Parish of Compton Abbas


1849          1851        1865          1911            1915


Pigot's Directory 1849

Compton Abbas, a small parish in the borough of Shaftesbury, seated at the foot of the Melbury hills, where stands the ancient church of Gothic structure. It is in the archdeaconry of Dorset, diocese of Salisbury, patronage of Sir Richard Plumptre Glyn, and incumbency of the Rev. John Basket, value £340 per annum. Sir R.P. Glyn is lord of the manor. Compton Abbas is in the Hundred of Sixpenny Handley, and in the division and Union of Shaftesbury, from which place it is 3½ miles south, and 10 miles north from Blandford. Population, 439; acreage, 1,516. Letters received through Shaftesbury.


Hadley Rev. William Samber


Baker Abel, farmer, Twyford

Baker John, shopkeeper

Baker Thomas, farmer, Twyford

Feltham John, farmer

Gurd Joseph, farmer

Harding Thomas, carpenter & wheelwright, Twyford

Horder John, farmer

Horder Thos, carpenter & wheelwright

Hunt John, farmer, Twyford

Merryfield Wm, beer retailer, Twyford

Miles John, grazier & farmer, Twyford

Painter Edwd, brewer & timber merchant

Painter Edward, farmer

Painter William, 'Abbey Arms'

Palmer John, cooper

Perram John, farmer, Twyford

Perram Robert, farmer, Twyford

Pinney George, boot & shoe maker

Pinney John, boot & shoe maker

Reed John, cowkeeper, twyford

Rixon Thos, grazier & farmer, Twyford

Spinney Arthur, blacksmith

Young John, farmer

Hunt & Co's Directory of Dorset 1851

 Transcribed by Sue Stead from a copy of the original book, February 2003.

COMPTON ABBAS, a small village 8 miles N. from Dorchester and 3½ miles S. from Shaftesbury. The church is an ancient building in the Gothic style; the living of which is a rectory. The parish comprises 1516 acres and had in 1841 a population of 439.


Hadley Rev. William S.


Applin Joseph, farmer

Baker John, parish clerk

Baker Thomas, farmer, Twyford

Feltham Able, farmer

Feltham John, farmer

Hannen John, farmer, Twyford

Harding Thomas, carpenter and wheelwright, Twyford

Horder John, farmer

Horder Thomas, carpenter

Hunt John, farmer, Twyford

Hunt Stephen, farmer

Merryfield William, beer retailer, Twyford

Miles John, farmer, Twyford

Painter Edward, brewer and timber merchant

Painter Wm. 'Abbey Arms' and grocer

Perram Robert, farmer, Twyford

Pinney Geo. boot and shoemaker

Read John, cowkeeper, Twyford

Samsom Augusta S. mistress of the juvenile school

Spinney Arthur, blacksmith

Young John, farmer  


Harrod's Directory 1865


Compton Abbas, a parish, distant 3 miles south from Shaftesbury, and 9 north from Blandford, in Sixpenny Handley hundred, West Shaston division, in the union and parliamentary borough of Shaftesbury. The church (St. Mary's), is of Gothic structure, and consists of a chancel, nave and side aisle and three bells. The living is a rectory, annual value £267, with residence, in the gift of Sir Richard George Glyn, and held by the Rev. William Samler Hadley, M.A., the Rev. Frederick Wilkinson, B.A., is curate. Sir R.G.Glyn is lord of the manor. The population in 1861 was 456; acreage 1,516. Here is a school, in which boys and girls are taught on the National system.

Twyford is a hamlet 2 miles west; Bereknap, 1½ mile west; Crockers, 2½ miles west; West Compton, half a mile west.

Postal Regulations. Letters through Shaftesbury, which is also the nearest money order office and post town.

Van through from Shaftesbury to Blandford every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday returning the same day.


Wilkinson Rev. Frederick, B.A., curate

Applin Joseph, farmer

Baker John, farmer

Brow Geo., painter, "Glyn Arms Inn"

Beale John, smith, Twyford

Dibben William, farmer, Twyford

Feltham Abel, farmer

Feltham John, farmer

Hannam John. Farmer

Horder John, farmer

Horder Thos., carpenter & wheelwright

Horder Henry John, shopkeeper

Hunt Stephen, grazier & farmer, Twyford

Lush Wm., parish clerk

Merefield Nehemiah, carrier

Merefield Wm., beer retailer, Twyford

Miles John, grazier & farmer, Crocker's farm

Miller John, farmer

Painter William, farmer

Parham Robert, farmer, Twyford

Pinney John, shoemaker

Read Joseph, cheesemonger, Twyford

Ryall Reuben, gardener

Spinney Mrs.A., mistress of parish school

Spinney Robert, smith

Tapper William, jun., farmer

Young John, farmer

Kelly's Directory of Dorset 1911


Compton Abbas is a parish seated at the foot of Melbury Hills, 5¾ miles south from Semley station on the Salisbury and Yeovil branch of the London and South Western railway, 3 miles south from Shaftesbury, and 9 north from Blandford, in the Northern division of the county, hundred of Sixpenny handley, petty sessional division of West Shaftesbury, union and county court district of Shaftesbury, rural deanery of Shaftesbury (Sturminster Newton portion), archdeaconery of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. Mary, built and opened in 1867, is of stone, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a tower, with spire, containing 5 bells: the nave is divided from the aisle by two fine arches springing from cylindrical piers, and is seated with open benches; in the chancel is a brass tablet to the Rev. William S. Hadley M.A. who, as curate and rector, ministered to the parishioners of Compton Abbas for thirty-five years; there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1650. The living is a rectory, net income £185, with residence, in the gift of Sir Richard george Glyn bart, and held since 1910 by the rev. Thomas george brierley kay L.Th. of Selwyn College, Dunedin. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1864. Sir R.G.Glyn bart. Of Gaunt's House, Wimborne, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is sand and light loam, with green sandstone in parts; subsoil, chalk and stone. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,494 acres; rateable value, £1,563; the population in 1901 was 245.

Bereknap is a hamlet between Compton Abbas and Twyford, consisting of a few houses.

Twyford is a hamlet, 1½ miles west.

Sexton and Parish Clerk, William Hardiman

Post Office, Mrs. Maria Horder, sub-postmistress. Letters through Shaftesbury, arrive 7.10 a.m. & 4 p.m. on weekdays & 7.10 a.m. on Sundays; dispatched at 5 & 7.25 p.m. on weekdays & 10.45 a.m. on Sundays. Fontmell Magna, 1 mile distant, is the nearest money order and telegraph office.

Wall Letter Box, Twyford, cleared at 7.15 a.m. & 5 p.m. week days only.

Elementary School (under the control of the County Council) & school house, built in 1849 & a classroom added in 1870, for 80 children; average attendance 46; supported by Sir R.G. Glyn bart; Miss Jemima Battrick, mistress.

Kay, Rev. Thomas George Brierley L.Th. (rector), The Rectory



Alford Henry Thomas, carpenter

Burridge Lot, blacksmith

Butt Mesbach Geo, farmer, Tucker's farm; & at Gore farm, Ashmore

Goldie George, farmer, Manor farm

Goldie William, farmer, Gourd's farm

Ryall Alfred, shopkeeper

Witt Ernest, farmer, Willis farm



(letters are delivered from Shaftesbury direct)

Baker James, farmer, Crocker's farm

Barnes Chas. Hy, farmer, Gumms farm

Barnes Jem, farmer & deputy registrar of births & deaths, Fontmell sub-district, Shaftesbury union, Twyford farm

Bridle Stephen, farmer, Prystock farm

Day William, blacksmith

Foot Alfred (Mrs), farmer, Baker's farm

Rideout Emily (Mrs), shopkeeper

Tapper John, farmer & registrar of births & deaths, Fontmell sub-district, Shaftesbury union, Burden's farm


Kelly's Directory of Dorset 1915


Description of the parish as in Kelly's 1911 with the additions:

Compton Abbas 

In the church there is also a silver cross mounted on ebony to Canon Hook Dyke, rector 1871 to 1895


The area is 1,491 acres; rateable value, £1,579; the population in 1911 was 256.


Occupants of the parish as in Kelly's 1911 with the addition of:

Barnes Richard, farmer & assistant overseer for Fontmell Magna, Prystock farm