
List of Church Goods held at Stratton in 1552 from an article entitled ‘Church Goods, Dorset, 1552’ published in volume XXIV (pages 196–274) of The Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club in 1904.

The article can be viewed online at

Transcribed by Colin Jackson

The parische of STRATTON

Fyrste one cope of gryne velvet.  One cope of blew saten of briges.  One olde cope of sylke of Dyuers colours.  One payre of vestmentes of gryne velvet.  One payre of vestmentes of bryges saten. One payre of vestmentes of lynnyn clothe. Two chaleses of sylver wherof one is broken.  One pax of sylver. Foure greate Belles in the Towre.  Foure aulter clothes. Two surplesses.  Two Towelles.  Two Banner clothes of lynnen. One pyx one crosse & one payre of sensors of laten.  Two candelstyckes of brasse [thre] crewetes of leade.

To the church vse. – There is apoyntid one chalyce   One cope of blew saten and all the table clothes and aulter clothes.  The resydewe of the premyssis ar commyttyd to the charge and custodie of the churchewardinges and other the parischioners next vnderwriten

                                                                                            Sir Thomas RUGGWAYE curat
                                                                                            Thomas GYFFORD
                                                                                            William JOYSSE

                                                                                            Robert HARRYS
                                                                                            John GYFFORD


                                                                                            Thomas BAGWELL

                                                                                            Philipe TYBBE



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