
 Hearth Tax  1663


The Hearth Tax was an attempt to tax people according to their wealth, working on the principle that the wealthier they were the more hearth's they would have in their home. The tax and variants were in existence for several decades but records for Powerstock only exist for 1664. It was often found that people had stopped up hearths after the first taxation. As names have been put in alphabetical according to surname this is not an exact transcription.

Poorstocke Liberty

To ye right worshipful his Majesties Justices of the Peace in the County of Dorsett & all other whom it May concerns. These are to Certify that the psons whose names are underwritten viz:

Susan BROWN widow               1 hearth

George BUCTLER                    1 hearth

Ellis COOMB                             2 hearths

Tho. GILL                                 1 hearth

John HALLET                            1 hearth

Eleanor HIND widow                 1 hearth

Susan IDES widow                    1 hearth

Richard IDES                           1 hearth

Iset  MUDDLE                          2 hearths

Gregory WALBRIDGE             1 hearth

Inhabiting within ye Liberty of Powerstocke are persons of meane condition who pay not ye Church & poore and as we conceive fit to be exempted from the payment of herth money. In witness whereof wee have heerunto set our hands this 18th day of January 1663

Jonas PAVIOT, vicar of Powrestock

Mr henery BROWNE churchwarden

John SYMS senior church warden

Amos ROASE cunstable

Seene and allowed by us George FFULFFORD