Long Bredy

Monumental Inscriptions inside St Peter's Church, Long Bredy

Transcribed by Justin Standfield

Pictures of these monuments can be found on the photographs page


gul: plonman
  Huj eccle
qui obist
die Octob.
anno dom. 1712
(Floor slab in front of the altar)

In loving remembrance of
Fanny Louisa Foot,
fourth Daughter of the Rector of this parish. 
Born June 2nd 1834.
Entered into Rest August 11th 1871.
The service of her LORD was through Grace, her perfect freedom.


Ellen Harriet,
Second Daughter.
Born July 28th 1839.
Fell asleep at Bath February 27th 1879.


Jane Olivia,
Third Daughter.
Born Lady Day 1831.
Entered into Rest 8th January 1908.


"Their works do follow them."


"Them also, which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him." I Thess. IV. 14.


Sacred to the Memory of
The Revd. Lundy Foot M.A.,
Prebendary of Sarum Rural Dean,
and during forty four years Rector and faithful Pastor of this Parish.
Who entered into Rest on Sunday January 5th 1873 in his eightieth year.


"Father I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory."
(North wall of the chancel)

Sacred to the memory of
Rev'd John Foote
Rector of this Parish and Littlebredy:
who died November 11th 1815
aged 36 years.
(South wall of the chancel)

"Behold I come quickly" Rev. XXII, XII
In a grave near this spot,
"waiting for the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come"
rests the mortal part of
Ellen Agnes
the beloved and only daughter of
Thomas and Agnes Symes
of Little Bredy in this county,
who after a short and severe illness
left this world of sin and sorrow
on the IV day of July MDCCCLII
in the XX year of her age.
Her afflicted parents
erect this frail memorial of one
whose lasting "record" they humbly trust
"is on high".
To Him who first bestowed the precious gift,
and in His own good time resumed it;
be all praise.


The above named Thomas and Agnes Symes,
both died at St Keyne Rectory, Cornwall,
in their 86th year:
the latter September 13th 1879:
the former August 22nd 1884.
(North wall of the nave)

In a vault near this place,
are inter'd the remains of
Joseph Symes,
who died November 14th 1830,
aged 66 years.


and also Elizabeth his wife,
who died November 27th 1852,
aged 85 years.


also Joseph Symes,
son of the above,
who died October 22nd 1865
aged 63 years.


and Mary Ann Elizabeth, his wife
who died January 5th 1892,
aged 68 years.
(East wall of the transept)

To the memory of
Alfred Osmond Symes
and Emily his wife
of Kingston Russell


Their son Foster Carr Symes
and Peggy his wife
of Whatcombe House Longbredy
(East wall of the transept)

"I am the resurrection and the life"


In memory of
Thomas Samson of Kingston Russell
Born February XXVI MDCCC


and of
George Wood Samson
his son,
Both worthily beloved.


Hannah James Samson,
their wife and mother
is laid with them, in hope.
Born January VII MDCCCV


Dorothy Mary Samson,
b: June 8, 1843, d: May 25, 1891.

Thomas Samson,
b: March 9, 1827, d: April 8, 1910.

Elizabeth Alice Samson,
b: March 3, 1833, d: March 5, 1912.
(North wall of the nave)

To the memories of
the Revd. John Richards,
who died October the 21st 1803
aged 62 years.

And of Charlotte Elizabeth Richards,
who died September the 19th 1799
aged 19 years.
(West wall of the transept, originally from the north aisle)

In loving memory of
The Rev. Henry Pigou M.A.
for 41 years Pastor and friend
to the people of Long Bredy, Little Bredy and Kingston Russell.
Born September 5 1830.  At rest July 15 1910.
"With Christ which is far better."
(North wall of the chancel)

James Northover
Carrier and Farmer
23 years Churchwarden
Mary Jane his dear wife
who loved this village & church & all who lived & worshipped here.

He died 11 March 1946
She died 16 October 1942


"And oft do come a saddened hour
When there must goo away
One well-beloved to our hearts core
Vor long, perhaps for aye.
And oh! it is a touchen thing
The love'n heart must rue
To hear behind the last farewell
The geate a-vallen to."
- William Barnes
(North wall of the nave)

Erected by the officers & men of the
14th Field Regiment R.A.
David Dewsberry Evans
aged 26
Captain, 1st Field Battery, R.A. "The Blazers"
Died gallantly protecting one of his men at Nisab, Aden
3rd June 1960
"Greater love hath no man than this, that  man lay down his life for his friends."
(North wall of the nave)

Here lyeth John Hurding, son and heire of Henry Hurding, long since dec'd.
He dyed the 16th day of May 1677. 
To whose memory this monument is erected by John Hurding, his son and heire, grandson of the said Henry Hurding.
(North wall of the transept, originally from beneath the floor of the north aisle)


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