
May 23rd 1774 Bill of Fare for the Workhouse Beaminster (the numbers refer to ounces per serving)

Transcribed by Zoe Martin


From the Vestry meetings records May 23rd 1774

At a special Vestory this day held and duly Warned for…… Settling the Bill of Fare for the Workhouse & other matters relating to the Poor, It is agreed that the Old Bill of Fare shall continue which is now entered in this Book & that such Provisions as are (on calculation) cheapest whether Beef.. Bacon or Pork shall be made use off, That no Person shall be relieved out of the House but in sickness & to such until thay are fit to be removed into the house (Except Blind who shall be allowed no more then One Shilling per Week, That such as have Bastards if thay apply for relief shall with their Child or Children be taken in to the House as other Poor & the reputed Father or Bondsman Prosecuted), That every Person is to wear the Parrish Cloths & no other, That no Person shall work out of the House Except Children under th Age of Twelve Years who are to be Contracted for Monthly That the Girls which shall be in the House shall be Bound Apprentice by the Poor Rate when convenient places are to be got & approved of by Vestory, That Provision Clothing & every other thing which is made use of in the House shall be Contracted for, That the Workhouse is the properst place to hold the Monthly Vestory, on account of Seeing the House keeping Order & to hear the Complaint of the Poor, May 23 1774

This Vestory is approv'd of by us

  Bishop DUNNING
  Tho. RAYNE Vicar
  Richd. SYMES
  Jams. DANIEL
  Thos. HARRIS
  Daniel COX
  John COX
  Samuel COX

*(the first no. for adults 2nd for chldren ) *Bread *Bacon Gardenstuff Oatmeal   If Beef/Cow Bull
Sunday Breakfast     6 or 3            
Dinner     4 or 3 4 or 2 Gar.     6oz 8oz
Supper     6 or 5            
Monday Breakfast Pot Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal      
Dinner     6 or 5            
Supper Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Tuesday Breakfast Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Dinner Pease & Bacon 4 or 3 4 or 2 Pease     6 8
Wednesday Breakfast Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Dinner     6 or 5            
Supper Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Thursday Breakfast Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Dinner     6 or 5            
Supper Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Friday Breakfast Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Dinner   Bacon 4 or 3 4 or 2 Gr.     6 8
Supper Pot Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal      
Saturday Breakfast Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
Dinner   Bread 6 or 5            
Supper Milk Broth 4 or 3     Oatmeal Milk    
A week's Bill of Fare is 96 12 2 11 9 (18 24)
    for children   75 6          
By this Bill of Fare each person have as under viz            
        96 oz. of Bread          
        12 oz. of Bacon          
        Garden stuff 2          
        Otmill 11          
        Pease 1          
        Milk 9          

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