Blandford Forum

Pigot & Co. 1831
Trade Directory for Blandford Forum

With the Villages of Blandford St Mary, Spetisbury & Neighbours
Extracted from copies of the original transcripts by Michelle Cook 2003

Blandford, or Blandford Forum, anciently called Cheping Bleneford, is a market town and parish, in the north division of its name, and hundred of Coombsditch; 104 miles from London, 22 from Salisbury, 16 from Dorchester and Poole, and 12 from Shaftesbury; situated from the centre of the north-east part of the county, on the bend of the river Stour (which flows on the north and west sides of the town), and on the great road from London to Weymouth, Exeter, Plymouth, &. The principal support of Blandford is derived from the passage of travellers, the expenditure and good neighbourhood of the surrounding gentry, its markets and fairs; and the races held annually in July or August. Till the beginning of the 18th century, fine point lace, nearly equal to that of Flanders, was made here, some of which sold as high as £30 a yard; it was before that period, famous for the manufacture of band strings; at present shirt-buttons are the only articles manufactured here, which gives employment to the females of about 270 families. The town abounds with handsome shops of every kind; and the industry of its inhabitants, joined with its local advantages of a great thoroughfare and a most respectable neighbourhood, has made its trade much superior to any Inland town of its size in the county. Blandford has suffered frequently by great fires: Camden speaks of one that took place before 1579,another happened about 1677, and in 1713 it again suffered by the like calamity; but the most serious conflagration was on the 4th June, 1731, when nearly the whole town was reduced to ashes: in 1732 an act was passed to rebuild it, when his late Majesty munificently subscribed £1,000, the Queen £200, and the Prince of Wales £100. The town gives the title of marquis to the eldest son of the Duke of Marlborough.

Blandford was anciently styled a borough; but it sent representatives to parliament only twice – in the 33rd of Edward I and 22nd of Edward III. The town is governed, under a charter granted by James I, by a bailiff and 10 capital burgesses, or common council, who have a common seal, and a serjeant at mace. The quarter sessions used to be held here in January, but are now removed to Dorchester; the county magistrates hold a petty sessions every alternate week. Here are two free-schools, and a blue-coat school for twelve boys, who are annually clothed, and at the end of three years put out apprentices. The charitable establishments in Blandford are very extensive, and reflect the highest honour on the Inhabitants. Besides the schools before – mentioned, are two alms-houses; one founded by George Ryves, Esq which supports ten poor persons, who have an allowance weekly and are annually clothed, and another, near the church, for six others. The church is an elegant modern structure, situate in the middle of the town; it is in Grecian style, with a tower 86 feet high, surmounted by a spire of 21 feet; the living is a vicarage, in the presentation of the dean and chapter of Winchester; and the present incumbent is the Rev. George William John Chard. There is a meeting- house for the independents, and a small chapel for the Roman Catholics. The country surrounding Blandford abounds with gentlemen's seats, and comprises a beautiful variety of rich and picturesque scenery. The air is most salubrious; the dry easterly winds, and the cold northern, are tempered by the warm saline breezes wafted hither from the ocean. The market-day is Saturday; the fairs are, March 7th, July 10th, and November 8th, for cheese, cattle and sheep. Blandford town contained, by the last census, 2,643 Inhabitants.

Blandford St. Mary is a small village, in a parish of its name, in the same division and hundred as Blandford, about a mile west from that town. This village is only to be noticed as having been the birthplace of the celebrated antiquary, Brown Willis: his 'History of Cathedrals,' 'Notitia Parliamentaria,' and other publications, are much esteemed; and his extensive collections for a history of Buckinghamshire sufficiently evince his assiduity. The whole parish contains about 400 Inhabitants.
 Spetisbury is a straggling village, and parish, about three miles from Blandford, in the hundred of Loosebarrow; pleasantly situated upon the banks of the Stour. It is a place only interesting to the antiquary, there being the remains of a perfect Saxon encampment, within the area of which have been found many coins, and other relics of that people. The parish contained, in 1821, 546 Inhabitants.

Post Office, Market Place, John White. Post Master. – Letters from London arrive every morning at a quarter before eight, and are despatched every evening at six. – Letters from Falmouth arrive every evening at six, and are despatched every morning at a quarter before eight. – Letters from Sturminster arrive (by horse post) every evening at half-past five, and are despatched every morning at eight.

Nobility;  Gentry & Clergy

Acton Bev. Edwd. H.;  Shillingstone
Austin Rev. Chas. ; Tollard Royal
Austin Rev. Henry;  Pimperne
Austin Rev. John;  Keynstone
Baker Sir Edward Baker;  Ranston House
Baskett Mrs. ; Blandford St Mary
Bastard Percival North Esq. ; Stourpaine Cottage
Bastard Rev. John;  West lodge
Bastard Thomas H. esq. ; Charlton
Beckford Horace Esq. ; Child Okeford
Bennett Mrs. ; Damary lane
Berry Rev. Wm. ; Tarrant Hinton
Best the Honble. & Rev. Samuel;  Blandford St Mary
Bingham Gen. Rd.;  Melcombe house
Boucher Rev. Henry;  Hilton
Brine John Esq.;  Charlton
Brine Mrs.;  Admiral close
Browning Joseph  Esq.;  East st
Carpenter Stephen  gent;  West st
Chard Rev;  George William John;  Vicarage house
Churchill Rev. William;  Stickland
Clapcott Geo. B  Esq. ; Keystone
Clapcott Mrs. Keynston
Cleveland Lient – Col. S;  Salisbury st
Cooke Rev. John;  Market place
Corbyn Major Esq. ; Spetisbury
Cross Rev. Robt. Mitchell;  Langton Long Blandford [Milton abbey]
Damer the Hon. Henry Dawson
Davis Mark  Esq.;   Turnworth
Donaldson Wm.  Esq. ; Littleton house
Drax John Stanley Wanley Sawbridge Erle Esq.;  Charborough Park
Estridge Rev -;  Clenston
Farquharson Jas;  Jon. Esq;  Langton
Farquharson Mrs.;  Salisbury st
Faucett Rev. -;  Whitechurch
Fleet Rev. Christopher;  Durweston
Hunter Rev. George Rivers;  Okeford Fitzpain
Irving Rev;  -;  Bailey house
Jacob George Thompson esq.;  Shillingstone cottage
Jacob Mrs. ; Shillingstone
Keynes Rev. Rd. White ; cliff mill st
King Rev. Charles;  Witchampton
Loftus George Coleby  Esq. ; Woolland house
Lowndes Rev. John;  Child Okeford
Masterman Rev. Hy. ; Abbey Milton
Maxwell Rev. Patrick;  Almer
Mitchell Gen. John;  Dewlish house
Murray Hon. Major;  Stepleton house
North Rev. C.E. ; Child Okeford
Okedon David Okedon Parry Esq. ; Moor Critchill
Paxton Wm. Gill;  Esq. ; Henbury house
Pleydell Edmund Morton;  Esq. ; Whatcombe house
Pleydell Mrs. Close
Portman Edw. Berkeley Esq. M.P.;  Bryanston
Prattent Rev. John C. ; Stourpain
Rackett Rev. Thomas;  Spetisbury
Radcliffe Robert;  Esq.;  Huish house
Ridout Rev. John;  Langton
Ridout Rev. Peter;  Shapwick
Robins Lient-Col. ; Deans Leaze
Ryves Capt. Geo. Fredk. R.N.;  Shroton
Sabine Rev. Sydenham;  Ibberton
Saint Lo Lawrence Edward esq. ; Little Fontmill
Saunders Rev. G. Rushton
Say Rev. H. ; Iwerne Minster
Seymer Henry;  Esq. ; Hanford house
Seymer Miss;  Child Okeford
Seymer Rev. Geo;  Shroton cottage
Smith George;  Esq.;  Spetisbury
Smith Sir John Wyldbore;  bart. ; The Down house
Snow Rev. Thos. ; Langbourne house
Stuart Rev. Edmund;  Houghton
Stuart the Hon. Col. Archibald;  Salisbury st
Sturt Hy. Chas;  Esq. ; Critchill house
Turner Capt. Sml. C.;  Child Okeford
Wasse Leon;  Esq.;  Blandford St Mary
Watts Rev. I.A. ; Gunville
Weld Rev. Joseph;  Shroton house
West Rev. John;  Chettle
White Mrs. Charlton
Wilson Rev. James;  Market place
Wise Rev. Thomas;  East St
Academies & Schools
Bartlett James;   Church yard
Chamberlin Eliz. White ;   cliff mill st
Keynes Rev. Rd. White;         cliff mill st
Lance Henry;  Square
Monk George;         Child Okeford
National School;   Damary lane – Francis Davis;  master
Wise Rev. Thomas;  East st
Galpine John Kingston;  Market place
Harrison John;  Square
Johns Henry William;  Bryanston st
King John Tregonwell & Son;  Tisbury st
Moore George;  Salisbury st
Smith Septimus;  Square
Cantrill Joseph;  Market pl
Monk George;  Child Okeford
Park Mark;  Salisbury st
Rickman Robt. Blandford St Mary
Chipp John;  Spetisbury
Etheridge Phil. Blandford St Mary
Glanville -;  Bryanston st
Kendall Rebecca;  Salisbury st
Meatyard Robert;  Market pl
Monkton Samuel;  Salisbury st
Moore Robert;  Durweston
Selby Richard;  White cliff mill st
Selby William;  East st
White Charles;  Salisbury st
White James;  Market pl
Dansey & Bastard;  Market pl – (draw on Sir Jas. Esdalle & Co.)
Fryer;  Andrews & Co. Market Pl – (draw on Sir R.C. Glyn & Co)
Savings' Bank;  Church yard – Jas. Bartlett;  actuary (open on Satur.)
Basket Makers
Barrett Richard;  East st
Stayner Robert;  East st
Barrett Pr. Winterbourne Kingston
Blandford Thomas;  Red Lion yard
Jay Mary;  East st
Kerly John;  Blandford St Mary
Kerly Samuel;  Blandford St Mary
Knight George;  Bryanston st
Booksellers;  Printers;  &
Oakley Thomas;  Salisbury st
Shipp John;  Market Pl
Boot & Shoe Makers
Beale John;  Sheep market hill
Bevercombe Thomas;  East st
Carter Lot;  Tarrant Monkton
Carter Thomas;  White cliff mill st
Day Henry;  Market Pl
Elliott Geo. Augustus;  Salisbury st
Freke Edward;  West st
Hicks Samuel;  White cliff mill st
Hurdle George;  East st
Kidner John;  Salisbury st
Lush Benjamin;  Salisbury st
Meaden Wm. Oxford;  Salisbury st
Pope Charles;  Salisbury st
Andrews Edwin;  Shroton
Bragg John;  Stickland
Godwin Henry & John;  Durweston
? John;  Abbey Milton
Hector John;  Blandford St Mary
Oates Joseph;  Spetisbury
Carter Joseph;  Tarrant Monkton
Henville William;  Salisbury st
Hibberd Wm. Blandford St Mary
Robbins William;  Tabernacle
Simmonds;  Market Pl
Clark John;  Spetisbury
Davis James;  Fifehead Neville
Dominy Robert;  Market Pl
Gallop Thos. Sturminster Marshall
Kerley Samuel;  Stourpaine
Keynes John;  Whitchurch
Keynes Joseph;  Kingston
Paddock Thomas;  East st
Rapson Joseph;  Durweston
Rogers William;  Stickland
Stickley Francis;  Shillingstone
Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers
Cantrill Joseph;  Market Pl
Clarke John;  Blandford st Mary
Hibberd Wm. Blandford st Mary
Park Mark;  Salisbury st
Newman John;  Salisbury st
Carpenters & Joiners
Beach Henry;  Sheep market hill
Slade Emanuel;  Salisbury st
Vanner Samuel;  Sheep market hill
Coombs John;  East st
Hurdle Thomas;  Shroton
China;  Glass & Dealers
Baker Robert;  Market Pl
Howse Wm. Brewerton;  Market Pl
Hunt John;  East st
Smith William;  Spetisbury
Chemists & Druggists
Baskett Robert;  Market Pl
George Isaac;  East st
Groves Simon;  Market Pl
Clothes Dealers
Martin Peter;  Salisbury st
New Margaret Wells;  Market Pl
Coach Makers
Ball John;  Market Pl
Meaden Charles;  Market Pl
Kendall Rebecca;  Salisbury st
Rogers Robert;  East St
White James;  Market Pl
Barnes James;  Salisbury st
Gawler James;  Sheep market hill
Gawler John;  Bryanston st
Russ William;  Blandford St Mary
Curriers & Leather Cutters
Cadie Charles;  East st
George Isaac;  East st

Fire & Office Agents
Albion (life) Richard Carpenter Pooley;  Market Pl
Alliance;  Jn Newman;  Salisbury st
Atlas;  James Woodman;  East st
Bristol;  George Joyce;  East st
British;  George Ord Houliston;  Salisbury st
Clerical;  Medical & General;  Simon Groves;  Market Pl
County;  John T. King;  Salisbury st
Globe;  Thos. Oakley;  Salisbury st
Guardian;  Jn. K. Galpine;  Market Pl
Hants;  Sussex & Dorset;  George Moore;  Salisbury st
Law (life);  Geo. Moore;  Salisbury st
Norwich;  Geo. Moore;  Salisbury st
Phoenix (fire) & Pelican (life) John White;  Market Pl
Protector;  Rd. C. Pooley;  Market Pl
Royal Exchange;  John Shipp;  jun;  Market Pl
Salamander;  John Dewland;  Salisbury st
Sun;  Thomas Roe;  Market Pl
West of England;  Malachi Fisher;  Market Pl
Westminster;  Geo. O. Houliston;  Salisbury st

Homer John;  East st
Rolls John;  Salisbury st
Grocers & Tea Dealers (see also Shopkeepers)

Brown John;  Salisbury st
Durden John;  Market Pl
George Isaac;  East st
Houliston George Ord;  Salisbury st
Howse Wm. Brewerton;  Market Pl
Young John;  Market Pl
Booth William;  Salisbury st
Pegler Samuel;  Salisbury st
Barfoot William;  East st
Hodges Angell Symes;  Market Pl
Inns & Hotels
Bell (commercial inn) John Blake;  Market Pl
Crown Hotel;  Wm. Spooner;  West st
Greyhound (family hotel;  commercial inn;  and posting house) James Mills;  Market Pl
Edwards William;  Salisbury st
Stradling Wm. Shepherd;  Market Pl

Linen & Woollen Drapers (marked thus * are also Manufacturers of Shirt Buttons)
Abbott Henry;  Market Pl
Bennett Thos. Hodges;  Salisbury st*
Feltham William;  Market Pl
Fisher Malachi & Harry Field;  Market Pl*
Hurst William;  Market Pl
Roe Thos. & Wm. Market Pl*
Andrews Edwin;  Shroton
Coward Wm. White cliff mill st
Godwin Phillip;  Pimperne
Ingram James;  Shroton
Rickman Robt. Blandford St Mary
Tarver Wm. White cliff mill st
Millers – Corn
Bishop Richard;  Font Mill
Fry John;  Iwerne
Moore Robert;  Durweston
Randall Isaac;  Keynston
Small Henry;  White Mill
Stroud Henry;  Spetisbury
Milliners & Dress Makers
Biggs Mary;  Market Pl
Edwards Ann Kendall;  Salisbury st
Hill the Misses;  East st
Jenkins Elizabeth;  Salisbury st
Tucker Sarah & Jane;  West st
Music Teachers
Arnell Thomas;  Salisbury st
Barfoot Chas. S. White cliff mill st
Oakley Caroline M. Salisbury st
Nursery & Seedsmen
Barfoot Charles & Richard;  Blandford St Mary
Gill John;  East st
Steele John;  Blandford St Mary
Painters;  Plumbers & Glaziers
Applin James;  White cliff mill st
Barfoot James;  Blandford St Mary
Bath William;  Shroton
Buffett Thomas;  East st
Henville William;  Salisbury st
Pond William (plumber) Market Pl
Stevens Geo. (painter) Salisbury st
Young Robert;  Salisbury st
Perfumers & Hair Dressers
Beale Henry;  East st
Brown James;  Salisbury st
Domoney Stephen;  Salisbury st
Saddlers & Harness Makers
Barfoot John;  Market Pl
Bewley Matthew;  Salisbury st
Carter George;  Gunville
Hunt Robert Rouse;  East st
Tatchell William;  Market Pl
Shopkeeper & Dealers in Sundries
Ames Frampton;  Gunville
Ames Martin;  Spetisbury
Barfoot Sarah;  West st
Coombs George;  Bryanston st
Cox Ann;  East st
Cozens John & Sarah;  Salisbury st
Dawes Joseph;  East st
Etheridge Phillip;  Blandford St Mary
Fanner John;  Gunville
Fry Ann;  Salisbury st
Hooper John;  Iwerne
Keynes John;  East st
Lance Henry;  East st
Marsh Charles;  Salisbury st
Meaden William;  Bryanston st
Nippard George;  Salisbury st
Pitney Barnard;  Salisbury st
Sargent Ann;  Salisbury st
Satchell Josiah;  Winterbourne Kingston
S?yer William;  Durweston
Tapper Thomas;  Shroton
Statuaries & Stone Masons
Clarke Thomas;  East st
Prince Stephen;  Salisbury st
Simmonds John;  Market Pl
Straw Hat Makers
Barfoot Sophia;  Salisbury st
Buffett Susan;  East st
Essex Harriet;  East st
Shipp Eliz. & Charlotte;  Salisbury st
Bishop John;  Iwerne
Dansey & Daniel;  East st
Harrison John;  Salisbury st
Heywood Walter Chas. M.D. East st
Salter -;  Stourpaine
Worsley Richard;  East st
Tailors (marked thus * are also Drapers)
Ames Martin;  Spetisbury
Ames Thomas;  Salisbury st
Ames Thomas;  jun. Salisbury st
Bartlett William;  East st
Collins William;  Salisbury st
Curtis John Saunders;  Market Pl
Isaac Richard;  East st
Jackson James;  Sheep market hill
James John;  Salisbury st*
Lance & Tucker;  Market Pl*
Moore William;  Salisbury st
Seymour John;  East st
Stay William;  East st
Tallow Chandlers
Notley Giles;  Salisbury st
Tarrer William;  White cliff mill st
Taverns & Public Houses
Antelope;  Emanuel Slade;  Salisbury st
Baker Arms;  John Newman;  Child Okeford
Bell;  Jonathon Kent;  Whitechurch
Black Bear;  James Foss;  Salisbury st
Black Dog;  Phillip Brown;  Bryanston st
Black Dog;   ? Randall;  Spetisbury
Blue Boar;  John Follett;  Market Pl
Chequers;  Robert Young;  Ash
Cock & George;  Francis Smith;  Market Pl
Damer Arms;  David Bertie;  Abbey Milton
Crown;  Robert Spinney;  Stickland
Fleur – de Lis;  William Meatyard;  East st
Fox;  John Bellamy;  Harpet lane
George;  James Ryall;  Salisbury st
Half Moon;  John Hare;  White cliff mill st
King's Arms;  Jno Sharp;  White cliff mill st
King's Arms;  Wm Smith;  Whitechurch
New Inn;  Joseph Willeridge;  East st
Ox;  William Stickley;  Shillingstone
Portman's Arms;  Henry Day;  Salisbury st
Red Lion;  Samuel Rose;  Red Lion yard
Royal Oak;  Wm. Loder;  Okeford Fitzpaine
Swan;  Edward Head;  Durweston
Talbot's Head;  John Wood;  Iwerne
Thick Thorn Inn;  Geo. Butler;  Thick Thorn
Three Choughs;  Silas Godwin;  Market Pl
True Love's Knot;  John Williams;  Keynston
White Bear;  Ann Fish;  East st
White Hart;  Mary Goddard;  Shroton
White Hart;  George Percey;  East st
White Lion;  William Poole;  Pimperne
Veterinary Surgeons
Mitchell George;  White cliff mill st
Spooner William Charles;  West st
Watch & Clock Makers
Barrett Mary (&silversmith) Market Pl
Hood Robert;  White cliff mill st
Kail Ambrose;  West st
Kail Henry;  Blandford St Mary
Pegler Samuel;  Salisbury st
Beach Henry;  Sheep market hill
Brine William;  Blandford St Mary
Ball William;  Market Pl
Belgin William;  East St
Wine & Spirit Merchants
Durden John;  Market Pl
White Henry & Son;  Market Pl
Barnes Phillip Abraham & Son;  wool staplers;  East st
Black Isaac;  dyer;  Salisbury st
Burt Wm. paper maker;  Witchampton
Cadie John;  tanner;  Charlton Marshall
Corn Market at the Bell;  Market Pl – John Biggs;  inspector
Dewland John;  corn dealer & seedsman;  Salisbury st
Hall John;  pawnbroker;  Market Pl
Hawkins Henry;  coach proprietor;  Sheep market hill
House of  Industry;  East st- William Lawrence;  governor
Kendall Samuel;  pattern maker;  East st
Pike Peter;  timber merchant;  Keynston
Pinckney Henry Frederick Augustus;  coal dealer;  Square
Pond James & Samuel;  braziers & tin plate workers;  Market Pl
Zanfrini & Gugari, looking glass makers, East st