
Extracts from The London Gazette between 1836 & 1922 referring to or mentioning the Parish of Stratton, Dorset.

Transcribed by Colin Jackson


The London Gazette – November 11, 1836 – Pages 1997 & 1998

Bath and Weymouth Great Western Union Railway.


NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills, am for an Act or Acts, to make and maintain a railway or railways, to commence by a junction with the proposed Great Western Railway at or near to the poor-house, situate in a certain street, called Claverton-street, in the parish of Lyncombe and Widcombe, in the city and borough of Bath, in the county of Somerset, with a separate commencement by another junction with the said proposed Great Western Railway, at or near a certain field called or known by

the name of Shouldermore, in the parish of Bathampton otherwise Bath Hampton, in the said county of Somerset, now in the occupation of James Vowles , and to terminate at or near to a certain quay, called the George Quay, in the harbour of Weymouth, in the parish of Melcombet Regis, in the borough of Weymouth and Melcombe-Regis, in the county of Dorset; also to make and maintain a branch railway or railways from and out of the said first-mentioned railway or railways, commencing in the tithing or chapelry of Limpley-stoke, in the parish of Bradford otherwise Great Bradford, in the county of Wilts, and also in the parish of Monkton-Coombe otherwise Comb-Monkton, in the county of Somerset, leading to or near and with separate terminations at the several collieries called or known by the names of Shoscomb Work, Upper Writhlingtbn, Lower Writhlington, Huish, Blackers Work, Ludlow's Pit, Middle Pit, Old Pit, Wells way new Work, Clanlown Pit, Smallcombe Pit, Upper Welton, Welton Hill, and Farrington, or some of them, and situate and being in the several parishes of Wellow, Writhington, Camerton, Radstock otherwise Radstoke, Midsomer Norton otherwise Midsummer Norton, Daulton, Chilcompton, Farrington Gurney otherwise Farrington-Gournay, and Stone-Easton, or some of them, in the county of Somerset; and also leading to or near and with a separate termination in a certain field called the Woods, in the said parish of Midsomer-Norton otherwise Midsummer Norton and tithing of Clapton, in the said county of Somerset; and finally terminating at or near to a certain field, called Longcroft otherwise Langeardstratt, in the said parish of Farrington Gurney otherwise Farrington Gournay, in the said county of Somerset, now in the occupation of William Kingston, adjoining or near to the turnpike-road leading from Wells to Bath and Bristol; also to make and maintain another branch railway or railways from and out of the said firstmentioned railway or railways, commencing in the said tithing or chapelry of Limpley Stoke, and passing through or near the towns of Bradford, Trowbridge, and Westbury, and terminating at or near a certain garden or field, adjoining or near certain houses called Scotland, situate near the northern turnpike gate, in the parish of Warminster, in the county of Wilts, now in the occupation of William Joyce: also to make and maintain another branch railway or railways from and out of the said firstmentioned railway or railways, commencing in the parish of Frome otherwise Frome Selwood, in the said county of Somerset, and terminating, by a junction, with the said last-mentioned branch railway or railways, at or near the gas works, in the said parish of Warminster,- also to makeandmaintainanof her branch railway or railways, from and out of the said first-mentioned railway or railways, also commencing in the said parish of Frome otherwise Frome Selwood, and terminating by a junction with the said first-mentioned branch railway, at or near the village of Radstock otherwise Radstoke, in the parish of Radstock otherwise Radstoke, in the said county of Somerset; and also to make and maintain another branch railway or railways from and out of the said last-mentioned branch railway or railways, commencing in the parish of Elm otherwise Great Elm, in the said county of Somerset, and terminating at or near a certain field in the parish of Babington, in the said county of Somerset, now in the occupation of George Meashear : which said railway or railways, and branch, railways are intended to be made from, in, through, and into, the several parishes, townships extra-parochial and other .places of Bath, Lyncornbe and Widcombe, Claverton, Monkton Coombe otherwise Comb Monkton, Bathampton otherwise Bath Hampton, Freshford, Charterhouse Hinton otherwise Hinton-Charterhouse, Farleigh-Hungerford otherwise Hungerford-Farley, Telisford otherwise Telsford, Becington, Laverton, Berkeley otherwise Berkley, Standerwick, Rodden, Frome otherwise Frome-Selwood, Marston otherwise Martston-Bigot, Witham-Friary, North-Brewham, South Brewham, Shepton-Montague, Wincanton otherwise Wincaunton, Charlton-Musgrave otherwise Charlton-Musgrove, Holton, North-Cheriton, Horsington,Temple-Coombe otherwise Temple-Combe, Stowel, Henstridge otherwise Henstridge Ash, Holwell, South-Stoke, Wellow,  Foxcote otherwise Forscott, Writhlington, Carnerton, Radstock otherwise Radstoke, Midsomer Norton otherwise Midsummer-Norton, Welton, Farrington-Gurney otherwise Farrington Gournay, Paulton,  Stone-Easton, Chilcompton, Elm otherwise Great-Elm, Mells, Babington, Cilmersdon, Vobsler, Holcombe, and Coleford, or some of them, all in the county of Somerset; Road and Midford, in, the counties of Somerset and Wilts, or one of them;  Limpley-Stoke, Bradford otherwise Great-Bradford, Wingfield with Rowley otherwise Winkfield, North-Bradley, Southwick, Boyton, Westwood, Trowbridge, Studley, Westbury, Westbury-Leigh, Bratton, Dilton, Upton Scudanaore, Warminster, Corsley, and a certain extraparochial place situate between the said parishes of Corsley and Upton-Scudamore, or some of them, all in the county of Wilts ; Milborne-Port in the counties of Dorset and Somerset; or one of them; Caundle-Purse otherwise Purse-Caundle, Stalbridge, Haydon, Stour ton- Caundle, Caundle-Marsb, Bishops-Caundle otherwise Caundle-Bishop, Holnest, Wootton-Glanvilles otherwise Glanville-Wootton, Minterne-Magna, Buckland-Newton, Duntishe othenwise Duntish, Minterne-Parva, Upcerne otherwise Upper-Cerne, Cerne-Abbas, Nether-Cerne, Godmanstone otherwise Godmanston, Stratton with Grimstone, Charminster, Fordington, Dorchester, Winterborne Saint Martin, otherwise Martins-town, Winterborne Monkton, Upway, Bincombe otherwise Bincomb, Broadway, Radipole, and Melcombe Regis, or some of them, all in the county of Dorset. And it is intended to apply for powers in such Act or Acts to make and maintain all necessary wharfs,quays, staiths, sidings, approaches, warehouses, locomotive and stationary steam engines, reservoirs, watercourses, and other necessary and proper works and conveniences in the connection with the said railway or railways and several branch railways respectively. And it is also intended to apply for power in such Act or Acts to deviate from the line or lines of the said railway or railway's and branch railways respectively, or any of them, as laid out or intended to be laid out and delineated on the maps or plans thereof, to be deposited with the clerks of the peace for the several counties before mentioned, to an extent not exceeding one hundred yards on either side of such line or lines. And it is also further intended to apply for power by the said Act or Acts to alter or- divert the present course or line of the several turnpike-roads and tramroads hereinafter mentioned;such deviations to be made in the several  parishes following, or some of them, (that is to say :) the road leading from Weymouth to Bridport, in the parishes of Upway and Broadway, in the said county of Dorset; the road leading from Dorchester to Sherborne, in the parish of Buckland-Newton, in the said county of Dorset: the road leading from Frome to Radstock otherwise Radstoke, in the parish of Frome, in the said county of Somerset, the road leading from Bradford to Westwood, in the parish of Bradford otherwise Great Bradford, in the said county of Wilts ; and the Several tram-roads belonging to the Somersetshire Coal Canal Company, situate in the parishes of Radstock otherwise Radstoke and Midsomer-Norton otherwise Midsummer-Norton, in the said county of Somerset,-in manner and to the extent shewn or to be shewn on the said plans so to be deposited with the several clerks of the peace as before mentioned, and it is further intended to apply for power in the said Act or Acts to make and maintain a dock or docks, canal basin or basins, adjoining or near to, and communicating with the Kennet and Avon Canal and likewise to widen the said canal, in the parish of Westwood aforesaid in the said county of Wilts ; and also to make and maintain another dock or docks, canal basin or basins, adjoining, or hear to, and communicating with the said Kennet and Avon Canal, and likewise to widen the said canal in the parish of Bradford, otherwise Great Bradford aforesaid in the said County of Wilts. - Dated 1st day of November 1836.

Swain Stevens arid Co., London,  Mant and Bruce, Bath,, W. B. Scott, Weymouth, Solicitors for the Bill.

The London Gazette – November 20, 1847 – Pages 4246

Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway.

Extension of Time for the Purchase of Lands and Completion of Works.

NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session, for an Act to amend " The Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1845," "The Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1846," and " The Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Deviation Act, 1847," and to extend, in respect of properties situate within the parishes of Fisherton Anger, Bemerton, Fugglestone St. Peter, South Newton, Wilton, Great Wishford, Little Langford, Steeple Langford, Wiley, Fisherton delamere, Stockton, Sherrington, Codford St. Peter, Upton Lovell, Boyton, Knook, Heytesbury, Sutton Veny, Norton Bavant, Bishopstrow, Warminster, Upton Scudamore, Westbury, North Bradley, Trowbridge, Bradford, Holt, Broughton Gifford, Melksham, Laycock, and Corsham, or some of them, in the county of Wilts; Melcombe Regis, Radipole, Broadway, Upway, Bincombe, Winterbourne Herringstone, Winterbourne Came, Fordington, Charminster, Bradford Peverell, Holy Trinity, Stratton, Grimstone, Midden Newton, Wraxall, Cattistock, Chilfrome, Melbury Bubb, Evershott, Frome Saint Quintin, Chetnole, Yetminster, Beer Hack ett, Thornford, Clifton Maybank, Bradford Abbas, and Sherborne, or some of them, in the county of Dorset; Yeovil, Over Compton; Trent, Mudford, Marston Magna, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde, Sparkford, Castle Gary, Almsford, Pitcombe, Wyke Champflower, Bruton, Sheephouse, North Brewham, Witham Friary, Radstock, Writhlington, Kilinersdon, Babington, Mells, Buckland Denharn, Elm, Marston Bigot, Rodden, Frome Selwood, and Berkeley, or some of them, in the county of Somerset; and Burton Bradstock, Bothenhampton, "Walditch, Bradpole, Loders, Netherbury, Poorstock, Toller Porcorum, Toller Fratrum, Frome Vauchurch, and Maiden Newton, or some of them, in the county of Dorset; the periods limited by such Acts respectively, or some or one of them, for the compulsory purchase of lands and houses for the purposes of the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, as by the said Acts respectively authorized, and also to extend, in respect of those portions of the line of the, Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, as at present authorized, which are situate within the aforesaid parishes, or some of them, the periods limited by the said Acts respectively, for the completion of the works authorised by the same: And by the said intended Act it is proposed to continue all powers conferred by the said " Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1845," " The Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1846," and " The Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Deviation Act, 1847," for executing the said railway, 'or otherwise ia relation thereto. And it is also proposed by the said intended Act, and so far as may be deemed requisite for the purposes thereof, to alter, amend, repeal, enlarge, or extend the powers and provisions of the several Acts of Parliament hereinafter mentioned, that is to say; the several Acts following, directly or indirectly relating to or affecting the Great Western Railway Company, which Acts (local and personal) are distinguished in the Queen's printers' copies thereof, as the 5 and 6 William IV., cap. 107; 6 William IV., cap. 36; 6 William IV., cap. 38; 6 William IV., cap. 77; 6 William IV., cap. 79; 1 Victoria, cap. 91; 1 Victoria, cap. 92; 1 Victoria, cap. 24; 1 Victoria, cap. 26; 2 Victoria, cap. 27; 3 Victoria, cap. 47; 3 and 4 Victoria, cap. 105; 4 and 5 Victoria, cap. 41; 5 Victoria, session 2, cap. 28; 6 Victoria, cap. 10; 7 Victoria, cap. 3; 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 68; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 40; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 53; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 155; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 156; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 184; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 188; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 190; 8 and 9 Victoria, cap. 191; 9 Victoria, cap. 14; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 166; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 181; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 236; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 239; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 240; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 278; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 313; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 315; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 335; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 337; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 338; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 369; 9 and 10 Victoria, cap. 402; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 60; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 72; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 76; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 91; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 101; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 109; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 149; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 154; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 226; 10 and 11 Victoria, cap. 243.

Dated this eighth day of November 1847.

W. 0. and W. Hunt, 10, Whitehall, London.

Osborne, Ward, and Co. Bristol.

The London Gazette – November 21, 1851 – Page 3135

Frome, Yeovil, and Weymouth Railway.—No. 1.

Incorporation of Company and Construction of Railway from Frome to Weymouth.


NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session for one or more Act or Acts to incorporate a Company, and to confer on such Company power to make and maintain a line of railway, with all requisite and convenient stations, approaches, and other works, by completion of the lines of railway at present authorised to be made between Frome and Weymouth, by the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1845,' which said line of railway will commence at Frome, in the county of Somerset, by a junction with the line of the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway there, belonging to the Great Western Railway Company, and terminate at or near a place called the Park, in the parish of Melcombe Regis, in the county of Dorset, and will be made or pass from, in, through, or into the several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial places following, or some of them ; that is to say: Rodden, Frome Selwood, Marston Bigot, Witham Friary, North Brewham, Sheep House Farm, Bruton, Pitcombe, Wyke Champflower, Almsford, otherwise Ansford, Castle Gary, Weston Bampfylde, Sparkford, Queen Camel, Marston Magna, Mudford, Trent, and Yeovil, all in the county of Somerset; and Over Compton, Bradford Abbas, Clifton Maybank, otherwise Mabank, Thornford, Beer Hacket, Yetminster, Chetnole, Melbury Bubb, Evershot, Frome Saint Quintin, Wraxall, Cattistock, Chilfrome, Maiden Newton, Frome Vauchurch, Frampton, Stratton, Bradford Peverell, Charminster, Holy Trinity, in the borough of Dorchester, Fordington, partly in the borough of Dorchester, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Herringatone, Upway, Bincombe, Broadway, Radipole, and Melcombe Regis, all in the county of Dorset. And powers will be taken to make lateral deviations from the line of the said railway, and works to the extent or within the limits shown upon the plans hereinafter mentioned, and to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, either temporarily or permanently, any turnpike and other roads, highways, streets, footways, railways, tram-roads, aqueducts, canals, rivers, navigations, sewers, drains, and streams, in the several parishes, townships, and extraparochial places before mentioned, or any of them. And powers will be taken in the intended Act or Acts to purchase or take on lease, lands and houses for the purposes of the said works, by compulsion or otherwise, and to vary or extinguish all existing rights and privileges connected with such lands and houses, and all other rights and privileges which would in any wise interfere with the construction, maintenance, or use of the said intended works. And to enable the Great Western Railway Company to transfer and assign, and the Company to be incorporated to take, by compulsion or otherwise, and to hold all lands, houses, tenements, and hereditaments, which have been purchased and acquired by the Great Western Railway Company for the formation of the line of railway between Frome and Weymouth by the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1845. Also to enable the Great Western Railway Company, and the Company to be incorporated,' to enter into contracts and agreements, and to confirm and give effect to any contracts and agreements already entered into between the Great Western Railway Company, and any persons on behalf of the Company intended to be incorporated, with reference to the construction, maintenance, and user of the said line of railway, and respecting the purchasing, acquiring, and holding lands for that purpose. Also to enable the Company intended to be incorporated, to use with their engines and carriages, any lines belonging to the Great Western Railway Company, or under their control, which may form a junction with the proposed line of railway, or which can be traversed by the engines of the proposed Company continuously from the intended line, and to use the stations, wharves, jetties, watering places, sidings, cranes, works, and conveniences belonging to or connected with the said lines of railway, of or under the control of the Great Western Railway Company. And powers will be taken to enable the said Company to transfer and make over, or to lease to the Great Western Railway Company, the said railway and works, at a time, and under certain terms and conditions to be defined in the said intended Act. And for the purposes aforesaid powers will be taken to alter, extend, amend, and enlarge some of the provisions of the several Acts of Parliament following, directly or indirectly relating to or affecting the Great Western Railway Company, viz., local and personal Acts, 5 and 6 William IV., cap. 107; 6 William IV., caps. 36, 38, 77, and 79; 7 William IV. and 1 Victoria, caps. 91 and 92; 1 and 2 Victoria, caps. 24 and 26 ; 2 and 3 Victoria, cap. 27 ; 3 and 4 Victoria, caps. 47 and 105; 4 and 5 Victoria, cap. 41; 5 Victoria, sess. 2, cap. 28; 6 Victoria, cap. 10; 7 Victoria, cap. 3, 7 and 8 Victoria, cap. 68 j 8 and 9 Victoria, Caps. 40, 53, 155, 156, 184, 188, 190, and 191; 9 Victoria, cap. 14; 9 and 10 Victoria, caps. 129,

366, 181, 236, 239, 240, 278, 313, 315, 335, 337, 338, 369, and -102; 10 and 11 Victoria, caps.

69, 72, 76. 91, 101, 109, 149, 154, 226, and 243; 11 and 12 Victoria, caps. 28, 77, 82, 135, 74,

157, 158, 159, 59, 131, 133, and 95; The Great Western Railway Act, 1851, and the Great

Western Railway ('Birmingham Station) Act, 1851. Also to alter, extend, enlarge, or to repeal the several Acts following; that is to say: the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Act, 1845 ; the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway Amendment, Act, 184G; and the Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Deviation Act, 1847. To levy tolls, rates, or duties upon or for the use of such intended railway and works, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from the payment, of such tolls, rates, or duties respectively. And notice is hereby further given, that on or before the 29th day of November instant duplicate plans and sections of the said intended railway, with a book of reference thereto, a published map, with the line of railway delineated thereon, and a copy of this notice, as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Somerset, at his office, at Wells, in the same county; also with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Dorset, at his office, at Sherborne, in that county; and that on or before the said 29th day of November instant a copy of so much of the said plans and sections as relates to each of the parishes and extra-parochial places aforesaid, with a book of reference thereto, and a copy of this notice, as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited for public inspection, in the case of each parish, with the parish clerk of such parish, at his place of abode, and in the case of each extrapurochial place, with the parish clerk of some parish immediately adjoining thereto, at his place of abode.

Dated this tenth day of November 1851.

Currie, Woodgate, and Williams, 32, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London.

Slade and Vining, Yeovil.

Newman and Lyon, Yeovil.

Frome, Yeovil, and Weymouth Railway.—No. 2.

Powers of Leasing and Sale.

NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session for an Act or Acts to enable the Company intended to be incorporated by another Act to be applied for in the ensuing session, for making a railway from Frome to Weymouth, to enter into and carry into effect all such contracts with any person or persons, or Company, as they may deem expedient, for the laying out, construction, maintenance, leasing, or sale of such intended railway and works, or any part thereof, or any interest therein; and the tolls, rates, and duties authorised to be taken upon the said line, or any part thereof; and powers will be taken to enable the Company to be incorporated by the Act hereinbefore referred to, to transfer and make over, or lease to the Great Western Railway Company the said railway and works, at a time, and upon certain terms and conditions to be defined in the intended Act.

Dated this tenth day of November 1851.

Currie, Woodgate, and Williams, 32, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London.

Slade and Vining, Yeovil.

Newman and Lyon, Yeovil.

The London Gazette – April 28, 1865 – Page 2278

Notice is hereby given, that the following is a copy of an entry made in the book kept by the Chief Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy for the registration of the Trust Deeds for the benefit of Creditors, Composition and Inspectorship Deeds executed by a Debtor, as required by the Bankruptcy Act , 1861, secs. 187, 192, 194, 196, and 198: -

Number  -  12,324.

Title of Deed, whether Deed of Assignment, Composition or Inspectorship – Conveyance, Assignment and Release.

Date of Deed  -  30th March, 1865.

Date of execution of Debtor  -  30th March, 1865.

 Name and description of Debtor, as in the Deed  -  Robert Oxley, of the city and county of Bristol, Corn, Hop, Wine, and Spirit Merchant (debtor), first part.

The names and descriptions of the Trustees or other parties to the Deed, not including the Creditors  -  Charles King, of No. 3. Henry-street, in the city of Bath, Commercial Traveller, and Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton, near Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Corn Merchant (trustees) second part; the Creditors, third part.

A short statement  of the nature of the Deed – An assurance of all the estate and effects of the debtor to the trustees, for the benefit of the debtor's creditors, as in bankruptcy; and the release from the creditors to the debtor.

When left for registration – 25th April, 1865, at three o'clock.

The London Gazette – December 8, 1865 - Pages 6519 & 6520


Under the authority of an Order by the lords of her Majesty's Privy Council, dated the 23rd day of November, 1865, and made by virtue and in exercise of the powers given by an Act passed in the Session of the 11th and 12th years of Her Majesty's reign, chapter 107, intituled "An Act to prevent until the 1st day  of September, 1830, and to the end of the then next session of Parliament, the spreading of contagious or infectious disorders amongst sheep, cattle, and other animals," which Act has since been from time to time continued by divers subsequent Acts; and lastly by an Act passed in the session of the 28 and 29 tears of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter 119.

Whereas a contagious or infectious disorder now prevails among the cattle of Great Britain, which is generally designated the "cattle plague:"

And whereas the Petty Sessional Division of the county of Dorset, called the Dorchester Petty Sessional Division, comprises the several parishes or places following, namely: - Abbotsbury, Athelhampton, Bincombe, Bradford Peverell, Broadmayne, Broadway, Buckland Ripers, Burlestone, Charminster, Chickerell West, Chilfrome, Comptom Abbas (or West), Compton Valance (or East), Dewlish, so much of the parish of the Holy Trinty, Dorchester, as lies without the boundary of the municipal borough of Dorchester, Evershot, Fleet, so much of the parish of Fordington as lies without the boundary of the said municipal borough of Dorchester, Frampton, Frome Vauchurch, Kingston Russell, Knighton West, Langton Herring, Littlebredy, Litton Cheney, Longbredy, Maiden Newton, Melbury Sampford, Osmington, Owermoigne, Piddlehinton, Piddletown, Portesham, Portland, Poxwell, Preston and Sutton Pointz, Puncknowle, so much of the parish of Radipole as lies without the boundary of the municipal borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Rampisham, Stafford West, Stinsford, Stratton, Swyre, Tincleton, Toller Porcorum, Tolpuddle, Upwey, Warmwell, Watercombe, Whitcombe, Winterborne Abbas, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Herringstone, Winterborne Monkton, Winterborne Saint Martin, Winterborne Steepleton, Woodsford, so much of the parish of Wyke Regis as lies without the boundary of the said municipal borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, and Wyndford Eagle:

And whereas the Justices acting in and for the said  Petty Sessional Division are "The Local Authority" within such division as defined by the said Order in Council:

And whereas at a Petty Sessions held in and for the said division of Dorchester, this 25th day of November, 1865, we, the Justices assembled, do resolve that to prevent the spreading of the said disorder, it is expedient that the provisions of the 16 and 18 clauses of the said Order in Council shall be brought into operation. Now, therefore, we, the Justices aforesaid, as such local authority as aforesaid, do hereby declare that it is expedient to prevent the removal of all animals as defined by the said Order in Council (except sheep, lambs, and swine), to any market or fair, or to any place whatever within the said Petty Sessional Division of Dorchester, for the purpose of exhibition or sale, for the space of three calendar months from the 30th day of November instant. And we do further declare that it is expedient for the space of three calendar months from the said 30th day of November instant, that animals as before defined (except sheep, lambs, and swine), shall not be brought from any other part of Great Britain into any part of the said Petty Sessional Division of Dorchester:

And we do hereby give notice, that from and after the due publication hereof, it shall not be lawful during the said period of three calendar months for any person to bring or send any such animal or description thereof (except as aforesaid) unto such market or fair, or to any place within the said Petty Sessional Division of Dorchester, for the purpose of exhibition or sale, or to receive, exhibit, buy, or sell, any animals so brought or sent, or for any person to bring or send any such animal or description thereof (except as aforesaid) from any place in Great Britain beyond the said Petty Sessional Division of Dorchester, into any place within the said Petty Sessional Division. And that every person offending against the provisions of the said Order in Council will be liable to forfeit for every such offence any sum not exceeding £20, which the Justices, before whom he or she shall be convicted of such offence may think fit to impose.

Given under our hands this 25th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1865.


Henry Frampton.
John Floyer.
H. Williams.
H. C. Goodden.
Edwd. L. Kindersley. 
C. Sykes.
R. O. Steward.
R. Thornton.
Edwd. Pearce.
R. ff. Eliot.

The London Gazette – March 29, 1867 – Page 2023

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

Notice of Adjudications and First Meeting of Creditors.

George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Cornfactor and Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy

for the Exeter District, on the 21st day of March, 1867, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 17th day of April next, at twelve at noon precisely, at the said Court, at Queen-street, Exeter. Mr. Theopbilus Carrick, of Queen-street, Exeter, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. M. C. Weston, of

Dorchester, Dorset, and Mr. J. H. Terrell, of Exeter, are the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy.

The London Gazette – April 23, 1867. – Page 2462

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.


Notice of Sittings for Last Examination.

George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, .in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Cornfoctor, a::d Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Exeter District, on the 21st day of March, 1867, a public sitting, for the said bankrupt to pass his Last Examination, and make application for his Discharge, will be held before Biggs Andrews, Esq., the Commissioner of the said Court, on the 27th day of May next, at the said Court, at Queenstreet,

Exeter, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said bankrupt to surrender. Mr. Theophilus Carrick, of Queen-street, Exeter, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. Giles Symonds, of Dorchester, Dorset, and Mr E. H. Clarke, of Exeter, are the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy.

The London Gazette – August 16, 1867. – Pages 4599 & 4600

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

Notice of Dividend Meeting.

Meeting of the creditors of the bankrupt hereinafter named will be held, pursuant to the  174th section of the said Act, at the time and place hereinafter mentioned: that is to say: -

George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Cornfactor, and Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, adjudicated bankrupt on the 21st day of March, 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 29th day of August instant, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely.

The London Gazette – September 3, 1867 – Page 4953

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

Notice of Dividend Meeting.

Meetings of the Creditors of the Bankrupt hereinafter named will be held, pursuant to the

174th section of the said Act, at the time and place hereinafter mentioned; that is to say:—


At the Court of Bankruptcy for the Exeter District, in Queen-street, Exeter, before John Daniel King, Esq., t h e Registrar:

George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Corn Factor and Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, adjudicated bankrupt on the 21st day of March, 1867. A Dividend Meeting will be held on the 16th day of September instant, at one o'clock in the afternoon precisely.

The London Gazette – October 8, 1867. – Page 5420

Declaration of Dividend under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, dated the 21st day of March, 1867, by George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Cornfactor and Farmer, Dealer and Chapman. Notice is hereby given, that a First Dividend, at the rate of 6s. 8d. In the pound, is now payable, and the warrants for the same may be received by those legally entitled, at my office, Queen Street, Exeter, on any Tuesday or Friday, between the hours of eleven and two. No warrants can be delivered unless the securities, exhibited at the proof of the debt can be produced, without the special directions of a Commissioner. Executors or administrators of deceased creditors will be required to produce the probate of will or letters of administration under which they claim. 

                                                                                                                    THEOPS. CARRICK, Official Assignee.

The London Gazette – October 19, 1869. – Page 5667

The Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

Notice of Dividend Meeting.

Meeting of the creditors of the bankrupt hereinafter named will be held, pursuant to the  174th section of the said Act, at the time and place hereinafter mentioned: that is to say: -

George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Cornfactor, and Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, adjudicated bankrupt on the 21st day of March, 1867. At Dividend Meeting will be held on the 12th day of November next, at half-past one o'clock in the afternoon precisely.

The London Gazette – December 3, 1869 – Pages 6880 & 6881

Declaration of Dividend under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy dated the 21st day of March, 1867, by George Alfred Chilcott, of Stratton Mills, in the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller, Baker, Seedsman, Corn factor, and Farmer.


NOTICE is hereby given, that a Further Dividend, at the rate of 2s. 0¼d. in the pound, is now payable, and that warrants for the same may be received by those legally entitled, at my office, Queen-street, Exeter, on any Tuesday or Friday, between the hours of eleven and two. No warrants can be delivered unless the securities exhibited at the proof of the debt be produced, except by the special

direction of the Commissioner. Executors or administrators of deceased creditors will be required to produce the probate of will or letters of administration under  which they claim.

THEOPS. CARRICK, Official Assignee.

The London Gazette – July 31, 1874 – Page 3761

Education Department, Whitehall, July 27, 1874.

THE Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education have issued orders this day for the compulsory formation of School Boards in the undermentioned Parishes and United School

Districts :—

Week St. Mary  ... ... ... Cornwall
Whitstone ... ... ... Cornwall
Cum whit ton and Carlatton, (United District),
Cumwhitton, Carlatton ' ... ,.. ... Cumberland
Stokenham ... ... ... Devon
Blackawton ... ... ... Devon
Crediton... ... ... ... Devon
Sampford Courtenay and Honeychurch (United District),
Sampford Courtenay, Honeychurch ... ... ... Devon
Stratton ... ... ... Dorset
Todmorden (United District),
Todmorden and Walsden (Lancashire),
Erringden, Heptonstall, Langfield, Stansfield,
and  Wads worth (Yorkshire) ... ... ... Lancaster and York
Desborough ... ... ... Northampton
Street  ... ... ... Somerset
Rother field ... ... ... Sussex
Midgley ... ... ... York
Llandissilio (United District),
Cilymaenllwyd, Llangy dwen,
East Llandissilio, Castle Dyrran (Carmarthen),
Llanycefn Gondre, West Llandissilio (Pembroke) ... ... ...  Carmarthen and Pembroke
Holywell (extra-municipal) ... ... ... Flint

The London Gazette – November 21, 1876 – Page 6285

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.

In the County Court of Dorsetshire, holden at Dorchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Charles Shorts, of the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller. NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Antelope Hotel, Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, on the 6th day of December, 1876, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, - Dated this 16th day of November, 1876.

RICHARD NICHOLAS HOWARD, Melcombe Regis, Dorset,
Solicitor for the said Debtor.

The London Gazette – December 12, 1876 – Page 6926


The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.

In the County Court of Dorsetshire, holden at Dorchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Charles Shorts, of the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller. THOMAS NEWMAN, of Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Accountant, has been appointed Trustee of the property of the debtor. All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the debtor must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due to the debtor must be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debts to the trustee.—Dated this 9th day of December, 1876.

The London Gazette – January 5, 1877 – Page 104

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.

In the County Court of Dorsetshire, holden at Dorchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Charles Shorto, of the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset, Miller. A GENERAL Meeting of the Creditors of the abovenamed Charles Shorto is hereby summoned to be held at the Antelope Hotel, Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, on Wednesday, the 10th day of January next, at one o'clock in the afternoon precisely, for the purpose of confirming the resolutions unanimously passed at a General Meeting held in this matter at the said Antelope Hotel, Dorchester, this day, viz :—The authorizing the Trustee (in pursuance of section 28 of the above'-named Act), to accept such a sum for the purchase of the estate of the said debtor as will suffice to pay the costs of the liquidation, and all proceedings connected herewith, and all rents, rates, taxes, and wages, and a composition of six shillings and eight pence in the pound upon all provable debts due from the said debtor, the same to be paid within one month from this 1st day of January, 1877. The discharge of the debtor, and the release of the Trustee, - Dated this 1st day of January, 1877.

T. NEWMAN, Dorchester, Dorset, Accountant-, Trustee.

The London Gazette – January 12, 1877 – Page 204

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.

In the County Court of Dorsetshire, holden at Dorchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Charles Shorto, of the parish of Stratton, in the county of Dorset. THB creditors of the above-named Charles Shorto who have not already proved their debts, are required, on or before the 26th day of January, 1877, to send their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to me, the undersigned, Thomas Newman, of Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Accountant, the Trustee under the liquidation, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend proposed to be declared.—Dated this 10th day of January, 1877.

T. NEWMAN, Trustee.

The London Gazette – July 19, 1889 – Page 3902


WE, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, acting in pursuance of the Act of the twenty-ninth and thirtieth years of Her Majesty, chapter one hundred and eleven, sections five and eleven, do hereby grant, and appropriate out of our common fund to the benefice of Charminster-with- Stratton, in the county of Dorset, and in the diocese of Salisbury, one capital sum of one thousand and five hundred pounds sterling, to be applicable towards defraying the cost of providing a new parsonage or house of residence for the said benefice, according to plans and a specification approved or to be approved by us, such capital sum, or the balance thereof unapplied to such purpose, to remain in the meantime in our hands at interest after the rate of two pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum, and such interest to be paid to the Incumbent for the time being of the said benefice of Charminster-with-Stratton. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our common seal, this eleventh day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.

The London Gazette – November 24, 1899 – Page 7604

In an eleven page document concerned with the acquisition of land by the Great Western Railway:-

In the county of Dorset:— Certain lands in the parish of Stratton lying on and adjoining the eastern side of the Company's Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, and at and near Grimstone Station.

The London Gazette – November 23, 1900 – Page 7797 

Listed in the Bankrupts Notices of Intended Dividends:-

George Jeffrey of Grimstone, Dorsetshire, Baker.
Dorchester Court
Last day for receiving Proofs – Dec. 8, 1900.

Name of Trustee – Frederick Aston Dawes, Official Receiver
Address - City - chambers, Endless-street, Salisbury

The London Gazette – August 23, 1901 – Page 5646

Listed in the Release of Trustees of Bankrupts:-

George Jeffrey of Grimstone, Dorsetshire, Baker.
Dorchester Court

Name of Trustee – Frederick Aston Dawes, Official Receiver

Address - City - chambers, Endless-street, Salisbury
Date of Release - Aug. 14, 1901

The London Gazette – July 7, 1905 - Page 4703

We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, acting in pursuance of the Act of the twenty-ninth and thirtieth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and eleven, section five, do hereby, subject as hereinafter mentioned, grant to the Incumbent for the time being of the benefice of Charminster with Stratton, in the county of Dorset, and in the diocese of Salisbury, one yearly sum or stipend of twenty pounds, such yearly sum or stipend to be payable out of the common fund under our control, and to be calculated as from the first day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and five, and to be receivable in four equal portions on the first day of February, the first day of May, the first day of August, and the first day of November in each and every year: Provided always, that the annual sum or stipend so granted by us to the Incumbent of the said benefice of Charminster with Stratton, shall be paid only upon the production to us, on or after each of the said lastly-mentioned days in each and every year, of a Certificate under the hand of the Bishop of the said diocese of Salisbury, that an Assistant-Curate, duly licensed by such Bishop, has been employed within the parish of Stratton aforesaid during the quarter of the year then ended, and is in receipt of a salary after a rate of not less than forty pounds per annum: Provided also, that the said yearly sum or stipend of twenty pounds hereby granted shall continue payable as aforesaid so long only as may to us appear to be expedient under the circumstances from time to time affecting the said benefice and parish of Charminster with Stratton.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our common seal, this twenty-ninth day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and five.       

The London Gazette – January 4, 1910 – Page 125

The Bankruptcy Act, 1883.

In the County Court of Middlesex, holden at Brentford. In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed the 15th day of December, 1900. To. Messrs. H. Williams and Son, of and carrying on business at " Alfreda," 1, Orchard-street, St. Margarets-on-Thames, in the county of Middlesex. TAKE notice that a Bankruptcy Petition has been presented against you to this Court by Benjamin John Harfield Forder, formerly of Winton House, Petersfield, in the county of Hants, but now of Wrackleford House, near Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, and the Court has ordered that the sending of a sealed copy of the above mentioned Petition, together with a sealed copy of this Order, by registered post, addressed to Messrs. H. Williams and Son at "Alfreda," 1, Orchardstreet, St. Margarets-on-Thames and the publication of this notice in the London Gazette and in the Daily Telegraph and the Richmond and Twickenham Times newspapers shall be deemed to be service of the Petition upon you; and further take notice, that the said Petition will be heard at the Town Hall, Brentford, on the 18th day of January 1901, at one o'clock in the afternoon, on which day you are required to appear, and if you do not appear, the Court may make a Receiving Order against you in your absence. The Petition can be inspected by you on application at this Court. —Dated this 1st day of January, 1901.

Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C., Solicitors for the Petitioning Creditor.

The London Gazette – May 10, 1910 – Page 3322 

JOHN LOCK, Deceased.

Pursuant to the Law of Property Amendment Act, 1859.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons having any claims against the estate of John Lock, late of Wrackleford, Dorset, Dairyman, deceased, are required to send particulars thereof, in writing, to the undersigned, Solicitors for William John Parsons, the administrator, on or before the 11th day of June, 1910, after which date the said administrator will make over the assets of the deceased to the person entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice.—Dated this 5th day of May, 1910.

LOCK, REED and LOOK, of Dorchester,
Solicitors to the said Administrator.

The London Gazette - October 13, 1922 - Pages 7199 & 7200

At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 13th day of October, 1922

The KING's Most Excellent Majesty in Council

Whereas the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Union of Benefices Act, 1919, duly prepared, and laid before His Majesty in Council, a Scheme, bearing date the 27th day of July, 1922, in the words and figures following, that is to say: -

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, acting in pursuance of the Union of Benefices Act, 1919, have ore oared, and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council, the following Scheme for effecting the union of two neighbouring Benefices, that is to say, the Benefice (being a Rectory) of Bradford Peverell to part of the neighbouring Benefice (being an United Benefice) of Charminster with Stratton, both of which Benefices are situate in the County of Dorset and in the Diocese of Salisbury:

"Whereas Commissioners appointed at our request by the Venerable Charles Leslie Dundas, Official of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, Guardian of the Spiritualities of the See of Salisbury during the late Vacancy thereof and acting pursuant to authority in that behalf given by His Grace, and pursuant to the provisions of the said Union of Benefices Act, 1919, to inquire into and report upon the union of the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell with a portion of the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton, duly made their Report to the Right Reverend St. Clair George Alfred, now Bishop of Salisbury, and  therein recommended the severance of the Benefice of Stratton, from the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton, and the union of the said Benefice of Stratton so severed, with the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell, and the terms for effecting such union, and the said Bishop of Salisbury signified in writing his approval of the said Report:

"And whereas we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, have prepared this Scheme for the union of the said two Benefices, which Scheme is based upon the terns recommended in the said Report, but with the assent of the said Bishop of Salisbury embodies certain modifications thereof:

"And whereas both of the said Benefices of Bradford Peverell and Charminster with Stratton are now full, the Reverend Henry Airay Watson being the present Incumbent of the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell and the Reverend Daniel Frederic Slemeck being the present Incumbent of the said Benefice of Charminster with Stratton:

"Now, therefore, we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, with the consent of the said St. Clair George Alfred, Bishop of Salisbury (in testimony whereof he has hereunto set his hand), do humbly recommend and propose to Your Majesty as follows, that is to say:

"1. That a portion of the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton, namely the Benefice of Stratton, shall be severed from the remaining portion of the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton so severed, and the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell shall be permanently united together and form one Benefice with cure of souls under the style of 'The United Benefice of Bradford Peverell with Stratton,' but the Parishes of the said Benefices shall continue distinct in all respects.

"2. That with the consent of the said Daniel Frederic Slemeck (testified by his signing this Scheme) if upon the day when any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this Scheme shall be published in the London  Gazette the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell shall be vacant, the union of the said two Benefices of Bradford Peverell and Stratton shall take effect forthwith; and if the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell shall be then full, the said union shall take effect upon the next avoidance of the said  Benefice of Bradford Peverell.

"3. That upon the said union taking effect the house of residence of the Minister serving the Church of  Stratton shall become and be the house of residence for the Incumbent of the United Benefice.

"4.That upon the said union taking effect there shall be transferred from the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton  and annexed to the United Benefice of Bradford Peverell with Stratton (1) all those Tithe Rent Charges commuted at £5 12s. 0d. Arising within the Parish of Stratton, and now payable to the Incumbent of the said United Benefice of Charminster with Stratton, and (2) all that annual sum of £20 18s. 6d. At present payable by the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty to the Incumbent of Charminster with Stratton.

"5. That after the said union has taken effect the  course and succession in which the respective Patrons shall present or nominate to the United Benefice of Bradford Peverell with Stratton from time to time as the same shall become vacant shall be as follows, that is to say,  in each series of three successive turns of presentation or nomination after the union the Patrons of the said Benefice of Bradford Peverell shall have the first and third turns and the Patron of the said Benefice of Charminster with Stratton shall have the second turn.

"Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any other measures relating to the matters aforesaid, or any of them, in accordance with the provisions of the said  Act, or of any other Act of Parliament."

And whereas drafts of the said Scheme have been published locally in the manner prescribed in the Statutory Rules made under the said Act and also transmitted in the manner so prescribed to the Patrons affected together with a Notice in each case requiring any objections to such draft Scheme to be stated or transmitted in writing to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the time prescribed in the same Rules:

And whereas certain objections have been so stated or transmitted to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the time prescribed in the same Rules:

And whereas the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners after giving consideration to such objections have deemed right to make no alterations in such draft Scheme:

And whereas public notice of the certification to His Majesty in Council of the said Scheme and the consent thereto in writing of the Bishop of Salisbury has been duly given in the manner and within the time prescribed in the Statutory Rules aforesaid:

And whereas no appeal has been made to His Majesty in Council within the period of one month after the date of the said public notice in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, against the said Scheme, or any part thereof, by any person who has made objection as aforesaid to the said draft Scheme:

And whereas neither of the two Benefices proposed to be united by the said Scheme is situate in a City or Municipal Borough:

And whereas the said Scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council:

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to affirm the said Scheme and to order that the Benefices therein recommended to be united shall be united to the extent and for the purposes recommended in the said Scheme, and further to order and direct that the said Scheme and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Act.

And His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order br forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said Diocese of Salisbury.

Colin Smith

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