

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

 Kelly's 1848  Kelly's 1880 Kelly's1898 Wilson 1870-2 Bartholomew 1887




East Morden, a parish in the Hundred of Loosebarrow, and Union of Wareham and Purbeck, situation about 5-1/4 miles north-by-east from Wareham, and 8 miles south-by-west from Wimborne. The living is a vicarage, with the rectory of Charborough, in the diocese of Salisbury, and joint patronage of Mr. and Mrs. Drax; the present vicar is the Rev. Alfred Tooke, M.A. Charlborough Park, in this parish, is an ancient seat of the Erle and Drax families; it is situated in a little vale, surrounded by hills, clothed with wood. The church is an ancient structure, with nave, chancel, and square embattled tower, containing 4 bells; in the interior of the chancel is an ancient monument to the Erle family. The parish comprises about 7,670 acres, the property of John Samuel Wanley Sawbridge Erle Drax, Esq., of Charlborough Park, who is lord of the manor. The population in 1841, was 1,001. West Morden is a hamlet 1 mile west.


DRAX John Samuel Wanley Sawbridge Erle, esq. M.P. Charlborough Park

TOOKE Rev. Alfred M.A. [vicar]

WYNDHAM Rev. Hugh [curate]


BAKER George, blacksmith, West Morden

BOLT Mrs. Sarah, 'Cock & Bottle'

BROOKS John, shopkeeper, West Morden

CRESDEE Ralph, farmer, West Morden

HILLIER James, farmer

HISCOCK William, grocer

INGS Thomas & Joseph, brickmakers, West Morden

LITHGOW George, farmer, West Morden

LITHGOW James, farmer, Sherford bridge

SALLAR George, carpenter

SAUNDERS George, farmer

SLADE Richard, farmer, West Morden

STICKLAND George, farmer, West Morden

Letters are received through the Blandford office


East Morden is a parish, in the hundred of Loosebarrow, union and county court district of Wareham, East Sharston petty sessional division, rural deanery of Whitchurch second portion, archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury, 5-1/4 miles north-by-east from Wareham, and 8 south-by-west from Wimborne. A church (St. Mary) was erected on the site of the old one and was consecrated in 1873: it was built at the sole cost of Miss Drax, and comprises chancel, nave, aisles, organ and 4 bells: at the west end of the church is a monument to the Erle family: the east window was presented by J. S. W. S. E. Drax Esq. M.P. The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £287 (annexed to the rectory of Charborough, yearly value £100), with residence, in the gift of Miss Drax and held by the Rev. Thomas Pearce M.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Charborough Park, formerly extra parochial, is an ancient seat of the Erle and Drax families; it is a large brick and stone mansion of mixed architecture, it contains a very fine oak staircase, on the ceiling and walls of which are painted several fine frescoes: it stands in a beautiful undulating and well-wooded park of 650 acres, which contains a fine her of deer and some buffaloes; in the grounds is a small ancient chapel (with fine oak carved benches and pulpit and contains two fine stained windows and several mural tablets) and there is a small round stone tower 120 feet high, standing on rising ground, from which there is an extensive view of the English Channel: it is occupied by Miss Drax, who is lady of the manor and owns nearly the whole parish: Miles Rodgett esq. is also an owner. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 6,574 acres; rateable value £4,401; the population in 1871 was 826.

West Morden is a hamlet 1 mile west. Charborough hamlet, formerly a Roman settlement, lies to the north-east. Sandford, a hamlet, 4 miles south. There are several barrows in the neighbourhood.

Sexton, Charles Barnes

Post Office. – Joseph Bartlett, jun., receiver. Letters arrive through Blandford office at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m. The nearest money order office is a Bere Regis.

A Board School was erected here in 1877, John Kelly Stephens, master.

CARNEGY George Fisher, Church villa

DRAX Miss, Charborough park

PEARCE Rev. Thomas M.A. [vicar]

WIX Rev. Joseph Augustus B.A. [curate]


ANSTY Joseph, farmer, West Morden

ANSTY Robert, farmer, West Morden

BAKER Bros., farmers & blacksmiths, West Morden

BAKER Holden, shopkeeper, West Morden

BAKER Robert Henry, carpenter

BARTLETT Joseph, blacksmith

BOLLAM William, shoe maker

BURR William, Cock & Bottle

DEAN Robert, farmer, Cold harbour

DOMINEY Grace (Mrs.), farmer, West Morden

FURBER Frederick, blacksmith

HILLIER James, farmer & brick maker

LAWRENCE James, miller, Morden mill

LAWRENCE James Joseph, farmer

LAWRENCE William Edward, farmer

LITHGOW Betsy (Mrs.), farmer, Sherford bridge

MACKENZIE D., land steward to Miss Drax, Charborough park

NICHOLS Thomas, builder

RICHARDS Henry, farmer, West Morden

SELLERS James, carpenter

STICKLAND Cresdee, farmer

WHITTLE George, farmer, Sandford


Morden – East and West form a parish, 3 miles south-west from Bailey Gate station on the Midland and South Western Joint railway, 5-1/2 miles north-by-east from Wareham, and 8 south-by-west from Wimborne, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Loosebarrow, petty sessional division and county court district of Wareham, Wareham and Purbeck union, rural deanery of Whitchurch (Poole portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The houses in the parish are much scattered. The church of St. Mary, erected on the old site in 1873, at the sole cost of the late Miss Drax, comprises chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, and an embattled western tower containing a clock and 4 bells; there are two monuments to the Erle family, dated 1597; the stained east window was presented by the late J. S. W. Sawbridge-Erle-Drax esq.; the church affords 250 sittings. The register dates from 1575. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £88, including glebe with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax, and held since 1883 by the Rev. George Augustine Aldridge Theol. Assoc. K.C.L. Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax is lady of the manor and owns nearly the whole parish; Mrs. Rodgett , of Sandford, Wareham, is also a landowner. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 7, 456 acres of land and 35 of water; rateable value, £2,748; the population in 1891 was 730.

West Morden is a hamlet 1 mile west; Sandford a hamlet, 4 miles south and about half a mile north from Wareham station. There are several barrows in the neighbourhood. At West Morden is a Wesleyan chapel, enlarged in 1873.

Charborough is a rectory, net yearly value £81, in the gift of Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax, and held since 1885 by the Rev. George Augustus Aldridge, vicar of Morden.

Charborough Park, the ancient seat of the Erle and Drax families, and now the seat of Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax, comprises a beautiful undulating and well-wooded park of 650 acres, containing a fine herd of deer; the mansion is of brick and stone in mixed styles, and has a very fine old staircase, the ceiling and walls of which are adorned with paintings, executed in 1718, and in part the work of Thomas Thornhill: near the mansion is an ancient chapel with carved oak benches and pulpit, two stained windows and several mural tablets: standing by itself on rising ground is a small octagonal tower of stone, 120 feet in height, and affording an extensive view of the surrounding country and the English Channel; in the grounds is a grotto, with an ornamental front of masonry, surmounted by a figure of Fame, and over the entrance an inscription placed by Thomas Erle-Drax esq. in 1780, and recording that the plan of The Great Revolution was concerted in 1686 within this grotto.

Post Office, East Morden. – Joseph Bartlett, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Wareham at 6.30 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 6.30 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; sundays, arrive 6.30 a.m.; dispatched, 11.30 a.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Sturminster Marshall, 5 miles distant.

Police Station, William Stone, constable in charge

A School Board of 5 members was formed November 20, 1874; J. J. Lawrence, Organford, clerk to the board.

Board School (mixed), erected in 1877 at a cost of £1,445, for 150 children; average attendance, 50; Miss Bertha Ralph, mistress.


ALDRIDGE Rev. George Augustine, Theo. Assoc. K.C.L. (vicar of Morden & rector of Charborough), The Vicarage

BOLLAM William, East Morden

NICHOLS Mrs., East Morden

STICKLAND Scott Lithgow, East Morden


BAKER Edwin, blacksmith, West Morden

BAKER John, farmer, West Morden

BAKER Robert Henry, carpenter, painter, &c.

BARTLETT Benjamin, farmer, Sherford

BARTLETT Joseph, blacksmith & shopkeeper, Post office

BARTLETT Prudence (Miss), baker, Frogmore

BURR Catherine (Miss), Cock & Bottle P.H.

BURR William, farmer

CHAPMAN William, farmer, East Morden

Conservative Club (J.G. MACLEAN, secretary)

CROCKER William, farmer, West Morden

DAMEN John, shoe maker, East Morden

FURBER Frederick, blacksmith

JAMES Henry, farmer, Cockett hill

LANNING Charles, farmer,

LANNING William, farmer, East Morden

LAWRENCE Henry, farmer, Sherford bridge

MILLER John, farmer, Whitefall

NICHOLS Jonathan, shoe maker

PHILIPS Charlton, farmer & bricklayer

PIKE James, brick maker, East Morden

PIKE John, farmer

PIKE William, farmer, Frogmore

RICHARDS James, farmer & miller (steam & water), Morden mill

RICHARDS Rt. Gale, farmer, West Morden

SAUNDERS William, farmer, Snailsbridge

SEAMAN William B., farmer, East Morden

SELLERS James, carpenter & shopkeeper

SELLERS Thomas, farmer


Ernle-Erle-Drax Mrs. Charborough park


FIRBY Robert, head gamekeeper to Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax

MACLEAN John Gow, land steward, Charborough park

TIZZARD James, head gardener to Mrs. Ernle-Erle-Drax




John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72)

Morden, a village and a parish in Wareham district, Dorset. The village stands 3 miles SW of Bailey-Gate r. station, and 5 N by E of Wareham; and has a post office under Blandford. The parish contains also the hamlets of Charborough, Sandford, and Sherford. Acres, 6,574. Real property, £5,168. Pop. in 1851, 1,018; in 1861,939. Houses, 194. The manor, with Charborough Park, belongs to Miss Drax. The living is a vicarage in the diocese of Salisbury. Value, £250. Patron, Miss Drax. The church is ancient; consists of nave and chancel, with embattled tower; contains monuments of the Erle and the Drax families, and, in 1867, was in bad repair. There are a Wesleyan chapel, a free school, alms houses, and some charity lands.


John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887)

Morden.-- par. and vil., Dorset. 5 miles N. of Wareham, 6574 ac., pop. 809; P.O.

Charborough, hamlet, Morden par., E. Dorset, 6 m. W. of Wimborne Minster. C. House is in vicinity.

West Morden, vil., Morden par., Dorset, 4 miles E. of Bere Regis.

Heath, vil., Morden par., Dorset.

Sherford, hamlet, Morden par., Dorset, 6 miles N. of Wareham.

Sandford, vil., Morden par., Dorset, 4½ miles N. of Wareham.

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