

A series of documents relating to the emigration of Jane Frampton at the expense of the church wardens 1850. Transcribed from parish  records held at Dorchester Record Office by Zoe Martin.


Invoice dated 23rd February 1850
S.W. Silver & Co.
Clothiers, Outfitters & Contractors
Emigration Fitting Out Warehouse
For Female Emigrant to Australia
1 Outfit complete as per list; £4: 0: 0

The Church Wardens
Had by Jane Frampton
1850 March 4th; A& E Toleman
1 pair scissors; 12(shillings)
Settled April 17th 1850 J. HutchingsInvoice

March 1850  The Churchwardens
Bought of John Winter
Boot & Shoe Maker & Leather Cutter
Two prs. Of shoes at 3/6 7s .0d
Payment for the Emigration of Jane Frampton to Adelade Australia
  £ s d
Clothes & chest as outfit 5 - 2
Passage money    2 - 6
Fare to Plymouth **  1 4 4
Cash            1 5 3
Clothes from pawn     3 -
  £9 13 3
**Could on a future occasion be reduced.
One mattress, pillow, two blankets, one counterpane
"pr shoes, one tin cup & plate, one knife & fork & 2 spoons- not used

** If several were going this amount might be considerably reduced
Mr.Silvers account £4 0 0
Carriage to London   3 6
Umbrella   2 11
Aprons   3 9
Scissors   1-  
Shoes   7-  
Petticoat/estra/(stet)   2 -
  £5 - 2

10th April 1850
L. W. Silver
Clothiers, Outfitters & Contractors
Emigration Fitting Out Warehouse

1 outfit complete for female as per list  £ 4 0 0
By keeping Jacket Short Packed    1  3
   £3 18 9
Stephen Hussey Linen & Wool Draper

March 6th  1 Australia; 2s   2d
(Jane Frampton)
Paid April 1850