83

Brass plates on west window

John Morton Colson
Died 9 July 1866 aged 69
Julia Colson
Died 13 November 1865 aged 70

Madeleine Brady
Head of Sentryfields 1917 - 37

Window to Francis Arthur Parrish
1894 - 1970
Printer of this town

G.W.S. de Jersey 1901 - 1972

And brass near window to
William Morton Pitt and family

Page 47

Swanage upper churchyard is opposite the church and south of it.
The following memorials are in it:

Sacred to the memory of
The Revd Thomas Oldfield Bartlett
24 years the beloved rector of this parish and of Worth Matravers
He departed this life February 27th 1841 aged 53 years
and was by his own desire interred within this burial ground
obtained through his exertions and consecrated Octr 12th 1826
'Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life'
Par II. 10

  For Elizabeth wife of Thomas Burt ob 12 Nov 1834 at 61,
the said Thomas ……
  For To the memory of Matilda Codrington and her faithful services for fourteen
years in the family of the Revd J.L.Jackson she died Mar 3d 1847 aged 37 not with
eye service.
Knowing that whatsoever good thing any may doeth the same shall he receive of the
Lord whether bond or free Epher VI. 6.8.
  For Elizabeth Ann daughter of Charles & Ann Harvey of Padstow, Cornwall ob.
6th February 1840 in her 5th year.
  For Charles Davis ob. 10 May 1829 at 21. Erected by Cptn. Surtees and the crew
of the brig 'Cheerly'of Sunderland in testimony of the esteem he held for him as a
faithful servant and the love they bore towards him as a kind shipmate.
  For Thomas [son] of Thomas & Frances White ob. suddenly 14 Novr. 1827 at 5 yrs.
  For James Craft ob. 30 Mar 1842 at 29


Page 48

In memoriam
Henrici filioli
Jacob Bar: et Anne Storey
tertio kalendar Octobris
atate decem menses


  For Caroline Josephine Coventry daur of Mrs Coventry of the Grove in this parish
ob 3 May 1841 in her 18th year.
  For Samuel Cross ob. 29 Nov 1840 at 76
  For Elizabeth wife of Isaac Christopher May ob 22 July 1833 in her 50th year.
3 of their children Ann, James and George who died in their infancy
  For Peter Haysom ob. 19 Sept 1845 at 40
  For Mary Sarah daughter of Thomas & Sarah Benfield ob 17 Mar 1845
at 8 ¾ years
  For Wm Masters ob 15 Feby 1829 at 88
Jane his wife ob 24 Sept 1828 at 84
Jane Masters their daughter ob 9 June 1828 at 36 also
Reuben Spencer Masters their son of 'H.M. Frigate Alexander' who ob. in the
West Indies in 1807 in his 21st year
  For Hannah Young ob. 24 Feby 1845 at 68
  For Henry Hardy ob 3 Jany 1845 at 29


Memory of

My affliction is blest tis the work of my God
O merciful father I welcome the rod
Since by it I am brought to a sense of my sin
Eer I go to the grave where none pardon can win
Shall I rage that my sufferings are not my just doom

Forbid it dear Lord for from thee this all come
And are sent that mine eyes may be opened to see
Redemption for Jesus wrought even for me
When in health of my soul did I think of the worth
E'en the need of obtaining through grace a new birth
Lord thou knowst I did not, then the rod will I kiss
Love calls me to Jesus and Jesus to bliss

Who died Feby 6th 1841 aged 22 years

Note: For Moses Farwell
(name spelt by the first letter of each line)

Page 49

In Memory

I speak not now the dead to praise
Or on this stone falsely to raise
His name whose bones lie moulding here
Nearer to dust year after year

Content am I with truth to say
Onward he pac'd his heavenly way
Loving all those who sought the Lord
Loving all those who loved the word
Instant in prayer in doctrine sound
No bigotry in him was found
So may we all in grace abound

of the Independent Chapel
in this parish 26 years
who died the 27th day
of March 1833
aged 62

Note: For John Collins
 (name spelt by the first letter of each line

  For Margaret wife of Thomas Hixson ob 8 Mar 1841 at 69
the said Thomas ob 11 July 1843 at 71
Nicholas their son ob 29 Octr 1843 at 33
John their son ob 3 Apr 1846 at 37
  For George Phippard ob. 17 Sept 1830 at 72
Mary his wife ob 28 Feby 1839 at 68
  For Isaac Bower ob 24 Mar 1835 at 41
Sarah his wife ob 4 Mar 1838 at 45
  For Julia Pushman ob. 1846 at 10 mths
  For Walter Weeks ob 16 June 1844 at 3 yrs
  For Anna Maria youngest daughter of Captain John Strutt Peyton R.N.
and Frances Boyfield his wife ob at Swanage 6 Aug 1835 at 14 yrs.
Page 50   Died on Sunday the 5 September 1847 Sarah Cockram widow of the late
John Cockram Esqr. of Newton once (the last of his family), proprietor of Whitecliff
for which he sold to the late Wm Marton Pitt at whose failure it came into possession
of the late Lord Chancellor Eldon. She was daughter of Captain Martin Cole
and died without children. Mr Cockram was last of his branch and dying intestate
his property was partitioned among his nighest relations namely Dr Basket and
Dr Everingham of Wareham I suppose in sight of their wives or mothers Mrs Eddy of Poole and Miss Sarah Cockram daughter of William Cockram of Poole