Parish of Pulham

Will of William Parsons

Transcript of the Will of William Parsons made 1760 Probate 1760 from a copy of the original on film from the Dorset History Centre by Bob Hills March 2009
This is a literal transcription, the film and copy where quite clear (except for significant fading on the right-hand side), not too stylised and relatively easy to read, text in [] are my additions.

In the name of God Amen, I William Parson of Pulham in the County of Dorset Yeoman being sound in mind and memory thanks to Almighty God do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the death of my saviour Christ to have a full pardon of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life, and my body I give to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrixes. And then as to my temporaly Estate wherewith Almighty God hath Blesst me with I dispose thereof as follows Imprimis I give to my son in Law Thomas Samways the sum of one hundred, sixty five pounds and upwards which sume he have alredy rec[eive]d, of me in Cattle, Money and Rent. And also I give to my Son in Law Thomas Samways the sum of Two Hundred pounds to be paid him one Year and a Day after my decease But on condition he will before that time settle his whole Estate of Land H at Winterbourne in the County of Dorset on my daughter Mary Samways Wife to the said Thomas Samways and her Heirs either Male or Female issue And in case my s[ai]d Daughter Mary Samways should die before her Husband have made this s[ai]d Assignments of his Lands at Winterbourne, then my Will is that the abovementioned Two Hundred pounds shall Remain in my Executrixes Hands until the issue male or Female of my s[ai]d Daughter Mary Samways shall attaine to the Age or Ages of One and Twenty Years, And then to be equally divided share and share alike by my Executixes to the survivor's or survivor issue of my s[ai]d Daughter, And in case no issue shall not attain to that Age and my Daughter shall die as before mentioned then the s[ai]d Two Hundred pounds shall fall to my Executixes or the survivor of them, Item I give to my Daughter Mary Samways the sum of Twenty pounds to be paid her six Months after my decease for pocket money and for her own proper use And disposal, Item I give to my Daughter Jenny Goodfellow all my lands and Hereditements within the Parish of Hazelbury Briant in the County of Dorset Cald Breaches & Natingstarne and her Heirs forever if any shall attain to the Age of Twenty one Years, And in case no issue of said Jenny Goodfellow shall Attain to the Age of Twenty one Years, them my Will is and I do hereby order and direct that the s[ai]d Lands and Hereditements within the Parish of Hazelbury Briant caled Breeches and Natingstarne shall return back to my Exectrixes or the surviver of them and their Heirs forever Item I give to my Daughter Jenny Goodfellow the sum of Twenty pounds to be paid her six months after my Decease for pocket money and for her own proper use and Disposal, All the rest of my personal Estate and Goods and Chattels of what kind or Nature ? both within duors and without not hereinfore mentioned given or bequeathed: I give and bequeath unto my two Daughters Fanny and Betty Parsons, whom I make and appoint whole and sole Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other and former Wills, by me at any time heretofore made In Witnes whereof I the said William Parsons the Testator have hereunto set my Hand and seal this fifth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty

Signed Seal'd Published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us William Parsons who at his request and in his presence have set our Hands as Witnesses thereto
Jotho Lambert
James Coggan
Richard Legg

[The following is on the right-hand half of the page below William Parsons signature] The thirtieth day of April 1760. This Will of William Parsons late of Pulham in the County of Dorset and Diocese of Bristol deceased was proved by the Oaths of ffanny and Betty Parsons the natural and lawful Daughters of the said deceased and Executrixes above named to whom Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels & Credits of the said deceased was granted they being first sworn upon the holy Evangeliste faithfully to administer the same according to Law also to exhibit a true and perfect Inventory thereof into the Registry of the Bishop of Bristol and pass a just amount thereon when thereto lawfully required. Sworne before me Robt Gutch Surrogate