Town Criers 1855-2024, &
Bill Posters 1881-1939

Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester Aug 2023 from Information provided by Richard Smith
[Last updated June 2024]

Town Criers & Bellmen

There is very little recorded that I can find about the Town Criers of Dorchester. They are not included in the index to the Municipal Records of Dorchester and although there are regular references in newspapers they are seldom mentioned by name. What is mentioned briefly in the Municipal Records, (page 469) are Bellmen as per the following extract:-


    1658.Aug 6. "Yet is this daye agreed one that a bellman be appointed to walke the towne at night, from 12 of the clock vntill 5 in the morninge, in sommer time : and from 12 of the clock of night vntil 6 in the morninge the winter time. . . .
    . . . And whereas there are six watches every night, they be reduced to Five watchmen, besides the belman; and that the belman be ordered how to manage his walkinge" C15
This harks back to a time nearly 200 years before we have any firm evidence of town criers, when experience of the Great Fire of Dorchester in 1613 was still within living memory. The main function of the Bellman then was to raise the town should fire break out at night. They were very lucky in 1613 that the fire broke out during the day resulting in few casualties despite half the town being destroyed and there remained a very real fear that it could have been very much worse if it had happened at night. Hence the watchmen and this adjustment was clearly aimed at making sure that one of them had a responsibility to carry a bell. Because Town Criers also carried a bell I think some may well have still referred to Town Criers as Bellmen many years later. The function of the Town Crier however was somewhat different in that he was formally appointed by the Corporation to announce important news they wanted disseminated to the people and they provided a script which was read out. It was done during the day and from specific speaking places. The only one I am aware of is the Bullstake in North Square, but there would have been others. I am sure Town Criers existed well before 1855 but finding evidence has proved very difficult. Important news of course at the time of the great fire was given in church by the vicar before or after the service, undoubtedly laced with his own views. It is worth remembering that this was a time when it was an offence for which you could be fined and even imprisoned for not attending church and the Rev John WHITE had been at the height of his popularity with over 2,000 attending his services.

I have listed below the few references that we have managed to locate and it was clear that Town Crier's at least were generally being appointed at the quarter sessions. These records however can only be searched by known names not by 'town crier'. If anybody knows of an ancestor that served as 'town crier' (or a Bellman) in Dorchester please let me know and I will try to locate their appointment.

Town Crier was not a full-time job. Henry Samuel MILLS for example was a shoemaker & fishmonger by trade, John Lovelace a Carpenter & Beer Seller, James and Randolph Vincent shoemakers.

1855 - Thomas MILLS - Town Crier in 1855

    Listed in the Post Office Trade trade Directory for the year 1855 as "Thomas MILLS, beadle & town crier, Back South Street - He does not however appear in any other official records in Dorchester including Parish Registers, Census or Electoral Role records. Source:- Post Office Directory of Dorsetshire 1855 Page 45.

1875 - Henry Samuel MILLS (1818-1900) Town Crier in 1875

    Henry Samuel MILLS was baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 25th Oct 1818 the son of James & Ann MILLS a Cordwainer by trade. He married three times:-

    (1) To Mary BISHOP in her parish of St George at Fordington on 19th July 1840 (Follow link for more information). In 1851 Census they were living at 64 High West Street Henry a shoemaker aged 32 with his wife Mary aged 29 born Fordington and 4 children. They had 6 children in all of which 5 survived before his wife Mary MILLS nee BISHOP (1821-1854) died and was buried at HT on 24th Aug 1854.

    (2) Now a widower, his 2nd marriage was to a widow Hannah ROGERS at HT on 26th Apr 1859. In 1861 they have settled in Fordington High street to live together with 3 of his children and three of hers from their prior marriages. They moved again to live in All Saints Parish Dorchester where Hannah MILLS formerly ROGERS (1818-1867) died and was buried at All Saints Church on 6th Feb 1867 aged 49

    (3) Again a widower his 3rd marriage was held at Dorchester's Registry Office during 1st qtr 1869 when he married another widow Elizabeth HIBBS. They are in the 1871 Census living at 11 High East Street in All Saints Parish Henry now recorded as a Fishmonger Master with his wife Elizabeth Mills (1823- ) aged 48 born at West Lulworth and 2 of her children. The 1875 edition of the Post Office Directory for Dorchester records him as being the Town Crier of Dorchester although I have not been able to locate a formal appointment at the quarter sessions. In July 1878 a game licence was approved in his name allowing them to also sell game from their shop(s) They are still at the same address in the 1881C with one of her former children. A very long article appears in the Bridport, Beaminster and Lyme Regis Telegram dated Fri 16th Nov 1883 concerning a civil case against Henry Samuel MILLS (fishmonger) of Dorchester for a disputed debt. Clearly the Fish business originated from his wife's family with her son running a second shop. Eventually the Jury found for the plaintiff. A Bankruptcy Notice next appears in newspapers (e.g. Poole Telegram for Fr 28th Dec 1883 page 16) showing that he had applied under the Bankruptcy Act of 1869 for protection and all persons owing accounts to his estate must lodge them with Mr James Barge upon the premises of 11 High East Street on or before 1st Jan 1884. The Blandford and Wimborne Telegram dated Fri 15th Aug 1884 records that he had his game certificate renewed. By the 1891 Census they had moved to live at 39 High East St where he was still being described as a Fish Merchant.

    Henry Samuel MILLS (1818-1900) according to the Southern Times & Dorset County Herald dated Sat 20 Jan 1900 died on 16th Jan 1900 at 5 Maud Road, Victoria Park Fordington aged 82.

1875 - John LOVELACE (1813-1885) Town Crier From 1875-1885

    John LOVELACE was the son of William LOVELACE (1779-1869) and Anna ATKINS (1789-1857) and had been baptised at Charminster on 12th Dec 1813. He married to Amelia PAUL at St Peters Church Dorchester on 31st Mar 1835 and had a family of 3 children as shown below. In June 1841 they were living with his parents in St Peters Parish, John & Amelia both aged 25-19 with John recorded as a Carpenter Journeyman. By the C1851 they were settled at the Railway Tavern at 34 south Street, John described as a Carpenter & Beer Seller. By 1861 they had settled in Trinity Street Dorchester in Holy Trinity Parish. He was appointed Town Crier of Dorchester at the Midsummer Quarter Sessions in June 1875 ( Quarter Sessions Order Books image 72 of 282 entry states " John LOVELACE on the recommendation of the Finance Committee was appointed town crier of the Court). Amelia his wife died aged 75 and was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 28th Aug 1883. John LOVELACE's death was announced in the Bridport news issued on 24th July 1885 :- DEATH July 13th [1885] at Trinity Street Dorchester Mr John LOVELACE, Town Crier & Clerk of the markets aged 71.He was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on the 15th.

      (1) Sydney Lovelace (1836-aft 1851) bap St Peters Dorchester 14th Sep 1836; Census Jun 1841 aged 5; C1851 age 14 Carpenters Apprentice;

      (2) Ellen Mary Lovelace (1839-1900) bap St Peters 21st Apr 1839; Census 1841 aged 2; C1851 age 12; C1861 with parents age 24 Dressmaker; C1871 with parents age 28? a mantle maker; buried at the Civic Cemetery Dorchester unmarried aged 57 on 17th April 1900

      (3) John James Lovelace (1841-aft 1851) bap St Peters 30th May 1841; C1851 age 9 ]

1885 - [Blandford & Wimborne Telegram Friday 7th Aug 1885 "Town Crier & Beadle" Several applications for this office were received but the vacancy not having been advertised they were not considered. It was decided to advertise.]

1886 - James VINCENT (1846-1910) Town Crier From 1886- June 1910

    On the 29th June 1886 at the Midsummer Quarter Sessions held at Dorchester James VINCENT was appointed as Crier for the town. He is also recorded in Kelly's Directory issued in 1895 as Town Crier of Dorchester whilst living at 41 Glyde Path Road. Link to his marriage to Emily CARTER (1845-1914) in 1867, Picture taken 1900 and much more information about his life and their 14 children. His death was announced in the Dorset County Chronicle on 2bd June 1910 under Deaths:- VINCENT, May 29th, at northernhay Dorchester Mr. James Vincent, Town Crier, aged 64

1910 - Randolph VINCENT (1887-1958) Town Crier From June 1910-1913

    Randolph VINCENT a shoemaker by trade was the 14th child of John VINCENT (above) and took over as Town Crier when his father died in June 1910. This is confirmed by a newspaper article in the Dorset County Chronicle dated Thursday 4th Aug 1910 (page 9) when he won the annual swimming race as a member of the Dorchester Swimming Club. This was described as the 'Length of Poundbury's a distance of 572 yards when he beat 9 other contenders and was described as "R.Vincent familiarly known as the Town Crier. Link to more information about his life. The 1911 Census also confirms his occupation as being employed by the town council as Town Crier and even the Bastardy order issued on 25th Oct 1913 and his subsequent default on 26th Dec 1913 show this to still be his occupation. By 29th May 1914 he is being referred to as 'lately town crier' suggesting his default and court case had probably lost him the roll of town crier. Quarter Session records however are only available up to 1905.

1915 - William HELLIER (1860 - 1923) Town Crier From 1914- aft 1915

    William HELLIER was a journeyman shoemaker by trade but turned his hand to many different occupations to support his large family. He grew up at Holloway road in Fordington and married Elizabeth Ann ARNOLD at St Georges Church in Fordington on 6th Mar 1882 (Follow link for more info) It was not until 1911 that he was living in St Peters Parish in Dorchester at 10 Dagmar Road and he is listed in Kelly's Directory for Dorchester in 1915 at this address where his occupation is that of Town Crier [Source:- Kelly's Trade Directory for Dorchester in 1915 Page 88]

1920 - Harry PAYNE (1867 - 1950) Town Crier from bef. 1920 - aft 1931

    Harry PAYNE was born at Charminster on 23rd Feb 1867 the son of a carpenter Robert PAYNE (1834-1874) by his wife Elizabeth ENGLISH (1828-1905). By the age of 15 he was a shoemakers apprentice living in Millers Close in Fordington but by the time he married in 1888 he was living in West Fordington and giving his trade as that of a Miller. He married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester to Emma PUCKETT (1865- the daughter of William PUCKETT a gamekeeper on 22nd Feb 1888. After marriage they lived with her parents at Owermoigne in Dorset and the 1891 Census shows him employed by the Corporation as keeper of 'Dorchester's Walks'. Ten years later he was still the 'walks' keeper but had progressed to living in their own house in Icen Way in All Saints parish. By 1911 they have adopted a daughter 'Daisey' then aged 15, and were living at No. 4 Dukes Avenue in Dorchester. The 1939 war Census confirms that Harry, still living in Dukes Ave, had served the Corporation as Keeper for 48 years.

    In addition to his duties as 'Public Walks Keeper' we know he was Town Crier for over a decade from Street Directories for Dorchester. Harry PAYNE died at Dukes Ave at the age of 84 being buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 15th May 1950. [Sources:- Kelly's Directory Dorsetshire, available to view for members, Years: 1920 Image 98 Page 90 ; 1927 Image 102 Page 93; 1931 Image 135 Page 88]

[ 1932- 1978 - - UNKNOWN ]

1978 - Robert (Bob) WALKER (-1996) Town Crier From 1978-1996

Robert Walker Town Crier Chisholm Town Crier Dorchester 1978-1996
Picture Dorset Echo 1981
     Robert Arthur WALKER ( k/as Bob )  born Marylebone 2. 4. 1916 son of Robert Arthur and Agnes Walker. Married Alma Maud Harvey at Southwark, London on 17th October 1936 at which time he was a Motor Driver. His father was then deceased. She died in 1949, and Bob then married Olive M. Brown at Bournemouth in July 1967. 

    The Dorset Evening Echo of 28th January 1984 reported that Bob had just returned from six weeks in Ontario, Canada, staying mainly with his son Brian who worked for the Disney Corporation. He was there to help judge the appointment of a Town Crier at Tottenham, a suburb of Toronto - at that time Bob lived at Yetminster. 

    The Dorset Evening Echo of 25th October 1985 reported that the day before returning from the World Town Crier Championships at Nova Scotia, Canada, Bob had collapsed suffering from a thrombosis in his leg, resulting in a two week stay in hospital. A doctor had to be flown from the UK to then accompany him home. flying first class, and Bob was now recuperating.  

    Bob died on 20th January 1991 leaving his wife Olive and two sons. 

1997 -Alistair CHISHOLM Town Crier From 1997-2023

Alistair Chisholm Town Crier Dorchester 1997-2023
    Alistair CHISHOLM was first elected to the Town Council in 2015 and became a member of the Policy and Dorchester Joint Heritage Committees. With his particular interest in history and heritage he has campaigned vigorously to make people aware of the importance of the Town’s long and fascinating past and is convinced that this rich and varied story must play a more significant part in both the promotion of and vision for the Town. A former president of the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism he was instrumental in the establishment of the Dorchester Business Improvement District. (Source Dorchester Town Council Public release 2007).

    Extract from Dorset Echo on his retirement as town crier published 27th Dec 2023 by Alfie Lamb : Born in what is now Kingston-Upon-Thames in 1945, Alistair said that he inherited his booming voice from his mother, who was a singer. He went to Belfast University in the 1960s to study geography, and after that he then went on to become a tour guide, which is where his love for history blossomed. “I was neither born in countryside nor city, I worked for a while as a tour guide in London before moving to Dorset,” he said. He was nominated for international awards for crying and was named the best crier in the nation on 11 separate occasions - the joint highest in history. (follow link to Dorset Echo for full article) He was elected Mayor of Dorchester in 2023. Link to Bio Marshwood Vale Magazine Apr 2010.

2024 - Anthony HARRISON Town Crier From 2024

Anthony Harrison Town Crier Dorchester 2024
    Anthony HARRISON is 58 and an IT consultant that currently lives in Fordington. Although he has lived in Dorchester for the past three years, he has a long connection with the town, meeting his wife who worked at Dorset County Council in 1989 at a party. (Source Alfie Lumb Dorset Echo)

Bill Posters

1881 - James Robert England CURTIS (1811-1891) Bill Poster From 1881-1889
    James CURTIS was baptised at Holy Trinity Church on 10th Sep 1811 the 8th child from the marriage of Thomas Curtis to Susannah SAUNDERS who had married at Bridport on 23rd Aug 1791 and moved their family to live in Dorchester by 1798. James married Frances GREENING at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 14th March 1833. Recorded working as a tailor living in High West Street from 1851 to 1871, but in the 1881 census he was listed as Bill Poster and Sergeant at Mace. Kelly’s Directory in 1889 has him continuing in these roles, but he then died at Dorchester in March 1891.
1889 - William HAILS (1855-1925) Bill Poster From 1889-1891
    William HAILS a blacksmith by trade, was a native of North Shields Northumberland, joined the Royal Horse Artillery on 30th May 1872 and came to be based at the cavalry barracks in West Fordington before 1878 where he was employed as a shoeing smith. He married Jemima (Miller) BOWRING (1855-1889) at the Registry Office in Dorchester in 1879 and they moved in 1881 to live in Marylebone in London, William still with the RHA, but were back at Fordington Barracks by 1884. He retired from the Army when he was transferred to the Army Reserve (WO 121) on 10th May 1887.William Kelly's Directory tells us he was Bill Poster in Dorchester in 1889 and this is confirmed by the burial of his wife Jemima HAINS at the Civic Cemetery on 13th May 1889 when she is described as the wife of William HAINS a Bill Poster. William remarried to Frances Ellen WYATT(1865-1954) at Dorchester Reg Office in May 1890. The 1891 census says he was also a blacksmith and boiler maker & Bill Poster - the 1911 census just a blacksmith. William seems to be missing from the 1901 census return although Frances and their surviving children are living in St Peters parish in Dorchester. He died at Dorchester in October 1925.
1891 George Crozier DUNN Junior (1859-1905) Bill Poster From 1891 - 1894?
    George Crozier DUNN (junior) was born posthumously at Fordington in the 2nd quarter of 1859, but not baptised at St Georges Church until 26th September 1860. He was the son of George Crozier DUNN (1823-1859) (Senior) by his wife Ellen nee REARDON (1831-1895) whom he had married at the age of 30 at St Saviour's Church on the Island of Jersey on 20th July 1856. George had an elder brother Charles DUNN who had been born on Jersey and privately baptised there at St Peters Church on 24th Aug 1857 and later presented to the congregation on 15th Nov that year. They migrated in 1858 to live at Fordington , but George Cozier Dunn (senior) soon died at the Union workhouse and was buried at FStG Church on 14th April 1859. Ellen DUNN now a widow is in the 1861 Census resident at Cuckolds Row in Fordington working as a charwoman and states that she is 40 years old? [aged 25 at marriage making her actually 30?] and born at Cork in Ireland. With her are her 2 children Charles aged 3 and George aged 1. Their son Charles DUNN died at the age of 6 and was buried at FStG on 14th Dec 1863 when Ellen was living at Back High Street in Dorchester. In the 1871 Census Jane is living with George now aged 12 at Millers Close in West Fordington. By 1881 they are at Orchard Street in St Peters parish Dorchester, Ellen now giving her age as 54? [1827] and place of Birth as Waterford? Ireland, George aged 22 is a Labourer and unmarried.

    By the 1891 Census Ellen says her age is 66? (actually 60) and has moved back to live at Millers Close in West Fordington and George aged 31 unmarried gives his occupation as that of a Bill Poster. Although living in West Fordington Miller's Close is situated just above the Royal Horse Artillery Barracks at the end of Dorchester's High Street so he was a Bill Poster for Dorchester and seems to have taken over the role from William HAILS above. Life was obviously hard as his mother died in July 1895, and by 1901 he was in the Union Workhouse listed as a general labourer still unmarried and he died in March 1905 being buried at the Civic Cemetery in Weymouth Avenue (grave 1847).

1895 George LAWTON (1855-1912) Bill Poster From 1895-1911

    George LAWTON was born at Burslem, Stoke on Trent in October 1855 son of Wilson and Mary Lawton. Married Rebecca Attwooll STONE 3rd qtr 1882 in Dist Wandsworth Ldn (GRO Ref 1d/1093), Is a Chapel Keeper in 1891 Census living in Trinity Street St Peters Parish with Rebecca and 3 children; Kelly's Directory lists him as Bill Poster at 4 Trinity Street in 1895, confirmed in the census of 1901 and 1911 - he died in Dorchester in January 1912.
1912 William Stone LAWTON (1892-1949) Bill Poster From 1912-1939
    William Stone LAWTON was born in Dorchester in September 1892, son of George Lawton above, and seems to have carried on his father's Bill Poster role as he is so listed on his attestation form when he joined the Army on 5th Dec 1915 and also his marriage record in June 1916 at All Saints Church in Dorchester to Ann Ellen BOOTH. He was still a Bill Poster in the pre war 1939 census, and he died at 5 Church St in Dorchester on 17th Jan 1949.

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