Corfe Castle

Named Wills

Transcribed by Rachel Kent


JOHN SANDERS, yeoman of Langton Matravers, Dorset

Dated 5 May 1746

Benjamin (son): living at Pucklake, then to Joseph (son).
Joseph (son): living at Worth Matravers 'during the lives that are upon it'
Ann Phiphard (daughter): £10 
James (grandson) son of Benjamin: £70 10s either when 21 years old or 'otherwise this   money is to be laid out in putting in of his life into his mothers Living called Loargrow   [or Hargrow?] to be paid by his father'
-Joseph: 'My goods in my Two rooms above and below except a Chest I give unto my   grandson James … which was my Fathers'
Robert (son), Susanna Butler (daughter), Sarah Osmon (daughter), Jone Kingsell (daughter): 2s 6d each
My grandchildren: 1s each and also 'the Bond one Thomas Serrell of Forty Pounds if it is ever likely to be paid' 
Susanna Butler, Jone Kingsell, Ann Phipard, Sarah Osmond and John, son of Robert: £5 each
Rest of money to remain with Executors.
The Clock and Jack and two Furnesses and rack are to remain in the House and not to be removed till after the death of Benjamin Sanders or Joseph Sanders
Wife: the rest 'if she keep herself in my Name'
If Joseph Sanders out live his Father and Mother for to have all the Fewell that is mine and to have  two weeks Liberty to carry the Cowss and Fewell away Twenty Shillings in Bread I Give the first  Sabbath after I am Buried'
Executrix and executor: wife and Joseph 
Witnesses: Katherine Harson [Haxson?], Martha Masters, Daniel Masters.   
Proved: 20 March 1759 (by son Joseph).



Will dated 25 August 1847

This is the last will and testament of me THOMAS KENT of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the County of Dorset now in the service of Mr John Henning Solicitor made and executed this twenty fifth day of August of one thousand eight hundred & forty seven  

First I direct that my just debts and testamentary expenses shall be paid by my executor hereinafter named within three months after my decease  

I give to my brother William Kent fifty pounds also to my brother Henry Kent fifty pounds also to my sister Ann Thomas fifty pounds also to my niece Charlotte Thomas fifty pounds also to my niece Sarah Kent daughter of my said brother William Kent three pounds also to the four children of my said brother Henry Kent three pounds each also to the three children of my said sister Ann Thomas who are now residing at  Swanage three pounds each  

I also give the following articles to my nephew Thomas Kent son of the said William Kent my new  frock coat pair of new boots and gold breast pin  

I also give to my said brother Henry my picture of Lord Eldon and to my said niece Charlotte Thomas my picture of Corfe Castle  

And I give my gold guard chain to my nephew Francis Thomas and my watch to my nephew Charles Thomas  

All the Rest and Residue of my money and other my personal estate and effects I give and bequeath unto and equally between my sister Ann Thomas and my niece Charlotte Thomas as tenants in common their executors administrators and assigns

And I appoint George Andrews of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis aforesaid Solicitor Executor of this my will whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year first before written Thomas Kent.

He added a codicil on 29 August 1847 and the will was probated 6 October 1847.

This is a Codicil to my foregoing will In addition to the Legacies given by my said will.   

To my dear little godson William Henry Glocu? son of Mr Glocu of Weymouth  two guineas  

To his sister Margaret one guinea  

To Diana Harris my fellow servant two guineas  

To John one guinea  

To the widow Masters of East Street one guinea  

To my Aunt Sarah two guineas  

To Maria Roper wife of Thomas Roper of Weymouth one pound

And to my nephew Thomas Kent my yellow silk handkerchief  

And I desire to be buried at Corfe and conveyed there in a hearse


JOHN SMEDMORE , of East Lulworth

Will dated 1597

I give to the church of East Lulworth tene shillings Item I give to my eldest sonne Charles twenty pounds to be paid him when he comes to the age of one and twenty untill which time my will is that he remayne with his mother and that she give him meate drink and clothe with twenty shillings in money yearly to be paide by five shilling the quarter at the usuall termes in the year and if to be after he comes to the age of one and twenty he shall be contented to remain with his said mother then my will is that she allows him foure pounds in money by the year besides meat drink and clothes but if he shall depart from her at the age of one and twenty then shall my said wiffe spare him eighte pounds by the year as long as he remains sole and unmarried  Also I give to my sonne Charles one fetherbedd one bolster one coverlett one paire of blanketts and one paire of sheets  Also I give him a table  with his frame and settle  Also I give him a Dalliver with his furniture. I give to my sonne Adam thirty pounds to be paid him when he comes to the age of one and twenty until which time my mind is that he be brought up by my said wiffe  Also I give my sonnes Charles and Adam each of them a ? bequeathed to them by their grandmother. I give my sonne George forty pounds to be paid when he comes to the age of sixtene years  Also I give him five ? bequeathed him by his godfather Mogge of Šraham in his last will. I give to my sonne Thomas forty pounds to be paide when he comes to the age of sixtene years  Then I give to my daughter Sarah fifty pounds to be paide at her age of sixtene years  All which my three last children together with two other  shall remaine in the hands of my aforesaid wife. And she her self remaining sole and unmaryed  But if my said wife shall marry before such time as my said children ought to be paid Then my will is that all my childrens legacies shall be at the ordering of my overseers  And that my saide wyfe shall no longer have the said legacies in her keeping.  Concerning the legacies of my children before bequeathed I will that if any of my said children dye before the time in which these ought to be paide Then the portion of the child so dying shall remaine to the child my wife goeth with all if she be with child  But if my wiffe shall not be with child  then my will is that the said portion shall first make my daughter Sarah¹s legacy one hundred markes  And the residue which remaine equally to be divided amongst them all  Moreover my will is that if my wyfe shall happen to dye before the severall times wherein my children¹s portions ought to be paid them, my overseers to take my said children into their hands and that they be brought up according to their good direction  And concerning my mother my will is that my wife shall find her sufficient meate drink and clothes during the time of her widowehood And if my said mother shall mis her funding Then my wyfe to allow her foure pounds a yeare and she to  her self where she likes best  But if it happens that my wyfe bestows her self in marriage Then my will is that the living be charged with the funding of my mother, or else with the allowance of foure pounds by the yeare during her life  Item I give to my brother Šaynes¹ three children yet unmaryed twenty shillings apiece due unto them by my mothers bequest  Item I give to my ?? of them a children Lambe  Also my will is that my wyfe shall bestowe the charge of a tomb at the discretion of my overseers Item I give to Mr Henry Horbyn and Mr William Bond my token ten shillings apiece whome I make my overseers of this my last will and testament requesting them to see it performed according to the trust I repose in them The rest of my goods and chattels my debts and legacies paid, I give to my wel beloved wyfe whom I make my sole executor  Signed and sealed in the presence of William Bond Henry Horbry Peter Š Edward Milborne / John Smedmore.

Memorandum: That the testator John Smedmore after the writing and the making of this present will having an intent and purpose to add onto the same last will and to declare meaning therein not long before his death (being in perfect minde and memorye) did Špatively will and by word of mouth dispose in manner and forme following viz Item I give more to Charles my eldest sonne one yron barre and ropes for three yoke of oxen.  Item to Adam my sonne one little rope of three foote in lengthe.


JAMES SEYMER, yeoman of Binnegar, East Stoke

Will dated c. 1825, made in favour of his daughter Mary, but not legal

"My daughter Mary Kent from her infancy have given me the least trouble of  any one of my family of children and have been always dutiful and thankful with what I had done for them and she have brought up a large family in a creditable and respectable way of life, without any assistance or advantage than by the running of a farm at a high rent, but by good management of the lands and stock, succeeded with frugality and pleasant manner of living, obtained respect in the neighbourhood now in consideration of this conduct and the largeness of the family to provide for and also that I have hitherto done less for them than for any other of all my children, I consider my daughter Mary Kent entitled to all that I have not already disposed off, after my decease, which will fall short of making her equal with her brothers and sisters, shares of my property so that neither of them can have cause to complain of my conduct toward them, after my decease.


JAMES SEYMER, yeoman of Hunger Hill, Binnegar

Will dated 6 March 1848.

Executors were Robert Dugdale Marshfield, gentleman of Wareham and Thomas Randale, yeoman of Winfrith Newburgh. The executors were instructed to auction the farm and appropriate 1000 pounds to be invested in stocks and shares; the dividends of which were to be paid to Jane. She also received all the household contents. In 1848, the farm was auctioned and was described as North and South Binegar, otherwise South Hungerhill and Binegar Farms, consisting of 512 acres of arable, water meadow and heathlands. 

The remaining monies from the farm sale were to be split between the children. Again the executors were instructed to invest the money and pay dividends. Two thirds of the dividends were split equally between his sons – Humphrey, Moses and Joelah. The remaining third was split equally between his daughters – Sarah, Martha and Matilda. Humphrey also received his fatherś clothes.


PETER TALBOT, yeoman of Studland

Will dated 16 September 1833

This is the last will and testament of me PETER TALBOT of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck in the County of Dorset Yeoman which I make as follows that is to say first I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses the charges and expenses of proving this my will be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named.  I give devise and bequeath unto my son Richard Talbot all that my freehold dwelling house garden orchard land hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances situate and being in Swanage in the said Isle of Purbeck and recently occupied by my late father Mr Richard Talbot to hold the same and every part thereof unto my said son Richard Talbot his heirs and assigns for ever all the rest residue and remainder of my freehold leasehold and other messuages tenements and cottages gardens lands and hereditaments with their appurtenances wheresoever situate and also the Rest Residue and Remainder of my monies securities for money in the public funds of this Kingdom live and dead stock rope farming utensils and implements in husbandry household goods furniture books plate linen woollen china glass chattels estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto William Dugdale of Wareham in the said County of Dorset Builder and James Kent of  Court Farm, Christchurch in the County of Hants, Yeoman their heirs executors and administrators and assigns upon the trusts intents and purposes following namely Upon trust that they my said trustees  control the money in trust for sons and daughters until they marry or attain 25 years, seeing to their education I have subscribed my name and affixed my seal the sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Peter Talbot  Signed sealed delivered published and declared by the said Peter Talbot the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses attesting the execution thereof.  

William Furnedge  William Read  Robt D. Marshfield

This is a codicil to the last Will and testament of me Peter Talbot of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck in the County of Dorset Yeoman dated the sixteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty three whereas I have by my said will given devised and bequeathed unto my son Richard Talbot his heirs and assigns for ever all that my freehold dwelling house garden orchard land hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances situate and being in Swanage in the said Isle of Purbeck and then recently occupied by my late father Mr Richard Talbot Now I do hereby revoke and make void the said devise and bequest and do hereby give devise and bequeath the said freehold dwelling house garden orchard land hereditaments and premises unto William Dugdale and James Kent the executors add and trustees mentioned in my said will and the survivor of them and his heirs executors administrators and assigns upon trust to go along with my residuary real and personal estate and effects so devised and bequeathed to them  by virtue of my said will and be subject to the trusts and powers  to the said residuary estate and effects for the benefit of all these my children therein named their heirs executors administrators and assigns and I do hereby appoint them the said William Dugdale and James Kent and the survivor of them for the time being Guardians and Guardian of all and every my said children during their respective minorities and in all other respects I do hereby ratify and confirm my said will.  In witness whereof I the said Peter Talbot have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty six Peter Talbot  

Signed sealed delivered published and declared by the said Peter Talbot as and for a Codicil to my last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses William Furnedge  William Read  Robert D. Marshfield. Proved at London with a codicil 25th July 1836 before the Judge by the oaths of William Dugdale and James Kent the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by duly to administer


Peter asked the trustees to invest all monies for and towards the better support maintenance and bringin up of all and every my children until the sons had attained the age of 25 years and the daughters had attained 25 years or be married. They must then assign transfer and convey the whole of his estate and effects with the interest dividends and proceeds thereof unto and amongst his children to be equally divided between them as tenants in common.

No mention was made of his wife Mary so possibly she had died – hence making William Dugdale and James Kent the guardians.

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