
Baptisms 1851 - 1870

Transcribed by Kay Kearsey


1851Feb23Mary Elizabeth dau ofRobert &ElizabethCHURCHER Gardener to Mr MartinKingston GardensMr Martin: owner of Kingston House
1851Mar3Walter son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1851Mar20Eliza dau ofWiliam &AnneHURSTClerk to the Parish Bockhampton 
1851Mar30Richard son ofRichard &RebeccaSHIPTONLabourer Kingston 
1851Jun3John son ofJoseph &SarahCHAMBERLAIN LabourerBockhampton 
1851Jul20Elizabeth Mary dau ofJames &HanahASHFORDLabourer Stinsford 
1851Jul20William Robert son ofHenry Napper &AnnHURSTLabourer Stinsford 
1851Jul27William George son ofGeorge &MarthaGOLDRINGLabourer Bhompston 
1851Jul27Julia dau ofJoseph &MaryBISHOPGamekeeper to Mr Martin Bockhampton 
1851Aug24Henry son ofThomas &JemimaHARDYMason Higher Bockhampton
1851Sep7Mary Jane dau ofLevi &EstherDARTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1851Sep7Jane dau ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1851Sep14Henry John son ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Higher Kingston 
1851Oct12Mary Jane dau ofWilliam &ElizabethHUNTLabourer Stinsford 
1851Nov16Martha dau ofLevi &JaneRUSSELLLabourer Bockhampton 
1851Dec7Frederick son ofGeorge &HelenSQUIBBSteward to Mr Martin KingstonMr Martin: owner of Kingston House
1852Jan11Frederick son of RebekahDART  BockhamptonSingle woman
1852Feb1Eleanor dau ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENCarter Kingston 
1852Feb6Anne dau ofGeorge &FrancesROBERTSLabourer Higher Kingston. Margin note: father’s firstname Richard
1852Feb6Harriet dau ofGeorge &FrancesROBERTSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1852Feb8Anne Elizabeth dau ofThomas &Ann FrancesLOCKYeoman Higher Kingston 
1852Feb22Eleanor dau ofJames &SusannahSQUIBBLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1852Feb29Catherine dau ofRobert &ElizabethCHURCHER Gardener to Mr MartinKingston GardenMr Martin: owner of Kingston House
1852Aug17Caroline dau ofStephen &HarrietTAYLORLabourer Stinsford 
1852Sep19Maryanne dau ofJoseph &JaneCOWARDLabourer Fordington 
1852Oct3William son ofJoseph &CarolineLEGGLabourer Bhompston 
1852Nov14Elizabeth Mary dau ofRichard &RebeccaSHIPTONLabourer Kingston 
1852Dec4Susan dau ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Higher Kingston 
1852Dec5Elizabeth dau ofWilliam &AnnSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1853Jan2Frederick son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1853Apr8Harriet dau ofCharles &FrancesPAINTERLabourer Stinsford 
1853Apr18Sarah dau ofJohn &MaryanneDIMENTLabourer Bhompston 
1853Apr22William son ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1853Apr24Maryann dau ofJohn &MaryanneDIMENTLabourer Bhompston 
1853May1Wiliam son ofWilliam &CharlotteDOWNTON LabourerHigher Bockhampton
1853May29Henry son ofGeorge &FrancesROBERTSLabourer Higher KingstonMargin note: father’s firstname Richard
1853Jun18Susan dau ofJames &HannahASHFORDLabourer Stinsford 
1853Jun19Walter son ofJohn &MaryanneSIBLEYLabourer Stinsford 
1853Jul31Elizabeth dau ofJohn &AnnSIMSDairyman Duddle Farm Duddle Farm is in Puddletown parish
1853Nov6Maryanne dau ofJosiah &AmeliaSLADELabourer Higher Bockhampton
1853Nov13Sarahann dau ofGeorge &MarthaGOLDRINGLabourer Bhompston 
1853Dec4George son ofLevi &JaneRUSSELLLabourer Bockhampton 
1853Dec18Georgiana Bliss dau ofWilliam Henry &MaryADAMS Butler to Mr MartinKingston 
1854Jan1George Goldring son ofRobert &ElizabethCHURCHER GardenerKingston 
1854Jan22James Robert son ofThomas &Ann FrancesLOCKYeoman Higher Kingston Farm
1854Apr9George son ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENLabourer Bockhampton 
1854Apr23George son ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Kingston 
1854May11Charlotte dau ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1854Jun16William James son ofCharles &Jane ElizabethSHORT BailiffStinsford 
1854Jun18Emma Mary dau ofJohn &SarahRIDOUTLabourer Upper Kingston 
1854Jun25Georgiana dau of[blank] &SarahDARTLabourer Bockhampton 
1854Jul9Arthur Horatio son ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1854Jul23William Charles son ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Upper Bockhampton
1854Sep5Frederick George son ofWilliam &ElizaRICKETTSLabourer Bockhampton 
1854Oct29Henry son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1854Nov26Richard William son ofJohn &AnneGALELabourer Bhompston 
1854Dec25Emma Elizabeth dau ofHenry &MaryCOWARDLabourer Fordington 
1855Feb18Charles son ofJob &ElizabethSERGENTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1855Apr9Frances dau ofRichard &FrancesROBERTSLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1855May20Sarah Jane dau ofRichard &RebeccaSHIPTONLabourer Kingston 
1855Aug17Susan dau ofWilliam &BarbaraKEECHDairyman Bhompston 
1855Aug26George son ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1855Sep16James son ofGeorge &CarolineJEANESLabourer Higher Kingston 
1855Oct28Susan dau ofJames &SusanSQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1855Nov11Alfred son ofJames &SarahELLORYLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1855Nov18Edith dau ofThomas &Anne FrancesLOCK YeomanHigher Kingston 
1855Dec25George Charles son of MaryannSQUIBBSinglewoman Higher Bockhampton
1855Dec25Anna Emily dau ofLevi &EstherDARTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1855Dec30Frederick son ofJohn &EmmaCOLLINSGardener to James Fellowes Kingston Garden HouseJ.F. owner of Kingston House
1856Mar9John William son ofJohn William &ElizaARROWSMITH Colour Serjeant HMs 31st Regt.Bockhampton 
1856Apr13Julia dau ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1856Jul6Samuel son ofJohn &AnneSYMESDairyman Duddle in parish of Puddletown
1856Jul6William son ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENLabourer Kingston Farm 
1856Jul11Frederick son ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabouter Bockhampton 
1856Jul13Bessie dau of EmmaRICHARDS  Londonsinglewoman
1856Aug31Caroline dau ofJoseph &CarolineLEGGLabourer Bhompston 
1856Sep7Sarah Jane dau ofLevi &JaneRUSSELLLabourer Bockhampton 
1856Sep14William son ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1856Sep21Sarah Anne dau ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1856Sep21Emily Anne dau ofJohn &MaryanneSIBLEYLabourer Stinsford 
1856Oct26Catherine dau ofThomas &JemimaHARDYBricklayer Higher Bockhampton
1856Nov30William Charles son ofWilliam &AnneKEATSCarrier Higher Bockhampton
1856Dec21Maryanne dau ofRichard &FrancisROBERTSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1857Jan11Sabina dau ofJohn &AnneMOORELabourer DuddleDuddle Farm is in Puddletown parish
1857Feb26William George son ofWilliam &SarahSLADELabourer Stinsford 
1857Mar8Sarah Ada dau ofHenry &CarolineSERGENTAble Seaman Bockhampton 
1857Jun21Elizabeth Barbara dau ofWilliam &BarbaraKEECHDairyman Bhompston 
1857Jun21Martha dau ofJohn &Anne FrancesTIZZARD LabourerDuddleDuddle Farm is in Puddletown parish
1857Aug2Jane Frances dau ofJames &HannahASHFORDLabourer Stinsford 
1857Sep27John son ofCharles &JaneSHORTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1857Oct28Charles Henry son ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1857Nov1Anna Maria dau ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1857Nov29Sarah Anne dau ofWilliam &ElizaRICKETTSLabourer Bockhampton 
1858Jan24George William son ofLevi &EstherDARTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1858Feb5George son ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1858Feb24Joseph son ofRichard &RebeccaSHIPTONLabourer Bockhampton 
1858Mar5Arthur son ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1858Mar21George John son ofWilliam &SarahSLADELabourer Stinsford 
1858Apr11Helen dau ofSamuel &AugustaPIPER Coachman to Jas. Fellowes    Bockhampton J.F. owner of Kingston House
1858Apr25James son ofJames &SusanSQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1858May23Harriet dau ofJohn &AnneGALELabourer Bhompston 
1858May23Charles son ofWilliam &JuliaCADDYLabourer Stinsford 
1858Jun20Elizabeth dau ofJames &MaryanneSIBLEYCarter Bhompston 
1858Sep29Horace son ofThomas &Anne FrancesLOCK YeomanHigher Kingston Farm
1858Nov7George son ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1858Dec28Anna Sophia dau ofJohn &AnneSYMESDairyman DuddleDuddle Farm is in Puddletown parish
1859Feb6Phillis dau ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1859Feb10Joseph Henry son ofJohn &JaneWARRENLabourer Stinsford 
1859Mar20George son ofJohn &AnneMOORELabourer Bhompston 
1859Apr3William son ofGeorge &EleanorATKINSDairyman Kingston 
1859Apr17Edmund Lofuts son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1859Apr24Martha Anne dau ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENLabourer Bockhampton 
1859May29John son ofWilliam &EdithD-----Labourer Higher Kingston 
1859Aug7Sarah Rebecca dau ofJames &HannahASHFORDLabourer Stinsford 
1859Aug21 Francis John William son of  George & CatherineBROWNLabourer Stinsford 
1859Aug21Edmund son ofWilliam &AnneROLLSLabourer Bockhampton 
1859Oct4Mary dau ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1859Nov27Walter son ofThomas &SarahRUSSELLWarder at Convict Prison Portland 
1859Dec27Frances Harriet Fry dau ofWilliam &BarbaraKEECHDairyman Bhompston 
1860Mar20Thomas son ofLevi &JaneRUSSELLLabourer Bockhampton 
1860Apr1Sidney son ofRichard &RebeccaSHIPTONLabourer Bockhampton 
1860May6Frederick William son ofRichard &ElizabethPROWSE LabourerSlyers Lane 
1860Aug5Emily dau ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1860Sep2Daniel Thomas son ofHenry &AnneCAUNDLELabourer Stinsford 
1860Sep16Clara dau ofSamuel &AugustaPIPERCoachman to Jas. Fellowes Bockhampton 
1860Nov18Julie Margaret dau ofJames &HannahASHFORDLabourer Stinsford 
1860Nov25Walter son ofJohn Robert &SarahCHUTER LabourerStinsford 
1860Dec12Eliza dau ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1861Feb3Sarah Anne dau ofJob &ElizabethSERGENTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1861Feb3Joseph son ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1861Apr21Mary dau ofGeorge &EleanorATKINSDairyman Kingston Dairy 
1861May5Mary dau ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1861May9John Henry son ofJohn &EmmaCOLLINSGardener to James Fellowes Kingston Garden 
1861Jul21Eliza dau ofSamuel &MarthaWATTSShepherd Higher Bockhampton
1861Jul25Emily Gertrude dau ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1861Aug11Henry James son ofRobert &Mary EmilyBUTTERS GamekeeperKingston 
1861Nov3John son ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENCarter Bockhampton 
1861Nov17Julia Anna dau ofGeorge &CatherineBROWNLabourer StinsfordBorn Christmas Eve 1860
1861Nov11Fanny dau ofWilliam &AnneROLLSLabourer BockhamptonTwin
1861Dec1John James son ofWilliam &AnneROLLSLabourer BockhamptonTwin
1862Jan12Eleanor Freeman dau of James & Charlotte AugustaCAKE YeomanBhompston 
1862Feb2Maryanne dau ofGeorge &AnneWOODROFFEGamekeeper Bockhampton 
1862Feb2Theresa Durnford dau ofAnne KELLAWAY  Higher KingstonSinglewoman
1862Feb2Bessie dau ofStephen &ElizaABBOTTLabourer Higher Kingston 
1862Mar16James son ofGeorge &Grace??Shepherd BhompstonSurname unclear on transcript
1862Apr6John Charles son ofJohn &EdithVINEDairyman Bockhampton 
1862Jul7George son ofWilliam &MariaCLARKELabourer Bockhampton 
1862Jul20Elizabeth Agatha dau ofWilliam &AnneKEATSLabourer Bockhampton 
1862Aug17Makaliah Mary dau ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1862Nov26Maryann dau ofLevi &JaneRUSSELLLabourer Bockhampton 
1862Dec20Joseph son ofWilliam &AnneROLLSLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1862Dec21Alice Louisa dau ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1862Dec22Rebekah dau ofWilliam &CharlotteLEGGLabourer Bockhampton 
1862Dec25John Arthur William son ofWilliam &HannahMARSHLabourer Stinsford 
1863Jan11Elfrida Burkett dau ofJames & Charlotte AugustaCAKE YeomanBhompston 
1863Feb1Alice Maria dau ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1863Feb28William son ofJohn Robert &SarahCHUTTER LabourerStinsford 
1863Mar15Robert son ofUriah &DianahSAMWAYSLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1863Apr24Henry son ofRobert &SarahJAMESLabourer StinsfordAged 2y 2m
1863Jul19Robert son ofJames &SusanSQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1863Aug2Emily Jane dau ofJohn &JaneWARRENLabourer Stinsford 
1863Aug2William John son ofWilliam &AnneDAMONLabourer Higher KingstonPossible DAWSON
1863Aug23Alexander son ofSamuel &AugustaPIPERCoachman Bockhampton 
1863Sep27Charles James son ofJohn &AnneSYMESDairyman Bhompston 
1863Oct25Frederick George son ofJoseph &MaryannCROADLabourer Bockhampton 
1863Nov8Louisa dau ofArthur George Sewallis & Mary BeadonSHIRLEY VicarStinsford 
1863Nov22Maryanne dau ofStephen &MariaROLLSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1863Dec17Charles son ofRobert &SarahJAMESLabourer Stinsford 
1863Dec17Joseph son ofRobert &SarahJAMESLabourer Stinsford 
1863Dec20Ann White dau ofJob &ElizaVINEDairyman Bockhampton 
1864Feb7Louise dau ofRobert Giles &ElizabethCHENEY LabourerHigher Bockhampton
1864Feb21Sarah Anne dau ofJohn &MariaGOFFLabourer Friar Whaddon 
1864Mar13Elizabeth dau ofHenry &ElizabethHURDENLabourer Bockhampton 
1864Mar20Emma dau ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1864May17Arthur James son ofJames & Charlotte AugustaCAKE LabourerBhompston 
1864Jun19Sarah Anne dau ofJohn Robert &SarahCHUTTER GardenerStinsford 
1864Jul17Enos son ofEnos &EstherTHORNLabourer Fordington 
1864Jul17Andrew son ofJames &CharlotteCROSSLabourer Stinsford 
1864Aug28Sarah Emmeline dau ofJohn &EdithVINEDairyman DuddleDuddle Farm is in Puddletown parish
1864Sep4William James son ofJames &Elizabeth Francis BARTLETT LabourerBockhampton 
1864Sep6Jesse son ofJob &ElizabethSERGANTLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1864Dec4Charlotte dau ofWilliam &AnnKEATSLabourer Bockhampton 
1865Jan15Sarah dau ofGeorge &ElizabethMEECHGame keeper Bockhampton 
1865Feb1Francis son ofAlfred &AmeyCHENEYLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1865Feb12Henry Loftus son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1865Mar5Alice dau ofGeorge &EleanorATKINSDairyman Kingston 
1865Jul2Hannah dau ofCharles &MaryWATTSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1865Jul23Frederick Pearse son ofStephen &MariaROLLSLabourer Bockhampton 
1865Aug3James son of AnnaGUMBLETONSingle woman Higher Bockhampton
1865Aug6Martha dau ofJohn &MaryROBERTSLabourer Bockhampton 
1865Aug4Emily Florence dau ofJames & Charlotte AugustaCAKE YeomanBhompston 
1865Nov5Elizabeth dau ofJohn &UnitySQUIBBLabourer Bockhampton 
1866Feb18Louisa Jane dau ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1866Mar4Charles James son ofJames &BettyRIGGSLabourer Bhompston 
1866Mar18Mary Elizabeth dau ofHenry &SelinaCLEALLLabourer Bhompston 
1866May20Evelyn dau ofJames &MaryCROADLabourer Bockhampton 
1866Jul8Alice Martha dau ofJames &CharlotteMITCHELL LabourerHigher Kingston 
1866Aug19Elizabeth Anne dau ofDavid &AnneSTRONGDairyman Bockhampton 
1866blankblankEdwin son ofSamuel &AugustaPIPERCoachman Bockhampton 
1866Sep23Eliza dau ofJames &CharlotteCROSSLabourer Stinsford 
1866Oct14Annie Elizabeth dau of AmeliaOLD  StinsfordSingle woman
1866Oct26Walter son ofGeorge &MaryOSMONDCarter Bockhampton 
1867Apr28Mary Jane Masters dau ofJoseph &ElizabethKELLAWAY DairymanBhompston 
1867Jun2Emma dau ofWilliam &AnneKEATSLabourer Bockhampton 
1867Jun2Willoughby son ofJob &ElizabethSARGENTLabourer BockhamptonJS junior
1867Sep1Thomas son ofJohn Robert &SarahCHUTER GardenerStinsford 
1867Sep15Alfred Ernest son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1867Sep29James Pearse son ofStephen &MariaROLLSLabourer Bockhampton 
1867Nov10Archibald George son ofWilliam &Martha AnnDRAKE LabourerBockhampton 
1868Jan5Eliza Anne dau of Sarah AnnePETTY  StinsfordSingle woman
1868Feb2Henry William son ofJames &MaryDAVISLabourer Bhompston 
1868Jul12Bessie Jane dau ofJoseph &JaneMATTHEWSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1868Sep6Alice dau ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1868Sep29Ethel Mary dau ofJames & Charlotte AugustaCAKE YeomanBhompston 
1868Oct11John George son ofWilliam &RuthRICHARDSShepherd Higher Kingston 
1868Nov15Eli George son ofCharles &MaryannGOLDRING LabourerBhompston 
1869Jan17Elizabeth Anne dau ofFrank &AmeliaMATTHEWSLabourer Stinsford 
1869Jan31Philip son ofAmos &MaryFOXLabourer Bhompston 
1869Feb14John son ofWilliam &JaneRICKETTLabourer Bockhampton 
1869Apr11Rosa dau ofDavid &AnneSTRONGDairyman Bockhampton 
1869May2Emma Jane dau ofCharles &SarahHANNAMStable helper Bockhampton 
1869May16Charlotte dau ofJames &CharlotteCROSSCarter Stinsford 
1869May16Charles Bertie son ofHenry &MariaHURSTLabourer Bockhampton 
1869May16Elizabeth Sarah dau ofJames &MaryDAVISLabourer Bhompston 
1869Jun20John son ofJohn Robert &SarahCHUTER GardenerStinsford 
1869Jul11Rosanna dau ofGeorge &MaryOSMONDCarter Bockhampton 
1869Sep19George son ofStephen &MariaROLLSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1869Oct17Jane dau ofJohn &EdithLONGDairyman Kingston Dairy 
1869Nov14William James son ofJohn &ElizabethMUNDENLabourer Bockhampton 
1870Jan30Thomas son ofWilliam &AnnKEATSCarrier Higher Bockhampton
1870Apr3Francis Robert son ofHenry &ElizabethCOURTNEY LabourerStinsfordAged 3
1870Apr3 Sarah Jane Valentine dau of   Henry & ElizabethCOURTNEY LabourerStinsford 
1870Apr3Frederick son ofWilliam &ElizabethWORLDServant Bockhampton 
1870May8Alfred William son ofJob &JaneMATTHEWSLabourer Higher Kingston 
1870Jul3James William son ofGeorge &AnneSQUIBBLabourer Higher Bockhampton
1870Jul31Sydney son ofJoseph &ElizabethKELLAWAY DairymanBhompston 
1870??Jane Sarah dau ofSimon &AnneHOWLabourer Higher Kingstonday and month obliterated on transcript
1870Aug21James John son ofWilliam &AnneSYMONDSLabourer Bockhampton 
1870Sep4Amanda House dau ofWilliam &MarthaDRAKELabourer Bockhampton 
1870Sep4Clara dau ofWilliam &JaneRICKETTLabourer Bockhampton 
1870Sep25Hannah Louisa dau ofJames &MaryDAVISLabourer Bhompston 
1870Oct23Herbert son ofGeorge &AnnWOODWARDLabourer Stinsford 
1870Nov30Harold James son ofJames & Charlotte AugustaCAKE YeomanBhompston 


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